1. Introduction
An aquaculture system called an in-pond raceway system (IPR) consists of several raceways installed in a pond. In a raceway, air-lift pumps are set at the head of the raceway to continuously circulate water from the pond and direct supplemental oxygen in the system [
1]. The air-lift pumps bring water to flow in a fixed direction at a constant speed, which in turn causes solid waste to accumulate downstream, and easily transfers parts of solid waste from water, reduces water resource consumption, and facilitates management [
One of the purposes of aquaculture is to provide high-quality aquatic products for human beings. Muscle texture and nutritional composition are important indices of fish quality, and are influenced by aquaculture modes. Water flow stimulation is the most critical ecological factor for improving fish quality [
6], as it significantly increases fish protein content and decreases fat content [
9]. Moderate exercise can also affect muscle fatty acid ratios, significantly increase amino acid content [
10] and enhance the flavor of fish [
11]. Thus, as the water velocity of the IPR culture mode is significantly different from the traditional pond (TRP) culture, it can be inferred that IPR could improve the quality of fish meat. Palstra et al. reported that yellowtail kingfish (
Seriola lalandi) swimming at established flows of IPR showed increased growth performance and body protein [
7]; Peter et al. also reported on the effects of swimming in IPR on fat reduction in rainbow trout (
Oncorhynchus mykiss) [
The yellow catfish (
Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) is an economically important aquaculture species, particularly in eastern Asia, due to its high nutritional value, preferred flavor and shortened culture cycle. The average annual growth of yellow catfish production has been 16.4% since 2012 in China. The total output of yellow catfish was 0.51 million tons in 2021, according to the China fishery statistical yearbook [
13]. The yellow catfish is mostly cultured in TRP, accompanied by high mortality, diseases, pollution and other problems. In 2015, ulcer syndrome broke out in many intensive culture ponds of yellow catfish in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province [
14]. In 2019, ascites syndrome broke out in the main culture area of yellow catfish in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, resulting in large-scale deaths of yellow catfish, with a mortality rate of 85% [
15]. The waste water of high-density culture ponds of yellow catfish usually contains a lot of nitrite, ammonia nitrogen, organic matter and so on, which can cause serious damage to the natural environment [
16]. Some studies inferred that IPR was a potential dominant mode for culturing yellow catfish [
18]; however, we do not know the effects of IPR on the meat quality of the fish. The growth performance of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR was also different from that of other fish species [
19]. Therefore, it was worth exploring meat quality changes in yellow catfish cultured in IPR and TRP. This experiment analyzed and evaluated the muscle quality and texture characteristics of yellow catfish cultured in IPR and TRP. It also compared the nutritional quality of yellow catfish cultured in the two modes. This experiment provided basic data on the impact of different breeding modes on the quality of aquatic products, provided new ideas for the cultivation of yellow catfish, and also provided a certain theoretical basis for the improvement of yellow catfish quality.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Fish Culture
The experimental fish were obtained from a local aquaculture farm (Jingzhou, China). The initial body weight of each fish was (15.69 ± 2.28) g. All the fish were randomly assigned to three IPR systems and TRP ponds for culturing. Each raceway size was 20 m × 5 m × 2.5 m (L × W × H), and the flow rate was approximately 3 cm/s. The culturing capacity was about 20,000 per raceway. Each pond size was 90 m × 60 m × 2 m (L × W × H). The culture density of the TRP mode was about 4 fish/m2. During the experiment, the fish were fed with a commercial extruded diet containing 41.2% protein, 8.3% lipid, and 18.5 MJ/kg gross energy (Jingzhou Tianjia Co., Ltd., Jingzhou, China). The fish were fed three times per day (6:30, 12:00 and 17:00) with the feeding rate of 1.0~1.5% of body weight per feeding bout. We recorded the feeding amount and the number of dead fish every day. The feeding rate was adjusted according to the feeding status and feed waste. The culture period was set at 60 days.
2.2. Sampling
At the beginning of the experiment, 30 fish were randomly collected from each mode to accurately measure their body weight and length. At the end of the experiment, 30 fish were randomly collected from each mode to accurately measure their body weight and length again. The data were used to calculate the growth performance. Then, the fish were anesthetized with 200 mg/L tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222, Shanghai Aladdin Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China), and the same part of their muscles (beneath the dorsal fin, above the lateral line) were trimmed into a 10 mm × 10 mm × 5 mm block for muscle texture characteristic measurement. Another 30 fish were randomly collected from each mode, and treated as above; their muscles were taken and mixed for nutritional component analysis.
2.3. Measurement of Water Quality
The experiment was conducted from May to July, and the average temperature of aquaculture water was maintained at (26.3 ± 2.2) °C. Water quality indicators were measured every 3 days throughout the whole experiment, including total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), ammonia nitrogen (NH
3-N), nitrite nitrogen (NO
2-N) and dissolved oxygen (DO). TN and TP were measured by potassium persulfate ultraviolet spectrophotometry; NH
3-N was measured by nano reagent colorimetry; NO
2-N was measured by (1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine colorimetry; DO was measured by iodometry method. The water quality indicators were measured by Ms9000 multi parameter automatic water quality detector (Hach Co., Ltd., Loveland, CO, USA). The measurement methods of the above indicators all referred to the corresponding national standard methods [
20]. The composition of the experimental diet is shown in
Table 1. The water quality indicators are shown in
Table 2.
