1. Introduction
The construction of interacting higher spin field theory attracts significant attention both from a general theoretical point of view and in connection with the possibilities of discovering new approaches to describe gravity at the quantum level (see for a review, e.g., [
7] and the references therein). The extension of General Relativity on a base of local supersymmetry principle up to the supergravity models [
8] with improved quantum properties and a connection with (Super)string Field Theory permits one to include massless fields of spins
in Higher Spin Gravity (see [
9] and references therein) with respecting the string field theory properties, asymptotic safety and some others. The AdS/CFT correspondence gives strong indications that higher spin excitations can be significant to elaborate the quantum gravity challenges [
10]. Interacting massive and massless higher spin fields in constant-curvature spaces provide another possible insight into the origin of Dark Matter and Dark Energy [
12] beyond the models with vector massive fields [
13] and sterile neutrinos [
14] to be by reasonable candidates for Dark Matter, see for reviews [
The simplest of higher spin interactions, the cubic vertex for various fields with higher spins, has been studied by many authors with the use of different approaches (see, e.g., the recent papers [
31] and the references therein) (A complete list of papers on a cubic vertex on constant curvature spaces contains dozens of papers. Here, we cite only the recent papers containing a full list of references). Note, the results on the structure of cubic vertices obtained in terms of physical degrees of freedom in a concise form in the light-cone approach in [
32]. In the covariant metric-like form, the list of cubic vertices for reducible representations of the Poincare group with discrete spins (being consistent with [
32]) are contained in [
18], where the cubic vertices were derived using the constrained BRST approach, but without imposing on the vertex the algebraic constraints. The latter peculiarity leads to the violation of the irreducibility of the representation for interacting higher spin fields and, hence, to a possible change of the number of physical degrees of freedom (Without finding the solution for the vertex respecting the algebraic constraints, the number of physical degrees of freedom, which is determined by one of the independent initial data for the equations of motion for the interacting model is different (less) than as one from that for the undeformed model with vanishing algebraic constraints evaluated on respecting equations of motion, but with the deformed gauge symmetry not respecting these constraints). Also, we point out the constructions of cubic vertices within the BRST approach without the use of constraints responsible for trace conditions in the BRST charge (see e.g., [
30] and the references therein). It means, in fact, that the vertex is obtained in terms of reducible higher spin fields (To avoid various misunderstandings, we emphasize that we use the term “unconstrained formulation” in the sense that all possible constraints are consequences of the Lagrangian equations of motion. No additional restrictions, separate from the equations of motion, are imposed).
In this paper, we derive the cubic vertices for irreducible massless and massive higher spin fields focusing on the manifest Lorentz covariance. The analysis is carried out within the BRST approach with complete BRST operator that extends our earlier approaches [
35] and involves a converted set of operator constraints forming a first-class gauge algebra. The set of constraints includes on equal-footing the on-shell condition
and constraints
, responsible for divergences and traces. Unlike our consideration, in the constrained BRST approach, the operator
is imposed as a constraint on the set of fields and gauge parameters outside of the Lagrangian formulation for simplicity of calculations. Such an approach inherits the way of obtaining the Lagrangian formulation for higher spin fields from the tensionless limit [
36] for (super)string theory with resulting in a BRST charge without the presence of the algebraic (e.g., trace) constraints. We have already noted [
33] that this way of consideration is correct but the actual Lagrangian description of irreducible fields is achieved only after additional imposing the subsidiary conditions which are not derived from the Lagrangian. Of course, the Lagrangian formulations for the same free irreducible higher spin field in Minkowski space obtained in constrained and unconstrained BRST approaches are equivalent [
37] (For irreducible massless and massive field representations with half-integer spin the Lagrangians with reducible gauge symmetries and compatible holonomic constraints, were firstly obtained therein). However, the corresponding equivalence has not yet been proved for interacting irreducible higher-spin fields as it was recently demonstrated for massless case [
34] for cubic vertices. Aspects of the BRST approach with complete BRST operator for a Lagrangian description of various free and interacting massive higher spin field models in Minkowski and AdS spaces were developed in many works (e.g., see the papers [
45], and the review [
As a result, we face the problem when constructing the cubic vertex for irreducible massless and massive higher integer spin fields on
d-dimensional flat space-time within metric-like formalism on the base of the complete BRST operator. It is exactly the problem that we intend to consider in the paper. We expect that the final cubic vertices will contain new terms (as compared with [
18]) with the traces of the fields. Such new terms may evidently have significance when gauging away auxiliary gauge symmetry and fields to obtain a component Lagrangian formulation.
