1. Introduction
The impacts of climate change, such as increasing temperatures, frequency, and intensity of drought, and flooding, coupled with population growth, urbanisation, land degradation, and improper agricultural practices, are compounding the existing food and water insecurity challenges [
2]. The projected world population growth to over 9 billion people by 2050 [
3] will increase the land under irrigation for agriculture to meet the food requirements of the increased population [
5]. If not well planned, this will result in socio-ecological unsustainability, compounding climate change, and severe consequences on human and environmental health and wellbeing [
7]. Apart from the socio-economic benefits, increasing the irrigated area can exacerbate the pressure on already dwindling freshwater resources, which is a cause for concern under climate change [
11]. The warming climate exacerbates the challenge of water and food insecurity, through unpredictability and scarcity, which have already resulted in shifts in agro-ecological zones and, thus, is affecting crop yields [
12]. These impacts are bound to worsen without clear knowledge of the spatial extent of irrigated areas, and dynamic shifts in these [
7]. This important information is needed to plan and formulate policies and strategies on irrigation expansion, rural economic development, land reform, and agricultural water management [
Irrigation is an indispensable climate change adaptation strategy, especially for smallholder farmers who constitute most farmers in developing countries and are the most vulnerable to climate change [
11]. Particularly, their reliance on the increasingly highly variable and unpredictable rainfall for agriculture makes the transition to irrigated agriculture more relevant now than ever [
14]. However, the cross-cutting challenges of irrigation expansion require cross-sectoral and transformative approaches that recognise the interlinkages within and between systems [
16]. This is based, in part, on that almost 70% of the available freshwater resource withdrawals are already being used for crop production, on only 18% of cultivated areas globally [
4]. Therefore, the worsening climate change, the challenges of rural socio-economic development, and the increasing demand for food, whether it be for household or national food security, or as an economic activity for livelihoods or national gross domestic product (GDP), warrant coherent policies and strategies that balance improved water use efficiency with environmental and human outcomes for sustainability [
Knowledge of the current spatial extent and dynamic changes in irrigated land is important to inform policy and decision making in formulating coherent strategies on water allocation, agricultural water management, regulating land and water use, and directing irrigation infrastructure investment and development [
17]. However, this information is scant, compromising the sustained and transformational change needed in the agriculture sector to enhance water and food security, and socio-ecological sustainability [
18]. Existing databases on irrigated areas are mostly developed at the global scale and, generally, on a coarse spatial resolution, with a spatial mismatch, therefore misrepresenting the actual irrigated areas [
19]. A more localised spatial scale and resolution are preferred for tracking changes in irrigated areas over time [
19]. This has become even more important with the increasing vulnerability to climate disasters and other risks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which impacted agriculture in ways that are still largely unknown [
16]. Thus, accurate data on irrigated land, disaggregated between smallholder and large-scale commercial farming, are essential for informing policy and supporting decision makers with strategies that promote and increase the sustainability of the agriculture sector in terms of economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Such localised quantification is more important for the smallholder sub-sector, which is on small and fragmented parcels of land, which is usually difficult to detect on low resolution satellite images [
20], and may, therefore, be substantially under-estimated. Because of the mismatch in the scale of regional and global irrigation mapping, the use of irrigation water in smallholder farming areas is largely unaccounted for. Yet, it is widely recognised that the total area of smallholder irrigated areas in many African countries is greater than commercial irrigation [
22]. As a result, it becomes evident that there is more water use in the smallholder irrigation subsector, yet most of this water is unaccounted for [
23]. In South Africa, where large-scale commercial white farmers own most irrigated areas, the proportion of cultivated areas that are irrigated was similar for small- and large-scale irrigation in one province, Limpopo [
This study builds on earlier initiatives that also extracted irrigated areas worldwide [
27]. These projects produced irrigated area maps that were generally coarse in spatial resolution, as they were mostly regional or global initiatives. These include the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) database [
28], Global Map of Irrigated Areas version 5 (GMIA 5.0) [
29], the MIRCA 2000 product [
30], and IWMI’s (International Water Management Institute) irrigated area map [
31], among other datasets. In 2016, IWMI developed an improved irrigated area geospatial product for Asia and Africa using Fourier series, canonical correlation analysis, and time-lagged regression at a spatial resolution of 250 m for 2000 and 2010 [
27]. Subsequently, IWMI also developed another localised irrigated areas map for Limpopo Province in South Africa, using Landsat 8 imagery [
11]. Even though these spatial datasets are crucial in quantifying and mapping irrigated areas, the accuracy is generally low due to low spatial resolution [
19]. A recent study in South Africa revealed that using low spatial resolution data can lead to the misclassification of irrigated areas, particularly in smallholder fields that are 1 to 2 ha in size, which is too small to be distinguished by low-resolution satellites [
Advances in information technologies have significantly improved remote sensing tools through the advent of cloud-based big data management platforms such as Google Earth Engine (GEE), artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms [
