A conventional path to the formulation of a physical theory is to start with a certain collection of assumptions about the geometry of the physical spacetime objects in this theory occupy. That is to say, the theory starts with taking a mathematical model for the intuitive notions of the physical space and time. After all, dynamics means the study of motion, which is basically the change of position with respect to time. In Newtonian mechanics, Newton himself followed the basic definitions in his Principia with his Scholium arguing for Euclidean space coupled with absolute time as the foundation of the description of the physical world; the study of special relativity may be introduced via Minkowski spacetime; general relativity typically assumes the universe is a (torsion-free) Lorentzian manifold, and the list goes on. It is then from this ‘foundation’ that one infers the symmetries present in the model. Note that in Newton’s time, Euclidean geometry is really the only geometry known. What we hope to convince the reader of in this section is that the opposite path can be just as fruitful, if not more so. In particular, we start with the relevant (relativity) symmetry, given by a Lie group (and its associated Lie algebra), and couple it to the representation that naturally captures the underlying geometry. Once the basic definitions are in place, we use special relativity as an illustrative example of this procedure. The approach is extended to present the full theory of particle dynamics in the next section. Note that the model for the physical space or spacetime is closely connected to the theory of particle dynamics on it. First of all, Newton introduced the notion of particle as point-mass to serve as the ideal physical object which has a completely unambiguous position in his model of the physical space. Conversely, in a theory of particle dynamics, there is no other physical notion of the physical space itself rather than the collection of possible positions for a free particle (or the center of mass for a closed system of particles which, however, have to be defined based on the full particle theory; for example, the three Newton’s Laws). It is and has to be the configuration space for the free particle.
2.1. The Coset Space Representation
In his seminal paper
Raum und Zeit [
2], Hermann Minkowski famously said,
The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you have sprung from the soil of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength. They are radical. Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.
In this statement, Minkowski reveals something of tremendous importance: the idea of Lorentz symmetry as the right transformations sending inertial frames to inertial frames directly alter the model geometry of the physical space and time, or spacetime, from the Newtonian theory. The model for the physical spacetime itself depends on the explicit form of the Principle of Relativity being postulated, i.e., the relativity symmetry of the theory. In this subsection, we take this realization to heart and explore precisely how one goes about recovering the model for the physical spacetime naturally associated with a given relativity structure for the classical theories.
Consider a Lie group G, with associated Lie algebra , which we take as capturing the finite and infinitesimal transformations, respectively, that we can perform on a given physical system without changing the form of the physical laws. In other words, those transformations which take a given (inertial) frame of reference into another equally valid frame. G is then the relativity symmetry, or the symmetry group of the spacetime model of the theory of particle dynamics.
The use of the word “transformation” above already hints at the need for a representation-theoretic perspective of what, exactly, the relativity symmetry encodes. Indeed, as it stands the mathematical group
G is merely an abstract collection of symbols obeying certain rules—a representation capturing the group structure is required to illuminate what these rules really mean in terms of
physical transformations, which are mathematically transformations on a vector space. The best examples of the latter are our Minkowski spacetime and the Newtonian space-time. The first, perhaps prosaic, step in this direction is simply to use the group multiplication, thought of as a (left) action of
G on itself:
In other words, we can try to imagine that what we mean by a location/position in the “physical spacetime” is nothing more than an element
, and that a transformation is then simply furnished directly by the group operation. We have at hand the Poincaré symmetry denoted by
consisting of the rotations and translations conventional defined as isometries of the Minkowski spacetime. However, to conform completely to the perspective of taking the symmetry group as the starting point, we are going to simply see the group as the Lie group obtained from the corresponding Lie algebra
presented in Equation (
2) below as abstract mathematical objects. We can take each element of the pure translations as a point in the Minkowski spacetime, which is equivalent to saying that each point is to be identified as where you get to after a particular spacetime translation from the origin. Note that while the rotations take any point other than the origin to a different point, they do not move the origin. From the abstract mathematical point of view, what we described here is called a coset space. The Minkowski spacetime is a coset space of the Poincaré symmetry.
From here we consider the coset space
, defined mathematically as like a quotient of the group
G by a closed subgroup
. A coset
containing the element
g is the collection of all group elements of the form
h is any element in
H. Note
Observe that the above action descends to an action of the full group
G on
M in an obvious way as
It is more convenient to use the Lie algebra notation. We write a group element in terms of
where the
are the generators and
real parameters (note that, as is typical, we are using the Einstein summation convention).
as a linear combination of the generators, as basis elements, is an element of the Lie algebra
. Each coset then can be conveniently identified with an element
are the generators among the
set which serves as a basis for the vector subspace
complementary to the subalgebra
H, i.e.,
as a vector space. The real numbers
can be seen as coordinates for each coset as a point in the coset space (space of the cosets) and the group action as symmetry transformations on the coset space, or equivalently the reference frame transformations. Let us look at such a transformation at the infinitesimal limit.