The aim of the paper is to present a complete solution of the above problem for the cubic vertices for unconstrained irreducible massless and massive higher spin fields within BRST approach and to obtain from general oscillator-like vertices explicit tensor representations for Lagrangian formulations with reducible gauge symmetry for some triples of interacting higher spin fields.
The paper has the following organization.
Section 2 presents the basics of a BRST Lagrangian construction for a free massive higher spin field, with all constraints
taken into account. In
Section 3, we deduce a system of equations for a cubic (linear) deformation in fields of the free action (free gauge transformations). A solution for the deformed cubic vertices and gauge transformation is given in a
Section 4 for one massive and two massless fields; for two massive with different and coinciding masses and one massless field. The number of examples for the fields with a special set of spins are presented in the
Section 5. The main result of the work is that the cubic vertices and deformed reducible gauge transformations include both types of constraints: with derivative
and one with trace
. In conclusion, a final summary with comments is given. A derivation of Singh–Hagen Lagrangian from free BRST Lagrangian formulation for the massive field of spin
s presented in
Appendix A.
Appendix B and
Appendix C contain results of calculations for component interacting Lagrangian and gauge transformations for massive field of spin
s with massless scalars and with massless vector and scalar. In
Appendix D we formulate conditions for the incomplete BRST operator, traceless constraints and cubic vertices to obtain non-contradictory Lagrangian dynamics for a model with interacting fields with given spins. We find the form of projectors
for .respective cubic vertices
from [
18] to have the cubic vertices
, firstly determined by (
A77) and (
A79) for irreducible interacting fields. We use the usual definitions and notations from the work [
33] for a metric tensor
with Lorentz indices
and the respective notation
for the values of Grassmann parity and ghost number of a homogeneous quantity
F, as well as the supercommutator,
, when
is the Heaviside
2. Lagrangian Formulation for Free Massive Higher Spin Fields
Here, we present the basics of the BRST approach to free massive higher integer spin field theory for its following use to construct a general cubic interacting vertex.
The unitary massive irreducible representations of Poincare
group with integer spins
s can be realized using the real-valued totally symmetric tensor fields
subject to the conditions
The basic vectors
and the operators
above are defined in the Fock space
with the Grassmann-even oscillators
, (
) as follows
The free dynamics of the field with definite spin
s in the framework of the BRST approach is described by the first-stage reducible gauge theory with the gauge invariant action given on the configuration space
whose dimension grows with the growth of “
s”, thus, including the basic field
with many auxiliary fields
of lesser than
s ranks. All these fields are incorporated into the vector
and the dynamics is encoded by the action
K are, respectively, a zero-mode ghost field and an operator defining the inner product. The action (
3) is invariant under the reducible gauge transformations
to be the vectors of zero-level and first-level gauge parameters of the abelian gauge transformations (
4). The quantity
Q in (
3) is the BRST operator having the same structure as one for massless case [
33] constructed on the base of the constraints
with the Grassmann-odd ghost operators
The algebra of the operators
looks like
and their independent non-vanishing cross-commutators are
The ghost operators satisfy the non-zero anticommuting relations
The theory is characterized by the spin operator
, which is defined according to
) are two pairs of auxiliary Grassmann-even oscillators. The operator
selects the vectors with definite spin value
where the standard distribution for Grassmann parities and the ghost numbers of these vectors are
, respectively.
All the operators above act in a total Hilbert space with the scalar product of the vectors depending on all oscillators
and ghosts
The operators
are supercommuting and Hermitian with respect to the scalar product (
12) including the operator
K (see e.g., [
45]) being equal to 1 on Hilbert subspace not depending on auxiliary
The BRST operator
Q is nilpotent on the subspace with zero eigenvectors for the spin operator
The field
, the zero
and the first
level gauge parameters labeled by the symbol
as eigenvectors of the spin condition in (
11) has the same decomposition as ones in [
33] but with ghost-independent vectors
instead of
We prove in
Appendix A that after imposing the appropriate gauge conditions and eliminating the auxiliary fields with the help of the equations of motion, the theory under consideration is reduced to an ungauged form equivalent to the Singh–Hagen action [
46] in terms of a totally symmetric traceful tensor field
and auxiliary traceful
Now we turn to the interacting theory.
