Collider Searches for Dark Matter through the Higgs Lens
:1. Introduction
- (i)
- Models in which the SM-like Higgs boson itself mediates between the dark sector and the SM. This model class represents the simplest realisation of the Higgs portal idea with a minimal particle content, containing, besides the SM states, only a single DM field that can be of spin-0, spin- or spin-1. The DM–SM interactions can be formulated in terms of composite operators of dimension four and higher in an effective field theory (EFT) framework, which allows one to describe the DD, the ID and the collider phenomenology in a model-independent fashion. In Section 2, we discuss in detail the simplest realisation of these Higgs portal EFTs, namely the case of a real singlet scalar field, considering both a marginal dimension-four and a derivative dimension-six coupling. Special emphasis is thereby put on highlighting the complementary of the different noncollider and collider search strategies in constraining the parameter space of the two models. We also briefly discuss the case of the Higgs portal model with fermionic DM that is a benchmark model used by both ATLAS and CMS to interpret their invisible Higgs decay searches.
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- Models with an extended Higgs sector in which a spin-0 particle that mixes with one of the visible non-SM Higgs bosons mediates between the dark and the visible sector. Our discussion of this class of models is presented in Section 3 and focuses on the 2HDM+a [30,31,32,33] and the 2HDM+s [34,35] models. These two models are the simplest gauge-invariant and renormalisable models in this class that feature a fermionic DM candidate and therefore represent the natural extension of the simplified pseudoscalar and scalar DM models, as defined in [36,37]. The particle content of these models involves four additional BSM spin-0 states, besides the DM candidate. The extra spin-0 states have an important impact on the collider phenomenology of the 2HDM+a and 2HDM+s models, as they allow for resonant mono-Higgs, mono-Z and production, thereby leading to a far richer mono-X phenomenology at the LHC when compared to the spin-0 simplified DM models. We review the state of the art of the phenomenology and experimental constraints on the 2HDM+a and 2HDM+s models, pointing out, in particular, the similarities and differences between the two models.
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- Models with extended Higgs and gauge sectors in which both a spin-0 and a spin-1 portal connect the dark and the visible sector. The resulting theories fall into the class of dark Higgs or dark models, which typically have a rich collider and DM phenomenology. In Section 4, we discuss two representative models in more detail: the 2HDM+ model [38] and the dark Higgs two-mediator DM (2MDM) model [39], which were used to guide and interpret existing mono-Higgs searches by ATLAS and CMS. While the scalar sectors of this models are quite different, both the 2HDM+ and the 2MDM models contain a spin-1 mediator that couples the DM particles to some of the SM states. This feature allows one to the test the models by searching for resonant production of non- final states such as dijets, and . Using the latest available LHC data, we derive the constraints on the 2HDM+ and the 2MDM model that arise from the relevant searches for resonant SM final states and the mono-jet signature. In both cases, we show that for the benchmark scenarios considered by ATLAS and CMS, non- searches exclude additional parameter space not probed by the existing mono-Higgs interpretations.
- (iv)
- Models that feature exotic decays of the Higgs boson into hidden sector particles with macroscopic proper decay lengths of . Due to the long-lived nature of the hidden particles, their decays into SM particles are displaced from the primary interaction vertex, which represents a striking experimental signature. In Section 5, we discuss three representative models that feature such long-lived particles (LLPs). These models derive either from the idea of neutral naturalness [40,41,42,43,44] or involve a hypercharge portal [45,46] or a hypercharge and a fermion portal [47,48,49,50,51]. While the spin of the particle that connects the hidden and the visible sector differs, all three models share a common feature: they can lead to both prompt and displaced signatures, depending on the strength of the interaction that links the two sectors. ATLAS, CMS and, in some cases, also LHCb have already searched for exotic Higgs decay signals, and we compare the available findings in a set of summary plots. Whenever possible, we include in these plots other experimental limits as well, to emphasise the unique role that searches for LLPs can play in constraining the parameter space of the considered theories.
2. Higgs Portal Models
2.1. Theory
2.2. Collider Constraints
2.3. DM Phenomenology
2.4. Summary Plots
2.5. Further Considerations
3. Portals with Extended Higgs Sectors
3.1. 2HDM+a Model
3.1.1. Theory
3.1.2. Anatomy of Signatures
3.1.3. Summary Plots
Scans in the – Plane
Scans in
Scans in
DM Mass Scan
3.2. 2HDM+s Model
3.2.1. Theory
3.2.2. Lhc Constraints
4. Portals with Extended Higgs and Gauge Sectors
4.1. 2HDM+ Model
4.1.1. Theory
4.1.2. Summary Plots
4.2. 2MDM Model
4.2.1. Theory
4.2.2. Experimental Constraints
5. Models with Exotic Higgs Decays Involving LLPs
5.1. Neutral Naturalness
5.1.1. Theory
5.1.2. Experimental Constraints
5.2. Dark Photons
5.2.1. Theory
5.2.2. Experimental Constraints
5.3. Models with a Vector and a Fermion Portal
5.3.1. Theory
5.3.2. Experimental Constraints
6. Outlook
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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