SOPRENE: Assessment of the Spanish Armada’s Predictive Maintenance Tool for Naval Assets
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
2.1. Equipment Selection and Scalability
2.2. Data Availability and Management
3. State of the Art
4. Unified Architecture
4.1. Behavioural Prediction
4.2. Anomaly Detection
- Detect anomalies: To determine which datum is normal or anomalous, a first filter is carried out by using the mean square error. Based on a precalculated threshold error, the data that exceed this error are classified as anomalous and the rest as normal. The user can choose whether the calculation of this threshold error is carried out using the interquartile range technique [60] (a statistical dispersion measure that allows the threshold to be calculated automatically) or by establishing a percentage of anomalous data in the set of data.
- Independent contributions: To determine which specific variables have caused the appearance of the anomaly in the data classified in the previous phase as anomalous, the decomposition of the reconstruction error is used (see Figure 2). Taking into account that the data are now normalized, this allows us to order the variables by their reconstruction error. To determine which variables have contributed the most to the formation of the anomaly, the system uses a method that automatically selects the most anomalous variables. The method is called the Elbow Method [61] and allows starting from a set of variables and their reconstruction errors by automatically selecting those that deviate the most.
- Build anomaly mask: From the selection of the previous phase, a matrix or output mask of dimensions is built and m is the number of rows or records and n is the number of columns or variables, where the anomalous variables are marked with a one and the normal variables with a zero. This information will be used by the subsequent diagnostic module.
4.3. Failure Diagnose
4.3.1. Artificial Failure Mode Generator
4.3.2. Classification Model
5. Results
5.1. Diesel Engine for Propulsion
- Prediction: Despite the large data pools available, the RPM filtering rules out a significant piece of data when the engine was off. Due to this, when a large grouping is carried out (for example, 1 data/week or 1 data/month), very few data results. As stated in Section 4.1, it disables the correct convergence of certain models, making each one of them suitable for a specific scenario. Table 2 compares the different techniques and methods, collecting the mean squared errors by using different grouping modes and horizons.As it is possible to observe in the table, LSTM-based methods provide better performances with the lower degree of aggregation. Figure 4 depicts an example of prediction by using a recurrent neural network, where both sudden events and tendencies are correctly predicted. Please note that Figure 4 contains a prediction, while Figure 2 represents the reconstruction error in an autoencoder. On the other hand, Table 2 also illustrates that long-term behaviors are better estimated by simpler regression methods.The prediction system is very sensitive to both the grouping of the data and the sizes of the window and horizon. Furthermore, it has been found that, in general, there is a strong correlation between the variables that pass the selection process. A window size of approximately twice the forecast horizon has been found to be sufficient to achieve good results in most scenarios.
- Anomaly detection: For this stage, two metrics have been used to qualitatively measure the performance of the model during an interval of four years: on the one hand, the anomalies detected by the model have been correlated with the warship’s engine alarm system. Although, this system does not collect malfunctions but operative conditions, it is possible to observe an indirect relation between them (see Figure 5). On the other hand, the results have been analyzed by maintenance experts which focused on specific known events. The unsupervised trained autoencoder model has been tested and the results have been satisfactory. The model was able to detect most of these anomalies, as can be observed in Figure 6. The value of this graph is found in the coincidences between signals along the x-axis.It should also be noted that this process is very sensitive to parameterization and can be configured to allow the passage of more or less anomalies through the reconstruction threshold and, within these, select a greater or lesser number of variables involved by using the Elbow Method parameters.
- Failure diagnose: Using artificial datasets based on the engine’s design values (described in the Failure mode effects and criticality analysis, FMECA) has allowed us to build classification models that determine which failure modes are occurring. However, this theoretical behavior of the engine does not have to always correspond to reality, since its operation may vary with the use, replacement or repair of parts, etc. The training of diagnostic models depends directly on this generator and so it is necessary to build a sufficiently large and varied dataset.
5.2. Diesel Engine for Power Generation
- Prediction: Similarly to the propulsion engine, data grouping has a large impact on the amount of data available for training and validation of the diesel generator models. This happens even though the availability of a large amount of data (five ships with four engines each one) after aggregation and filtering the amount of available data for training and validation is limited. The flexibility of the SOPRENE architecture allowed the application of two types of models depending on the data aggregation: Deep LSTM networks for data grouped by days and weeks and regularized (L1, L2 and ElasticNet) lineal models for weeks and months. Linear models showed a strong tendency to underfit data grouped by days, while there were insufficient data to train LSTM networks with data grouped by months. Table 3 summarizes a comparison of the MSE measured in validation for lineal models and LSTM-based network for a 10 units prediction horizon; the best results are marked in bold. An example of prediction with a LSTM network can be observed in Figure 7 that shows three normalized variables corresponding to a certain FMECA failure mode.
