Linking Soil Hydrology and Creep: A Northern Andes Case
:1. Introduction
2. Field Site Description
2.1. Geology and Geomorphology
2.2. Pedostratigraphy
2.3. Soil Creep
3. Data and Methods
3.1. Hydrological Instrumentation
3.2. Positioning Surveys
4. Results
4.1. Hydrological Behavior: Water Table, Runoff and Percolation
4.2. Soil Moisture
4.3. Measurement of Movement
5. Discussion
6. Summary and Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Plot 1 | Plot 2 | |
Approximate slope (°) | 30 | 20 |
Lysimeter 1 depth (cm) | 40 | 20 |
Lysimeter 2 depth (cm) | 80 | 80 |
Lysimeter 1 volume (L) | 20 | 30 |
Lysimeter 2 volume (L) | 60 | 60 |
Runoff tank volume (L) | 60 | 60 |
Soil Moisture Condition | VWC Range (%) | Number of Data Points | Percentage |
Sensor 1 (0.2 m depth) | |||
Saturation | 0.39–0.45 | 5 | 1% |
Partially saturated | 0.25–0.39 | 196 | 56% |
Field capacity | 0.21–0.25 | 21 | 6% |
Below Field capacity | 0.15–0.21 | 47 | 13% |
Wilting point | 0.08–0.15 | 84 | 24% |
Sensor 2 (0.4 m depth) | |||
Saturation | 0.38–0.40 | 2 | 0% |
Partially saturated | 0.36–0.38 | 3 | 1% |
Field capacity | 0.34–0.36 | 16 | 4% |
Below Field capacity | 0.19–0.34 | 233 | 55% |
Wilting point | 0.17–0.19 | 19 | 4% |
Hygroscopic point | 0.09–0.17 | 153 | 36% |
Sensor 3 (0.6 m depth) | |||
Saturation | 0.38–0.40 | 4 | 1% |
Partially saturated | 0.36–0.38 | 22 | 5% |
Field capacity | 0.34–0.36 | 21 | 5% |
Below Field capacity | 0.19–0.34 | 338 | 81% |
Wilting point | 0.17–0.19 | 13 | 3% |
Hygroscopic point | 0.09–0.17 | 21 | 5% |
Sensor 4 (0.8 m depth) | |||
Saturation | 0.38–0.40 | 17 | 4% |
Partially saturated | 0.36–0.38 | 61 | 15% |
Field capacity | 0.34–0.36 | 34 | 8% |
Below Field capacity | 0.19–0.34 | 136 | 32% |
Wilting point | 0.17–0.19 | 36 | 9% |
Hygroscopic point | 0.09–0.17 | 135 | 32% |
Campaign Number | Date |
1 | 06/15/2019 |
2 | 07/20/2019 |
3 | 09/21/2019 |
4 | 10/19/2019 |
5 | 11/15/2019 |
6 | 12/13/2019 |
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Pertuz-Paz, A.; Monsalve, G.; Loaiza-Úsuga, J.C.; Caballero-Acosta, J.H.; Agudelo-Vélez, L.I.; Sidle, R.C. Linking Soil Hydrology and Creep: A Northern Andes Case. Geosciences 2020, 10, 472.
Pertuz-Paz A, Monsalve G, Loaiza-Úsuga JC, Caballero-Acosta JH, Agudelo-Vélez LI, Sidle RC. Linking Soil Hydrology and Creep: A Northern Andes Case. Geosciences. 2020; 10(11):472.
Chicago/Turabian StylePertuz-Paz, Aleen, Gaspar Monsalve, Juan Carlos Loaiza-Úsuga, José Humberto Caballero-Acosta, Laura Inés Agudelo-Vélez, and Roy C. Sidle. 2020. "Linking Soil Hydrology and Creep: A Northern Andes Case" Geosciences 10, no. 11: 472.
APA StylePertuz-Paz, A., Monsalve, G., Loaiza-Úsuga, J. C., Caballero-Acosta, J. H., Agudelo-Vélez, L. I., & Sidle, R. C. (2020). Linking Soil Hydrology and Creep: A Northern Andes Case. Geosciences, 10(11), 472.