2.4. Calculation of Growth Index
Weight gain rate (WGR), specific growth rate (SGR) and survival rate (SR) were calculated according to the following formulas:
where Wt is the body weight at the end, Wo is the body weight at the beginning, St is the survival amount at the end and So is the amount at the beginning.
2.5. Measurement of Muscle Texture Characteristics
The TA.XT.plus physical property tester (British stable micro systems company, Beijing, China) was used for measurement of muscle texture characteristics. The measurements included hardness, elasticity, cohesiveness, stickiness, chewiness, resilience and viscosity. A flat bottom cylindrical probe P/35 was selected. The test conditions were as follows: sample compression degree was 65%; test rate was 3 mm/s before test, 2 mm/s during test and 2 mm/s after test; the type of load probe was Auto-5 g; data collection rate was 200 PPS. All samples were tested at room temperature.
2.6. Analyses of Nutritional Components in Muscle
The water content was measured by vacuum freeze-drying method (−60 °C) for 72 h; the crude protein was measured by micro-kjeldahl method; the crude fat was measured by Soxhlet method; the crude ash was measured using the ashing and burning method with a box-type electric furnace (600 °C) [
21]. The composition and content of amino acids were measured by amino acid automatic analyzer L-8900 (Hitachi, Ltd., Beijing, China) according to the method provided by GB/T 14965-1994. The composition and content of fatty acids were measured by Agilent 6890 according to the method provided by GB/T 5009.168-2016.
Fat quality was described by the following factors: UFA (sum of unsaturated fatty acids), SFA (sum of saturated fatty acids), MUFA (sum of monounsaturated fatty acids) and PUFA (sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids). These factors were calculated using the following equations [
UFA = (Methyl myristate + Methyl palmitoleate + 3-(3,5-Di tert butyl-4-Hydroxyphenyl)Methyl propi-onate + Methyl linoleate + Trans-9-octadecenoic acid methyl ester + Methyl trans oleate + 11-Octadecenoic acid methyl ester + Methyl arachidonate + Eicosapentaenoic acid methyl ester + Eicostrienoic acid methyl ester + Eicosadienoic acid methylester + cis-11-Eicosenoic acid methyl ester + Methyl 18-methylnonadecanoate + Methyl docosahexaenoate)
SFA = (Methyl laurate + Methyl tetradecanoate + Methyl palmitate + 14-Methyl pentadecanoate + 14-Methyl hexadecanoate + Methyl stearate)
MUFA = (Methyl myristate + Methyl palmitoleate + Trans-9-octadecenoic acid methyl ester + Methyl trans oleate + 11-Octadecenoic acid methyl ester + cis-11-Eicosenoic acid methyl ester)
PUFA = (3-(3,5-Di tert butyl-4-Hydroxyphenyl)Methyl propi-onate + Methyl linoleate + Methyl arachidonate + Eicosapentaenoic acid methyl ester + Eicostrienoic acid methyl ester + Eicosadienoic acid methylester + Methyl 18-methylnonadecanoate + Methyl docosahexaenoate)
2.7. Nutritional Quality Evaluation Method
Nutritional quality was evaluated based on the amino acid model of egg protein proposed by FAO/WHO and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The amino acid score (AAS), chemical score (CS) and essential amino acid index (EAAI) were calculated according to the following formulas:
where aa is a certain amino acid content in the sample, AAFAO/WHO is the same amino acid content in the FAO/WHO standard model, AAEgg is the same amino acid content in the whole egg protein; a, b, c, …… j refer to the content of some essential amino acids (EAA) in the protein to be evaluated, ae, be, ce, …… je refer to the content of EAA of the same species in whole egg protein and n is the number of EAA.
2.8. Statistical Analysis
Excel 2010 and SPSS 18.0 software were used for data analysis. The least significant difference (LSD) method was used to compare data. The 95% confidence level was taken, and p < 0.05 was taken as the difference significance standard. The data were expressed as mean ± standard error.
4. Discussion
According to the results of the water quality analysis, the water quality in IPR was significantly better than TRP. Due to the flowing water of the IPR, the DO was sufficient and stable. The contents of NH
3-N and NO
2-N were also low. All these good conditions improved the activities of the fish, enhanced their metabolism levels and increased their energy utilization. However, the stability of the water quality of the TRP model was poor, especially when the weather changed suddenly. The DO was persistently insufficient, leading to loss of appetite, decline of metabolism and increased incidence of disease. All these bad conditions changed their muscle nutrient content. This was consistent with the results of Plew et al. [
25] and Oca et al. [
In this study, the better growth performance (WGR, SGR and SR) of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR may have been related to better water quality and more effective recycling of water nutrients [
27]. Wang et al. reported that, due to the circulating nutritional environment, the growth performances of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR were significantly improved [
18]; Luke et al. reported that the better water quality of IPR could effectively reduce the pathogenicity of catfish [
28]. These results were consistent with this experiment.