We are going to need a specific form of the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff (BCH) series for the case of products between a coset representative
and an infinitesimal element
. In particular, the result
can be easily checked to hold in general, though no similarly simple expression can be find for two operators/matrices neither infinitesimal, with generic commutation relation.
2.2. From the Poincaré Algebra to Minkowski Space
The protagonists of our story are the Poincaré group and algebra
. These describe the finite and infinitesimal transformations, respectively, that turn one (relativistic) inertial frame into another, i.e., the symmetry which puts the “relativity” in Einstein’s special relativity. Recall that the Lie algebra
possesses 10 generators, which are split up into the 6 generators of rotations, among the spacetime directions,
) and the 4 generators of translations along the 4 directions
(The conventional description of
uses instead the “momentum”
as generators, which are related to the generators as “energy” used here by
. As we will see in the following sections,
are the more natural choice from the perspective of symmetry contractions), and which satisfy the following commutation relations (In the mathematicians’ notation, the commutator is really the Lie product defining the real Lie algebra to which the set of generators is a basis more naturally without all the
. Physicists version among to rescaling all the generators by the
factor, the mathematically unreasonable
i to have the generators correspond, in a unitary representation, to physical observables and
ℏ to give the proper (SI) units to them. Strictly speaking, we should be thinking about
as our basis vectors, i.e., the true generators, of the real Lie algebra, which is the real linear combination of them, with parameters in the proper physical dimensions):
to be interpreted as
, and we use
as like the Minkowski metric. For easy reference, we take a notation convention which is essentially the same as that of the popular text book by Tung [
8], besides using
and an explicit
It is intuitively clear (and easy to check) that the subset
generated by the
generators forms a subalgebra of
—the subalgebra of spacetime rotations called Lorentz transformations. Thus, if we are interested in the coset representation introduced in the previous section, the candidate for our Minkowski spacetime should be the coset space
. We write a generic element
(as the complementary space
) as
respectively. Note that we have put in a factor of
in the sum
, with
, to lift the
condition for convenience. Distinct elements in the form
Y are in one-to-one correspondence with the distinct cosets. Next, as we saw in the preceding discussion, we pass from this to an action on the corresponding coset space
(which, as seen below, is isomorphic to Minkowski space,
). Consider an infinitesimal transformation given in the group notation as
, with
. We first check that
. Applying our BCH Formula (
1) for the case, we have
as exact in the infinitesimal parameters in
. Thus, the multiplication
which is the resulted coset of
where the infinitesimal change in coordinate
is given by
. The last equation can be seen as giving a representation of
by identifying the coset represented by
Y with the column vector
with the matrix:
so that
We have derived above the representation of the Lie algebra
for the infinitesimal transformations of the coset space
, which obviously can be seen as a vector space with
being the four-vector. The elements of
associated with the infinitesimal transformations with
, i.e., elements of the Lorentz subalgebra
, indeed exponentiate into a
Lorentz transformation on
Similarly, the infinitesimal translations exponentiate into the finite translations
In fact, the Poincaré symmetry is given in physics textbooks typically as the transformations
from which one can obtain the same infinitesimal transformations with
similarly associated with
, switching from
to our
. That is actually defining a symmetry group through a representation of its generic element. Putting that in the matrix form, we have
from which we can see the infinitesimal limit of the transformation matrix being
In fact, we can think of each point
as being defined by the action of the above matrices on the coordinate origin
by taking
. Indeed,
hence, the
-space is essentially isomorphic to the collection of matrices of the form
Then, each of the translational elements can be taken as the standard representative for the coset
The latter, therefore, describes a full coset, and the vector space of all such cosets is isomorphic to that of the collection of all from the abstract mathematical description we start with.
When the Minkowski spacetime is taken as the starting point, it is a homogeneous space in the physical sense that every point in it is really much the same as another. Each can be taken as the origin on which we can put in a coordinate system fixing a frame of reference. The symmetry of it as a geometric space is caught in the mathematical definition of a homogeneous space as a space with a transitive group of symmetry, meaning every two points in it can be connected through the action of a group element. For a particular point like the origin, there is a subgroup of the symmetry that does not move it, which is called the little group. It is a mathematical theorem that the homogeneous space is isomorphic to the coset space of the symmetry group “divided by” the little group. Our result of the Minkowski spacetime as , whether in terms of the or the coordinates, is just a case example.
