Effects of Organic Fertilizers on the Soil Microorganisms Responsible for N2O Emissions: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. The N Cycle and Mechanisms Responsible for the Production and Consumption of N2O in Soils
3. Methods to Study N2O Emissions and Underlying Processes in Soils
4. Sources of Organic Fertilizers and N2O Emissions
5. Effects of Organic Fertilizers on Nitrifying and Denitrifying Soil Microorganisms
5.1. Effects of Raw Manure on the Structure and Activity of the Nitrifying and Denitrifying Community
5.2. Effects of Processed Manure on the Structure and Activity of the Nitrifying and Denitrifying Communities
5.3. Management Strategies to Reduce N2O Emissions from Soils Amended with Manure-Based Organic Fertilizers
6. Conclusions, Future Directions and Research Needs
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Transformation | Enzyme | Gen | Microorganism |
NH4+ -> NH2OH | Ammonia monooxygenase | amoA | Bacteria and Archaea |
NH2OH -> NO | Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase | hao | Bacteria |
NH2OH -> N2O | Cytochrome P460 | cyt P460 | Bacteria |
NO -> NO2− | Dinitrite reductase | nirK | Bacteria |
NO2− -> NO3− | Nitrite oxidoreductase | nxr | Bacteria |
NO2− -> NH4+ | Periplasmic nitrite reductase | nrf | Bacteria |
NO3− -> NO2− | Membrane bound dissimilatory nitrate reductase | narG | Fungi, Bacteria |
Periplasmatic dissimilatory nitrate reductase | nap | Fungi, Bacteria | |
NO2− -> NO | Cd1 nitrite reductase | nirS | Bacteria |
Copper nitrite reductase | nirK | Bacteria, fungi | |
NO -> N2O | Nitric oxide reductase | norB | Bacteria |
Quinol nitric oxide reductase | qnorB | Bacteria | |
Cytochrome P450nor nitric oxide reductase | P450nor | Fungi | |
Nitrosocyanin | ncyA | Bacteria | |
N2O -> N2 | Nitrous oxide reductase | nosZ Clade I, nosZ Clade II | Bacteria, Fungi |
Nitrosocyanin | ncyA | Bacteria |
Nitrification | Denitrification | ||||||||||
amo | hao | nxr | narG | nap | nirS | nirK | norB | nosZ | ncyA | References | |
Manure | ↑ | ? | ? | ↑ | ? | ↑ | ↑ | ? | ↑ | ? | [37,56,68,71,72,73] |
Digestate | ↑ | ? | ? | ↑ | ? | ? | ? | ? | ↑ | ? | [74] |
Compost | ↑ | ? | ? | ↑ | ? | ↑ | ↑ | ↓↑ | ↑ | ? | [70,75,76,77] |
Vermicompost | ↑ | ? | ? | ? | ? | ↓ | ↓ | ? | ↑ | ? | [78] |
Biochar | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ↑ | ↑ | ? | ↑ | ? | [79] |
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Lazcano, C.; Zhu-Barker, X.; Decock, C. Effects of Organic Fertilizers on the Soil Microorganisms Responsible for N2O Emissions: A Review. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 983. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9050983
Lazcano C, Zhu-Barker X, Decock C. Effects of Organic Fertilizers on the Soil Microorganisms Responsible for N2O Emissions: A Review. Microorganisms. 2021; 9(5):983. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9050983
Chicago/Turabian StyleLazcano, Cristina, Xia Zhu-Barker, and Charlotte Decock. 2021. "Effects of Organic Fertilizers on the Soil Microorganisms Responsible for N2O Emissions: A Review" Microorganisms 9, no. 5: 983. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9050983
APA StyleLazcano, C., Zhu-Barker, X., & Decock, C. (2021). Effects of Organic Fertilizers on the Soil Microorganisms Responsible for N2O Emissions: A Review. Microorganisms, 9(5), 983. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9050983