Financial Objectives and Satisfaction with Life: A Mixed-Method Study in Surf Lifestyle Entrepreneurs
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. TLE and MNS
2.2. TLEs and Life Satisfaction
2.3. Contact Network
2.4. Link to the Place
2.5. Financial Objectives
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Quantitative Methodology
3.2. Qualitative Methodology
4. Results
4.1. Quantitative Results
4.2. Qualitative Results
“Despite the strong competition that exists in the sector, the truth is that we know each other, we support each other, we manage to coexist and have a market for everyone. I think that Ericeira benefits from many hostels and surf schools to affirm us as the mecca of surf”.
“We help each other whenever it is necessary. We always know that a colleague has a problem, we try to help. We must be for each other”.
“We all wear the same shirt. We are friends, we discuss problems, and we look for solutions together. We are “jagozes” and together we always manage to overcome the problems”.
“In my business, we partner with other colleagues, be it restaurants or other businesses. We always look for mutual help and the best service for the customer”.
“The people in Ericeira are wonderful. I like to go to the market to buy my fish, I like to participate in the events that take place, I like to contribute with ideas”.
“There is nothing like living in a place that allows me to wake up, catch some waves, not having to take the car to go to work, not having traffic, being in a quiet village without the madness of the cities and, at the same time, being twenty minutes away from Lisbon”.
“Ericeira is, no doubt, the Capital of Europe. The World Surf Reserve has given the deserved recognition to this fantastic town, which provides magnificent experiences”.
“It is undoubtedly a unique and special place. The beaches, the gastronomy, the wave sports, the people, and the unique landscapes, make this village the best place to live”.
“Whoever takes Ericeira from me, takes everything from me. The tranquillity, the security, the infrastructures, the environment… I could be here all day talking about this paradise, but just visiting it is enough to be understood”.
“We don’t always appreciate things but living in Ericeira is a blessing. For those who seek a quality of life, this is where they find it. People sometimes look for a lot and here they can have everything with little”.
“I set up my business and came to live here. Every day I give thanks for this decision I made. I’m happy at work, where I can make contact with several people, I have the possibility to work with my wife, we have time to take our walks on the “pavement”, we can go surfing, and our children are happy (…)”
“I was born and raised in Ericeira and so I consider myself a privileged person. Every day I race by the sea, walk my dog, watch the sunset, catch some waves, enjoy the view and breathe fresh air”.
“I am by nature a person who seeks challenges and growth. I’m satisfied with my life, my family is satisfied, we have our business, our family and everything else, but I have ideas to expand our business”.
“I left my office job and used to say, “take off my suit and put on my slippers” and invested everything in this business. Right now, I can do what I like, have time for myself, billing is what I need and I don’t plan to expand or open new business”.
“I’m fine as I am. I have the life I’ve always wanted, my family has quality time with me and I don’t live obsessed with money”.
“Right now I have more than one business and I intend to have more. Tourism in Ericeira has been growing from year to year and I intend to take advantage of those opportunities that arise”.
“To be honest, I think the surfing business is already starting here. I don’t know if opening a new business would be the best solution, because it would force me to spend personal time that I don’t want to give up”.
“I don’t want to expand or open any more businesses. I have the life I have always dreamed of, I have fought hard to have it and I will not risk everything. What I have is enough”.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
- (i)
- A TLE that considers that the financial objectives, together with the contact network, are a motivational element and, consequently, impact on their satisfaction with life; and
- (ii)
- A TLE that considers that the financial objectives are not a motivational element and, consequently, impact their satisfaction with life, as they value community integration.
- (i)
- A TLE who considers that the financial objectives, together with the connection to Ericeira, are a motivational element and, consequently, impact on their satisfaction with life; and
- (ii)
- A TLE that considers that the financial objectives are not a motivational element and, consequently, impact their satisfaction with life, as they privilege their sense of identification with Ericeira and the pleasure of living there.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Latent Variables | α | CR | AVE | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Contact Network (1) | 0.801 | 0.910 | 0.834 | 0.913 | 0.128 | 0.249 |
Connection to the place (2) | 0.768 | 0.863 | 0.680 | 0.087 | 0.824 | 0.362 |
Satisfaction with Life (3) | 0.867 | 0.904 | 0.654 | 0.208 | 0.325 | 0.809 |
Path | Path Coefficient (β) | Standard Error | t Statistics | p Values |
Contact Network → Life Satisfaction (H1) | 0.208 | 0.065 | 3.137 | 0.002 |
Link to Place → Life Satisfaction (H2) | 0.299 | 0.067 | 4.324 | 0.000 |
Financial Objectives moderate the relationship between H1 and H2 → Life Satisfaction (H3) | 0.264 | 0.059 | 4.512 | 0.000 |
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O’Neill, A.; Dias, A.; Patuleia, M.; Pereira, L. Financial Objectives and Satisfaction with Life: A Mixed-Method Study in Surf Lifestyle Entrepreneurs. Soc. Sci. 2022, 11, 555.
O’Neill A, Dias A, Patuleia M, Pereira L. Financial Objectives and Satisfaction with Life: A Mixed-Method Study in Surf Lifestyle Entrepreneurs. Social Sciences. 2022; 11(12):555.
Chicago/Turabian StyleO’Neill, André, Alvaro Dias, Mafalda Patuleia, and Leandro Pereira. 2022. "Financial Objectives and Satisfaction with Life: A Mixed-Method Study in Surf Lifestyle Entrepreneurs" Social Sciences 11, no. 12: 555.
APA StyleO’Neill, A., Dias, A., Patuleia, M., & Pereira, L. (2022). Financial Objectives and Satisfaction with Life: A Mixed-Method Study in Surf Lifestyle Entrepreneurs. Social Sciences, 11(12), 555.