Texture is one of the most important factors for consumers [
29]. Generally, higher values of the muscle hardness, elasticity and resilience, the chewiness can provide a better taste [
31], and correlated with more protein but less water and fat [
33]. In this study, these indices of fish in IPR were significantly increased (32.36%, 27.14%, 57.49% and 21.44%, respectively) compared with those cultured in TRP. Weng et al. [
34] also proved that the muscle elasticity, hardness and chewiness of black carp (
Mylopharyngodon piceus) cultured in IPR were higher than in those cultured in still water. The results showed that, compared with cultured in TRP, the muscles of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR were more compact and chewy.
Many researchers have reported that fish meat with higher protein content and lower fat content is more beneficial to human health, having higher nutritional value [
36]. In this study, the crude protein content of the fish cultured in IPR was higher than in those cultured in TRP, while the crude fat and water content was significantly lower. The basic nutrients of the feed used in the two modes were the same, which indicated that the differences in muscle nutritional components were greatly affected by the culture mode. Thus, IPR could significantly improve the crude protein content of yellow catfish and reduce crude fat and water content. Several studies reported that flowing water stimulation was beneficial to fish growth [
39]. The yellow catfish cultured in IPR were more active and consumed more energy in the feeding competition; their muscles exhibited high protein, low fat and low water content. This was also the internal reason for the change of muscle texture characteristics.
The content of AA and the proportion of EAA determine the nutritional value of muscle [
40]. In the present study, the contents of AA and EAA in IPR were significantly higher than in TRP, which indicated that the muscle quality of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR was much better than those in TRP. Xiu et al. [
41] also reported that the contents of AA and EAA in the muscle of qingbo fish (
Spinibarbus sinensis) cultured in flowing water were significantly higher than that cultured in still water. FAA can make food present delicious taste [
42]. The FAA content in muscles of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR was significantly higher than in those cultured in TRP, indicating that the flavor of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR would be better than those cultured in TRP. The results showed that IPR could change the amino acid composition and significantly improve the quality of the yellow catfish muscle.
According to the quality protein model recommended by FAO/WHO, TEAA/TAA should be about 40%, TNEAA/TAA should be about 60%, and TEAA/TNEAA should be greater than 0.6 [
43]. As seen in
Table 5, the amino acid composition of the yellow catfish muscle in both cultivation modes conformed to the high-quality protein model (TRP 0.77, IPR 0.78), better than many other aquatic products [Pacific bluefin tuna (
Thunnus orientalis) 0.65; rainbow trout (
Oncorhynchus mykiss) 0.62; red drum (
Sciaenops ocellatus) 0.53] [
46]. ASS, CS and EAAI are commonly used to measure and evaluate the nutritional value of protein. As shown in
Table 6, ASS and CS of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR were higher than those in TRP; EAAI was significantly higher than those in TRP. This indicated that IPR could effectively improve the quality of the yellow catfish muscle. The result was consistent with Wang et al. [
47], who found that IPR could significantly improve the nutritional quality of largemouth bass (
Micropterus salmoides).
The percentages of SFA in muscle of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR and TRP were 3.59% and 3.83%, respectively. The SFA content was significantly lower than grey schizothorax fish (
Schizothorax griseus Pellegrin) (24.4%) [
48], salmon (
Oncorhynchus spp.) (28.74%) [
49] and rabbitfish (
Siganus oramin) (49.67%) [
50]. The percentage of UFA in muscle of the yellow catfish cultured in IPR (96.41%) was slightly higher than those cultured in TRP (96.17%). Additionally, both of them were significantly higher than bighead carp (
Aristichthys nobilis) (25.68%) [
51], catfish (23.62%) [
52], etc. UFA is a kind of fatty acid which constitutes human body fat and is indispensable to humans. The results showed that the muscles of cultured yellow catfish were rich in UFA, and mainly composed of MUFA—indicating that the muscle of cultured yellow catfish was beneficial to human digestion and absorption. The muscle fatty acid composition in IPR was slightly better than in TRP.
In total, 21 fatty acids were detected in the muscles of the yellow catfish. As shown in
Table 7, total FA, UFA and MUFA contents of TRP were significantly higher than IPR. This may have been caused by the fact that the crude lipid content of TRP was significantly higher than IPR. However, the percentage of UFA in the total fatty acids (96.41%) of IPR was slightly higher than in TRP (96.17%). This indicated that even the fat content was significantly reduced in IPR, while the composition of fatty acid was optimized. This may have been due to the fact that yellow catfish enjoy living in water with high dissolved oxygen and fast flow in their natural environment [
53]. Compared with TRP, the yellow catfish cultured in IPR had higher sport intensity and lower fat content, which explained the differences in UFA content [
54]. Therefore, IPR could improve the flavor and nutritional value of the yellow catfish by optimizing the fatty acid content.