A Tool for Identifying Suitable Places for the Placement of Blue-Green Infrastructure Elements, a Case Study on the Cities of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Research Questions
- Can the provided and detected data be used for implementation into the proposed application?
- Will it be possible to run the map application on a regular desktop computer?
- Is the application really set up correctly?
- Will the usability of the application be ensured by municipalities in practice?
- Were any disadvantages of the model identified?
3.2. Data Collection
3.2.1. Precipitation
3.2.2. Data Collection Background
- Basic map (default background)—Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadaster;
- Satellite map—Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadaster;
- Cadastral map—Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadaster;
- Flood map—5-year water level—Ministry of the Environment;
- Flood map—20-year water level—Ministry of the Environment;
- Flood map—100-year water level—Ministry of the Environment;
- Passport of communications—municipality;
- Passport of parking areas—municipality;
- Passport of paved surfaces—municipality;
- Passport of unpaved surfaces—municipality;
- Passport of greenery—municipality;
- Sewer network passport (only points of street drains, heights of street drain covers, or replacement of missing data for contour lines)—municipality; network administrator;
- ψ values—the rainwater runoff coefficient for the given drained area—technical standard.
3.3. Methods and Tools
3.4. Calculation Methods for Drainage of Rainwater from the Territory
3.5. Tools Used for Computer Representation of Locations
4. Rainwater Information Management
- Runoff coefficient—a map showing the basic range of public areas classified according to the water permeability of the given surface, or according to the runoff coefficient of the given area. Individual sub-areas are interactive, and it is thus possible to view individual attributes of a given map element (area, area type, surface material, total surface runoff, etc.).
- Drains—a map extracting data about the city sewer system, with inflow objects being graphically represented here—street drains, or objects used to divert surface runoff rainwater into the sewer network.
- Heat map—an interpolation map showing the density of sewer inlets. Based on a simple graphic representation, the map shows the accumulation of street drains (point objects) on the municipal sewer network in a given municipality.
- Visualization of precipitation in 3D—an interactive map showing in 3D part of the total precipitation that creates surface runoff from a given area. The individual totals are thus represented by the height (of the water column), which is influenced by the coefficient of runoff of rainwater typical for the given surface.
- Terrain—an extrapolated 3D terrain model of the given area. A map showing a 3D model of the urbanized surface of the given municipality, which was created based on the processing of available datasets. Individual heights are extrapolated ×10 for clarity (i.e., lowest point on the map ×0, mean value ×5, maximum value ×10).
- Water column—mathematical model of critical points. Map showing in 3D the direction of the surface runoff of rainwater to the points of accumulation of this water (maxima of columns). The calculation was performed using an inverse function applied to the terrain map in an algorithmic combination with a 3D precipitation visualization map. The result is a graphic representation of the places where rainwater accumulates from the surface runoff.
5. Results
Resulting Replies to Set Research Questions
- Can the provided and detected data be used for implementation into the proposed application?
- Will it be possible to run the map application on a regular desktop computer?
- Is the application really set up correctly?
- Will the usability of the application be ensured by municipalities in practice?
- Were any disadvantages of the model identified?
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- Left button—turns on the controls;
- Right button—if you hold it down, the map can be rotated horizontally and vertically.
Search—is used to search for a place by address; | |
Map layers—satellite and cadastral maps can be turned on here; | |
Map compositions—control of all parts of the WIM map:
- The 2D/3D button switches between the display of 2D and 3D buildings (see Figure A2).
Zooming in and out of the map with the + and – buttons North Arrow—if you rotate the map outside the default position, this button reorient the map with north at the top | |
Location—moves the map view to your current location | |
Zoom in—maximizes the map view to full screen | |
Draw—you can use the “star button” to draw a polygon on the map that you want to calculate for the 3D Precipitation Visualization display. Use the “recycle bin button” to delete the polygon |
Roller—used to select the year and relevant dates of total precipitation. | |
Average—turns on 3D columns for the areas of interest according to the average daily rainfall for the selected year. | |
Maximum—turns on 3D columns for the areas of interest according to the maximum precipitation for one day in the selected year. |
- Name—the name of the map element, or areas on the map. Information taken from the passportized data of the given municipality, or parcel number taken from the Land Registry.
