2.1. First and Second Laws
The first law of thermodynamics is the energy equation; it states that the rate of change of energy of a body–internal, potential, and kinetic energy–is equal to the heating
and the working
on the surface of the body:
Thus the energy is constant when there is neither heating nor working on the surface. The second law of thermodynamics is an inequality; it states that the rate of change of entropy of a body is greater or equal to the heating on the surface divided by the uniform temperature
T0 on the surface:
The equality holds when the process in the body is quasi-static.
The second law was introduced by Rudolf E. Clausius (1822–1888) [
1]. Noting that the energy is constant and the entropy is non-decreasing in an adiabatic body, whose surface is not subject to working, Clausius was moved to express that consequence of the thermodynamic laws by saying “The energy of the universe is constant, and the entropy of the universe tends to a maximum.” Evidently he thought that he knew that the universe is free of heating and working on its surface. Clausius was much impressed by the inequality. It led him to the doctrine of the heat death. Says he: “The more closely the maximum (of entropy) is approached, the less cause for change exists. And when the maximum is reached, no further changes can occur; the world is then in a dead stagnant state.”
The heat death was much discussed in the nineteenth century. Physicists, philosophers and historians grappled with it and not everybody was happy with the bleak prospect. Josef Loschmidt (1821–1895) [
2] expressed his misgivings most poignantly when he deplored “the terroristic nimbus of the second law […] which lets it appear as a destructive principle of all life in the universe.”
Nowadays the discussion of the heat death as the eventual end of the world has quieted down. Physicists have come to realize that there is so much about the beginning and the end of the universe, which they do not know, that most of them prefer not to speak about it.
2.2. Available Free Energies
We may ask whether, if a body is not adiabatic, there is another quantity which – under different boundary conditions – moves toward an extremum as equilibrium is established. This is indeed the case. However, the boundary conditions must include a constant–time independent as well as uniform – boundary temperature
T0; thermodynamicists love to say that the body is immersed in a
heat bath of temperature
T0. Indeed, in that case the heating
may be eliminated between the first and second laws and we obtain:
which is half-way to the desired result. The working
is defined by the integral over the working of the stress
tij on the surface element d
A moving with the velocity
is the surface of the volume occupied by the body and ni is the outer unit normal of the element dA.
There are three commonly considered cases:
- i)
The surface is at rest, i.e. the volume is constant.
- ii)
Only part of the surface is at rest. On the remaining part the stress is isotropic, i.e. tij = -p0δij, with a constant and uniform surface pressure p0 (the best-known visualization of this circumstance is a vertical cylinder closed off at the top by a horizontal piston whose weight determines p0).
- iii)
A part of the surface is fixed, another part is free of stresses, and a third part --horizontal (say), i.e. normal to the 3-direction – moves with the uniform vertical velocity under a constant load (the common visualization is a vertical elastic rod of length L, fixed at the bottom and loaded by P0 on the upper surface).
In those three cases the two laws of thermodynamics (3) and (4) imply:
Thus there are several different quantities which tend to a minimum as the body tends to an equilibrium. Generically we call them available free energies or availabilities, and we denote them by A.
In order to anticipate a misunderstanding I emphasize that the availabilities identified in (5)1 and (5)2,3 are not the free energy and the free enthalpies, respectively, of equilibrium thermodynamics (also known as the Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies, respectively). Indeed, T0, p0, and P0 are temperature, pressure, or load on the surface of the body. Inside the body the temperature and the stress may be strongly non-uniform and time-dependent fields. This point is conceptually important, – particularly with respect to temperature – but in the sequel of this article it plays no role, since we shall consider bodies with constant and uniform temperature.
The terms -
p0V or
P0L in (5)
2,3 – or the corresponding terms for different boundary conditions – may be interpreted as the energies
EL of the loading device. We join them to
U+Epot+Ekin and define
E =
U+Epot+Ekin +
EL of body
and loading device and write:
This line may be expressed by saying that a minimum of energy E is conducive to equilibrium and so is a maximum of S.
