Modeling Gastrointestinal Tract Wet Pool Size in Small Ruminants
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Set
2.2. Models’ Development
2.3. Model’s Evaluation
3. Results
3.1. Models’ Development
3.2. Model Evaluation
4. Discussion
4.1. Goats Fed with the Ad Libitum Suckling Diet
4.2. Animals Fed with Feeding Levels of Solid Diet
4.3. Animals Fed with an Ad Libitum Solid Diet
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Study | Sex 1 | Breed 2 | Species | Diet 3 | n 4 | BW 5 (kg) | GITwps 6 (g/kg BW) | DMI 7 (g/kg BW) | NDFI 8 (g/kg BW) | NDFI (g/g DMI) |
[21] | FM | S | Goat | Suckling | 12 | 4.6–6.8 | 49.5–303.6 | – | – | – |
[22] | M | S | Goat | Suckling | 8 | 5.1–5.7 | 44.7–105.9 | – | – | – |
[23] | M | I | Goat | Suckling | 6 | 4.9–6.6 | 98.3–187.9 | – | – | – |
[24] | M | I | Goat | Suckling | 4 | 4.9–5.1 | 144.9–146.2 | – | – | – |
[25] | M | BS | Goat | Suckling | 6 | 4.3–6.7 | 68.7–160.8 | – | – | – |
[26] | CFM | S | Goat | 100, 75, or 50% | 55 | 28–47 | 103.7–243.8 | 14.9–26 | 4.6–7.7 | 0.28–0.33 |
[21] | CFM | S | Goat | 100, 75, or 50% | 46 | 6–16.7 | 163–362.8 | 12–26.9 | 3.9–8 | 0.31 |
[27] | M | BBS | Goat | 100, 70, or 40% | 21 | 21–36.6 | 126.6–305.6 | 18–34 | 7–13 | 0.37–0.41 |
[28] | C | S | Goat | 100, 70, or 40% | 27 | 21–35.5 | 100–286.6 | 21–41 | 8.9–17 | 0.41 |
[29] | CFM | S | Goat | 100, 75, or 50% | 54 | 17–34 | 86–239 | 11- 30.5 | 3.7–10 | 0.33 |
[30] | F | S | Goat | 100, 70, or 40% | 15 | 24.8–46 | 45.5–247.6 | 12–28 | 3.7–8.7 | 0.31 |
[31] | M | S | Goat | 100, 70, or 40% | 18 | 29–51 | 103–319.8 | 15–31 | 4.7–9.8 | 0.31–0.34 |
[32] 9 | F | S or OB | Goat | 100% | 42 | 33–65 | 39.8–243 | 15–31 | 6.4–13 | 0.42–0.46 |
[22] | M | S | Goat | 100, 70, or 40% | 27 | 9.6–21.6 | 165.7–248.6 | 13–25.9 | 6.7–13 | 0.51 |
[23] | M | I | Goat | 100%, or TM20 | 12 | 8.8–27.8 | 147.7–295.7 | 17–23.6 | 9–12.8 | 0.54 |
[24] | M | I | Goat | 100%, or TM20 | 16 | 5–16.9 | 48.6–277 | 0.5–28 | 0.3–15 | 0.54 |
[33] | C | S | Goat | 100%, or MT | 36 | 9.7–31 | 124.9–243 | 14–42.8 | 5–16 | 0.38 |
[25] | M | BS | Goat | 100, 70, or 40% | 18 | 5.9–16 | 170–318.6 | 3.8–18.9 | 1.5–7 | 0.38 |
[25] | M | BS | Goat | 100, 70, or 40% | 21 | 14.5–26 | 190–295 | 22–47.8 | 8.6–19 | 0.35–0.40 |
[34] | M | MN | Sheep | 100% | 47 | 10–31.6 | 100–376 | 20.8–53 | 5.6–32 | 0.27–0.72 |
[35] | F | SID | Sheep | 100, 70, or 40% | 24 | 20–42.6 | 167–307 | 15.8–32.9 | – | – |
[36] 9 | F | SI | Sheep | 100% | 83 | 29–66.8 | 55.7–287 | 15–49.8 | 7–30.5 | 0.23–0.77 |
[37] | M | SID | Sheep | 100, 70, or 40% | 30 | 27.6–54 | 174–251.7 | 16–32 | 8–15 | 0.46–0.50 |
[38] | M | SI | Sheep | 100% | 34 | 11–33.5 | 167.5–370.9 | 19.9–33 | 6.6–20 | 0.26–0.73 |
[39] | M | SI | Sheep | 100, 70, or 40% | 24 | 29.6–47 | 125.8–238.7 | 8.7–32.7 | 3.6–13.7 | 0.42 |
[40] | CM | SI | Sheep | 100, 70, or 40% | 29 | 16–33 | 147–344 | 18–31 | 9–15 | 0.49 |
[41] | CFM | MN | Sheep | 100, 70, or 40% | 35 | 13.7–38 | 137–276.8 | 19–32 | 8–14 | 0.44 |
Equations | Species | Description 1 | n | RMSE 2 | RMSE% | CCC 3 |
