1. Introduction
A 75-year-old woman on warfarin therapy for chronic atrial fibrillation presented to the emergency room with gross hematuria [
1]. Her prothrombin time was markedly prolonged. She was imaged with several different modalities which found two soft tissue masses in one kidney. She had two urine cytologies reviewed, but both were negative for neoplastic cells [
1]. All imaging was considered to be consistent with potential renal neoplasia [
1]. She underwent a radical nephrectomy; however, on histopathology there was no evidence of neoplasia [
1]. In fact, when another physician reviewed the patient’s chart and analyzed the decisions made, he found that the pre-surgery probability of this patient having renal cancer was less than or equal to 1 in 10 million [
2]. How is this possible?
It seems that a lack of probabilistic thinking was to blame. The physicians involved in the case did not consider the probability of renal carcinoma vs. over anticoagulation as the cause of hematuria in an elderly woman on warfarin. The clinicians involved in this case expressed concerns about what the phrase “considered to be consistent with renal cell cancer” in an imaging report actually meant [
1]. Did inclusion of that phrase mean there was a 90% likelihood of renal cell cancer, a 10% likelihood, or just that it could possibly be renal cell cancer?
Bayesian inference, based on Bayes’ theorem, is a way to incorporate additional information into prior hypotheses in order to improve clinical decision making. Bayes’ theorem states that the probability of a diagnosis given a set of clinical findings is proportional to the baseline probability, or prevalence, of that diagnosis multiplied by the probability of having that set of clinical findings given that diagnosis. Bayesian inference considers both how common a diagnosis is in the population and how well the clinical findings fit the diagnosis. This is important as uncommon presentations of common diseases can be far more prevalent than “textbook presentations” of rare diseases.
We seek here to introduce Bayesian decision analysis to a veterinary audience and apply it to a case example in an exotic companion mammal, a ferret (Mustela putorius furo).
2. The Principles of Bayesian Decision Analysis
In order to identify a most likely differential diagnosis, there must be some data or an estimate of the relative prevalence of the differential diagnoses (adding up to 100%) for a specific presentation in a given population; in the prior example, this would be the prevalence of renal cancer vs. bladder cancer vs. benign causes as potential causes of hematuria in an overly anticoagulated elderly woman. These prior probabilities are proposed before information from diagnostic tests are incorporated; prior probabilities can be based on literature estimates of prevalence and risk factors, expert opinion, or an experienced clinician’s understanding of how common different diagnoses are in their particular clinic. For each potential diagnosis, there is also a conditional probability associated with each diagnostic test which is the estimated probability of that specific test result given that the patient has a particular diagnosis (e.g., the probability of a negative urine cytology assuming the patient has renal cell cancer). A related but distinct value, the likelihood ratio, is the ratio of conditional probabilities for those with a particular test result and the disease, and those with the same result without the disease. By multiplying each diagnosis’ prior probability by its conditional probabilities, we can calculate posterior probabilities, which are the estimated probabilities of differential diagnoses after the information from diagnostic tests has been incorporated.
Decision analysis is a field of study that mathematically models decisions in order to identify the best choice among alternative options. In clinical medicine, decision analysis evaluates both risks and benefits associated with a treatment or diagnostic test [
3]. To model a clinical decision, clinicians estimate the utility, or value, of clinical outcomes in addition to diagnosis probabilities as above. Utility can be expressed as the survival benefit, with 100 representing 100% survival and 0 representing 0% survival, but often represents a composite figure, termed relative utility, of both survival and costs (medical and financial) incurred [
3]. By multiplying the posterior probabilities by the utility of each outcome, clinicians can better identify the treatment option with the greatest expected value for their patient [
3. Materials and Methods
To illustrate the application and utility of Bayesian decision analysis, a veterinary clinical case was retrospectively analyzed. In that case, the primary decision hinged on whether to perform exploratory laparotomy for a suspected gastrointestinal foreign body. First, the clinical case was briefly described. Second, outside expert opinions were elicited as to the probability of a gastrointestinal foreign body vs. six non-surgical diagnoses. Third, utility estimates were elicited from the original clinical team for each of four potential clinical outcomes: surgery + gastrointestinal foreign body (GI FB), surgery + no GI FB, no surgery + GI FB, no surgery + no GI FB. Finally, a decision tree was made to identify the optimal decision using the utility estimates and diagnosis probabilities.
