1. Introduction
One of the latest developments in agriculture is the use of drones. According to a recent PwC report [
1], the agricultural drone market is estimated at USD 32.4 billion, taking the second largest share of the market. In, particular, drones are increasingly used in the surveillance of farms [
2]. In this application, drones fly over an area of interest to take pictures that can be analyzed later for different purposes including crop yield estimation, early warning of pests and disease, disaster risk reduction, and so on. Drone can be operated in two modes: manual mode requiring a remote human intervention and automatic mode in which the path of drone is determined beforehand [
3]. This last mode requires prior planning of the drone path, commonly known as coverage path planning (CPP) [
4]. More precisely, CPP for drones may be defined as the determination of an optimal path allowing a drone to complete a coverage mission, while minimizing the mission’s completion time. The area of interest in agriculture is typically a farm that may be represented as a sequence of vertices that form a planar polygon. This polygon generally is decomposed into smaller cells to facilitate the coverage task. The decomposition is essentially based on the ground sampling distance (GSD), which represents the distance between pixel centers measured on the ground [
The major constraint in drone CPP is the small capacity of the drone’s battery, which limits the drone’s available energy and thus its flight range. For this reason, much research in the area of CPP has been focused on the development of energy-aware algorithms. One of the main ideas behind common algorithms is the assumption that a drone spends a lot of time and energy making turns [
7]. Thus, those algorithms modify conventional trajectories such as back-and-forth [
8] and HILBERT [
9]. An interesting survey on coverage path planning with drones can be found in [
Regardless of the efficiency of algorithms, large-scale surveillance missions will require more than a single trip. For instance, the authors in [
11] conducted around 200 flights to survey an area of about 29.5 ha with a battery-powered DJI Inspire 1 quadcopter. In an area of four square kilometers as it is the case in [
12], a DJI Phantom 3 Professional drone requires at least 10 flights for a mission. Consequently, recharging stations have recently been introduced to assist the drone in continuous operation [
14]. When the drone runs out of energy, it may land on a recharging station to recharge its battery. Even if it is possible for a drone to land on a moving platform [
15] and perform a dynamic wireless charging [
16], the movement of such a platform in many farms is limited due the lack of proper roads throughout the farm. Most of the current literature considers predefined locations for recharging stations. For example, authors in [
17] use only one drone with some recharging stations located at predefined sites. They tried to minimize the mission completion time by deciding when the drone should stop for charging depending on the state of charge (SoC). Reference [
18] takes an alternative approach, by considering a fleet of drones with only one recharging station located at the center of the area of interest—the aim is to cover the area of interest with a constraint on energy replenishment scheduling. Since only one recharging station is used, the surveyed area is limited to a radius of half the traveling distance of a drone, so that the drone can make a round trip to the recharging station.
To automatically survey a larger area will require at least one recharging station located at an acceptable position. The first attempt to solve this issue of determining the optimal location of recharging stations is found in [
19]. Authors proposed a Drone Delivery Recharging Location Model (DDRLM) that optimizes the location of a set of recharging stations with the aim of maximizing the customer demand that can be served. In this formulation, the number of recharging stations is given beforehand.
Besides finding optimal locations for recharging stations, their number should also be minimized to reduce the cost of the overall architecture. Actually, the cost of an additional recharging station can significantly influence the cost of the overall architecture. For example, the Heisha recharging station costs about 1000 USD, while a Mavic Air drone that can be recharged using this station costs barely half the price (600 USD) [
20]. This shows the necessity to reduce the number of recharging stations, especially for users with limited budgets such as low-income users.
This work introduces the Single Drone Multiple Recharging Stations in Large Farm problem (SD-MRS-LF). Unlike the work in [
19] which focuses on the determination of the locations for a given number of recharging stations, this work rather tackles drone path planning with a priority on the economical point of view. In this formulation, an area of interest is given as well as a set of candidate locations within the area of interest where recharging stations may potentially be installed. The objective is two-fold: first to minimize the number of actually used recharging stations and secondly to minimize the completion time of the surveillance mission. The solution with the smallest number of recharging stations will be the best regardless the completion time, since the priority is to reduce the cost. In case more than one solution provide the smallest number of recharging stations, the one with the smallest completion time will be considered as the best. To solve this problem, a new approach has been proposed: back-and-forth-k-opt simulated annealing (BFKSA). BFKSA is a combination of the two well-known algorithms, back and forth (BF) and the K-opt variant of simulated annealing (SA). The idea behind BFKSA is based on the assumption that the quality of the initial solution provided to a SA algorithm can influence the final solution.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the system modelling and the formulation of the Single Drone Multiple Recharging Stations in Large Farm problem.