3. System of Equations for Cubic Vertex
Here, we follow the general scheme developed for massless case in [
33] to find the cubic interaction vertices for the models with one massive and two massless higher spin fields, two massive and one massless higher spin field with different mass value distributions and derive the equations for these vertices.
To include the cubic interaction we introduce three vectors
, gauge parameters
with corresponding vacuum vectors
and oscillators, where
. It permits to define the deformed action and the deformed gauge transformations as follows
with some unknown three-vectors
is the free action (
3) for the field
is the BRST charge corresponding to spin
is the operator
K (
15) corresponding to spin
for massive and with change
for massless field and
g is a deformation parameter (called usually as a coupling constant). Also, we use the notation
and convention
The concrete construction of the cubic interaction means finding the concrete vectors
. For this purpose, we can involve the set of fields, the constraints, and ghost operators related with spins
and the respective conditions of gauge invariance of the deformed action under the deformed gauge transformations as well as the conservation of the form of the gauge transformations for the fields
under the gauge transformations
at the first power in
g (In this connection, note also the results of recent works [
50] obtained on the base of the deformation of general gauge theory [
Following our results, [
34] we choose coincidence for the vertices:
, which provides the validity of the operator equations at the first order in
g (the highest orders are necessary for finding the quartic and higher vertices)
jointly with the spin conditions as the consequence of the spin Equation (
11) for each sample (with
) providing the nilpotency of total BRST operator
when evaluated on the vertex due to the Equations (
13) and
A local dependence on space-time coordinates in the vertices
). We have the conservation law:
, for the momenta associated with all vertices. Again as for the massless case [
33], the deformed gauge transformations still form the closed algebra, that means after the simple calculations
with the Grassmann-odd gauge parameter
being a function of the parameters
The Equations (
27) (for coinciding vertices
) together with the form of the commutator of the gauge transformations (
29) determine the cubic interacting vertices for irreducible massive and massless totally symmetric higher spin fields.
4. Solution for Cubic Vertices
In this section, we will construct the general solution for the cubic vertices in the following cases for interacting higher spin fields: with one massive and two massless; with two massive and one massless of spins
according to [
31]: we introduce fourth order polynomial
and quantity
With the help of these quantities, we have the classification
Cases (
37) correspond to critical masses described in [
55], respectively, for
, on a base of use the conservation law for the momenta associated with vertices
and the process of decay of the massive particle (
) into the two massive particles (
) in the rest frame of the first particle
from which it follows the well-known restrictions on masses and
-space momentum
Note, the case of equal masses
corresponds to (
36) with
, whereas the case of
may satisfy to any from the relations (
37). The latter cases related to real (
), virtual (
) processes, and real process (
) with vanishing transfer of momentum (Note, for the case (
37) when
, a consistent Lagrangian theory with reducible massive higher spin fields in
flat space-time was derived in [
56] in the light-cone approach).
4.1. Cubic Vertices for Two Massless Fields and One Massive Field
For the case (
32) with
we look for a general solution of the Equations (
27) in the form of products of specific operators, homogenous in oscillators. As suggested in [
18] two ways of vertex derivation known from the light-cone approach [
32] as
Minimal derivative scheme and
Massive field strength scheme (however, due to the uniqueness of the interaction vertex with given order
k of derivatives, we expect the vertex obtained by one scheme should differ from the vertex obtained by another scheme on BRST-exact terms) we will consider the first one.
