Metagenomic Sequencing Identifies Highly Diverse Assemblages of Dinoflagellate Cysts in Sediments from Ships’ Ballast Tanks
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sediment Samples
2.2. High-Throughput Metagenomic Approach
2.2.1. Primers Design
2.2.2. DNA Extraction, PCR Amplification, Pyrosequencing, and Data Processing
2.2.3. Data Analyses
2.3. LM and SEM Observations of Dinoflagellate Cysts
2.4. Single-Cell PCR, Cloning and Sequencing
3. Results
3.1. Salinity and Temperature of the Samples
3.2. Results of High-Throughput Metagenomic Sequencing
3.2.1. General Descriptions
3.2.2. Diversity of Dinoflagellate Taxa
3.2.3. Most Abundant and Rarest Taxa
3.2.4. Habitat Assignments
3.2.5. Harmful and Parasitic Forms
3.2.6. Species Previously Unreported to Produce Cysts
3.3. Similarity and Difference in Species Composition Among Samples
3.4. LM and SEM Micrographs of Cysts
3.5. Dinoflagellate Cysts Identified Via Single-Cell PCR Sequencing
4. Discussion
4.1. Dinoflagellates in Ships’ Ballast Tanks—Comparison with Previous Studies
4.2. Both Marine and Freshwater Dinoflagellate Species Found
4.3. Potentially Harmful and/or Toxic Species
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Sample ID | Sampling Date | Sampling Port | Ship Code | Tank Type | Temperature °C | Salinity |
9036 | 19-Nov-01 | Burns Harbor, Indiana, US | 1017 | DBT | 11.7 | 35.0 |
9037 | 19-Nov-01 | Burns Harbor, Indiana, US | 1017 | DBT | 11.7 | 35.0 |
9043 | 29-Nov-01 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1020 | FPK | 8.3 | 7.0 |
9044 | 13-Jun-02 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1023 | FPK | 18.5 | 8.0 |
9045 | 13-Jun-02 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1023 | DBT | 18.1 | 2.0 |
9046 | 13-Jun-02 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1023 | DBT | 18.2 | 6.0 |
9047 | 24-Jun-02 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | 1024 | DBT | 21.0 | 16.0 |
9048 | 24-Jun-02 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | 1024 | DBT | 21.0 | 26.0 |
9050 | 19-Jul-02 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1025 | DBT | 21.1 | 26.0 |
9051 | 25-Jul-02 | Cleveland, Ohio, US | 1026 | FPK | 22.0 | 4.0 |
9054 | 6-Aug-02 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1027 | DBT | 22.2 | 5.0 |
9055 | 6-Aug-02 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1027 | DBT | 21.9 | 8.0 |
9056 | 6-Aug-02 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1027 | FPK | 23.3 | 2.0 |
9057 | 6-Aug-02 | Detroit, Michigan, US | 1028 | FPK | N/A | N/A |
9058 | 13-Aug-02 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | 1029 | DBT | 24.5 | 8.0 |
9059 | 13-Aug-02 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | 1029 | DBT | 24.5 | 3.0 |
9060 | 15-Aug-02 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1030 | DBT | N/A | 31.0 |
9061 | 5-Oct-02 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | 1027 | FPK | 20.2 | 36.0 |
9064 | 20-Oct-02 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | 1033 | FPK | 11.5 | 2.0 |
9065 | 20-Oct-02 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | 1033 | ST | 10.9 | 1.0 |
9067 | 23-Oct-02 | Burns Harbor, Indiana, US | 1007 | DBT | 13.6 | 1.1 |
