Anomalous Sun Flyby of 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua)
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Modification of the Gravitational Potential
2.2. Observations of ‘Oumuamua
2.3. Orbit Modification by Offset
2.4. Orbital Parameter Adjustments
3. Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1. | Most of the formulae needed are taken from Landau and Lifshitz in ref. [60]. Their original equation numbers are added in square brackets. The equations have only been modified to comply with the specific nomenclature used here. For instance, the effective potential energy Equation (3) originally reads
2. | See: (last accessed: 2 December 2020). |
3. | The physical process leading to the unexpected acceleration can be demonstrated by a comparison of Equations (10) and (12) at the heliocentric distance (the start of a data arc), where both radial velocities are assumed to be equal, and at a greater distance . This implies:
To find the specific effective potential energy change in a Kepler orbit and a modified one, we compare
A lengthy calculation then shows that the decrease in the specific effective potential energy in the modified orbit is smaller than in the Kepler orbit by . |
4. | The Parker Solar Probe reached its first perihelion with on 6 November 2018 at 03:28 UTC (NASA: Parker Solar Probe Reports). This was about closer than ‘Oumuamua. The specific potential energy gain would have been with and with . |
5. |
No. of Data Arcs | Orbital Parameters | ||||
Observation Times | |||||
1 | 18 October 2017–24 October 2017 | 3.715 | 2.05 | ||
2 | 14 October 2017–17 November 2017 | 3.819 76 | 1.914 76 | ||
3 | 14 October 2017–02 January 2018 | 3.828 382 8 | 1.903 401 0 | ||
4 | 14 October 2017–02 January 2018 | 3.828 555 0 | 1.903 158 3 | ||
Modified orbit | |||||
4 | 1.201 17 | 3.828 555 0 | 1.903 158 3 | ||
4 | 1.201 607 0 | 3.828 555 0 | 1.903 158 3 | ||
Adjusted orbits | |||||
3 | 1.201 706 6 | 3.836 093 7 | 1.901 819 0 | ||
4 | 1.201 809 0 | 3.835 794 5 | 1.900 705 2 |
Specific Approach | Specific Angular | Semi-Latus | Speed | Impact | Maximum | |
Energy | Momentum | Rectum | at Infinity | Parameter | Speed | |
No. of Data Arcs | ||||||
1 | 3.242 | 3.279 | 8.104 | 25 465 | 1.288 | 88 281 |
2 | 3.465 51 | 3.339 14 | 8.401 53 | 26 327 | 1.268 34 | 87 418 |
3 | 3.486 187 1 | 3.344 155 0 | 8.426 782 7 | 26 405.254 | 1.266 473 3 | 87 351.636 |
4 | 3.486 631 8 | 3.344 256 5 | 8.427 294 7 | 26 406.938 | 1.266 511 8 | 87 350.359 |
See | Equation (6)c | Equation (7)a | Equation (6)b | Equation (8) | Equation (9) | Equation (11)c |
Maximum | values | |||||
3 | 3.486 643 0 | 3.344 214 5 | ||||
4 | 3.486 858 7 | 3.344 285 3 | ||||
Modified | quantities | |||||
4 | 3.486 631 8 | 3.348 232 9 | 8.428 973 5 | 26 406.938 | 1.267 936 9 | 87 454.221 |
Adjusted | quantities | |||||
3 | 3.489 087 1 | 3.347 956 6 | 8.445 952 8 | 26 416.234 | 1.267 386 0 | 87 275.151 |
4 | 3.491 131 8 | 3.347 903 9 | 8.445 687 0 | 26 423.973 | 1.266 994 9 | 87 280.586 |
Start of Observation | Heliocentric Distance | End of Observation | |||
Data arc No. 3 with | |||||
3 018 127.7 s | 4 071 215.1 s | 9 933 475.7 s | |||
1.008 286 8 | 1.157 538 2 | 1.657 205 9 | |||
3 018 523.2 s | 4 071 591.1 s | 9 933 871.2 s | |||
1.008 167 9 | 1.157 479 9 | 1.657 350 3 | |||
43.550 029 km/s | 41.351 855 km/s | 35.396 199 km/s | |||
43.545 919 km/s | 41.351 965 km/s | 35.402 111 km/s | |||
Data arc No. 4 with | |||||
3 018 115.6 s | 4 071 197.8 s | 9 933 463.6 s | |||
1.008 329 8 | 1.157 589 0 | 1.657 283 8 | |||
3 018 289.0 s | 4 071 320.9 s | 9 933 636.9 s | |||
1.008 415 3 | 1.157 763 9 | 1.657 756 8 | |||
43.550 712 km/s | 41.352 677 km/s | 35.397 282 km/s | |||
43.550 712 km/s | 41.356 811 km/s | 35.407 342 km/s | |||
Data arc No. 4 with | |||||
Data arc No. 4 with | |||||
3 018 893.4 s | 4 072 010.7 s | 9 934 241.4 s | |||
43.550 712 km/s | 41.352 677 km/s | 35.397 282 km/s | |||
43.539 445 km/s | 41.345 909 km/s | 35.395 830 km/s | |||
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Wilhelm, K.; Dwivedi, B.N. Anomalous Sun Flyby of 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua). Galaxies 2020, 8, 83.
Wilhelm K, Dwivedi BN. Anomalous Sun Flyby of 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua). Galaxies. 2020; 8(4):83.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWilhelm, Klaus, and Bhola N. Dwivedi. 2020. "Anomalous Sun Flyby of 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua)" Galaxies 8, no. 4: 83.
APA StyleWilhelm, K., & Dwivedi, B. N. (2020). Anomalous Sun Flyby of 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua). Galaxies, 8(4), 83.