Integrating Energy Efficiency into the Municipal Procurement Process of Buildings—Whose Responsibility?
:1. Introduction
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- How should one describe energy efficiency factors in relation to the municipal building procurement process?
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- What are the responsibilities of each actor at different stages of the municipal procurement process from an energy efficiency point of view?
2. Methodology
3. Results: Integrating Energy Efficiency into the Municipal Building Procurement Process
3.1. Describing Municipal Building Procurement Process—An Energy Efficiency Perspective
3.2. Defining Energy Efficiency in the Concept Design of the Municipal Building Procurement
3.2.1. The Factors Affecting Energy Use and the Environmental Impact
3.2.2. The Factors Affecting Indoor Climate Quality
3.2.3. The Factors Affecting the Life Cycle Economy
3.3. The Identification of the Optimal Compromise Design Solution during the Concept Design
3.4. The Energy Efficiency Responsibilities in the Concept Design of the Municipal Building
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Vinokurov, M.; Grönman, K.; Hammo, S.; Soukka, R.; Luoranen, M. Integrating Energy Efficiency into the Municipal Procurement Process of Buildings—Whose Responsibility? Buildings 2019, 9, 45.
Vinokurov M, Grönman K, Hammo S, Soukka R, Luoranen M. Integrating Energy Efficiency into the Municipal Procurement Process of Buildings—Whose Responsibility? Buildings. 2019; 9(2):45.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVinokurov, Mihail, Kaisa Grönman, Simo Hammo, Risto Soukka, and Mika Luoranen. 2019. "Integrating Energy Efficiency into the Municipal Procurement Process of Buildings—Whose Responsibility?" Buildings 9, no. 2: 45.