In this section, we will discuss the suppression of Bekenstein–Hawking radiation in -gravity and -gravity.
7.1. Path Integral Approach in -Gravity
In general, the path integral over all euclidean metrics and matter fields
g the euclidean metric tensor. In semiclassical general relativity, the leading terms in the action are:
is the matter Lagrangian:
K the trace of the curvature induced on the boundary
of the region
h is the metric induced on the boundary
is the trace of the curvature induced imbedded in flat space. The last term is a contribution from the boundary. We consider infinitesimal perturbations of matter and metric as
, (...) and
, so that:
In a euclidean Schwarzschild solution, the metric has a time dimension compactified on a circle
, with periodicity
, and:
are BH temperature and mass. The euclidean S. metric has the form:
A convenient change of coordinates:
leads to:
Equation (
114) has not more a (mathematical) singularity in
. The boundary
with conveniently fixed radius
. The path integral becomes a partition function of a (canonical) ensamble, with a euclidean time related to the temperature
. The leading contribution to the path integral is:
Contributions to this term are only coming from surface terms in the gravitational action; i.e., bulk geometry does not contribute to Equation (
The average energy (or internal energy) is:
On the other hand, the free energy
F is related to
Z as:
As a consequence, Bekeinstein–Hawking radiation can be related to the partition function as follows:
-gravity, we can reformulate a euclidean approach. Through a conformal transformation, we can be more conveniently remapped
-gravity to a scalar-tensor theory. The new relevant action in the semiclassical regime has the form:
that can be remapped to the corresponding
-gravity action as:
Let us assume a generic spherical symmetric static solution for
-gravity with a euclidean periodic time
As in GR, the leading contribution is zero from the bulk geometry. However, the boundary term has a non-zero contribution. One can evaluate the boundary integral considering suitable surface
. In this case, the obvious choice is a
surface with with radius
r of
. We obtain:
is the scalar curvature of the classical black hole background. In the limit of
, the resulting action, partition function, and entropy are:
The same result was also found in [
66]. This result seems in antithesis with our statements in the Introduction: Equation (
124) leads to a Bekeinstein-Hawking like radiation. In fact, as mentioned, a Nariai solution is nothing but a Schwarzschild–de Sitter one with
, with a black hole radius
(limit of BH mass
), with mass scale
. However, result Equation (
124) is based on a strong assumption on the metric Equation (
122): it is assumed that the gravitational action will not lead to a dynamical evolution. For example, in Nariai solution obtained by Nojiri and Odintsov in
is also a function of time: the mass parameter is a function of time
. As a consequence, the analysis performed here is not valid.
As a consequence, the result obtained in this section must be considered with caution: Equation (
124) can be applied if and only if one has a spherically symmetric stationary and static solution of
Let us also comment that the same entropy in Equation (
124) can be obtained by the Wald entropy charge integral. The Wald entropy is:
is the antisymmetric binormal vector to the surface
leading to
However, again, this result can be applied if and only if the spherical symmetric solution is static. As argument in
Section 2, this is not the case of Nariai BHs in
Let us argue on the non-applicability of these results in dynamical cases. The euclidean path integral approach is supposing a euclidean black hole inside an ideal box, in thermal equilibrium with it. However, thermodynamical limit can be applied only for systems in equilibrium, so a statistical mechanics approach can be reasonably considered. However, a dynamical space-time inside a box is generally an out-of-equilibrium system. In fact, in the next section, we will show a simple argument leading to the conclusion that Bekenstein–Hawking evaporation is suppressed by the increasing of Nariai’s horizon in -gravity. A thermal equilibrium at in an external ideal box will never be approached by a dynamical Nariai black hole.
