Probabilistic Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for a Similar Image Recommender System for E-Commerce
:1. Introduction
- Homogeneity (hg), Completeness (cp) are the measures for the same class and same cluster predictions [18], and harmonic mean can be computed using V-measure [19] as described in Equation (3) [16].
- The Fowlkes–Mallows score (FMS) [20,21] is used to compute the geometric mean of the similarity of the clusters where the ground truth labels are known where the FMS is lying between the 0 and 1, and a greater value is a better similarity among the clusters. The FMS uses the True Positives (TP), False Positive (FP), and False Negative (FN) for the similarity measure analysis is shown in Equation (4) [16].
2. Related Works
3. Similar Image Recommendation
3.1. PCA through Eigen Value Decomposition (PEVD)
3.2. PCA through Singular Value Decomposition (PSVD)
3.3. K-Mean(++) Clustering Approach
3.4. Similar Distance Measure
4. Dataset and Experimentation
5. Results
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Clustering Algorithm | SC Coefficient | CH Score | DB Score |
MiniBatch | 0.131669 | 637.60 | 1.9229 |
K-Mediod | 0.124709 | 609.61 | 2.0946 |
Agglomerative | 0.108739 | 590.66 | 1.9856 |
Brich | 0.109466 | 600.36 | 1.8893 |
GMM | 0.067083 | 460.55 | 2.2714 |
K-Means++ | 0.141421 | 669.44 | 1.8538 |
Clustering Algorithm | Computation Wall Time (Milliseconds (ms)/Seconds (s)/Minutes (min) | |||
Cluster Fitting | SC Coefficient | CH Score | DB Score | |
MiniBatch | 2.51 s | 9.09 s | 51.2 ms | 120 ms |
K-Mediod | 10.9 s | 9.08 s | 60. 4 ms | 108 ms |
Agglomerative | 40.7 s | 11.6 s | 79.1 ms | 131 ms |
Brich | 35.4 s | 9.05 s | 48.2 ms | 108 ms |
GMM | 1 min 4 s | 10.2 s | 1.16 s | 1.12 s |
K-Means++ | 21.3 s | 48.5 s | 52.5 ms | 1.04 s |
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Addagarla, S.K.; Amalanathan, A. Probabilistic Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for a Similar Image Recommender System for E-Commerce. Symmetry 2020, 12, 1783.
Addagarla SK, Amalanathan A. Probabilistic Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for a Similar Image Recommender System for E-Commerce. Symmetry. 2020; 12(11):1783.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAddagarla, Ssvr Kumar, and Anthoniraj Amalanathan. 2020. "Probabilistic Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for a Similar Image Recommender System for E-Commerce" Symmetry 12, no. 11: 1783.
APA StyleAddagarla, S. K., & Amalanathan, A. (2020). Probabilistic Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for a Similar Image Recommender System for E-Commerce. Symmetry, 12(11), 1783.