9068 | 12-Nov-02 | Cleveland, Ohio, US | 1014 | DBT | 12.3 | 26.0 |
9069 | 12-Nov-02 | Cleveland, Ohio, US | 1014 | DBT | 12.3 | 2.0 |
9070 | 19-Nov-02 | Cleveland, Ohio, US | 1013 | DBT | 9.8 | 21.0 |
9071 | 19-Nov-02 | Cleveland, Ohio, US | 1013 | DBT | 9.2 | 20.6 |
9072 | 26-Nov-02 | Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | 1034 | DBT | 7.4 | 28.0 |
9073 | 6-Dec-02 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | 1035 | FPK | -0.7 | 34.0 |
CB9006 | 16-May-03 | Chesapeake, Virginia, US | N/A | FPK | N/A | N/A |
CB9009 | 30-Jul-03 | Chesapeake, Virginia, US | N/A | FPK | N/A | N/A |
CB9012 | 3-Oct-03 | Norfolk, Virginia, US | N/A | FPK | N/A | N/A |
CB9014 | 21-Nov-03 | Chesapeake, Virginia, US | N/A | FPK | N/A | N/A |
UNK9074 | 13-Aug-02 | Great Lakes | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Species | Synonyms | Habitat | Cyst | Harmful Effects | Reported in BS References | Reported in BW References |
Alexandrium affine (1995) | Protogonyaulax affinis (1985) | M [46] | Y [46] | B/T [47] | Reported as Alexandrium affinis [36,48] | N |
Alexandrium fundyense (1985) | Alexandrium tamarense species complex group I, Alexandrium tamarense (1995) | M [49] | Y [49] | B/T [49] | N | N |
Alexandrium ostenfeldii (1985) | Protogonyaulax ostenfeldii (1985), Triadinium ostenfeldii (1981), Gessnerium ostenfeldii (1979), Heteraulacus ostenfeldii (1970), Gonyaulax ostenfeldii (1949), Goniodoma ostenfeldii (1904) | M [50] | Y [50] | B/T [50] | N | [26] |
Alexandrium pacificum (2014) | Alexandrium tamarense species complex group IV, Alexandrium catenella | M [49] | Y [49] | B/T [49] | Reported as A. catenella [10,36] | Reported as A. catenella [21,51] |
Alexandrium peruvianum (1985) | M [52] | Y [52] | B/T [53,54] | N | N | |
Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax (1992) | Goniodoma pseudogonyaulax (1952), Triadinium pseudogonyaulax (1981) | M [55] | Y [55] | B/T [56] | [15] | [26,57] |
Apocalathium aciculiferum (2016) | Peridinium aciculiferum (1900) | F/C [58,59] | Y [58,60] | T [58] | N | Reported as Peridinium aciculiferum [16] |
Apocalathium baicalense (2016) | Peridinium baicalense (1935) | F [59,61] | Y [61] | N | N | |
Apocalathium euryceps (2016) | Peridinium euryceps (1998) | F [59,62] | Y [62] | N | N | |
Apocalathium malmogiense (2016) * | Scrippsiella hangoei (1995) | M/C [59,63] | Y [63] | B [63] | Reported as Scrippsiella hangoei [15,64] | N |
Archaeperidinium saanichi (2012) | M [65] | Y [65] | N | N | ||
Azadinium polongum (2012) | M [66] | Y [66] | T [66] | N | N | |
Azadinium poporum (2011) | M [67] | Y [68] | T [67,68] | N | N | |
Baldinia anauniensis (2007) | F [69] | Y [69] | B [69] | N | N | |
Barrufeta bravensis (2011) | M [70] | Y [70] | B [70] | N | N | |
Biecheleria baltica (2009) | Woloszynskia halophila (2005), Gymnodinium halophilum (1952) | F/Br/M/C [71,72] | Y [71] | B [71] | N | N |
Biecheleria brevisulcata (2014) | M [73] | Y [73] | N | N | ||
Biecheleria cincta (2012) | Woloszynskia cincta (2009) | M [27] | Y [27] | N | N | |
Biecheleriopsis adriatica (2009) | M [74] | Y [74] | N | N | ||
Blastodinium contortum (1908) | M [75] | N | P [75] | N | N | |
Borghiella dodgei (2008) | F/C [76] | Y [76] | B [76] | N | N | |