7.2. Bekenstein–Hawking Radiation is Turned Off
Let us consider a Bekenstein–Hawking pair in a dynamical horizon. These are created nearby BH horizon, and they become real in the external gravitational background. Now, one of this pair can pass the horizon as a quantum tunnel effect, with a certain rate
. However, the horizon is displacing outward the previous radius because of antievaporation effect. As a consequence, the Bekenstein–Hawking pair will be trapped in the black hole interior, in a space-like surface
. From such a space-like surface, a tunnel effect of one particle is impossible. As a consequence, the only way to escape is if
, where
is the minimal effective time scale (from an external observer in a rest frame) from a
transition—from a surface on the Black Hole horizon
to a surface inside the Black Hole horizon
. However,
can also be infinitesimal, on the order of
, where
is the effective separation scale between the Bekestein-Hawking pair. In fact, defining
as the radius increasing with
, it is sufficient that
in order to “eat” the Bekenstein–Hawking pair in the space-like interior. However, for black holes with a radius
, the tunneling time is expected to be
. As a consequence, a realistic Bekenstein–Hawking emission is impossible for non-Planckian black holes. The same argument can be iteratively applied during all the evolution time and the external horizon. That Bekenstein–Hawking radiation cannot be emitted by a space-like surface was rigorously proven in [
40], with tunneling approach, eikonal approach, and Hawking’s original derivation with Bogoliubov coefficients.
Let us consider this situation from the energy conservation point of view. In stationary black holes (as in Schwarzschild in GR), the BH horizon is necessary a Killing bifurcation surface. In fact, one can define two Killing vector fields for the interior and the exterior of the BH. In the exterior region, the Killing vector is time-like, while in the interior it is space-like. This aspect is crucially connected with particles’ energies: the energy of a particle is , where is the 4-momentum of the particle. As a consequence, energy is always outside the horizon, while it is inside the horizon. In the Killing horizon, a real particle creation is energetically possible. On the other hand, in the dynamical case, it is not possible to define a conserved energy of a particle E for a dynamical space-time; i.e., it is not possible to define a Killing vector field for time translation in a dynamical space-time. As discussed above, the Bekenstein–Hawking particle–antiparticle pair will be displaced inside the horizon in a space-like region. The creation of a real particle from a space-like region is a violation of causality. In fact, it is an acausal exchange of energy (i.e., of classical information). In fact, a particle inside the horizon is inside a light-cone with a space-like axis.
As shown in [
38], one can distinguish marginally outer trapped 3-surface (we will remind at the end of this section the definition of a null trapped surface, as well as those of marginally outer and marginally inner trapped surfaces) emitting Hawking’s pair (timelike surface), from the outer non-emitting one (space-like). Let us consider the null or optics Raychaduri equation for null geodesic congruences:
where the hats indicate that the expansion, shear, twist, and vorticity are defined for the transverse directions. The Ricci tensor encodes the dynamical proprieties of
-gravity EoM. Let us also specify that
, where
is the affine parameter, while
, with
, and
also defined as the relative variation of the cross sectional are:
From Equation (138) one can define an emitting marginally outer 2-surface
and the non-emitting inner 2-surface
. Let us call the divergence of the outgoing null geodesics
in a
-surface. With the increasing of the black hole gravitational field,
is decreasing (light is more bended). On the other hand, the divergence of ingoing null geodesics is
everywhere, while
in Schwarzschild. The marginally outer trapped 2-surface
is rigorously defined as a space-like 2-sphere with:
As mentioned above, in a Schwarzschild BH the radius of the -sphere is exactly equal to the Schwarzschild radius. As a consequence, -spheres with radii smaller than will be trapped surfaces (TSs) with .
From the 2D definition, one can construct a generalized definition for 3D surfaces. The dynamical horizon is a marginally outer trapped 3-Surface. It is foliated by marginally trapped 2D surfaces. In particular, a dynamical horizon if it can be foliated by a chosen family of
of one null normal
vanishing while
for each
. In particular, one can distinguish among an emitting marginally outer trapped 3-surface
and a non-emitting one
by their derivative of
with respect to an ingoing null tangent vector
while the non-emitting one is defined as:
Now, armed with these definitions, let us demonstrate that the antievaporation will displace the emitting marginally trapped 3-surface to a non-emitting space-like 3-surface. We can consider the Raychaudhuri equation associated to our problem. Let us suppose an initial condition
an initial value of the affine parameter
. In the antievaporation phenomena, the null Raychauduri equation is bounded as:
Let us consider such an equation for an infinitesimal
, so that we can expand the Schwarzschild radius:
and we can consider only the first 0th leading term. For any
, where
C is a constant associated to the 0th leading order of
with time. As a consequence,
is bounded as:
leading to
, where
are defined in a characteristic time
. As a consequence, even for a small
, a constant 0th contribution coming from antievaporation will cause an extra effective focusing term in the Raychauduri equation. On the other hand, the dependence of the extra focusing term on time is exponentially growing. This formalizes the argument given above. As a consequence, an emitting marginally trapped 3-surface will exponentially evolve to a non-emitting marginally one. Bekenstein–Hawking emission are completely suppressed by this dynamical evolution because of space-like surface cannot emit thermal Bekenstein–Hawking radiation, mixed states (solutions of Raychauduri equations are strictly related to energy conditions; in
-gravity, energy conditions like null energy condition are generically not satisfied [
Now let us consider the Raychaudhuri equation in
-gravity [
are the expansion, shear, twist, vorticity, and acceleration in
-gravity. In general,
will be corrected by the torsion as:
is the four velocity and:
, where
is the affine parameter in the the optical null case, and
, with
, and:
We can define an emitting marginally outer 2-surface and the non-emitting inner 2-surface .
