Exploring the Interplay between Landscape Planning and Human Well-Being: A Scientometric Review
:1. Introduction
- Identify general patterns in the output of related materials, including basic information on publications, the distribution of related disciplines, and collaboration patterns;
- Assess the key knowledge map, including the main structure and dynamic development of research topics;
- Construct a conceptual framework that clarifies the pathways through which landscape planning can enhance human well-being based on the research results.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Scientometric Analysis
2.2. Study Design
2.3. Data Collection
2.4. Data Processing
3. Results
3.1. Basic Information about the Research Topic
3.1.1. Annual Publications
3.1.2. Distribution of Research Disciplines
3.1.3. Distribution of Countries and Regions
3.1.4. Highly Influential Related Materials
3.1.5. Collaboration Patterns
3.2. Knowledge Map of the Research Topic
3.2.1. Main Research Keywords
3.2.2. The Main Structure of Research Topics
- Cluster 1: Manage natural capital using landscape planning methods to promote human well-being.
- Cluster 2: Identify health benefits from landscape sources to enhance human well-being from a socio-spatial planning perspective.
- Cluster 3: Create a sustainable living environment against global ecological challenges caused by urbanisation.
3.2.3. Dynamic Development of Research Topics
4. Discussion
4.1. How Can Landscape Planning Promote Human Well-Being?
4.2. Vacuum in This Research Field and Trends in Future Research
- Utility of research results for decision-making
- 2.
- More concerns about intangible values
- 3.
- More concerns about minorities
- 4.
- More evidence from the Global South
4.3. Limitations
- Database source: Our study relied solely on the WoS database, which, although covering a vast range of journals, did not include other significant sources such as grey literature and policy documents. This may have resulted in the exclusion of some relevant studies from our analysis;
- Language bias: We included only papers written in English, which may have resulted in a language bias. Non-English literature, particularly local surveys and case studies, may have provided valuable indigenous knowledge and insights;
- Search strategy: Our search strategy relied on the specific terms ‘landscape planning’ AND (‘human well-being’ OR ‘mental well-being’ OR ‘physical well-being’). However, other researchers may have conducted studies related to landscape planning that did not use these terms, resulting in the omission of relevant studies.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Indicators of Bibliometric Methods | Units of Analysis | Description | Interpretation |
Citation | Document | Calculates the impact of articles, authors, or journals using citation rates. | It can offer details on the relative influence of publications. |
Author | |||
Journal | |||
Co-citation | Document | The frequency with which two units are cited together. | It can provide information regarding how the contents of individual units are related to each other. It may vary over time. |
Author | |||
Journal | |||
Co-author | Author | Connects authors when they co-author papers. | It can be used to examine social networks in research fields. |
Country | |||
Institution | |||
Co-word | Word | Connects keywords when they appear in the same title, abstract, or keyword list. | It can be used to establish the conceptual structure of research fields. |
Bibliographic Coupling | Document | Relates documents, authors, or journals according to how many references they have in common. | It can illustrate the connection between units; the more the bibliographies of two articles overlap, the stronger their connection. |
Author | |||
Journal |
Description | Results |
Timespan | 1992–2023 |
Sources | 197 |
Documents | 439 |
Annual growth rate % | 4.57 |
Average age of documents | 4.95 |
Average citations per document | 32.99 |
References | 25,474 |
Keywords plus (ID) | 1147 |
Author’s keywords (DE) | 1581 |
Authors | 1778 |
Solo authors | 39 |
Single-authored docs | 39 |
Co-authors per document | 4.4 |
International co-authorships % | 40.77 |
Article | 405 |
Review | 34 |
No. | Fields | Quantity | Proportion |