- Surface type—functional use of the given surface in the map. Information transferred from passportized data of the given municipality, or information on the functional use of land from the Land Registry.
- Area—surface area of the given area in m2.
- Status—information about the construction and technical status of the given map area. Information taken from passport data of the given municipality.
- Note—additional/clarifying information about the use of the given map area. Information taken from passport data of the given municipality.
- Runoff coefficient—a dimensionless numerical data in the range of 0 to 1, indicating the runoff coefficient of precipitation surface water ψ (according to CSN 75 9010). Information dependent on the material of the given surface and its slope.
- Material—information about the kind/type of material of the surface of the given map area. Information taken from the passportized data of the given municipality, supplemented on the basis of functional use according to data from the Land Registry
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City/Measurement Station | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Karvina | 44.7 | 40.3 | 37.4 | 47.9 | 91.9 | 91.0 | 82.3 | 87.5 | 82.0 | 69.5 | 42.9 | 34.8 |
Karvina- Stare Město | 44.7 | 40.33 | 37.4 | 47.91 | 91.89 | 90.97 | 82.34 | 87.48 | 82 | 69.5 | 42.9 | 34.82 |
Frydek-Mistek | 31.6 | 39.9 | 33.7 | 57.5 | 112.6 | 94.1 | 95.5 | 103.4 | 90.2 | 76.4 | 38.0 | 34.8 |
Havirov | 46.7 | 44.5 | 36.0 | 46.2 | 88.9 | 85.8 | 70.2 | 80.6 | 81.6 | 62.0 | 39.9 | 35.4 |
Opava | 21.5 | 24.5 | 24.5 | 34.1 | 73.7 | 81.1 | 59.6 | 69.2 | 68.0 | 53.8 | 24.8 | 15.5 |
Ostrava— Slezska Ostrava | 39.2 | 34.5 | 28.9 | 40.3 | 82.4 | 74.4 | 69.4 | 84.8 | 76.5 | 60.6 | 35.5 | 28.5 |
Ostrava-Poruba | 38.3 | 35.3 | 30.3 | 40.2 | 89.5 | 84.7 | 71.2 | 85.4 | 77.3 | 65.0 | 33.2 | 25.5 |
Data/Passports | Karvina | Havirov | Opava | Frydek-Mistek | Ostrava |
terrain model | X | X 2 | X | X 2 | X |
terrain slope | X 1 | - | X 1 | - | X 1 |
contour line | X | X | X | X | X |
ownership | X | X | X | X | X |
paved areas | X | X 3 | X | X 3 | X |
unpaved areas | X | - | X | - | X |
roads | X | X | X | X | X |
pavements | X | X 3 | X | X 3 | X |
greenery | X | X 3 | X | X 3 | X |
inlet position | X | - | X | - | X |
inlet altitude | X | - | X | - | X |
storm sewer | X | - 4 | X | - 4 | X |
data code | X | X | X | X | X |
parking spots | X | - | X | - | X |
Karvina | Havirov | Opava | Frydek-Mistek | Ostrava | ||||||
Land Type | m2 | %* | m2 | %* | m2 | %* | m2 | %* | m2 | %* |
arable land | 8,407,053 | 14.62 | 26,020,763 | 29.69 | 53,671,490 | 64.08 | 13,416,132 | 26.03 | 48,256,599 | 23.09 |
gardens | 3,725,448 | 6.48 | 9,057,252 | 10.57 | 4,016,803 | 4.79 | 5,113,483 | 9.94 | 18,623,818 | 8.91 |
water area | 6,103,715 | 10.61 | 4,932,285 | 5.59 | 11,731,526 | 1.78 | 1835781 | 3.56 | 9,440,361 | 4.31 |
forest land | 9,751,946 | 16.95 | 15,264,808 | 17.33 | 4,898,197 | 5.91 | 11,625,325 | 22.55 | 23,764,905 | 11.37 |
grassland | 1,985,809 | 3.45 | 9,523,074 | 10.79 | 1,490,416 | 3.51 | 5,520,489 | 10.76 | 12,553,499 | 6.01 |
orchard | 51,913 | 0.09 | 753,057 | 0.85 | 4,955,286 | 0.06 | 72,714 | 0.18 | 493,457 | 0.22 |
greenery | 3,253,698 | 5.66 | 3,299,822 | 3.82 | 1,082,194 | 1.29 | 2,568,827 | 4.98 | 9,928,018 | 4.59 |
traffic areas | 4,372,522 | 7.60 | 6,802,109 | 7.75 | 5,390,782 | 6.44 | 3,993,009 | 7.76 | 29,361,137 | 14.05 |
built up area | 2,821,766 | 4.91 | 4,058,922 | 4.72 | 4,898,197 | 5.85 | 2,963,941 | 5.75 | 18,567,406 | 8.56 |
others | 17,047,414 | 29.63 | 7,818,932 | 8.89 | 5,258,550 | 6.29 | 4,378,412 | 8.49 | 40,434,685 | 18.89 |