If T0 is so small that the entropic term in (6) can be neglected, the availability tends to a minimum, because the energy does. On the other hand, if T0 is big, so that the energetic term in (6) may be neglected in comparison with the entropic one, the availability tends to a minimum, because the entropy tends to a maximum.
For intermediate values of T0 it is neither the energy that becomes minimal in equilibrium nor the entropy which becomes maximal; the two tendencies compete and often they find a compromise and minimize A, the availability.
Among the three quantities involved in the availability, namely T0, E, and S, the surface temperature is best understood: It determines the mean kinetic energy of the molecules of the body at the surface and may be considered as a measure for the intensity of their thermal motion. If the truth were known, the energy is the most mysterious one among the three quantities, but we have gotten used to it, particularly to the kinetic energy and the gravitational potential energy. Entropy still needs a definition in molecular terms and will then be crystal-clear.
Maybe it is appropriate to say here that Clausius did not know what entropy was. With the second law he discovered a
property of entropy, but the second law cannot be considered a
definition, or interpretation in terms of atoms and molecules. Such an interpretation was found by Ludwig E. Boltzmann [
3], who made the entropy and its growth a plausible concept.
In order to summarize and interpret the argument of this section we may say – in an anthropomorphic manner – that the energy wishes to approach a minimum, while the entropy wishes to become maximal. The main reason for the decay of energy is the conversion of the potential energy into kinetic energy and the conversion of the kinetic energy into heat which – under isothermal conditions – leaves the body. The reason for the growth of entropy will be discussed next.
2.3. S = k ln W
Boltzmann´s definition of entropy is nowadays summarized in the formula
S =
k ln
W, where
W is the number of possibilities to realize a distribution of the atoms over the available points in the volume
k is now known as the Boltzmann constant. An example: let there be
P occupiable positions in
V (we take the positions as discrete and comment on this assumption a little later). A
distribution is then given by {
N1, N2,…NP}, where
Ni (
P) is the number of atoms on position
i. By the rules of combinatorics the number of realizations of that distribution is:
In order to motivate this definition of entropy we must make sure that the S in (7) has the properties of Clausius´s entropy. In particular, does it have the growth property? Indeed, it does! And in order to see that we must make two observations and one reasonable assumption.
The first observation concerns thermal motion. The thermal motion of the atoms makes a realization of their distributions change very quickly, – once every 10
−12s by order of magnitude at normal temperatures. And the assumption is that each and every realization occurs just as frequently as any other one. This is known as the
a priori assumption of equal probability and it seems to be the only reasonable unbiased assumption given the randomness of thermal motion. It follows that a distribution with few realizations occurs less often than a distribution with more realizations, and most often is the equi-distribution
, because – rather obviously, by (7)
1 – that is the distribution with most realizations. For example, let us start with a distribution in which all atoms are stacked – nice and orderly – on point 3 (say). In this case the number of realizations is equal to 1 and the entropy is zero by (7). But the thermal motion will quickly mess up this orderly stack and lead to a distribution with more realizations and – eventually, as equilibrium is approached – to the equi-distribution with most realizations. Such is the nature of entropic growth. By (7) and
we obtain the equilibrium entropy as (here and frequently in the sequel we make use of the Stirling formula to replace factorials by the logarithmic function):
Of course, this growth is entirely probabilistic. During the growth process and even in equilibrium it is entirely possible that the entropy briefly decreases in what we call a
thermal fluctuation. J. Willard Gibbs (1839–1903) was one of the first to understand that and he says [
4] “..... the impossibility of … a decrease of entropy seems to be reduced to an improbability.”
There remains the question how the number of occupiable points
P in the volume
V depends on
V and on the temperature
T. We observe that, whatever the value of
P is, it ought to be proportional to
V, because surely doubling
V is tantamount to doubling
P. We introduce a factor of proportionality
α and write:
It follows that, when the equi-distribution has been established, the entropy can still grow by making V bigger. Therefore we may say that the entropy, in its tendency to grow, strives for the atoms to be distributed uniformly through as large a volume as possible. Examples follow in the next section.
