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Hyers-Ulam Stability for Linear Differences with Time Dependent and Periodic Coefficients: The Case When the Monodromy Matrix Has Simple Eigenvalues

Department of Mathematics, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Piaţa Victoriei, No. 2, Timisoara 300006, Romania
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, National University of Ireland, H91 CF50 Galway, Ireland
Department of Computer Science and Applied Informatics, Tibiscus University of Timisoara, Str. Lascăr Catargiu, No. 4-6, Timisoara 300559, Romania
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Symmetry 2019, 11(3), 339;
Submission received: 17 February 2019 / Revised: 1 March 2019 / Accepted: 1 March 2019 / Published: 7 March 2019
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Nonlinear, Convex, Nonsmooth, Functional Analysis in Symmetry)


Let q 2 be a positive integer and let ( a j ) , ( b j ) and ( c j ) (with j nonnegative integer) be three given C -valued and q-periodic sequences. Let A ( q ) : = A q 1 A 0 , where A j is defined below. Assume that the eigenvalues x , y , z of the “monodromy matrix” A ( q ) verify the condition ( x y ) ( y z ) ( z x ) 0 . We prove that the linear recurrence in C x n + 3 = a n x n + 2 + b n x n + 1 + c n x n , n Z + is Hyers–Ulam stable if and only if ( | x | 1 ) ( | y | 1 ) ( | z | 1 ) 0 , i.e., the spectrum of A ( q ) does not intersect the unit circle Γ : = { w C : | w | = 1 } .

1. Introduction

Exponential dichotomy and its links with the unconditional stability of differential dynamics systems were first highlighted by O. Perron in 1930 [1]. The reader can find details on the subsequent evolution of this topic in Coppel’s monograph [2]. The history of the Ulam problem (concerning the stability of a functional equation) and of stability in the sense of Hyers–Ulam is well known. In particular, Hyers–Ulam stability for linear recurrences and for systems of linear recurrences is considered in [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16], and the references therein.
The relationship between exponential stability and Hyers–Ulam stability has been studied in the articles [3,8,9,17,18], and this article continues these studies.

2. Notations and Definitions

By C , we denote the set complex numbers and Z + is the set of all nonnegative integers. Now, C m (with m a given positive integer) is the set of all vectors v = ( ξ 1 , , ξ m ) T with ξ j C for every integers 1 j m ; here and in as follows T denotes the transposition. The norm on C m is the well-known Euclidean norm defined by v : = ( | ξ 1 | 2 + + | ξ m | 2 ) 1 2 . In addition, C m × n (with m and n given positive integers) denotes the set of all m by n matrices with complex entries. In particular, C m × m becomes a Banach algebra when it is endowed with the (Euclidean) matrix norm defined by M : = sup v 1 M v , v C m , M C m × m . As is usual, the rows and columns of a matrix M C m × n are identified by vectors of the corresponding dimensions and in that case its norm is the vector norm. The entry m i j of a matrix M (i.e., the entry in M located at the intersection between the ith row and the jth column) is denoted by [ M ] i j . As is usual, the uniform norm of a C m -valued and bounded sequence g = ( g n ) is defined and denoted by g : = sup j Z + g j .
Let ε > 0 be given. We recall (see also [8] for the two-dimensional case) that a scalar valued sequence ( y j ) is an ε -approximative solution of the linear recurrence
x n + 3 = a n x n + 2 + b n x n + 1 + c n x n , n Z +
| y n + 3 a n y n + 2 b n y n + 1 c n y n | ε , n Z + .
The recurrence in Equation (1) is Hyers–Ulam stable if there exists a positive constant L such that for every ε > 0 and every ε -approximative solution y = ( y j ) of Equation (1) there exists an exact solution θ = ( θ j ) of Equation (1) such that y θ L ε .
Remark 1.
Since any ε-approximative solution of the recurrence in Equation (1) can be seen as a solution of the nonhomogeneous equation
x n + 3 a n x n + 2 b n x n + 1 c n x n = f n + 1 , n Z + ,
for some scalar valued sequence ( f n ) with f 0 = 0 and ( f k ) ε , one has that Equation (1) is Hyers–Ulam stable if and only if there exists a positive constant L such that for every ε > 0 , every sequence as above, and every initial condition Y 0 = ( z 0 , v 0 , w 0 ) T C 3 , there exists an initial condition X 0 = ( x 0 , x 1 , x 2 ) T C 3 such that
ϕ ( n , Y 0 , ( f k ) ) ϕ ( n , X 0 , ( 0 ) ) L ε .
Here, and in what follows, ( ϕ ( n , Y 0 , ( f k ) ) denotes the solution of the nonhomogeneous linear recurrence in Equation (3) initiated from Y 0 .
See the proof of Proposition 3.1 in [9]. □

