Cosmic Ray Processes in Galactic Ecosystems
:1. Introduction
2. Cosmic Ray Physics in Galaxies
2.1. Particle Transport
2.1.1. The Resonant Cosmic Ray Streaming Instability and Self-Confinement
2.1.2. Magnetohydrodynamic Wave Damping and Implications for Cosmic Ray Propagation
2.1.3. The Non-Resonant Cosmic Ray Streaming Instability
2.2. Particle Interactions
2.2.1. pp Interactions
2.2.2. p Interactions
2.2.3. Comparison between pp and p Channels in Galactic Environments
3. Cosmic Rays in the Interstellar Medium
3.1. Origins of Cosmic Rays in Galaxies
3.1.1. Stellar End-Products
3.1.2. Star-Forming Regions, Star Clusters and Super-Bubbles
3.1.3. Searching for PeVatrons
3.2. Cosmic Rays in Diffuse Interstellar Media
3.2.1. Magnetohydrodynamic Mode Damping and Implications for Cosmic Ray Propagation
3.2.2. Cosmic Ray Heating Processes in the Ionized Interstellar Medium
3.2.3. Cosmic Ray Effects on the Structure of Interstellar Media
3.3. Cosmic Rays in Molecular Clouds
3.3.1. Propagation
3.3.2. Cosmic Ray Interactions in Molecular Clouds and Observable Signatures
3.3.3. Molecular Clouds as Cosmic Ray Barometers
3.3.4. Thermal Balance and Star-Formation
3.4. Clouds and Diffuse Media Associated with Stellar Remnants and Supernovae
3.5. The Interstellar Medium of Starburst Galaxies and Implications for Cosmic Ray Feedback
4. High-Energy Environments
4.1. Active Galactic Nuclei, Jets and Outflows
4.2. X-ray Binaries
4.2.1. SS433
4.2.2. Cyg X-3 and Related Systems
4.2.3. Pop III X-ray Binaries
5. Cosmic Rays in Galaxies and Their Circumgalactic Environments
5.1. The Milky Way
5.2. Studies of Cosmic Ray Effects in Individual Galaxies
5.2.1. Cosmic Ray Containment, Calorimetry and Galactic Magnetic Fields
5.2.2. Cosmic Ray Pressure Support in Individual Galaxies and the Eddington Limit
5.2.3. Nearby Starbursts
5.2.4. Dusty, and Infrared and Submillimeter Luminous Galaxies
5.2.5. Primordial Galaxy Evolution
5.3. Cosmic Ray Effects in Circumgalactic Media
5.3.1. Phase Structure of Circumgalactic Media and Cosmic Ray Effects
5.3.2. Cold Gas Formation from Thermal Instabilities
5.3.3. Cold Gas Supply by Inflows and the Impacts of Preventative Feedback
5.3.4. Cold Gas Supplied from the Interstellar Medium
5.3.5. Cosmic Ray Impacts on Galactic Outflow Physics
5.3.6. Cosmic Ray Effects on Circumgalactic Baryon Recycling Flows
5.3.7. Cosmic Ray Micro-Physics on Circumgalactic and Galactic Scales
6. Summary and Conclusions
6.1. Pressing Issues
- Development of robust connections between multi-wavelength/multi-messenger observables and models of CR propagation and interaction, to support efficient testing of models with the wealth of upcoming new data.
- Establish ways to address the significant numerical challenges involved with studying the effects of local plasma variations on CR instability growth rates, CR-MHD wave scattering and interaction rates, MHD wave damping, and micro-physical CR transport prescriptions.
- Development of a self-consistent CR transport theory, including self-confinement effects, that aligns with observations.
- Enhancement of CR+MHD numerical simulations to incorporate physically robust CR interaction and transport physics on galactic scales, that correctly account for physics at micro-scales.
- Creation of a comprehensive suite of reliable CR transport theories applicable to galaxies across a wide range of scales and conditions, particularly in the vicinity of CR sources.
- Construction of efficient models of CR interactions and propagation within multi-phase media, including ‘bottleneck’ effects around dense clouds, suitable for integration into MHD simulations.
- Advancement of our understanding of wind-driving effects of CRs, including their interaction with MHD waves undergoing damping, within multi-phase fluid flows, and self-consistent coupling with existing treatments of radiation hydrodynamics.
