Strengths and Weaknesses of Healthcare Professionals’ Identity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study within the Spanish Context
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Research Design
2.2. Research Team
2.3. Research Background
2.4. Participants
2.5. Data Collection and Analysis
2.6. Ethical Considerations
3. Results
3.1. The Symbolic Role of Vocation and Work-Pride among Healthcare Professionals
[...] without this drive to work, drive to do it and do it right, and getting involved, and really, really getting to know the inside of the families, and knowing... I do not conceive working if you are not really passionate; for me it is all about passion. I am very passionate [...] it is my vocation.(N5)
To me, this vocation is to put yourself in the place of others, I really enjoy listening to them. And well, for me that is part of being a nurse, listening, putting yourself in the patient’s place...(N3)
[…] this feeling is what makes you enjoy your work. And, despite the problems, the hardships, and the poor work conditions, at the end of the day you are satisfied with what you are doing. And, although we had to give it our all—because it is true, we had to stay late or—always checking our mobiles, talking to—I’ve had to talk to people even on weekends […](N8)
For me, vocation is something that you want, that makes you happy, that makes you feel good when you do it, that makes you happy at the end of the day, and also makes you a better person. I do not think there can be a medical doctor without vocation, otherwise you could not take this, without vocation nobody could endure it—you would take sick leave, you would go away or something like that—but you would not endure it, you would not stay...(M13)
I feel proud of being a nurse, not because of the COVID and all the clapping, but because I strive every day to do my best at work—although sometimes you need your efforts to be recognised, yes, of course, we all like to see that our work is appreciated and sometimes being told “Hey, look, you are doing great”, we all like that. Not that we need to be told every day, because what we do, we do because we want to, and because it comes from within.(N2)
3.2. Primary Healthcare Remains Subordinate to Hospital-Based Medical Care
...we need to promote primary healthcare a bit; I think the service is not just about measuring blood pressure again and again, mechanically; my appreciation is that the image of primary healthcare is, well, very different from that of hospitals, at a managerial level and so, but also for the users and the professionals; I would even say it has been forgotten a bit, left behind... They have not been taken into account.(N3)
That the clapping would soon turn to stoning is something we all knew. All healthcare workers knew, and we did say, “Listen, no, we do not want this.” Perhaps the first time it was moving, but afterwards it turned into a carnival—the time of the day everyone went out into their balconies to have a good time. But as soon as this is finished, we are going to be abused. In particular, primary healthcare workers. Those working in hospitals have been respected.(M11)
3.3. Occupational Distress and Self-Neglect
I have been coming to work almost every day of the week, just to see how things were... Even if it was not my shift, I was giving my 200% even on my days off. It was, I don’t know, like a need—I felt like coming in to give a hand; many of us have been doing this...(N2)
They are still in my head—I think about the patients I have seen, their circumstances, and I keep brooding, thinking whether I could have done something better.(N2)
[…] You asked before whether we could switch off from work, and I will tell you—around 60% of the time we cannot, perhaps 40% of the time we can, but many, many times—I tell you, never in my life I’ve had to take pills like I do now, because the stress at work was too much to bear, and lately if it wasn’t for the pills I would not have been able to sleep—and we need our rest so much!(N19)
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Code | Male/Female | >10 Years’ Experience in PHC | Family Dependants | Speciality | Rural or Urban Environment |
N1 | M | Yes | No | Podiatrist Nursing Associate Lecturer | Urban |
N2 | F | Yes | Yes | On-call nurse | Urban |
N3 | M | No | Yes | Nursing | Urban |
N4 | F | Yes | No | Nursing | Urban |
N5 | F | Yes | Yes | Paediatric nurse | Urban |
N6 | F | Yes | Yes | On-call nurse | Rural |
N7 | F | Yes | No | Nursing | Urban |
N8 | F | No | Yes | Nursing supervisor | Rural |
N9 | F | No | No | Nursing | Rural |
M10 | M | Yes | No | Medical Coordinator | Rural |
M11 | F | No | Yes | Medical Coordinator | Rural |
N12 | M | Yes | No | Nursing | Rural |
M13 | F | Yes | No | Medical Coordinator | Urban |
N14 | F | No | Yes | Head of Teaching Nursing supervisor | Rural |
F15 | F | Yes | Yes | Physiotherapy | Urban |
F16 | F | Yes | No | Physiotherapy | Urban/Rural |
N17 | M | Yes | Yes | Nursing supervisor | Urban |
T18 | F | Yes | No | Emergency technician | Rural |
N19 | F | Yes | No | Nursing supervisor | Urban |
Ma20 | F | Yes | No | Midwifery | Urban/Rural |
Aux.22 | F | No | No | Nursing aide | Urban |
N23 | M | Yes | Yes | Emergency technician | Urban |
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Abad González, L.; Flores-Martos, J.A.; Cipriano-Crespo, C.; Pulido-Fuentes, M. Strengths and Weaknesses of Healthcare Professionals’ Identity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study within the Spanish Context. Soc. Sci. 2021, 10, 33.
Abad González L, Flores-Martos JA, Cipriano-Crespo C, Pulido-Fuentes M. Strengths and Weaknesses of Healthcare Professionals’ Identity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study within the Spanish Context. Social Sciences. 2021; 10(2):33.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbad González, Luisa, Juan Antonio Flores-Martos, Carmen Cipriano-Crespo, and Montserrat Pulido-Fuentes. 2021. "Strengths and Weaknesses of Healthcare Professionals’ Identity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study within the Spanish Context" Social Sciences 10, no. 2: 33.
APA StyleAbad González, L., Flores-Martos, J. A., Cipriano-Crespo, C., & Pulido-Fuentes, M. (2021). Strengths and Weaknesses of Healthcare Professionals’ Identity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study within the Spanish Context. Social Sciences, 10(2), 33.