3. Background, Previous Results and the Main Result

Proposition 1.
([19]) Let A be a 3 by 3 matrix whose spectrum (i.e., the set of its eigenvalues σ ( A ) : = { x , y , z } ) satisfies the condition
( x y ) ( x z ) ( y z ) 0 .
Then, for every nonnegative integer n, one has
A n = x n B + y n C + z n D
B = ( A y I 3 ) ( A z I 3 ) ( x y ) ( x z ) , C = ( A x I 3 ) ( A z I 3 ) ( y x ) ( y z )
D = ( A x I 3 ) ( A y I 3 ) ( z x ) ( z y ) .
Remark 2.
(i) The matrices B , C and D in Equation (6) are orthogonal projections, that is
B C = B D = C D = 0 3 ;   t h e   n u l l   m a t r i x   o f   o r d e r   t h r e e ,
B 2 = B , C 2 = C ,   a n d   D 2 = D .
(ii) In addition, B , C , and D are nonzero matrices.
Under assumption in Equation (5), the characteristic polynomial P A and the minimal polynomial m A of A coincide and P A ( λ ) = ( λ x ) ( λ y ) ( λ z ) . Thus, from the Hamilton–Cayley Theorem we have P A ( A ) = ( A x I 3 ) ( A y I 3 ) ( A z I 3 ) = 0 3 , and Equation (9) becomes clear.
To prove Equation (10), it is enough to see that
B 2 B = ( A y I 3 ) ( A z I 3 ) ( A x I 3 ) ( A ( y + z x ) I 3 ) ) ( x y ) 2 ( x z ) 2 ;
the details are clear thus omitted. Then, we apply the Hamilton–Cayley theorem and obtain Equation (10).
Finally, assuming that B = 0 3 , the polynomial
Q ( λ ) = ( λ y ) ( λ z ) ( x y ) ( x z )
is annulated by A and its degree is equal 2 and is a contradiction with the minimality of the degree of m A .  □
Let q, ( a j ) , ( b j ) , ( c j ) be as above. Recall that
A ( q ) : = A q 1 A 0 ,   where   A j : = 0 1 0 0 0 1 c j b j a j , j Z + .
Our main result reads as follows.
Theorem 1.
Assume that the eigenvalues x , y , z (of A ( q ) ) satisfy the condition in Equation (5). Then, the following two statements are equivalent:
1.The linear recurrence in C
x n + 3 = a n x n + 2 + b n x n + 1 + c n x n , n Z +
is Hyers–Ulam stable.
2.The eigenvalues of A ( q ) verify the condition
( | x | 1 ) ( | y | 1 ) ( | z | 1 ) 0 .
The proof of the implication 2 1 is covered (for the most part) in the existing literature. We present the ideas and complete the details. For unexplained terminology, we refer the reader to [8,9]. The following result is taken directly from the second section of [9].
Let X be a complex, finite dimensional Banach space and let B = { B n } n Z + and P = { P n } n Z + be two families of linear operators acting on X . Assume that:
[A1] B n + q = B n and P n + q = P n , for all n Z + and some positive integer q .
[A2] P n 2 = P n , for all n Z + , that is, P is a family of projections.
[A3] B n P n = P n + 1 B n , for all n Z + . In particular, this yields that B n x ker ( P n + 1 ) for each x ker ( P n ) .
[A4] For each n Z + , the map
x B | n x : = B n x : ker ( P n ) ker ( P n + 1 )
is invertible. Denote by ( B | n ) 1 its inverse.
We say that the family B is P -dichotomic if there exist four positive constants N 1 , N 2 , ν 1 and ν 2 such that
U B ( n , k ) P k N 1 e ν 1 ( n k ) for all n k 0 .
U B ( n , k ) ( I P k ) N 2 e ν 2 ( n k ) for all 0 n < k .
Here, U B ( n , k ) = B n 1 B k when n > k , U B ( k , k ) = I -the identity operator on X , and U B ( n , k ) : = ( B | k ) 1 · · ( B | n 1 ) 1 when n < k .
Theorem 2.
([9]) Assume that the families B and P satisfy [A1]–[A4] above. The following four statements are equivalent:
(1) The monodromy operator B ( q ) : = B q 1 B 0 is hyperbolic (that is, the spectrum of B ( q ) does not intersect the unit circle Γ = { w C : | w | = 1 } , or equivalently (with the terminology in [9]) it possesses a discrete dichotomy.
(2) The family B is P -dichotomic.
(3) For each bounded sequence ( G n ) n Z + , G 0 = 0 (of X-valued functions) there exists a unique bounded solution (starting from ker ( P 0 ) ) of the difference equation.
x n + 1 = B n x n + G n + 1 , n Z + .
(4) The family B is Hyers–Ulam stable.
We mention that the equivalence between (2) and (3) still works when X is an infinite dimensional Banach space (see [20]). We use Theorem 2 to prove 21 in Theorem 1.
The main ingredient in the proof of the implication 1 2 in Theorem 1 is the following Lemma.
With A we denote the set of all matrices A j (with j Z + ) , where A j is given in Equation (11)) and the matrix U A ( n , k ) is defined above.
Lemma 1.
If the spectrum of A ( q ) intersects the unit circle then for each ε > 0 there exists a C -valued sequence ( f j ) j Z + with f 0 = 0 and ( f j ) ε such that for every initial condition Z 0 = ( x 0 , y 0 , z 0 ) T C 3 , the C -valued sequence
U A ( n , 0 ) Z 0 + k = 1 n U A ( n , k ) F k 11 n Z +
(with F k = ( 0 , 0 , f k ) T ) , is unbounded.

