Vermicompost Combined with Soil Conditioner Improves the Ecosystem Multifunctionality in Saline-Alkali Land
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Materials
2.2. Experimental Design
2.3. Soil Physicochemical Properties
2.4. Plant Traits
2.5. Soil Microbial Communities
2.6. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Growth and Oxidative Stress Tolerance of L. chinensis
3.2. Effects of Soil Amendments on the Versatility of Saline-Alkali Soils
3.3. Soil Microbial Community Diversity
3.4. Material Composition of Soil Microorganisms at the Phylum Level
3.5. Redundancy Analysis between Environmental Factors and Microbial Community Characteristics
3.6. Correlation Analysis between Soil Microbial Population and Physicochemical Properties and Enzyme Activity of Soil
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Indicator | Saline–Alkali Soil | Vermicompost | Solid Waste Soil Conditioner | National Standard GB15618-2018 [20] |
OM (g·kg−1) | 5.09 | 88.57 | 343.58 | - |
AvP (mg·kg−1) | 14.46 | 3.81 | 27.4 | - |
AvK (mg·kg−1) | 70.00 | 886.56 | 0.79 | - |
AvN (mg·kg−1) | 17.00 | 35.37 | 15.32 | - |
pH | 8.90 | 6.78 | 7.32 | - |
Ni (mg·kg−1) | 19.16 | 54 | 61 | 190.00 |
As (mg·kg−1) | 1.98 | 2.66 | 1.48 | 25.0 |
Cr (mg·kg−1) | 24.54 | 79 | 101 | 250.00 |
Zn (mg·kg−1) | 31.01 | 230 | 156 | 300.00 |
Cu (mg·kg−1) | 7.55 | 25 | 70 | 100.00 |
Cd (mg·kg−1) | 0.03 | 0.09 | 0.03 | 0.60 |
Hg (mg·kg−1) | 0.06 | 0.81 | 0.08 | 3.40 |
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Share and Cite
Ai, F.; He, L.; Li, Q.; Li, B.; Zhang, K.; Yang, H.; Zhang, C. Vermicompost Combined with Soil Conditioner Improves the Ecosystem Multifunctionality in Saline-Alkali Land. Water 2023, 15, 3075.
Ai F, He L, Li Q, Li B, Zhang K, Yang H, Zhang C. Vermicompost Combined with Soil Conditioner Improves the Ecosystem Multifunctionality in Saline-Alkali Land. Water. 2023; 15(17):3075.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAi, Feng, Linwei He, Qiang Li, Binbin Li, Kaiyu Zhang, Hang Yang, and Chenchen Zhang. 2023. "Vermicompost Combined with Soil Conditioner Improves the Ecosystem Multifunctionality in Saline-Alkali Land" Water 15, no. 17: 3075.
APA StyleAi, F., He, L., Li, Q., Li, B., Zhang, K., Yang, H., & Zhang, C. (2023). Vermicompost Combined with Soil Conditioner Improves the Ecosystem Multifunctionality in Saline-Alkali Land. Water, 15(17), 3075.