- Establish a comprehensive understanding of the thermal and dynamical impacts of CR heating and pressure support in the CGM, including their effects on inflows and outflows.
6.2. Upcoming Opportunities
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AGN | Active galactic nucleus |
ALMA | Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array |
Baikal-GVD | Baikal–Gigaton Volume Detector |
CC | Core-collapse |
CGM | Circumgalactic medium |
CMZ | Central molecular zone |
CMB | Cosmic microwave background |
COSI | Compton Spectrometer and Imager |
CR | Cosmic ray |
CSM | Circumstellar medium |
CTA | Cherenkov Telescope Array |
EBL | Extragalactic background light |
FIR | Far infrared |
GC | Galactic center |
HAWC | High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory |
HAWC+ | High-Angular Wideband Camera Plus |
HIM | Hot ionized medium |
HMXB | High-mass X-ray binary |
HVC | High velocity cloud |
HyLIRG | Hyperluminous infrared galaxy |
IceCube | IceCube Neutrino Observatory |
IGM | Intergalactic medium |
IMF | Initial mass function |
IR | Infrared |
ISRF | Interstellar radiation field |
JCMT | James Clerk Maxwell Telescope |
JWST | James Webb Space Telescope |
KM3NeT | The Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope |
LAT | Large Area Telescope (on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope) |
LHC | Large Hadron Collider |
LHAASO | Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory |
LIRG | Luminous infrared galaxy |
LMXB | Low-mass X-ray binary |
MC | Monte Carlo |
MHD | Magnetohydrodynamic |
NIRSpec | Near Infra-Red Spectrograph |
NRSI | Non-resonant streaming instability |
PAH | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon |
P-ONE | Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment |
PSG | Post-starburst galaxy |
SED | Spectral energy distribution |
SKA | Square Kilometer Array |
SMG | Submillimeter galaxy |
SMBH | Supermassive black hole |
SN | Supernova |
SNR | Supernova remnant |
SOFIA | Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy |
SWGO | Southern Wide-Field Gamma-Ray Observatory |
UFO | Ultra-fast outflow |
ULIRG | Ultraluminous infrared galaxy |
UV | Ultra-violet |
VHE | Very high energy |
VLT | Very large telescope |
WIM | Warm interstellar medium |
WR | Wolf–Rayet |
XRB | X-ray binary |
1 | This is different from a non-resonant instability (see Section 2.1.3; also called Bell’s instability). |
2 | CR energy gains and losses are balanced, as they cancel owing to equal-intensity waves propagating in opposite directions [29] |
3 | It has also been shown that the opposite effect is possible, if dust streams super-Alfénically. In this case, CR propagation is suppressed, particularly on scales which are gyro-resonant with the dust [32]. |
4 | Hadronic CRs are assumed in this discussion. Modified forms of the NRSI are relevant when it is driven by leptonic CRs [33]. |
5 | It has been proposed that such production of muon anti-muon pairs can be part of a purely leptonic mechanism to produce TeV-scale neutrinos in astrophysical environments [77]. |
6 | |
7 | This can also accelerate particles by a second-order Fermi mechanism (see, e.g., [151]). |
8 | O is the main progenitor CR of Be and B in typical spallation reaction chains, so the total production rate becomes proportional to the amount of O released into the ISM by SNe enrichment, and the amount of O as a source of Be and B production by spallation [168]. |
9 | This is with the exception of secondary CRs injected by hadronic primaries, which may be non-negligible (e.g., see [192] which shows that the leptonic CR abdunance of galaxies could be a significant or dominant component of the leptonic CR flux in starburst galaxies). |
10 | We note that, at the time of writing, a recent pre-print for the First LHAASO Catalog indicates the number of detections at energies above 100 TeV may now have increased to 43 sources with a significance of 4 [199]. |
11 | However, an old SNR as an accelerator has been proposed as one possible scenario [208]. |
12 | This instability develops when a perturbation to the magnetic field causes the field lines to bend. Gravity then pulls gas into the valleys of the magnetic field, which sinks and deepens the valleys. |