Section 3 presents and explains the Back-and-Forth-
k-opt Simulated Annealing approach defined to solve the problem.
Section 4 presents the simulation setup and compares the results with basic Back-and-Forth and Simulated Annealing approaches. This paper ends with a conclusion and a look at future work.
2. System Modelling and Problem Formulation
2.1. Basic Assumptions
The following realistic assumptions and approximations have been made to specify the problem:
The drone begins the mission fully charged, but a single charge does not supply enough energy for the entire mission.
The flying status of the drone is one of two possibilities: vertical moving (take-off/landing), or horizontal motion [
Take-off energy and landing energy is negligible compared to the energy required for flight.
The drone flies at a constant altitude throughout the mission (except when recharging).
The area to cover presents no obstacles to impede the drone’s flight. In practice, drones may fly at altitudes at 120 m which is higher than the tallest trees.
Weather conditions (including temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, and wind speed) are constant over the entire region, during the entire mission. Note that weather conditions such as wind and temperature can affect the energy consumption. The ambient temperature may influence the battery drain and capacity [
22] while the wind may affect either positively or negatively the forward movement of the drone [
23], depending on the wind speed and direction, as well as the flying status of the drone.
Recharging stations are located within the area to enable the drone to complete its mission. There are a number of pre-identified candidate locations within the region where charging stations may potentially be located.
The drone can only visit a recharging station once per mission. This assumption reflects the fact that once a recharge is performed, the station will require a period of time to recharge itself (possibly using solar energy).
2.2. Scenario Modeling
Farm areas typically can be described as planar polygons. Unlike urban areas that may contain nonflying zones or tall buildings, the aerial space over a farm is generally free of obstacles. In this scenario, an area to cover is considered as a rectangular form of size
2 and decomposed into cells as illustrated in
Figure 1a. The set of the cells is represented by
and contains
elements among which some cells are candidate locations where recharging stations may conveniently be deployed. The set of candidate locations is represented by
, with
The decomposition of our target area into a grid depends on the maximum image collection distance interval of the drone. This distance interval depends on the specification of the drone (the field of view angle and the resolution of the camera) and the overlap requirement during image collection. The maximal value of the distance
separating image collection points (as shown in
Figure 1b) is computed using (1) as proposed in [
is the opening angle of the camera;
H is the drone’s altitude, and
the overlap ratio.
Figure 2 shows the geometry used to derive (1), with
I the size of a cell of the grid.
In real scenarios in farm surveillance, the minimal resolution of each collected image is an important aspect for image processing in further stages. This minimal resolution depends on the purpose of the surveillance mission. Given an image resolution
, the spatial resolution
obtained by taking a picture at an altitude
with a field of view angle
can be computed by Equation (2).
If we consider the minimal resolution
required by the mission, we obtain the inequality
From (3) we deduce the maximum altitude
the drone can fly.
The maximum altitude with respect to the image resolution requirement is generally used to minimize the time of the mission. During the remote sensing mission for monitoring sorghum growth, the authors in [
25] used a ReadyMadeRC Anaconda drone equipped with a camera of 1.2 megapixels and flying at an altitude of 120 m which provided a spatial resolution of approximately 6.5 cm. In addition, the maximum altitude of the drone can be legally restricted.
Due to budget limitation only one drone is considered with a maximal capacity energy . Each time the drone stops at a recharging station, it recharges its battery to before leaving. The mission starts at a given take-off point and ends at a given landing point that maybe different from the take-off point.
