U–Pb Dating of Zircon and Zirconolite Inclusions in Marble-Hosted Gem-Quality Ruby and Spinel from Mogok, Myanmar
:1. Introduction
2. Regional Geological Setting
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Zircon and Zirconolite
3.2. Growth Zonation of Zircon and Zirconolite
3.3. LA-ICP-MS Instrumentations
4. Results
4.1. U–Pb Dating of Zircons
4.2. U–Pb Dating of Zirconolite
4.3. REE Composition of Zircon and Zirconolite
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Sample Name | Locality | Host Material | Analysed Grain | Weight (ct) | Sample Photo |
SSEF96663_A | Mansin | Ruby | 4 Zircons and 5 Zirconolites | 2.411 | |
SSEF96666_A | Kadotetat | 1 Zircon | 2.431 | | |
SSEF96666_B | 1 Zircon | 1.270 | | ||
SSEF96667_A | Kyatpyin | 1 Zircon | 1.615 | | |
SSEF96668_A | Kyaukpoke | 1 Zircon | 0.268 | | |
SSEF92720_D | Kyauksaung | Spinel | 2 Zircons | 0.405 | |
SSEF92725_D | Kyauksin | 2 Zircons | 0.673 | | |
SSEF92725_E | 1 Zircon | 0.940 | | ||
BLG_12 | Bawlongyi | Ruby- and Spinel-bearing Marble | 32 Zircons and 9 Zirconolites | | |
ALT_03 | Aunglan Taung | Gneiss | 40 Zircons | | |
K_01 | Kinn | 24 Zircons | |
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Share and Cite
Phyo, M.M.; Wang, H.A.O.; Guillong, M.; Berger, A.; Franz, L.; Balmer, W.A.; Krzemnicki, M.S. U–Pb Dating of Zircon and Zirconolite Inclusions in Marble-Hosted Gem-Quality Ruby and Spinel from Mogok, Myanmar. Minerals 2020, 10, 195. https://doi.org/10.3390/min10020195
Phyo MM, Wang HAO, Guillong M, Berger A, Franz L, Balmer WA, Krzemnicki MS. U–Pb Dating of Zircon and Zirconolite Inclusions in Marble-Hosted Gem-Quality Ruby and Spinel from Mogok, Myanmar. Minerals. 2020; 10(2):195. https://doi.org/10.3390/min10020195
Chicago/Turabian StylePhyo, Myint Myat, Hao A.O. Wang, Marcel Guillong, Alfons Berger, Leander Franz, Walter A. Balmer, and Michael S. Krzemnicki. 2020. "U–Pb Dating of Zircon and Zirconolite Inclusions in Marble-Hosted Gem-Quality Ruby and Spinel from Mogok, Myanmar" Minerals 10, no. 2: 195. https://doi.org/10.3390/min10020195
APA StylePhyo, M. M., Wang, H. A. O., Guillong, M., Berger, A., Franz, L., Balmer, W. A., & Krzemnicki, M. S. (2020). U–Pb Dating of Zircon and Zirconolite Inclusions in Marble-Hosted Gem-Quality Ruby and Spinel from Mogok, Myanmar. Minerals, 10(2), 195. https://doi.org/10.3390/min10020195