With the use of the notations
the massive field strength scheme corresponds to the set of monomials given on the constrained Fock space
In turn, the minimal derivative scheme contains the monomials
The operators above do not introduce the divergences into the vertices, are Grassmann-even with vanishing ghost number and have the distributions in powers of creation oscillators and momenta
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1 | | | | 0 | |
Note, first, that for massless case the latter row (
) for massless analogs of operators is filled as:
. Second, the operators (
are not BRST-closed with respect to the constrained BRST operator
as compared to
. Namely, we have:
and, therefore, the operator
Z (
49) is not
- BRST-closed
In turn, the operators
- BRST-closed, but not
- BRST-closed due to
Then, following [
33] we have the respective trace operators (massless for
and massive
Indeed, the
- BRST closeness for the operator
is reduced to the fulfillment of the equations at the terms linear in
The last relations and ones for
do not vanish under the sign of inner products and justify the introduction of the BRST-closed forms, first for
then, by induction for arbitrary
(the equivalent polynomial representation for BRST-closed operator
is also found, see
Section 4.1). For the same reason, any power of the forms
, (hence
) are not BRST-closed as well due to Equation (
To compensate for this term in
we add the modified summand for it and find BRST-closed completion in the form
then for
and by induction for
In (
69) the indices
are running two values:
; and we have used the notations
By construction the calligraphic operators are traceless
because of the last terms in (
69) in front of the maximal power in
, i.e.,
, …,
depend on only
(annihilation) oscillators, and therefore, the compensation procedure is finalized.
In deriving (
69) we have used the permutation properties
which follow from the Jacobi identity, first, for triple
, second, of its repeated application for
with account for commuting of two first trace operators, e.g.,
Thus, all calligraphic operators are BRST-closed.
Analogously, we have the same BRST-closed completions for
, and respective BRST-closed forms
to be uniquely written as follows, for
). Note, in the expressions for BRST-closed forms
are ranging, respectively, from
As a result, the
solution for the parity invariant vertex (given by
Figure 1), has the form
where the vertex
was defined in Metsaev’s paper [
18] with account for (
28) but with modified forms
, (
62) and
instead of
and is
-parameters family to be enumerated by the natural parameters
, and
k subject to the relations
Note, that the vertex in the unconstrained formulation depends on 3 additional parameters
enumerated the number of traces in the respective set of fields and usual one
k respecting the minimal order of derivatives in
. For vanishing
, the remaining parameters correspond to one in the constrained BRST formulation [
4.2. Cubic Vertices for One Massless Field and Two Massive Fields
In this section, we consider the cases of coinciding and different masses for massive fields
4.2.1. One Massless and Two Massive Fields with Coinciding Masses
In the case (
33) with
of massive fields of the same masses
(critical case) there are the following
BRST-closed operators (in
minimal derivative scheme)
The trace operators
look for massless field
and according to (
6) and (
7) for massive case when
The general solution for the parity invariant cubic vertex describing interaction for irreducible massless field with helicity
and two massive with spins
with the same masses
is shown in
Figure 2, and has the form
where the vertex
was defined in Metsaev’s paper [
18] for
with account for (
90) but with modified forms
and forms
instead of polynomials
given in (
89), (
90) for
) and with
- BRST-closed polynomials
, for
constructed from BRST-closed forms
according to (
96), subject to change of
on one with tilde and
Explicitly, the vertex
is determined by
and is
-parameter family to be enumerated by the natural parameters (corresponding for traces)
, and
(corresponding for order of derivatives) subject to the equations
The representation for the vertex (
94) and (
99) for irreducible massless and massive fields with the same masses presents the basic results of this subsection. For vanishing
remaining parameters correspond to ones in constrained BRST formulation [
4.2.2. One Massless Field and Two Massive Fields with Different Masses
For the case (
34) with
with different non-vanishing masses
we start from
BRST-closed operators, with except for
minimal derivative scheme)
The general solution for the parity invariant cubic vertex describing interaction for irreducible massless field with helicity
and two massives with spins
with different masses is shown by
Figure 3 and has the representation in terms of the product of BRST-closed (with respective complete BRST operator
in question) forms
where the vertex
was given in [
18] with account for (
105) but with modified forms
, (
108) and
110), (
77) instead of
were the ranges for
are specified below. Here,
and for mixed trace operators, when
). The vertex (
107) represents the
-parameter family to be enumerated by the natural parameters
, and
subject to the equations
The relations for the vertex (
106) and (
107) for irreducible massless and massive fields with different masses present our basic results in the subsection. Again, for vanishing
the remaining parameters correspond to the ones in the constrained BRST formulation [