Perceptions of Colombian Teachers about the Didactics of Social Sciences
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Perceptions of Social Science Teachers
1.2. Trends in Social Science Didactics
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
- Teachers who wrote teaching relate it to teaching practices, necessary resources, and its link to learning.
- Teachers who wrote learning relate it to meaningful, autonomous, collaborative learning and its link to teaching.
- The teachers who wrote history express it as an area of knowledge in which they can use didactics.
- Teachers who wrote thought relate it to critical, historical, geographical, social, and spatial thinking.
- Teachers who wrote context relate it to the social, historical, and learning environment of students.
- Teachers who wrote knowledge relate it to the students’ prior knowledge, its relationship with the context, and spatial and scientific knowledge.
- The teachers who wrote reflection relate it to their own processes by questioning the content they teach, the critical reflections, the propositional attitude, and the recognition of different perspectives.
- The teachers who wrote space relate it to geography, the physical context of the educational community, the influence of society on the formation processes, and the relationship between time and space.
4. Discussion and Conclusions
5. Limitations
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Word | Frequency | Average Score | Word | Frequency | Average Score |
Teaching | 98 | 2.38 | Reflection | 24 | 2.79 |
Learning | 73 | 2.25 | Analysis | 23 | 2.60 |
History | 49 | 2.59 | Space | 23 | 3.04 |
Pedagogy | 35 | 2.51 | Creativity | 22 | 2.5 |
Thinking | 35 | 2.48 | Strategies | 20 | 2.72 |
Geography | 34 | 2.65 | Methods | 20 | 2.43 |
Research | 28 | 2.5 | Culture | 19 | 3.09 |
Society | 28 | 2.82 | Methodologies | 19 | 2.38 |
Context | 25 | 2.71 | Education | 17 | 2 |
Knowledge | 24 | 2.75 | Tool | 16 | 2.77 |
Word | Frequency | Word | Frequency |
Teaching | 60 | Pedagogy | 19 |
Learning | 49 | Research | 15 |
History | 27 | Analysis | 13 |
Thinking | 22 | Knowledge | 12 |
Geography | 19 | Context | 12 |
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Palacios Mena, N.; García Monteagudo, D.; Pizzinato, L. Perceptions of Colombian Teachers about the Didactics of Social Sciences. Soc. Sci. 2022, 11, 433.
Palacios Mena N, García Monteagudo D, Pizzinato L. Perceptions of Colombian Teachers about the Didactics of Social Sciences. Social Sciences. 2022; 11(10):433.
Chicago/Turabian StylePalacios Mena, Nancy, Diego García Monteagudo, and Liliana Pizzinato. 2022. "Perceptions of Colombian Teachers about the Didactics of Social Sciences" Social Sciences 11, no. 10: 433.
APA StylePalacios Mena, N., García Monteagudo, D., & Pizzinato, L. (2022). Perceptions of Colombian Teachers about the Didactics of Social Sciences. Social Sciences, 11(10), 433.