1 | Environmental Sciences | 172 | 39.18 |
2 | Environmental Studies | 170 | 38.72 |
3 | Ecology | 104 | 23.69 |
4 | Urban Studies | 63 | 14.35 |
5 | Green Sustainable Science Technology | 49 | 11.16 |
6 | Geography | 44 | 10.02 |
7 | Geography Physical | 41 | 9.34 |
8 | Forestry | 40 | 9.11 |
9 | Regional Urban Planning | 39 | 8.88 |
10 | Biodiversity Conservation | 36 | 8.2 |
No. | Title | Author (Year) | Total Citations | TC per Year | Research Areas |
1 | Ecosystem services in decision-making: time to deliver [41]. | Daily, G.C., 2009 | 1164 | 77.60 | Environmental Sciences and Ecology |
2 | The health benefits of urban green spaces: a review of the evidence [43]. | Lee, A.C.K., 2011 | 818 | 62.92 | Public, Environmental, and Occupational Health |
3 | The impacts of nature experiences on human cognitive function and mental health [44]. | Bratman, G.N., 2012 | 522 | 43.50 | Biodiversity and Conservation |
4 | Urban ecology and sustainability: the state-of-the-science and future directions [45]. | Wu, J.G., 2014 | 477 | 47.70 | Environmental Sciences and Ecology |
5 | Motivations for conserving urban biodiversity [46]. | Dearborn, D.C., 2010 | 369 | 26.36 | Biodiversity and Conservation |
6 | People needs in the urban landscape: analysis of landscape and urban planning contributions [47]. | Matsuoka, R.H., 2008 | 308 | 19.25 | Environmental Sciences and Ecology |
7 | The impact of blue space on human health and well-being salutogenetic health effects of inland surface waters: a review [48]. | Volker, S., 2011 | 296 | 22.77 | Public, Environmental, and Occupational Health |
8 | Vitamin G: effects of green space on health, well-being, and social safety [49]. | Groenewegen, P.P., 2006 | 259 | 14.39 | Public, Environmental, and Occupational Health |
9 | Benefits of nature contact for children [50]. | Chawla, L., 2015 | 237 | 26.33 | Public Administration |
10 | Riparian ecosystems in the 21st century: hotspots for climate change adaptation? [51]. | Capon, S.J., 2013 | 217 | 19.73 | Environmental Sciences and Ecology |
No. | Sources | TC | TP | H-Index | Web of Science Categories |
1 | Landscape and Urban Planning | 1488 | 27 | 18 | Ecology; Environmental Studies; Geography; Geography, Physical; Regional and Urban Planning; and Urban Studies |
2 | Ecosystem Services | 915 | 17 | 14 | Ecology; Environmental Sciences; and Environmental Studies |
3 | Urban Forestry and Urban Greening | 546 | 19 | 10 | Plant Sciences; Environmental Studies; Forestry; and Urban Studies |
4 | Sustainability | 265 | 31 | 9 | Green and Sustainable Science and Technology; Environmental Sciences; and Environmental Studies |
5 | Land Use Policy | 238 | 16 | 8 | Environmental Studies |
6 | Landscape Ecology | 340 | 10 | 8 | Ecology; Geography, Physical; Geosciences, and Multidisciplinary |
7 | Ecological Indicators | 366 | 12 | 7 | Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Sciences |
8 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 390 | 12 | 7 | Environmental Sciences Public, and Environmental and Occupational Health |
9 | Journal of Environmental Management | 416 | 13 | 7 | Environmental Sciences |
10 | Science of the Total Environment | 258 | 9 | 7 | Environmental Sciences |
No. | Keywords | Frequency |
1 | landscape | 103 |
2 | ecosystem services | 79 |
3 | biodiversity | 68 |
4 | management | 64 |
5 | conservation | 55 |
6 | health | 51 |
7 | framework | 47 |
8 | land-use | 41 |
9 | impacts | 33 |
10 | city | 29 |
11 | indicators | 29 |
12 | climate-change | 28 |
13 | areas | 27 |
14 | challenges | 27 |
15 | urbanisation | 27 |
No. | Keywords Co-Occurrence | Main Topic | Main References |
Cluster 1 | ecosystem services, biodiversity, conservation, framework, management, land-use, services, valuation, bundles, governance, values, climate change, policy, decision-making, protected areas, impacts, sustainability, trade-offs, dynamics, classification, resilience, system | Manage natural capital using landscape planning methods to promote human well-being. | MEA, (2005) [7]; Daily et al., (2009) [41]; Wu, (2013) [58]; Hausmann et al., (2016) [59]; Jackson et al., (2013) [60]; Schaich et al., (2010) [61]; and Bachi et al., (2021) [27] |