3.1. Case Description
An approximately 1-year-old, castrated male ferret presented emergently with a 2-day history of lethargy and anorexia. One day prior to presentation, the patient developed diarrhea. At presentation, the owners mentioned that he was a “chewer.” Abnormal physical exam findings included a rectal temperature of 40.6 °C (105.1 °F; normal values: 37.8–40.0 °C [100–104 °F]) [
4] and a mildly enlarged left axillary lymph node. Three view radiographs indicated the stomach was moderately distended with inhomogeneous soft tissue opaque material (
Figure S1). An ultrasound evaluation by a non-radiologist found gastric foreign material but no other abnormalities. A complete blood count (CBC) and plasma biochemistry panel were also performed (
Table S1).
The patient was taken to surgery for exploratory laparotomy. The stomach was found to be full of food material with no foreign material identified. There was some erythematous gastric mucosa identified and biopsied, but no other abnormalities were found within the abdomen.
The patient had an extremely prolonged recovery after surgery (several hours). Two days post-surgery, the patient was still extremely lethargic, anorexic, and had a fever of 40.1 °C (104 °F). Despite the risk of exacerbating potential GI ulceration, a high dose of meloxicam (0.5 mg/kg) was administered to reduce the fever. The next day, however, the patient’s fever had increased to 40.6 °C (105.1 °F). Given the lack of response to therapy, the owners elected to humanely euthanize the patient three days after the initial presentation. Submission of the gastric biopsy and necropsy were declined by the owner. An axillary lymph node fine needle aspirate submitted shortly after surgery revealed reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. For an expanded case description, radiographic, CBC, and other laboratory data, see the
supplementary materials (Methods S1, Figure S1, Table S1).
3.2. Case Analysis
3.2.1. Diagnosis Probability Estimates
In order to avoid hindsight and outcome bias [
5], three clinicians with significant expertise in ferret medicine, unassociated with the case, were consulted (J.M., A.M.L., C.A.J.-D.). Using an online survey, clinicians were given the patient’s signalment and history and were asked to assign prior probability estimates for each of the following seven differential diagnoses (deemed most likely diagnoses by the first author) as primary causes of the patient’s clinical signs: lymphoma, gastrointestinal foreign body (GI FB), systemic coronaviral infection,
Helicobacter gastritis, disseminated idiopathic myofasciitis (DIM), bacterial gastroenteritis, and unknown toxicosis.
Clinicians were given the diagnostic findings—physical exam, radiography, ultrasonography, plasma chemistry panel, and complete blood count—one at a time, using the clinical information and images as written and shown in an extended case description (
Methods S1). Clinicians were reminded to only consider each diagnostic finding independently. To estimate the conditional probabilities, these clinicians were asked to answer the question, “What percentage of patients with diagnosis X would have similar findings?” for each diagnostic finding-diagnosis combination. Estimates could range from 100, meaning all patients with disease X would have similar findings, to 1, meaning ≤ 1% of patients with disease X would have similar findings. This minimum estimate of 1% was set because lower estimates, like 1 in 1000 or 10,000, were thought unlikely to be precise, given that even experienced ferret clinicians may have seen far fewer than 100 similar cases.
Composite prior and conditional probabilities were calculated by averaging clinician estimates [
6]. Posterior probabilities of pre-surgical findings were calculated for each diagnosis (
Table 1). Clinicians were also asked to provide conditional probabilities for the surgical findings, results of lymph node cytology, and the clinical progression post-surgery given each differential diagnosis. The composite pre-surgical posterior probabilities, characterized here as prior probabilities, were multiplied by these additional composite-conditional probabilities to calculate the posterior probabilities of differential diagnoses at the time of euthanasia (
Table 2). Iterative calculations of posterior probabilities were also performed after each diagnostic, pre- and post-surgery, to illustrate how differential diagnosis probabilities changed as new evidence was incorporated into the clinical picture (
Figure 1).
For each diagnosis, a posterior probability was calculated using the following equation:
Table 2.
Outside clinician-derived composite prior (posterior probabilities from
Table 1 become prior probabilities due to a different reference time point) and conditional probabilities for differential diagnoses and diagnostic findings after all pre-surgical diagnostics in an approximately 1-year-old ferret presenting for two days of lethargy and inappetence, and one day history of diarrhea. Posterior probabilities of differential diagnoses at time of euthanasia are shown.
Table 2.