33]. These advances, coupled with the availability of freely accessible remotely sensed datasets, greatly improve agricultural information management by reducing the pre-processing, processing, and post-processing time [
37]. The mapping improvements are concurrently applied to improve the mapping accuracy and distinguish irrigated from rainfed areas [
We, therefore, used this improved technology to accurately assess irrigation by smallholder farmers relative to larger-scale commercial irrigation, and how this compares under different extrinsic circumstances. This study developed a more accurate irrigated area dataset for the Inkomati-Usuthu Water Management Area (IUWMA), South Africa, using a combination of the random forest classifier, GEE, and the R-programming language. The IUWMA is appropriate for this study as it is a relatively moist area in an arid country. It has a substantial combination of commercial and smallholder agricultural land use that constitutes a major regional gross domestic product (GDP) component. The water management area has a large, resource-poor, rural population within its former homelands. However, it has substantial high-priority biodiversity conservation areas, including priority mountain catchment areas and important catchments in the world-renowned Kruger National Park. Moreover, there are downstream obligations of water flow and water quality to Mozambique (Sabi and Komati) and Swaziland (Usuthu Rivers); however, all the available freshwater resources are almost all allocated [
38]. We then used this increased understanding to inform policy and guide decision making on informed strategies on sustainable irrigation expansion for commercial and smallholder sectors and accounting for the possible impacts of the stochastic events, such as those represented by the COVID-19 pandemic, on agriculture and agricultural water use.
4. Discussion
Irrigated agriculture is fundamental to food and water security as it accounts for 40% of global food production on less than a third of the world’s cropped land [
53]. The proportion could increase if the uncounted water used in smallholder irrigation is included [
54]. Irrigation is projected to play a pivotal role in future food production because of climate change and associated variability [
56]. Currently, the sub-sector supports food production in dry seasons, generally using groundwater resources in arid and semi-arid regions like South Africa to produce food, and increasingly supplements production during the dry season [
11]. The importance of irrigated agriculture is evidenced by its high yields, between 30% and 60% higher than rainfed agriculture [
57]. However, as already alluded to, irrigation already accounts for over 70% of total global freshwater withdrawals (both surface and groundwater) [
4]. Irrigated agriculture, therefore, plays an important role in food and water security. As the population is projected to more than double by 2050 and more than treble by 2100 [
3], irrigated agriculture is expected to increase significantly if agriculture is to meet the increasing food demands from a growing population. Plans to increase the land under irrigation should be informed by accurate information on the present spatial distribution and extent of irrigated agriculture, yet this information is very scant [
Accurate and up-to-date spatial information on irrigated areas is necessary to effectively manage the limited water resources and is critical for policy decisions that improve water use efficiency, promote irrigation expansion and inform water reallocation [
11]. The availability of an accurate irrigated agriculture dataset also facilitates strategic on-farm decisions such as irrigation scheduling and improved water productivity throughout the growing season [
59]. Such knowledge is critical for informing irrigation expansion and enhancing food and water security. Thus, a high resolution and accurate irrigation dataset is essential for assessing irrigation water requirements, cropping patterns, and evapotranspiration trends in highly irrigated areas in space and time [
19]. This information facilitates hydrologic modelling that determines groundwater recharge, assessment of water demands at the field scale, and characterising the spatio-temporal variation of crop yields in irrigated areas [
As population increases and climate change compound water and food insecurity challenges [
61], one strategy that can be adopted to ensure food and water security is increasing the irrigated areas to allow crops to be cultivated outside their optimal climate growing regions and buffering against climate variability [
4]. This approach makes irrigation an important climate change adaptation strategy. However, irrigation could negatively affect water resources, resulting in groundwater depletion and diminished surface water supplies, as is the current case in the IUWMA, with huge impacts on downstream water supplies and availability [
47]. Moreover, irrigation expansion can damage natural habitats and disturb natural environments, with serious socio-ecological impacts, such as biodiversity loss and associated reduction in ecosystem services [
62]. Therefore, irrigation guidelines and policies must integrate water and water use policies to ensure sustainable resource use in the irrigation sector. However, this is possible only when there is accurate spatial information on the distribution and extent of current irrigated areas. This is what this study has done, producing an alternative methodology to accurately map irrigated areas, in support of previous studies [
As previous studies have shown a significant trend of the increasing area under irrigation and increased water use in irrigated agriculture [
47], there is an urgent need for new strategies to enhance the water productivity and avail water resources to other sectors where water is also needed. New strategies also need to acknowledge early gaps and inequalities that exist and dictate water resource access, allocation, and use due to era-specific policies, for example, the apartheid era in South Africa. For example, in such a setting, new strategies, legislation, and policy need to promote resource decentralization and equity and shift towards policy integration for fairness and feasibility of implementing policies. The National Water Act of South Africa [