Parameter, Object of Calculation | Calculation |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: green belts, fields, meadows with a slope of up to 1%: | Qtot = 0.05 × 157 × 10,573 = 83,000 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: green belts, fields, meadows with a slope 1 to 5%: | Qtot = 0.1 × 157 × 500.85 = 7863 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: green belts, fields, meadows with a slope over 5%: | Qtot = 0.15 × 157 × 55.65 = 1311 l/s |
Total withdrawn from this area: | 92.174 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: paved roads with a slope of up to 1%: | Qtot = 0.7 × 157 × 4129,78 = 453,863 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: paved roads with a slope of 1% to 5%: | Qtot = 0.8 × 157 × 195.62 = 24,570 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: paved roads with a slope above 5%: | Qtot = 0.9 × 157 × 21.735 = 3071 l/s |
Total withdrawn from this area: | 481,505 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: forests with a slope of up to 1%: | Qtot =0 × 157 × 2351.25 = 0 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: forests with a slope of 1 to 5%: | Qtot = 0.05 × 157 × 111.375 = 874 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: forests with a slope above 5%: | Qtot = 0.1 × 157 × 12.375 = 194 l/s |
Total withdrawn from this area: | 1068 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: cemeteries, orchards, playgrounds with a slope of up to 1%: | Qtot = 0.1 × 157 × 219.45 = 3438 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: cemeteries, orchards, playgrounds with a slope of 1 to 5%: | Qtot = 0.15 × 157 × 10.395 = 244 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: cemeteries, orchards, playgrounds with a slope above 5%: | Qtot = 0.2 × 157 × 1.155 = 36 l/s |
Total withdrawn from this area: | 3718 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: buildings with a slope of up to 1%: | Qtot = 0.7 × 157 × 2186.9 = 240,363 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: buildings with a slope of 1 to 5%: | Qtot = 0.8 × 157 × 103.59 = 13,012 l/s |
Amount of precipitation on the surface: buildings with a slope above 5%: | Qtot = 0.9 × 157 × 11.51 = 1.27 l/s |
Total withdrawn from this area: | 255,002 l/s |
The total impact of the amount of rainfall for the territory—Ostrava | Qtot = 1 × 157 × 2.142 = 3,363,393 l/s |
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Teichmann, M.; Szeligova, N.; Faltejsek, M.; Chvatik, S. A Tool for Identifying Suitable Places for the Placement of Blue-Green Infrastructure Elements, a Case Study on the Cities of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. Water 2024, 16, 424. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16030424
Teichmann M, Szeligova N, Faltejsek M, Chvatik S. A Tool for Identifying Suitable Places for the Placement of Blue-Green Infrastructure Elements, a Case Study on the Cities of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. Water. 2024; 16(3):424. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16030424
Chicago/Turabian StyleTeichmann, Marek, Natalie Szeligova, Michal Faltejsek, and Stepan Chvatik. 2024. "A Tool for Identifying Suitable Places for the Placement of Blue-Green Infrastructure Elements, a Case Study on the Cities of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic" Water 16, no. 3: 424. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16030424
APA StyleTeichmann, M., Szeligova, N., Faltejsek, M., & Chvatik, S. (2024). A Tool for Identifying Suitable Places for the Placement of Blue-Green Infrastructure Elements, a Case Study on the Cities of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. Water, 16(3), 424. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16030424