The marginally outer trapped 2-surface
has a topology of space-like 2-sphere with the condition:
in a
-surface is the divergence of the outgoing null geodesics.
Let us remember that decrease with the increasing of the gravitational field. for in the Schwarzschild case. The opposite variable is the divergence of ingoing null geodesics , everywhere.
The radius of the -sphere coincides with the Schwarzschild radius. -spheres with radii smaller than will be trapped surfaces (TSs) (a trapped null surface is a set of points individuating a closed surface on which future-oriented light rays are converging. In this respect, the light rays are actually moving inwards. For any compact, orientable, and space-like surface, a null trapped surface can be recovered by first finding its outward pointing normal vectors, and then by studying whether the light rays directed along these latter are converging or diverging. We will say that, given a null congruence orthogonal to a space-like two-surface that has a negative expansion rate, there exists a surface that is “trapped”. For these peculiar features, trapped null surfaces are often deployed in the definition of apparent horizon surrounding black holes); i.e., .
We can generalize these topological definitions for 3D surfaces.
The dynamical horizon is a marginally outer trapped 3D surface. It is foliated by marginally trapped 2D surfaces. In particular, a dynamical horizon can be foliated by a chosen family of
of a null normal vector
vanishing while
, for each
. In particular, one can distinguish among an emitting marginally outer trapped 3D surface
and a non-emitting one
by their derivative of
with respect to an ingoing null tangent vector
and the non-emitting one is defined as:
Now, adopting these definitions, we demonstrate that the antievaporation will transmute the emitting marginally trapped 3D surface to a non-emitting space-like 3D surface. We can consider the Raychaudhuri–Landau equation associated to our problem. Let us suppose an initial condition
an initial value of the affine parameter
. In the antievaporation phenomena, the null Raychauduri–Landau equation is bounded as:
is the effective contraction of the Ricci tensor with null 4-vectors, corrected by torsion contributions:
Let us consider the antievaporation case: for
, it is
, where
K is the 0-th leading order of the scalar function
. So that
leading to
, where
are defined at a characteristic time
. For a small
, a constant 0th contribution sourced by the torsion will cause an effective focusing term in the Raychauduri equation. This phenomena is exponentially growing in time. So, an emitting marginally trapped 3D surface will exponentially evolve to a non-emitting marginally trapped one.
Now let us consider a Bekenstein–Hawking pair in an antievaporating solution. They are imagined to be created in the black hole horizon as a virtual pair. Then, the external gravitational field can promote them to be real particles. Then, a particle of this pair can quantum tunnel outside the black hole horizon with a certain characteristic time scale
. With an understood correction to the black hole entropy formula, this conclusion seems compatible with Nariai solutions in diagonal tetrad choice. Bekenstein–Hawking’s calculations are performed in the limit of a static horizon and a black hole in thermal equilibrium with the environment. This approximation cannot work for antievaporating black holes. In fact, the horizon is displacing outward the previous radius. The Bekenstein–Hawking pair will be trapped in the black hole interior, foliated in space-like surfaces
. However, from a space-like surface, the tunneling effect of a particle is impossible—otherwise, causality will be violated. As a consequence, Bekenstein–Hawking radiation requests
, where
is the minimal effective time scale in the external rest frame for a
transition. The Bekenstein–Hawking radiation is exponentially turned off with time. In fact, Bekenstein–Hawking radiation cannot be emitted from a space-like surface in all possible approaches, as proven in [