The Almohad Caliphate: A Look at Al-Andalus through Arabic Documentation and Their Artistic Manifestations
:1. Introduction
2. The Interrelation between the Maghreb and Al-Andalus: Material and Documentary Evidence
2.1. The Beginnings of a New Reformist Movement
2.2. The Legitimation of the Almohad Caliphate: The “Memory” of Al-Andalus
To the right of the mihrab stands the pulpit, a work without equal in the whole world. It is made of ebony, box and fragrant wood. The annals of the Umayyad dynasty explain that it took seven whole years to finish it; six teachers were employed there, not counting those who were in their service as laborers; each of these teachers received a daily salary of half mitqāl muhammadī
This pulpit was made with the most extraordinary art, of which its artisans were capable. The richest wood was chosen carved and sculpted, painted and adjusted, according to the rules of art and calculation for it with admirable work and great shape and modeling, inlaid with sandalwood and with ivory and ebony applications, shining like an ember in the fire, and with plates of gold and silver and drawings in its work of pure gold, which shine with light, and takes them, the one who sees them in the dark night, by full moons
The merit of this maqṣūra is that it was made with a mechanism with which it rose when the caliph would leave the palace and was lowered when he entered. That is, a door was made to the right of the miḥrab, inside which is the almimbar and to its left another door, inside which there is a room, where the mechanisms of the maqṣūra and the almimbar are and by it had ‘Abd al-Mu’mīn’s entrance and exit. When the time to go to the mosque was approaching, on Friday, the mechanisms were set in motion, after removing the tapestries from the site of the maqṣūra and raising their sides at the same time, without exceeding each other in the least. The door of the pulpit (almimbar) was closed, and when the preacher got up to go to it, the door was opened and the pulpit came out with a single thrust of the mechanism and there was no noise or visual trace of the device
[…] Caliph al-Imama [‘Abd al-Mu’min] built a great mosque there [the Kutubiyya], then he enlarged it equally or greater [than it was before] from his Qibla because it was small, and built its great minaret, as none have been known in Islam and it was finished by his son, the caliph Abū Ya’qūb which Allāh is pleased with
They received the supreme order [to the sayyides] to settle down in Cordova […] to be the seat of government in al-Andalus, as the Banu Umaya were entitled to, since it occupies the center of al-Andalus, and where the functions of the government officials should be fixed on, so that they would be within the reach of those who came from their region
2.3. The Andalusian Legacy in the Political, Artistic and Religious Landscape
Abū-l-’Ulā al-Ma’mūn also wrote with his own hand to all his country about suppressing the name of the Mahdī in the ceca and in the jutba -sermon- […] This is the letter quoted: From the servant of God, Idrīs, Amīr al-Mu’minīn, son of Amīr al-Mu’minīn, grandson of Amīr al-Mu’minīn, the talibes and the notables and the people and those who are with you of the believers and of the Muslims […] What we order is the fear of God and asking Him for help and trust Him; know that we have rejected the false and we have published the truth and that there is no more Mahdī than Jesus, son of Mary […] Our Lord al-Manṣūr -God be pleased with him- had thought to declare what he saw more clearly than us and in replacing for the people the truth that we have restored; but his hope was not successful and his death did not give him time […]
3. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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2 | On the biographies of Ibn Tūmart and ‘Abd al-Mu’mīn see the studies carried out by Lévi-Provençal (1928) and Boruouiba (1982). |
3 | I would like to thank Professor Concepción Abad Castro for all the observations and comments made in this regard. |
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5 | On this point, see also (Huici Miranda [1956] 2000, vol. II, pp. 476–77). |
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González Cavero, I. The Almohad Caliphate: A Look at Al-Andalus through Arabic Documentation and Their Artistic Manifestations. Arts 2018, 7, 33.
González Cavero I. The Almohad Caliphate: A Look at Al-Andalus through Arabic Documentation and Their Artistic Manifestations. Arts. 2018; 7(3):33.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzález Cavero, Ignacio. 2018. "The Almohad Caliphate: A Look at Al-Andalus through Arabic Documentation and Their Artistic Manifestations" Arts 7, no. 3: 33.
APA StyleGonzález Cavero, I. (2018). The Almohad Caliphate: A Look at Al-Andalus through Arabic Documentation and Their Artistic Manifestations. Arts, 7(3), 33.