4. Proofs

Proof of Lemma 1.
We first use Proposition 1 with A ( q ) instead of A. Assume that the eigenvalue x has modulus 1. Let P x be the Riesz projection associated to A ( q ) and x; that is
P x = 1 2 π i C ( x , r ) w I 3 A ( q ) 1 d w ,
where C ( x , r ) is the circle centered at x of radius r, and r is small enough that y and z are located outside of the circle. Using Dunford calculus (see [21]), it is easy to see that P x A ( q ) n = x n B , for each n Z + . Consider the matrix B from Equation (6), of the form:
B = b 11 b 12 b 13 b 21 b 22 b 23 b 31 b 32 b 33 .
The solution of the system
X n + 1 = A n X n + F n + 1 , n Z + ,
initiated from Z 0 , where X n : = z n v n w n T C 3 , F n = 0 0 f n T and
A n : = 0 1 0 0 0 1 c n b n a n
is given by
Φ n : = Φ ( n , Z 0 , ( F k ) ) = U A ( n , 0 ) Z 0 + k = 1 n U A ( n , k ) F k .
Denote by φ ( n , Z 0 , ( f k ) the solution of Equation (1). An obvious calculation yields
φ n : = φ ( n , Z 0 , ( f k ) ) = U A ( n , 0 ) Z 0 + k = 1 n U A ( n , k ) F k 11 .
In fact, one has Φ n = φ n φ n + 1 φ n + 2 T .
Case 1.1. Let b 13 0 . Set
F k = x k / q u 0 ,   if   k = n q 0 ,   if k   is   not   a   multiple   of   q ,
where u 0 : = 0 0 c 0 T and c 0 is a randomly chosen nonzero complex scalar with | c 0 | < ε . Successively, one has
Φ n q = U A ( n q , 0 ) Z 0 + k = 1 n q U A ( n q , k ) F k
= U A ( n q , 0 ) Z 0 + U A ( n q , 0 ) F 0 + U A ( n q , q ) F q + + U A ( n q , n q ) F n q
= U A ( n q , 0 ) Z 0 + j = 1 n U A ( n q , j q ) F j q = A ( q ) n Z 0 + j = 1 n x j A ( q ) n j u 0 ,
that yields
P x U A ( n q , 0 ) Z 0 + k = 1 n q U A ( n q , k ) F k
= P x A ( q ) n Z 0 + j = 1 n x j P x A ( q ) n j u 0
= x n B Z 0 + j = 1 n x j x n j B u 0 .
= x n B Z 0 + n x n B u 0 .
Since the sequence ( x n B Z 0 ) n is bounded, it is enough to prove that the sequence ( [ n x n B u 0 ] 11 ) n is unbounded, and note
| [ n x n B u 0 ] 11 | = n b 13 c 0   as   n .
Case 1.2. Let b 23 0 . Arguing as above we can show that φ n + 1 is unbounded, that is that φ n is unbounded as well.
Case 1.3. Analogously, we can treat the case b 33 0 .
Case 2.1. Let b 13 = b 23 = b 33 = 0 and b 12 0 . Set
F k = x k / q A q 1 u 0 ,   if   k = n q 0 ,   if   k   is   not   a   multiple   of   q ,
where u 0 and c 0 are taken as above. We obtain
Φ n q = A ( q ) n Z 0 + j = 1 n x j A ( q ) n j A q 1 u 0
which leads to
φ n q = j = 1 n x j P x A ( q ) n j A q 1 u 0 11 = j = 1 n x j x n j B A q 1 u 0 11 = j = 1 n x n b 12 c 0 = n x n b 12 c 0 = n b 12 c 0   as   n .
Case 2.2. Let b 22 0 . Similar to the previous case, we can show that φ n + 1 is unbounded, that is that φ n is unbounded as well.
Case 3. Let b 12 = b 13 = 0 and b 11 0 . Then, set
F k = x k / q A q 2 A q 1 u 0 ,   if   k = n q 0 ,   if   k   is   not   a   multiple   of   q ,
with u 0 and c 0 as above.
As in the previous cases, we obtain
j = 1 n x j P x A n j A q 2 A q 1 u 0 11 = n x n b 11 c 0 = n b 11 c 0   as   n ,
therefore ( φ n ) is again unbounded.
Finally, we remark that the matrix B cannot be of the form 0 0 0 * 0 0 * * 0 . Indeed, if this is the case, all eigenvalues of B are equal to 0 and the Hamilton–Cayley Theorem yields B 3 = 0 3 . Since B 2 = B we obtain B 2 = 0 3 , that is, B = 0 3 . This contradicts the statement in Remark 2, (ii). □
Proof of Theorem 1.
12. We argue by contradiction. Suppose that σ ( A ( q ) ) intersects the unit circle. Without loss of generality, assume that x is an eigenvalue of A ( q ) and | x | = 1 . Let Y 0 and X 0 be as in the Remark 1. From Lemma 1, it follows that the sequence in Equation (14) with Y 0 X 0 instead of Z 0 is unbounded and this contradicts Equation (4).
21. From the assumption and Theorem 2, it follows that the system X n + 1 = A n X n is Hyers–Ulam stable. Thus, for a certain positive constant L , every ε > 0 , every sequence ( f n ) , every Y 0 and some X 0 one has
ϕ ( n , Y 0 , ( f k ) ) ϕ ( n , X 0 , ( 0 ) )
= U A ( n , 0 ) ( Y 0 X 0 ) + k = 1 n U A ( n , k ) F k 11
U A ( n , 0 ) ( Y 0 X 0 ) + k = 1 n U A ( n , k ) F k L ε
for all n Z + . Now, the assertion follows from Remark 1. □