Outside clinician-derived composite prior (posterior probabilities from
Table 1 become prior probabilities due to a different reference time point) and conditional probabilities for differential diagnoses and diagnostic findings after all pre-surgical diagnostics in an approximately 1-year-old ferret presenting for two days of lethargy and inappetence, and one day history of diarrhea. Posterior probabilities of differential diagnoses at time of euthanasia are shown.
Diagnosis | Prior Probability (%) | Conditional Probability (%) Exploratory Laparotomy | Conditional Probability (%) Lymph Node Cytology | Conditional Probability (%) Clinical Progression | Prior × Conditional Probabilities | Posterior Probability (%) |
Lymphoma | 5 | 23.7 | 35 | 15 | 62,801 | 10 |
GI Foreign Body | 31 | 12 | 6.7 | 11.7 | 28,658 | 4 |
Systemic Coronaviral Infection | 0.1 | 7 | 11.7 | 13.3 | 145 | 0.02 |
Helicobacter Gastritis | 5 | 60 | 6.1 | 19.3 | 36,966 | 6 |
Disseminated Idiopathic Myofasciitis | 6 | 12 | 6.1 | 55 | 26,146 | 4 |
Bacterial Gastroenteritis | 52 | 51.7 | 6.1 | 30.7 | 501,131 | 76 |
Unknown Toxicosis | 1 | 8.7 | 5.3 | 13.3 | 350 | 0.05 |
SUM | | | | | 656,197 | |
For each diagnosis, a posterior probability was calculated using the following equation:
3.2.2. Outcome Utility Estimates
There are several different ways to elicit utility estimates, including rating scales, standard gambles, and time tradeoffs, all of which are described in greater depth elsewhere [
6]. In this case, we elected to use a rating scale. Specifically, the clinicians who initially saw the patient (C.O.C., M.A.M., S.M.P.) were asked to estimate the relative utility (a composite figure incorporating both survival and cost) of three clinical outcomes on a scale of 0–100: surgery + GI FB, surgery + no GI FB, no surgery + GI FB (
Table 3). The fourth clinical outcome of no surgery + no GI FB was assigned the maximum utility of 100, because it meant that surgery was not required and not performed, sparing both money and potential adverse effects from an unnecessary procedure. Clinicians were explicitly instructed to consider how the cost of an unnecessary surgery would affect utility.
Treatment thresholds were calculated using the utility estimates in the following equation:
For the composite utilities, the calculations were performed as follows:
3.2.3. Decision Tree & Treatment Threshold Sensitivity Analysis
A decision tree was constructed with each clinical outcome as a terminal (rightmost) branch (
Figure 1). The utility of each outcome was then multiplied by its associated diagnosis probability to provide an expected value of each option, with the higher value considered to be the optimal choice (in this case surgery vs. no surgery).
To understand the lowest diagnostic probability at which surgery should be elected (treatment threshold), a one-way sensitivity analysis was performed [
7]. For this, both the benefits and harm associated with surgery were calculated. The benefit of surgery was the difference in utility between the surgery + GI FB (treated disease) and no surgery + GI FB outcomes (untreated disease). The harm of surgery was the difference in utility between the no surgery + no GI FB (untreated no disease) and surgery + no GI FB (treated no disease) outcomes. The treatment threshold is calculated with the equation:
7]. In this model, a treatment or diagnostic test with a high benefit:harm ratio (low risk, low cost) should be selected, even with a relatively low confidence of the diagnosis. Alternatively, treatments or diagnostic tests with a low benefit:harm ratio (high risk, high cost) require a much higher degree of certainty regarding the diagnosis. An overview of the approach to clinical decision analysis using the “PROACTIVE” mnemonic is presented in
Box S1 [
5. Discussion
The primary aim of this investigation was to introduce Bayesian decision analysis and apply it to a clinical case, specifically to answer the question, “Should this patient have undergone surgery?” It is an important question. Unnecessary surgery has profound costs, including medical costs in the form of adverse anesthetic or surgical events, as well as financial opportunity costs, (e.g., money that could have been spent on other diagnostics or medical management). Based on probability estimates from clinicians not involved in the case and utility estimates from clinicians who were, the answer to that question was “No, this animal should not have gone to surgery as there was only a 31% chance that it had a GI foreign body, and the treatment threshold was 40%.”