- Anomaly detection: Given the lack of labeled data and the need to quantify the contribution of each attribute to the overall reconstruction error, we implemented the anomaly detection subsystem based on a deep LSTM autoencoder. The autoencoder input is composed by the signals identified by FMECA for a certain failure mode and the output is the reconstruction error of each one of this attributes. Figure 8 shows an example of the real values of three attributes compared with the output given by the autoconder. In this manner, the solution gains in interpretability while the overall reconstruction error is easily computed. Figure 9 shows a confusion matrix comparing the anomalies detected automatically with vessel alarms. Despite the unsupervised nature of the anomaly detector, it is able to detect anomalies that actually correspond to vessel alarms to a great extent. Figure 10 shows a different perspective of the anomaly detector. It shows a timeline with the vessels detected by human experts (blue) with the automatic anomaly detector (red). There is an evident difference in the level of confidence given by each detection method, but it is easily adjusted by a threshold.
- Failure diagnosis: The main challenge in training the diagnosis model is to obtain a significant amount of data corresponding to the failure modes that are to be identified. Even though the datasets involved four years and five vessels, the presence of failure modes is limited in the extreme sense. A potential solution is to simulate the failure modes with thermodynamic models, but this was not an option in this context. The solution adopted was to synthesize data in each of the failure modes of interest by using the domain knowledge contained in FMECA. Of course the resulting synthetic dataset will not conserve all the complex behavior found in the engine, but the goal is actually to capture the information contained in FMECA with some variability to avoid overfitting. The system in charge of diagnosing the engine state for each failure mode identified in the FMECA is a MLP for which its input is the engine state and its output is a probability of occurrence of the given failure mode.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Id | Signal | Nominal Value | Threshold Value | Tendency |
31 | Variable 1 | 1.3 | 2 | ↑ |
Variable 2 | 5.4 | 5 | ↓ | |
Variable 3 | 55 | 60 | ↑ |
Horizon = 5 | Horizon = 10 | |||||
Algorithm | D | W | M | H | D | W |
Linear Regression | 0.65 | 0.36 | 0.22 | 0.64 | 0.35 | 0.27 |
L1 | 0.62 | 0.36 | 0.22 | 0.61 | 0.32 | 0.25 |
L2 | 0.60 | 0.33 | 0.20 | 0.64 | 0.31 | 0.24 |
Elastic Net | 0.56 | 0.32 | 0.15 | 0.57 | 0.33 | 0.06 |
LSTM | 0.41 | 0.28 | 0.16 | 0.40 | 0.27 | 0.16 |
Algorithm | D | W | M |
Linear Regression | - | ||
L1 | - | 0.49 | |
L2 | - | ||
Elastic Net | - | ||
LSTM | 0.31 | 0.59 | - |
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Fernández-Barrero, D.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Lamas-López, F.; Novoa-Paradela, D.; R-Moreno, M.D.; Sanz, D. SOPRENE: Assessment of the Spanish Armada’s Predictive Maintenance Tool for Naval Assets. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7322.
Fernández-Barrero D, Fontenla-Romero O, Lamas-López F, Novoa-Paradela D, R-Moreno MD, Sanz D. SOPRENE: Assessment of the Spanish Armada’s Predictive Maintenance Tool for Naval Assets. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(16):7322.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFernández-Barrero, David, Oscar Fontenla-Romero, Francisco Lamas-López, David Novoa-Paradela, María D. R-Moreno, and David Sanz. 2021. "SOPRENE: Assessment of the Spanish Armada’s Predictive Maintenance Tool for Naval Assets" Applied Sciences 11, no. 16: 7322.
APA StyleFernández-Barrero, D., Fontenla-Romero, O., Lamas-López, F., Novoa-Paradela, D., R-Moreno, M. D., & Sanz, D. (2021). SOPRENE: Assessment of the Spanish Armada’s Predictive Maintenance Tool for Naval Assets. Applied Sciences, 11(16), 7322.