Borghiella tenuissima (2008) | Woloszynskia tenuissima (1950), Gymnodinium tenuissimum (1894) | F/C [76] | Y [76] | B [76] | N | N |
Chimonodinium lomnickii (2011) | Glenodinium lomnickii (1928), Peridinium lomnickii (1916) | F/C [77] | Y [77] | B [77] | N | N |
Cryptoperidiniopsis brodyi (2006) | Br [78] | Y [78] | N | N | ||
Dinophysis lativelata (1967) | M [79] | N | N | N | ||
Dissodinium pseudolunula (1978) | M [80] | Y [80] | P [80] | [64] | [26,81,82] | |
Duboscquodinium collinii (1952) | M [83] | N | P [83] | N | N | |
Euduboscquella cachoni (2012) | Duboscquella cachoni (1988) | M [84] | N | P [84] | N | N |
Euduboscquella crenulata (2012) | M [85] | N | P [85] | N | N | |
Gonyaulax polygramma (1883) | M [86] | N | B/T [86] | N | [26,57,87] | |
Gonyaulax spinifera (1866) | Peridinium spiniferum (1859) | M [88,89] | Y [88,89] | B/T [88,89] | Reported as Gonyaulax spinifera complex [10,15,17,24,36,48,87] and Spiniferities bentori [14] | [16,26,57,87,90] |
Gymnodinium catenatum (1943) | M [91] | Y [92] | B [92]/T [91] | [14,17,24,36,48] | N | |
Gymnodinium impudicum (2000) | Gyrodinium impudicum (1995) | M [93] | Y [94] | B [93] | [17] | N |
Gymnodinium microreticulatum (1999) | M [28,95] | Y [28,95] | N | N | ||
Gymnodinium simplex (1921) | Protodinium simplex (1908) | M [96] | N | B [96] | N | [97,98] |
Gyrodiniellum shiwhaense (2011) | M [99] | N | N | N | ||
Gyrodinium dominans (1957) | M [100] | N | N | [101] | ||
Gyrodinium heterogrammum (1996) | M [102] | N | N | N | ||
Gyrodinium rubrum (2004) | M [103] | N | N | N | ||
Gyrodinium spirale (1921) | Gymnodinium spirale (1881) | F/Br/M [90,104] | Y [105] | [87] | [26,51,57] | |
Gyrodinium undulans (1957) | M [106] | Y [106] | N | N | ||
Heterocapsa minima (1989) | M [107] | N | B [107] | N | N | |
Heterocapsa rotundata (1995) | Katodinium rotundatum (1965), Massartia rotundata (1933), Amphidinium rotundatum (1908) | M [108] | Y [108] | B [108,109] | [110] | [6,16,101] |
Heterocapsa triquetra (1883) | Glenodinium triquetrum (1840), Peridinium triquetra (1925) | M [108] | Y [108] | B [108] | [15,81] | [16,26,51,57,90,111,112] |
Islandinium tricingulatum (2013) | Protoperidinium tricingulatum (2009) | M [113,114] | Y [113] | N | N | |
Karenia cristata (2003) | M [115] | N | B/T [115] | N | N | |
Karenia papilionacea (2004) | M [116] | N | B [116]/T [2] | N | [112] | |
Karlodinium antarcticum (2008) | M [117] | N | T [117] | N | N | |
Levanderina fissa (2014) | Gymnodinium instriatum (2002), Gyrodinium instriatum (1963), Gyrodinium fissum (1921), Gymnodinium fissum (1894) | M/Br [118] | Y [118] | N | N | |
Margalefidinium fulvescens (2017) | Cochlodinium fulvescens (2007) | M [18,119] | N | B/T [120] | N | N |
Margalefidinium polykrikoides (2017)* | Cochlodinium polykrikoides (1961) | M [18,120] | Y [103] | B/T [121] | Reported as Cochlodinium polykrikoides [17,24] | N |
Naiadinium polonicum (2015) | Peridiniopsis polonicum (1968) | F [122,123] | Y [122] | B [122] | N | N |
Oblea rotunda (1973) | Peridiniopsis rotunda (1922) | M/Br [124] | Y [124] | [15,110] | [26,57,111] Reported as Oblea rotundata [97,98] | |
Palatinus apiculatus (2009) | Peridinium palatinum (1896), Peridinium apiculatum (1859), Glenodinium apiculatum (1838) | F [125] | Y [125] | N | N | |