While knowledge gaps, communication errors, and circumstance (e.g., Friday night presentation) may have played a role in this suboptimal decision, it is always important to consider the cognitive biases that contributed to it as well. Doing so may help to mitigate them in the future. Multiple related biases—premature closure, anchoring, and confirmation bias—may have been at play in this case. In premature closure bias, there is a failure to adequately consider alternative diagnoses after an initial clinical impression is formed. In this case, the initial clinical impression based on signalment and history was consistent with a GI foreign body, and many other diagnoses were not explicitly considered during initial discussions amongst the team. Anchoring bias is the overreliance on earlier information or failing to update one’s prior probabilities in light of information that is not supportive of those probabilities. In this case, despite the physical exam and radiographic findings that outside clinicians thought would be somewhat unusual (20%) in ferrets with GI foreign bodies, the original clinicians still considered it to be the most likely diagnosis. To confirm this, they performed an abdominal ultrasound to find gastric foreign material. This was an example of confirmation bias, namely seeking or preferring test results to confirm rather than disproving a suspected diagnosis.
To illustrate how these biases would alter pre-surgery diagnosis posterior probabilities, suppose that the original clinicians considered the diagnostic prior probabilities and the conditional probabilities for ultrasonographic findings (confirmation bias), but discounted all other pre-surgical diagnostics (anchoring bias). In that scenario, the pre-surgery posterior probability of GI foreign body was 64% compared to 31% when all pre-surgical diagnostics were considered. In light of these cognitive biases, it becomes obvious why the original clinicians elected to take the patient to surgery.
One strength of this decision-analysis approach is that it can allow for improved, shared decision making between client and veterinarian, especially when it comes to deciding on potentially invasive or expensive therapies/diagnostics. To derive utilities for use in the decision tree, clinicians can explain the benefits and harms of a treatment or test to the client, whether it be surgery, renal biopsy, radiation therapy, or a drug with potential adverse effects. Clients, on the other hand, will have a better understanding of how much they value each outcome financially. Together, clinicians and clients can assess the potential outcomes and assign utility values to them. This can also be done when there are more than two options from which to choose. For example, in the case presented, another option could have been endoscopic evaluation and the removal of a gastric foreign body. Because of this, decision analysis allows clinicians to help their clients determine the best option for them between the most efficacious and often most expensive therapy (the gold standard) and other less costly but less efficacious alternative therapies.
Another strength of this approach is that because decision analysis makes the decision-making process explicit, clinicians are able to assess the robustness of their decisions to different diagnosis probabilities or utility values. The one-way sensitivity analysis performed above can determine the treatment threshold, but this can also be extended to identify a test-treatment threshold, which shows the probabilities at which a diagnosis should be treated without additional testing, tested for, or not treated without additional testing [
8]. Although different clinicians may disagree about the structure of the problem (e.g., the number of alternatives), diagnosis probabilities, utilities, and thus treatment thresholds, decisions made using decision analysis are defensible as rational.
One major limitation of decision analysis is that clinicians do not necessarily have the time to implement it. Clinicians make dozens of decisions every day for which decision analysis would be excessive. Rather, clinicians could view decision analysis as a tool to facilitate shared decision making for end-of-life care or when deciding whether to go forward with particularly invasive diagnostics or interventions like surgery, mechanical ventilation, or hemodialysis. Another limitation of Bayesian decision analysis, especially in this zoological medicine context, was the imprecision and dissimilarity of the probability estimates (
Tables S2 and S3). This is inescapable given the relative lack of relevant published data. Even in human medicine, probability estimates vary in degrees of fuzziness, depending on the specialty and clinical scenario. Accordingly, some have even defined clinical decision analysis as “a formal approach to making bad decisions, which would have otherwise been worse” (J. Wong, personal communication). Some of this imprecision in literature-derived estimates can stem from the use of language such as, “frequently,” “commonly,” “uncommonly,” or “rarely” when describing clinical signs of a disease as opposed to data-driven percentage estimates. Clinician-derived estimate imprecision is also likely to be common in exotic animal/zoological medicine, a field defined by its breadth rather than depth. Compared to the high number of heart attacks and kidney stones that an emergency physician may see, zoological medicine clinicians encounter diseases and species almost at random. We attempted to account for this stochasticity of experience by surveying more than one experienced clinician. Furthermore, limitations of data imprecision apply to the entirety of exotic animal/zoological practice, so this does not preclude clinicians from using the Bayesian decision analysis to understand and improve their own clinical decision making. Readers can use a fill-in-the-blank template for their consideration in using Bayesian inference for diagnosis (
Figure 3,
Table S4).