13 | More comprehensive approaches are possible by using sophisticated chemical codes to obtain a robust determination of CR ionization (e.g., UCLCHEM [268] or Astrochem [269]) and can relax steady-state approximations. Beyond direct studies of CRs themselves, other applications require a reliable determination of local CR ionization rate. For example, in the age determinations of molecular cloud cores [270]. |
14 | |
15 | The far-IR radio correlation appears to be valid up to 2–3 [492]. It may not hold at higher redshifts due to increased inverse Compton losses experienced by CR electrons interacting with the CMB. Conversely, the far-IR -ray relation should not theoretically see strong variation with redshift, however instrumental constraints and extragalactic background light (EBL) attenuation make all but the nearest starbursts detectable in -rays (see Section 5.2.3). |
16 | ‘Conspiracies’ typically include efficient cooling of CR electrons in starbursts, and a combination of low effective ulta-violet (UV) dust opacity in lower surface density galaxies. Contributions from secondary CR electrons can also be invoked to counter decreased radio emission from bremsstrahlung, ionization, and inverse Compton cooling in starbursts [500]. However, these models can still pose a problem where CR electron density is directly proportional to the star formation rate of a galaxy, because of the increased radio synchrotron emission associated with the secondary electrons. These issues may instead be resolved by invoking models combining CR escape, cooling and secondary production [500]. |
17 | Higher values are obtained if the possible advective impacts of outflows on CR containment are excluded (e.g., [546]). |
18 | This is because CH generally arises in similar conditions regions of high OH and HO abundances in clouds, and it has been proposed that CH absorption lines from SMGs originate primarily in halo gas [583]. |
19 | Recent studies have found tentative indications that gas inflows may persist around some high-mass galaxies in the nearby Universe [623]. |
20 | Similar effects have been reported in other contexts. For example, even modest CR pressures can suppress cooling flows in galaxy clusters [634]. |
21 | |
22 | Note, however that Ref. [215] reported CR transport itself cannot reach a steady state and is not well described by either the CR streaming paradigm, the CR diffusion paradigm, or a combination of both. |
23 | Constraints on the the underlying wind physics have found that the role of CRs in the case of the M82 superwind is relatively limited [548]. |
24 | Shorter median recycling timescales around 100s Myr have been reported by some studies (e.g., [686]). |
25 | For a review of Alfvén wave damping in MHD turbulence for CR streaming in galactic winds, see Ref. [701]. |
26 | This development may be especially important on meso-scales, particularly near sites of CR injection [717]. |
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Model | ISRF Energy Density | ISRF Radiation Temperatures | Gas Density | Redshift | ||
Stars | Dust | Stars | Dust | |||
Coronal gas/HIM | 0.66 | 0.31 | 3000 | 17 | 0.004 | 0 |
Warm neutral gas | 0.66 | 0.31 | 3000 | 17 | 0.6 | 0 |
Dense molecular cloud | – | – | – | – | 10 | 0 |
Molecular cloud core | – | – | – | – | 10 | 0 |
Inner starburst | 79.2 | 1.5 | 18,000 | 135 | 6.5 | 0.018 |
ULIRG | 673 | 310 | 18,000 | 135 | 0.1 | 0.64 |
Cosmic noon starburst | 2630 | 1230 | 18,000 | 57 | 10 | 2.33 |
Protogalaxy | 2.77 | 1.30 | 18,000 | 40 | 0.0003 | 9.11 |
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Owen, E.R.; Wu, K.; Inoue, Y.; Yang, H.-Y.K.; Mitchell, A.M.W. Cosmic Ray Processes in Galactic Ecosystems. Galaxies 2023, 11, 86.
Owen ER, Wu K, Inoue Y, Yang H-YK, Mitchell AMW. Cosmic Ray Processes in Galactic Ecosystems. Galaxies. 2023; 11(4):86.
Chicago/Turabian StyleOwen, Ellis R., Kinwah Wu, Yoshiyuki Inoue, H.-Y. Karen Yang, and Alison M. W. Mitchell. 2023. "Cosmic Ray Processes in Galactic Ecosystems" Galaxies 11, no. 4: 86.
APA StyleOwen, E. R., Wu, K., Inoue, Y., Yang, H.-Y. K., & Mitchell, A. M. W. (2023). Cosmic Ray Processes in Galactic Ecosystems. Galaxies, 11(4), 86.