Pelagodinium beii (2010) | Gymnodinium beii (1987) | M [126,127] | N | N | N | |
Pellucidodinium psammophilum (2015) | M [128] | N | N | N | ||
Pentapharsodinium dalei (1986) | M [129] | Y [129] | [14,15,17,24,64] | N | ||
Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum (1993) | Peridinium tyrrhenicum (1990) | M [130] | Y [131] | B/P [130] | [15] | N |
Peridiniopsis borgei (1904) | Glenodinium borgei (1937), Peridinium borgei (1910) | F [132] | Y [132] | N | N | |
Polarella glacialis (1999) | M [133] | Y [133] | B [133] | N | N | |
Polykrikos geminatum (2013) | Cochlodinium geminatum (1896), Gymnodinium geminatum (1895) | M [134] | N | B [134] | N | N |
Polykrikos kofoidii (1914) | M [135] | Y [135] | [10,17] | [26,57,82,87] | ||
Prorocentrum micans (1834) | M [136] | N [137] | B/T [136] | [81] | [16,21,26,51,57,82,87,90,112,138,139,140] | |
Protoperidinium monovelum (1974) | Peridinium monovelum (1936) | M [141] | N | N | N | |
Protoperidinium steidingerae (1979) | M [142] | Y [142] | N | N | ||
Scrippsiella acuminata (2015) | Glenodinium acuminatum (1899), Goniodoma acuminatum (1883), Heteraulacus acuminatus (1850), Peridinium acuminatum (1836), Scrippsiella trochoidea (1976) | M [143,144] | Y [143,144] | B [144] | Reported as Scrippsiella trochoidea [10,14,15,17,24,36,48,64,81] | Reported as Scrippsiella trochoidea [16,21,26,51,57,82,90,139] |
Scrippsiella donghaienis (2008) | M [145] | Y [145] | N | N | ||
Scrippsiella sweeneyae (1965) | M [146] | Y [146] | N | N | ||
Takayama acrotrocha (2003) | Gyrodinium acrotrochum (1996) | M [147] | N | B [148] | N | N |
Takayama helix (2003) | M [147] | N | T [147] | N | N | |
Tovellia sanguinea (2006) | F [149] | Y [149] | B [149] | N | N | |
Tyrannodinium edax (2011) | Tyrannodinium berolinense (2009) | F [150,151] | Y [150] | B [150] | N | N |
Woloszynskia pascheri (1973) | Gymnodinium pascheri (1954), Gyrodinium pascheri (1933), Glenodinium pascheri (1916) | F/C [152] | Y [152] | B [152] | N | N |
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Shang, L.; Hu, Z.; Deng, Y.; Liu, Y.; Zhai, X.; Chai, Z.; Liu, X.; Zhan, Z.; Dobbs, F.C.; Tang, Y.Z. Metagenomic Sequencing Identifies Highly Diverse Assemblages of Dinoflagellate Cysts in Sediments from Ships’ Ballast Tanks. Microorganisms 2019, 7, 250.
Shang L, Hu Z, Deng Y, Liu Y, Zhai X, Chai Z, Liu X, Zhan Z, Dobbs FC, Tang YZ. Metagenomic Sequencing Identifies Highly Diverse Assemblages of Dinoflagellate Cysts in Sediments from Ships’ Ballast Tanks. Microorganisms. 2019; 7(8):250.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShang, Lixia, Zhangxi Hu, Yunyan Deng, Yuyang Liu, Xinyu Zhai, Zhaoyang Chai, Xiaohan Liu, Zifeng Zhan, Fred C. Dobbs, and Ying Zhong Tang. 2019. "Metagenomic Sequencing Identifies Highly Diverse Assemblages of Dinoflagellate Cysts in Sediments from Ships’ Ballast Tanks" Microorganisms 7, no. 8: 250.
APA StyleShang, L., Hu, Z., Deng, Y., Liu, Y., Zhai, X., Chai, Z., Liu, X., Zhan, Z., Dobbs, F. C., & Tang, Y. Z. (2019). Metagenomic Sequencing Identifies Highly Diverse Assemblages of Dinoflagellate Cysts in Sediments from Ships’ Ballast Tanks. Microorganisms, 7(8), 250.