So, what about the proportionality factor
α? Obviously, by (9)
is the smallest volume that can accommodate a single occupiable point. We might say that
quantizes the volume and again it was Boltzmann who introduced this notion without, however, taking it seriously. In fact Boltzmann [
3] considered “…. it needless to emphasize that (in writing
P =
αV) we are not concerned here with a real physical problem, ….. the assumption is nothing more than an auxiliary tool.”
How wrong he was! Quantization became acceptable by the work of M.L.E. Planck (1858–1947), and Louis de Broglie (1892-1987) introduced the notion that atoms are waves which – roughly – need a volume proportional to the cube of the wavelength
, the
de Broglie wavelength (
h is the Planck constant,
μ the atomic mass and
v the speed of the atom – de Broglie´s discovery was later broadened and subsumed in the
uncertainty principle). The mean speed of an atom in a gas of temperature
T is
, so that the atom – in the mean – needs a cubic box of dimensions:
Thus, by (9) we have for the equilibrium entropy of a gas of atoms (since we are now speaking about equilibrium, the temperature is uniform and there is no distinction between
T and
T0, the boundary temperature):
This formula coincides with the expression for the entropy of a monatomic gas that can be derived from the first and second laws applied to a gas in equilibrium. Thus klnW provides the correct form of the equilibrium entropy of a gas and a plausible understanding for the growth of entropy.
2.4. Boltzmann´s Controversies
Boltzmann´s work on the molecular interpretation of entropy created long-lasting controversies. Planck disagreed, and his assistant Ernst Zermelo (1871–1953) involved Boltzmann in an acrimonious public debate about the recurrence objection. This objection is based on a result of analytical mechanics by which a body – in the course of time – must return to its initial state, or at least close to it. Obviously that, if it happened, would violate the monotonic growth of entropy toward an equilibrium. Boltzmann answered by estimating the time of recurrence as being so long – many dozen billion years for even small systems, and many, many more for large systems – that it did not matter. The argument did not convince Zermelo, but to this day it helps to quiet the misgivings that some physicists feel about recurrence.
The other important objection was the reversibility argument expressed by Loschmidt, a friend of Boltzmann´s who coined the phrase of the terroristic nimbus of entropy that was already mentioned. Loschmidt argued as follows: since the atoms of a body follow time-reversible paths, the entropy should be able to decay in one process and grow in another one, depending only on the initial conditions. Boltzmann could not answer that objection. At first he begged the question by arguing that there are infinitely many more initial conditions for growth than decay but that convinced nobody, not even himself. So in the end he came up with a remarkable argument which is either science-fiction or far ahead of his – and our (!) – time: Boltzmann knew that equilibrium is not a dead stagnant state, as Clausius had said, because there are fluctuations. He considered the universe to be in equilibrium with, however, small parts of it – the size of our Big-Bang world – that fluctuate away from equilibrium and other parts that are in regression from a fluctuation back to equilibrium. And then he suggests that “….. a person who lives in either world will denote the direction of time toward less probable states as the past, the opposite direction toward more probable states as the future.”
So, rather obviously, if this were true, we should always experience more initial conditions that – in the “future” – lead to equilibrium than those that lead away from it. That is a mind-boggling idea and –as with quantization – Boltzmann admonishes his auditorium, not to take the argument seriously, except that “….. maybe it is not to be rejected out of hand.”
Nowadays physicists do not often feel that there is a need for an argument. They have become used to the idea of a priori equally probable realizations of a distribution. And equal probability is considered to be a trivial consequence of symmetry, – just like in throwing dice. It is taken for granted that most probable distributions will be approached in the end. Loschmidt´s objection is brushed aside. And, as frequently happens in such circumstances, there are some who declare the whole problem to be a semantic one.