(5) | Goat | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 223.85 (±14.38) − 1.36 (±0.42) × BW (kg) | 390 | 43.01 | 22.37 | 0.60 |
Sheep | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 309.22 (±21.47) − 2.77 (±0.58) × BW (kg) | |||||
(6) | Goat | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 225.04 (±21.14) − 1.42 (±0.42) × BW (kg) + 0.10 (±0.66) × DMI (g/kg BW) | 365 | 41.12 | 21.39 | 0.65 |
Sheep | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 399.55 (±33.69) − 3.07 (±0.62) × BW (kg) − 2.88 (±0.84) × DMI (g/kg BW) | |||||
(7) | Goat and Sheep | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 200.77 (±16.7) − 1.15 (±0.35) × BW (kg) + 2.84 (±0.66) × NDFI (g/kg BW) | 357 | 41.96 | 21.82 | 0.62 |
(8) | Goat and Sheep | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 110.11 (±17.46) − 0.5 (±0.33) × BW (kg) + 238.05 (±21.8) × NDFI (g/g DMI) | 357 | 36.77 | 19.12 | 0.74 |
Equations | Species | Description 1 | n | RMSE 2 | RMSE% | CCC 3 |
(9) | Goat | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 525.5 (±1.18) × BW (kg)−0.33 (±0.05) | 390 | 42.11 | 21.90 | 0.62 |
Sheep | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 653.8 (±1.05) × BW (kg)−0.33 (±0.05) | |||||
(10) | Goat | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 573.9 (±1.2) × BW (kg)−0.39 (±0.05) × e(0.00461 (±0.003) × DMI (g/kg BW)) | 365 | 40.22 | 20.94 | 0.66 |
Sheep | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 1185.8 (±1.14) × BW (kg)−0.39 (±0.05) × e(−0.014145 (±0.005) × DMI (g/kg BW)) | |||||
(11) | Goat | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 430.04 (±1.23) × BW (kg)−0.29 (±0.05) × e(0.00788 (±0.004) × NDFI (g/kg BW)) | 357 | 41.48 | 21.58 | 0.64 |
Sheep | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 512.2 (±1.06) × BW (kg)−0.29 (±0.05) × e(0.00788 (±0.004) × NDFI (g/kg BW)) | |||||
(12) | Goat | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 185.2 (±1.27) × BW (kg)−0.13 (±0.06) × e(1.01 (±0.14) × NDFI (g/g DMI)) | 357 | 36.2 | 18.83 | 0.75 |
Sheep | GITwps (g/kg BW) = 200.55 (±1.08) × BW (kg)−0.13 (±0.06) × e(1.01 (±0.14) × NDFI (g/g DMI)) |
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Ribeiro, P.R.; Gindri, M.; Macedo Junior, G.L.; Herbster, C.J.L.; Pereira, E.S.; Biagioli, B.; Teixeira, I.A.M.A. Modeling Gastrointestinal Tract Wet Pool Size in Small Ruminants. Animals 2023, 13, 2909.
Ribeiro PR, Gindri M, Macedo Junior GL, Herbster CJL, Pereira ES, Biagioli B, Teixeira IAMA. Modeling Gastrointestinal Tract Wet Pool Size in Small Ruminants. Animals. 2023; 13(18):2909.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRibeiro, Paola R., Marcelo Gindri, Gilberto L. Macedo Junior, Caio J. L. Herbster, Elzania S. Pereira, Bruno Biagioli, and Izabelle A. M. A. Teixeira. 2023. "Modeling Gastrointestinal Tract Wet Pool Size in Small Ruminants" Animals 13, no. 18: 2909.
APA StyleRibeiro, P. R., Gindri, M., Macedo Junior, G. L., Herbster, C. J. L., Pereira, E. S., Biagioli, B., & Teixeira, I. A. M. A. (2023). Modeling Gastrointestinal Tract Wet Pool Size in Small Ruminants. Animals, 13(18), 2909.