Qualitative Prediction Model for Dynamic Behavior of Ballasted Tracks
:1. Introduction
2. Qualitative Analysis
2.1. Qualitative Analysis for Track Engineering
2.2. Application of Qualitative Analysis to Track Dynamics
3. Field Measurements
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Assessment of the Track Parameters Using the Proposed Qualitative Analysis
4.2. Assessment of the Dynamic Track Responses Using Qualitative Analysis
4.3. Validation of Proposed QPM
- Step 1: Draw the measured data block (the rail pad stiffness, Figure 13 (①) in horizontal direction on the qualitative analysis map (track support stiffness (TSS) map).
- Step 3: Draw the blocks in both the vertical and horizontal directions on the qualitative analysis map (track response map). Then, check that the intersection region of a duplicated zone between the vertical and horizontal direction; this represents the predicted response of the in-service ballasted track.
- Step 4: Verify the range of the predicted results (value in white box) using the real response data obtained from the target track (circles in Figure 13 (④)) from the intersection region of the proposed qualitative analysis map.
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- The ballasted track response should be a function of the variations in vertical spring stiffness of the rail pad or ballast. The QPM consists of a 2DOF dynamic track model and modified track properties, which define the rail pad and ballast stiffness ranges, based on designed and measured values. The proposed QPM is capable of simulating the complex interaction between the properties of track components and dynamic track responses.
- (2)
- The parameters and dynamic response of the ballasted track determined through field measurements and qualitative analysis showed that the TSS more strongly affects every parameter and is therefore more affected by ballast stiffness than by rail pad stiffness. A ballast stiffness of 200–300 kN/mm can reduce track deterioration (deflection and deformation) and dynamic response. Furthermore, an appropriate TSS is required to prevent exceeding the dynamic response of the in-service ballasted track, i.e., when the track forces, dynamic contribution, or vibration behavior is over the design specifications. The qualitative analysis results showed good agreement (within 2–5%) with the field measurement results.
- (3)
- The proposed QPM presents results as a discrete space of various track responses and parameters, rather than as of single values. The dynamic behavior of in-service ballasted tracks can thus be predicted qualitatively as a function of the rail pad and ballast stiffness using a simple field test and the proposed QPM.
- (4)
- Using the proposed QPM, a dynamic response map can be predicted and used to deal with uncertainties and design variables. The results of the qualitative analysis showed good agreement with field measurements and FE analysis results. The proposed QPM can predict the dynamic response of ballasted tracks using field-measured data, such as rail pad stiffness, rail bending stress, or rail displacement.
- (5)
- The dynamic track response obtained using qualitative analysis can be used to predict the constraint parameters determined by field measurements and should facilitate practical track maintenance operations. The proposed model thus allows for the use of measured track responses to predict the responses and parameters of the ballasted track using a solution space. Overall, the study successfully proposed a model to predict track field conditions and suitability for maintaining a ballasted track.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Properties | Rail (60 kg/m) | Prestressed Concrete Sleeper | |
Section Properties | Cross-sectional area (cm2) | 77.5 | 516.75 |
Moment of inertia (cm4) | 3090 | 16,375 | |
Section modulus (cm3) | 396 | – | |
Supported area of half-sleeper (cm2) | – | 3021 | |
Material Properties | Elastic modulus (kN/cm2) | 21,000 | 4000 |
Weight density (kN/cm3) | 7.85 × 10−5 | 2.5 × 10−5 | |
Poisson’s ratio (υ) | 0.30 | 0.18 |
Description | Properties |
Track curvature (R) | ∞ (Straight) |
Cant | 0 mm |
Substructure | Earthwork |
Subgrade modulus a | 0.15 N/mm³ |
Rail | 60 kg N, Continuous welded rail |
Sleeper | 250 kg, Prestressed concrete sleeper |
Sleeper spacing | 600 mm |
Sleeper mass a | 250 kg |
Fastening type | Pandrol e-clip |
Rail pad a | Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) pad |
Rail pad stiffness a | 400 kN/mm |
Rail pad damping coefficient b | 12.934 kNs/m |
Ballast stiffness a | 200 kN/mm |
Ballast damping coefficient b | 223.130 kNs/m |
Ballast thickness (depth) | 300 mm |
Ballast mat | – |
Train type | EMU (electric multiple unit) |
Wheelset mass (Mw) | 1025 kg |
Static wheel load Q | 80 kN |
Operational speed | Average 130 km/h |
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Choi, J.-Y.; Kim, S.-H. Qualitative Prediction Model for Dynamic Behavior of Ballasted Tracks. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6258. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10186258
Choi J-Y, Kim S-H. Qualitative Prediction Model for Dynamic Behavior of Ballasted Tracks. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(18):6258. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10186258
Chicago/Turabian StyleChoi, Jung-Youl, and Sun-Hee Kim. 2020. "Qualitative Prediction Model for Dynamic Behavior of Ballasted Tracks" Applied Sciences 10, no. 18: 6258. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10186258
APA StyleChoi, J.-Y., & Kim, S.-H. (2020). Qualitative Prediction Model for Dynamic Behavior of Ballasted Tracks. Applied Sciences, 10(18), 6258. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10186258