Cluster 2 | landscape, health, green space, health, environment, perception, indicators, preference, mental-health, exposure, cultural ecosystem services, forest, space, benefits, urban, physical-activity, impact, city, design, parks, accessibility, climate, vegetation | Identify health benefits from landscape sources to enhance human well-being from a socio-spatial planning perspective. | Bratman et al., (2012) [44]; Lee and Maheswaran, (2010) [43]; Völker and Kistemann, (2011) [48]; Hadavi, S., (2017) [62]; Völker and Kistemann, (2013) [63]; Ode Sang et al., (2016) [64]; Liu et al., (2022) [24]; Chawla, (2015) [50]; Gerstenberg and Hofman, (2016) [65]; Villeneuve et al., (2012) [66]; Demoury et al., (2017) [67]; Gao et al., (2019) [68]; and Huang et al., (2020) [69] |
Cluster 3 | urbanization, cities, areas, diversity, restoration, challenges, ecology, science | Create a sustainable living environment against global ecological challenges caused by urbanization. | UN, (2018) [45]; Coutts and Hahn, (2015) [71]; EEA [72]; Mosler and Hobson, (2021) [73]; Tzoulas et al., (2007) [74]; Rostami et al., (2015) [75]; Syrbe et al., (2021) [76]; and Cavender and Donnelly, (2019) [77] |
Crucial Intermediary Steps | Approaches and Tools Utilising Landscape Planning in Response | References |
Utilise | Functional analysis and valuation before decision-making. | de Groot, (2006) [19]; Fürst et al., (2014) [85]; and Requena-Mullor et al., (2018) [86] |
Assigning monetary values to natural environment to enhance land use policy. | Chan et al., (2011) [87]; Albert et al., (2017) [88]; and Sannigrahi et al., (2020) [89] | |
Optimising benefits from nature involves integrating conflicting interests and overlaps among stakeholders. | Skubel et al., (2019) [90] and Paing et al., (2022) [91] | |
Identify | Exploring how various landscape structures impact different groups of people positively. | Ode Sang et al., (2016) [64]; Liu et al., (2022) [24]; and Dan et al., (2021) [92] |
Mapping the benefits people obtain from landscape structures. | Elbakidze et al., (2017) [53]; Arnaiz-Schmitz et al., (2021) [93]; and Bachi et al., (2021) [27] | |
Evaluating the quality of landscape structures. | Roy et al., (2022) [94]; Pukowiec-Kurda, (2022) [95]; and Atasoy, (2018) [96] | |
Manage | Developing guidelines for the design of landscape structures based on the needs of people. | Hu et al., (2022) [97]; Jaszczak et al., (2021) [98]; and Beery et al., (2017) [99] |
Providing conceptual models to support spatial planning. | Mycoo, (2018) [100]; Lafortezza et al., (2013) [101]; and Coutts and Hahn, (2019) [71] | |
Gaining insight into people’s perspectives to improve design and planning processes. | Hadavi et al., (2018) [102]; Wan et al., (2021) [103]; and Altamirano et al., (2020) [104] | |
Protect | Proposing conservation approaches on a landscape-scale. | Murry, (2019) [105] |
Identifying factors that encourage pro-environmental behaviour. | Dearborn and Kark, (2010) [46] and Diaz et al., (2020) [106] | |
Investigate individuals’ willingness to pay for various types of land to improve reserve management. | Castillo-Eguskitza et al., (2019) [107] |
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Wang, H.; Xie, J.; Luo, S.; Ta, D.T.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, J.; Su, D.; Furuya, K. Exploring the Interplay between Landscape Planning and Human Well-Being: A Scientometric Review. Land 2023, 12, 1321. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12071321
Wang H, Xie J, Luo S, Ta DT, Wang Q, Zhang J, Su D, Furuya K. Exploring the Interplay between Landscape Planning and Human Well-Being: A Scientometric Review. Land. 2023; 12(7):1321. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12071321
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Huixin, Jing Xie, Shixian Luo, Duy Thong Ta, Qian Wang, Jiao Zhang, Daer Su, and Katsunori Furuya. 2023. "Exploring the Interplay between Landscape Planning and Human Well-Being: A Scientometric Review" Land 12, no. 7: 1321. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12071321
APA StyleWang, H., Xie, J., Luo, S., Ta, D. T., Wang, Q., Zhang, J., Su, D., & Furuya, K. (2023). Exploring the Interplay between Landscape Planning and Human Well-Being: A Scientometric Review. Land, 12(7), 1321. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12071321