The Role of Innate Immune Response and Microbiome in Resilience of Dairy Cattle to Disease: The Mastitis Model
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Immunocompetence of High Genetic Merit Dairy Cattle and Disease Control Strategies
2.1. The Concept of Immunocompetence
2.2. Metabolic Stress and the Innate Immune System
2.3. The Influence of the Microbiome on the Immune System of Dairy Cattle
3. Immunocompetence in Bovine Mastitis
3.1. Epigenetics and Trained Immunity: Implications for the Control of Mastitis
3.2. The Milk Microbiome and the Mammary Gland Health
4. Metabolic Response of Dairy Cows to Challenges: Insights into the Transition Period
4.1. A Multifaceted Challenge Called Transition Period
4.2. The Association between Rumen Microbiome, Cattle Production, and Health Traits
5. Native Cattle Breeds, an Interesting “Case Study”
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Bronzo, V.; Lopreiato, V.; Riva, F.; Amadori, M.; Curone, G.; Addis, M.F.; Cremonesi, P.; Moroni, P.; Trevisi, E.; Castiglioni, B. The Role of Innate Immune Response and Microbiome in Resilience of Dairy Cattle to Disease: The Mastitis Model. Animals 2020, 10, 1397.
Bronzo V, Lopreiato V, Riva F, Amadori M, Curone G, Addis MF, Cremonesi P, Moroni P, Trevisi E, Castiglioni B. The Role of Innate Immune Response and Microbiome in Resilience of Dairy Cattle to Disease: The Mastitis Model. Animals. 2020; 10(8):1397.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBronzo, Valerio, Vincenzo Lopreiato, Federica Riva, Massimo Amadori, Giulio Curone, Maria Filippa Addis, Paola Cremonesi, Paolo Moroni, Erminio Trevisi, and Bianca Castiglioni. 2020. "The Role of Innate Immune Response and Microbiome in Resilience of Dairy Cattle to Disease: The Mastitis Model" Animals 10, no. 8: 1397.
APA StyleBronzo, V., Lopreiato, V., Riva, F., Amadori, M., Curone, G., Addis, M. F., Cremonesi, P., Moroni, P., Trevisi, E., & Castiglioni, B. (2020). The Role of Innate Immune Response and Microbiome in Resilience of Dairy Cattle to Disease: The Mastitis Model. Animals, 10(8), 1397.