Fatigue Crack Growth from Notches: A Numerical Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Material Model
3. Numerical Model
4. Results
4.1. Typical CTOD-F Curves
4.2. Unnotched-Cracked Specimen in No Contact Simulations
4.3. Insertion of Contact at the Crack Flanks in the Unnotched-Cracked Specimen
4.4. Insertion of a Notch with Different Radius in No Contact Simulations
4.5. Insertion of Contact at the Crack Flanks in the Notched-Cracked Specimen
4.6. Comparison of Unnotched and Notched Specimens in Simulations with Contact
5. Discussion
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- Two transient effects, one associated with the stabilization of cyclic plastic deformation and the other associated with the built of plasticity induced crack closure. The former, which is very evident in unnotched cracked specimens without contact, needs a very short crack propagation to disappear. The stabilization of crack closure level is much longer, depending on material and increasing with the decrease of notch radius;
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- The influence of the notch fields. The reduction of notch radius increases δp, and therefore FCG rate, and substantially reduces the extension affected by the notch. Without contact, the limit of notch influence zone has only been reached for the smallest radius studied (r = 1 mm);
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- The crack closure phenomenon, which has a dramatic effect under plane stress conditions and a limited effect under plane strain conditions. The formation of residual plastic wake is responsible for a progressive increase of U* towards a stabilized value, after which a slow but steady increase is observed. The long stabilization of the closure values means that in many cases it occupies a significant part of the notch affected zone. The level of crack closure is defined by two opposite mechanisms, which are the elongation of plastic wedges behind crack tip and crack tip blunting. This complexity explains the great influence of material on crack closure level and stabilization distance. The introduction of contact in notched samples has a major effect on plastic CTOD. The decrease of notch radius produces a significant increase of crack closure phenomenon, which apparently attenuates the effect of notch radius and reduces the zone affected by the notch;
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- After the notch affected zone there is a linear increase of δp with Δa, linked to the increase of crack tip stress fields. This effect is clearly observed in unnotched cracked specimens without contact of crack flanks. The slope of the linear variation increases linearly with δp.
6. Conclusions
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- in unnotched cracked specimens, there is an initial transient regime associated with the stabilization of cyclic plastic deformation, which slows down the FCG rate to a minimum. After this minimum, which defines the end of initial regime, the crack growth increases the strength of crack tip fields, producing a linear increase of δp. The slope increases with the reduction of yield stress, and a linear trend was observed between the slope and the level of δp. The linear increase of da/dN with Δa is expected to occur in notched samples after the notch affected zone;
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- the introduction of contact produced a major effect on δp in unnotched cracks under plane stress conditions. There is a progressive decrease of δp to a minimum value associated with the formation of residual plastic wake. The minimum value of δp defines the end of the transient regime, which is much more extensive than the transient regime associated with the stabilization of cyclic plastic deformation. The effect of crack closure is very limited under plane strain conditions;
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- the notches were found to increase the plastic deformation level at the crack tip. The reduction of notch radius increases the notch effect and reduces significantly the notch affected zone. The limit of this zone was reached only for r = 1 mm in this numerical study, being about 0.8 mm for the load level studied. The stress state and material do not affect these trends. As the crack propagates ahead of the notch, a linear relation is observed between δp and notch radius;
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- the introduction of contact in notched samples attenuates the effect of notch radius and reduces the notch affected zone;
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- concerning the stress state, lower values of δp were obtained for plane strain state compared with plane stress state. This could be expected since the stress triaxiality tends to reduce plastic deformation. Additionally, the effect of stress state is greatly linked with crack closure variations.
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- Concerning the material, the global trends related to the influence of notch were found to be independent of material parameters. However, there is a significant influence on crack closure phenomenon. Additionally, there is a global trend for the increase of δp with the reduction of yield stress.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Borges, M.; Caldas, M.; Antunes, F.; Branco, R.; Prates, P. Fatigue Crack Growth from Notches: A Numerical Analysis. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4174. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10124174
Borges M, Caldas M, Antunes F, Branco R, Prates P. Fatigue Crack Growth from Notches: A Numerical Analysis. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(12):4174. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10124174
Chicago/Turabian StyleBorges, Micael, Manuel Caldas, Fernando Antunes, Ricardo Branco, and Pedro Prates. 2020. "Fatigue Crack Growth from Notches: A Numerical Analysis" Applied Sciences 10, no. 12: 4174. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10124174
APA StyleBorges, M., Caldas, M., Antunes, F., Branco, R., & Prates, P. (2020). Fatigue Crack Growth from Notches: A Numerical Analysis. Applied Sciences, 10(12), 4174. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10124174