Indeed, using
as the coset space coordinates is really no different from using
as generators and
. This is because we can write Lorentz transformations as
or equivalently as
, and
. Both of the above are equivalent to
. In other words,
describe the same spacetime “position” four-vector, they are simply expressed in time and space units, respectively. Einsteinian relativity says space and time are coordinates of a single spacetime, hence they are naturally to be expressed in the same units. It does not say that the spatial units are preferable, or in some sense more natural, than the time units. Straight to the spirit of special relativity, we should rather use the same unit to measure
in which
. With the different units, although textbooks typically use
, what we show below is that we should indeed start with
as coordinates for Minkowski spacetime, as we have done above, if we want to directly and naturally recover
t and
as coordinates of the representation space of Newtonian physics in the Newtonian limit, i.e., under the symmetry contraction described in the following section.
In physical terms, has the units of ℏ, while the algebra element has no units (for we do not want to exponentiate something that has units). Hence, must also have no units, and has the units of ℏ, giving the unit of time. Similarly, , and , as well as , have the units of ℏ divided by that of . All quantities now have the right units, and c of course has the units of , i.e., distance over time.
2.3. The Phase Space for Particle Dynamics as a Coset Space
After the Minkowski spacetime described above, we come to another important coset space of the Poincaré symmetry, one that serves as the phase space for a single particle. Besides the spacetime coordinates, we also need the momentum or equivalently the velocity coordinates. However, the only parameters in the description of the group elements that correspond to velocity are those for the components of the three-vector . The candidate coset space is which is seven-dimensional. An otherwise candidate is where denotes the one-parameter group of (‘time’) translations generated by , which corresponds to the physical energy. That space loses the time coordinate which cannot be desirable. There is a further option of extending . Let us first look carefully at the latter coset space. Instead of deriving that coset space ‘representation’ from the first principle as for the Minkowski spacetime above, however, we construct it differently. The coset space here is not a vector space, hence the group action on it is not a representation. Without the linear structure, the group transformations cannot be written in terms of matrices acting on vectors representing the states each as a point in the space. Moreover, obtaining the resultant coset of a generic group transformation on a coset following the approach above is a lot more nontrivial. A vector space description of a phase space as a simple extension of the coset space can be constructed from physics consideration.
Newtonian mechanics as the nonrelativistic limit to special relativity has of course a six-dimensional vector space as the phase space, each point in which is described by two three-vectors, the position vector
and the momentum vector
. The two parts are in fact independent coset space representations of the corresponding relativity symmetry—the Galilean relativity. Or the full phase space can be taken as a single coset space. Going to special relativity, the three-vectors are to be promoted to Minkowski four-vectors. A four-vector is an element in the four dimensional irreducible representation of the
symmetry, while a three-vector belongs to the three dimensional irreducible representation of the
group as a subgroup of
. Promoting
we get the Minkowski spacetime
depicted with
as the
coset space. Things for the momentum four-vector
are somewhat different. It is a constrained vector with magnitude square
fixed by the particle rest mass
m as
, so long as the theory of special relativity is concerned. The actual admissible momenta only corresponds to points on the hyperboloid
, which is a three-dimensional curved space. This suggests using the eight-dimensional vector space of
, or equivalently
, the velocity four-vector in
unit, for a Lorentz covariant formulation. The dimensionless ‘momentum’
is used for the conjugate variables mostly to match better to the group coset language. The value of
though is a Casimir invariant of the Poincaré symmetry which is a parameter for characterizing a generic irreducible representation of the symmetry [
8]. So, it makes good sense to use the momentum variables, though it really makes no difference when only a single particle is considered.
The momentum or rather velocity hyperboloid
, recall
, is indeed a homogeneous space of
corresponding to the coset space
which keeps the point
fixed is the little group. A simple way to see that is to identify each point in the hyperboloid by the Lorentz boost that uniquely takes the reference point
to it, hence equivalently by the coset represented by the boosts. Matching with the group notation as we have above, each coset is an
. In fact, the coordinate for the coset
can be identified with
, for example from
. Putting together the ‘phase space’ as a product of the configuration space and the momentum space, we have
which is mathematically exactly
. We cannot use it as the actual phase space in the Hamiltonian formulation of the particle dynamics, which has to have coordinates in conjugate pairs. Note that no parameter in the full Poincaré group can correspond to
cannot be part of a four-vector. But there is no harm using the redundant coordinates
to describe points in the velocity hyperboloid. That is mathematically a natural embedding of the velocity hyperboloid into the Minkowski four-vector velocity space
Let us write down the explicit infinitesimal action of
. Note that the translations generated by
in the Poincaré group do not act on the velocity four-vector
. The action hence can be seen as the full action of the Poincaré group. Obviously, we have simply
. Rewriting that by taking out a
factor, we have
. The latter as the extra term in the
expression shows the complication of the description in terms of the coset coordinates
versus the simple picture in terms of