5. An Example

The following example illustrates our theoretical result.
Example 1.
The linear recurrence of order three
x n + 3 = sin 2 n π 3 x n + 2 + cos 2 n π 3 x n + 1 + c n x n , n Z
c n = 1 , i f   n   i s   a   m u l t i p l e   o f   3 0 , e l s e w h e r e )
is Hyers–Ulam stable. Indeed, with the above notation one has
A 0 = 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 A 1 = 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 2
A 2 = 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 2 .
Now, the monodromy matrix associated to Equation (21) is
A ( 3 ) = A 2 A 1 A 0 = 1 1 0 3 2 3 2 1 2 5 4 5 4 3 4
The characteristic equation associated to A ( 3 ) is
λ 3 1 + 3 3 4 λ 2 + 3 1 4 λ = 0
and the absolute value of each of its solutions is different to 1 .
Remark 3.
Reading [22], we note that an interesting question is if the spectral condition ( | x | 1 ) ( | y | 1 ) ( | z | 1 ) 0 is equivalent to Hyers–Ulam stability of the recurrence in Equation (12) with Z + replaced by Z . We thank the anonymous reviewer who made us aware of the work in [22].

Author Contributions

All the authors equally contributed in this work.


This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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MDPI and ACS Style

Buşe, C.; O’Regan, D.; Saierli, O. Hyers-Ulam Stability for Linear Differences with Time Dependent and Periodic Coefficients: The Case When the Monodromy Matrix Has Simple Eigenvalues. Symmetry 2019, 11, 339.

AMA Style

Buşe C, O’Regan D, Saierli O. Hyers-Ulam Stability for Linear Differences with Time Dependent and Periodic Coefficients: The Case When the Monodromy Matrix Has Simple Eigenvalues. Symmetry. 2019; 11(3):339.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Buşe, Constantin, Donal O’Regan, and Olivia Saierli. 2019. "Hyers-Ulam Stability for Linear Differences with Time Dependent and Periodic Coefficients: The Case When the Monodromy Matrix Has Simple Eigenvalues" Symmetry 11, no. 3: 339.

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