2.3. Energy Consumption Model
Under horizontal motion, drones power expenditure may be broken into two components: one component for lift, and the second to overcome the parasitic drag that hinders its forward movement in free space [
27]. The total power in horizontal moving is given by (5). Details on how the formula is derived are presented in [
is the required total power (in );
is the required power to overcome the parasitic drag (in );
is the required power to lift the drone (in );
is the aerodynamic drag coefficient;
is the front facing area (in );
is the total weight of the drone (in );
is the density of the air (in );
is the width of the drone (in );
is the speed of the drone relative to the wind (in m/s).
are respectively proportional and inversely proportional to the speed of the drone, a tradeoff (optimum speed) that minimizes the power consumption of the drone during horizontal moving should therefore be found. To compute this optimum speed, we use (8) proposed by [
All the parameters are the same used in (6) and (7). Several energy models have been proposed in the literature. The energy consumed during horizontal flight has been considered approximately constant [
23], but it is not true in real case scenarios. The authors in [
17] tried to derive a more realistic energy model based on empirical experiments. However, the model is tailored for experimental conditions in which the study has been conducted. In this paper, we will consider Equation (8) to derive an energy model. The energy
consumed during a time
and a power
is given by
The time
can also be expressed as
, and
representing respectively the distance traveled, drone speed relative to the wind, the wind speed, and the relative angle between the wind and the travel direction. Considering Equations (5)–(10), we may express energy consumption in terms of drone velocity relative to wind speed as
Taking the derivative with respect to
, we find the optimization condition for the optimal speed
In the case
this gives an optimal velocity
that is expressed in Equation (13),
Which agrees with (5). In the general case, we may write
. This gives the optimum condition
Multiplying by
and noting that
we obtain Equation (15)
This gives a 5th order Equation (16)
Denoting the largest root of Equations (16) by
we obtain the expression of the optimal speed in Equation (17), where the parameter
corresponds to the cruise speed.
The energy consumption is then given by Equation (18)
We use the specifications of the manufacturer to derive and . The specifications for the 3DR Solo drone are the following:
From these numbers we may derive the power consumed at 2.5 m/s = 77 Wh/(25/60) = 185 Watts. From (5)–(7) we have
From the cruise speed, we may derive:
which implies
Solving Equations (19) and (20) for
Finally, the energy consumption is estimated by plugging these parameters into (18)
is the largest root of Equation (24)
2.4. Problem Formulation
The Single Drone Multiple Recharging Stations in Large Farm problem (SD-MRS-LF) is defined as follows: given an area of interest decomposed into a set of cells and a set of candidate locations for recharging station(s) , determine a route that minimizes the number of actually used recharging stations and the completion time of the mission. A route may be characterized as a permutation of the elements of . More specifically, with .
The objective functions are given by (25) and (26). They respectively minimize the number of recharging stations and the total traveling time.
is the number of elements in ;
is the distance between and ;
is the optimal speed of the drone to move from point to point ;
is the wind speed;
is the relative angle between the wind and the travel direction;
is the set of actually used recharging stations.
2.5. Complexity Analysis of the Problem
Let us consider the take-off point and the final landing node of the drone to be the same. The given problem can easily be reduced to the traveling salesman problem (TSP) by considering each cell to cover as a city to visit. Since each cell and recharging station can be visited once only, the problem amounts to find the best arrangement starting from the take-off point considered as the depot to the final landing point which is the same point. The given problem is therefore NP-hard with factorial time complexity .
For instance, an area of size contains 64 cells corresponding to arrangements. Evaluating such a number of arrangements using an exhaustive strategy would require years on a CPU with a clock speed of 4 gigahertz. That is why metaheuristics are good alternatives.
5. Conclusions
The automatic surveillance of large farms using drones requires intelligent path planning that takes into account the drone’s limited range and optimizes the locations of recharging stations. In this work, we introduced the Single Drone Multiple Recharging Stations in Large Farm problem (SD-MRS-LF). The objectives were to minimize first the number of recharging stations and then the mission completion time. An approach called BFKSA based on a combination of BF (back-and-forth), K-opt, and simulated annealing (SA) has been proposed to solve the problem. Simulation results comparing BFKSA to BF and KSA have shown the superior performance of BFKSA with respect to its ability to find feasible solutions with a minimal number of charging stations. BFKSA provides the highest percentage of feasible solutions with the smallest number of recharging stations. In certain cases, BFKSA was able to provide a mission completion time and energy consumption smaller than the values provided by BF known to be effective solution.
In this work, the drone was constrained to visit each station only once. Removing this constraint can significantly reduce the number of recharging stations, but it requires a new formulation of the problem. In addition, we suppose each recharging station having an unlimited energy. In case the drone can visit the same recharging station more than once, a charging and discharging function of the recharging station should be considered for a more realistic scenario. Moreover, other optimization techniques can be explored, and the area of interest can be extended to random fields.