63], highlights, for example, that inequities within the water sector need to be redressed for the gaps within the irrigation sector (between smallholder and commercial irrigation) to be addressed. This means that, where water resources become too limited, poverty alleviation and food security of historically disadvantaged small-scale informal irrigators need to be prioritized over the disproportionately high volumes used by relatively few formal, labour-extensive large-scale irrigators [
63]. There is, therefore, a need for policy and decision makers to formulate strategies that promote access to water by smallholder farmers without compromising water security. However, these policies need to be based on accurate spatial information on current irrigated areas. Currently, most smallholder farmers in southern Africa, including South Africa, lack access to water, a situation compounded by poor and biased policies, incorrect water allocation and poor distribution mechanisms, and a lack of institutional environments to account for socio-economic biases and promote equity [
The climate-sensitive agriculture sector is a prominent feature for the economies of many countries worldwide. In southern Africa, for example, over 70% of the population relies on this sector for food, income, and employment [
12]. Yet, the increasing intensity and frequency of extreme weather events of droughts and heatwaves have become a major cause of low yields, and worsening food and water insecurity [
12]. The challenges call for urgent interventions to enhance water-efficient cropping systems, and food and water security innovations and strategies that drive related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Given the intensification of climatic changes, pronounced rainfall variability, and water challenges, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Regional Indicative Strategic Plan (RISDP) of 2003 and the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), and Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP), all highlight a need for the agriculture sector to be prioritised while acknowledging that rainfed agriculture alone is exposed to risk and maybe unsustainable as a food security strategy or to drive economic development [
In the IUWMA, irrigated areas were 86% of total cultivated areas in 2019, increasing to 92% in 2020. The change was even more pronounced in smallholder irrigation in former homelands, increasing from 80% to 96%. This further underlines the growing importance of irrigation for food security, particularly among the most vulnerable, highlighting the significant transformations in smallholder agriculture in the management area. The COVID-19 pandemic probably contributed to this remarkable increase in land area under irrigation as households resorted to agriculture to supplement the lost income (
www.gov.za/sites/default/files/gcis_document/202005/43321rg11113gon535_0.pdf (accessed on 10 November 2021)). This is based on the fact that agriculture was considered an essential sector that was allowed to operate during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. People who lost jobs and other sources of income during the lockdowns resorted to agriculture as an alternative source of income. This highlights the importance of irrigated agriculture in enhancing food security and improving rural livelihoods. Further empirical research and ground-truthing will enhance the method’s accuracy and improve the understanding of the impacts of COVID-19, weather and climate changes, and other contributing factors. Apart from informing policy formulation and decision making, disaggregated information on irrigated areas’ spatial distribution and extent facilitate estimating consumptive water use of crops in irrigated agriculture [
Despite being important in improved crop productivity, irrigated agriculture has large water consumption through high unproductive losses through runoff and evaporation. For example, winter crop production is very important in a water-scarce country like South Africa, but this could be limited to certain areas due to high water stress and frost in some dry regions [
4]. Thus, the water management area is key for sustainable agriculture, which can improve productivity, national food security, and improved livelihoods through earnings spread throughout the year, employment creation, and foreign exchange earned from exports. This brings to the fore the concept of the water–energy–food (WEF) nexus, which considers the interlinked sectors in integrated resources management [
14]. With South Africa’s unemployment rate worsening, winter agriculture provides an important opportunity to create employment, create extra income for poor households, and improve livelihoods and the resilience of poor communities. Thus, winter agriculture could be a climate change adaptation strategy, particularly in rural areas. The IUWMA is ideal for this, being both humid and frost-free for crop production throughout the year.
Producing food with scarce water resources (water productivity) and limited land resources (land productivity) is a major challenge in dry and semi-arid climates like South Africa [
4]. As the cultivation of drought-tolerant crops enhances soil fertility and could mitigate agronomic challenges in the dry winter season, it is also very important to grow locally adapted plant species and underutilised indigenous crops that adapt to harsh local conditions [
66]. This creates an opportunity to develop a dry season cropping system that contributes to food security, conserves scarce resources, and ultimately alleviates poverty in poor former homeland areas.
4.1. Policy Implications
Southern Africa has a large number of underdeveloped rural farming communities. Given the worsening water scarcity challenges in the region, South Africa included, current and potential contributions of rainfed and irrigated agriculture need to be quantified, based on projected rainfall totals and the cost and availability of irrigation water supply [
7]. This information is critical for strategic policy formulations that lead to the adaptation of the agriculture sector to the current challenges and the development of the smallholder irrigation sector, including supplementary water for rainfed agriculture, and the adoption of irrigation technologies [
67]. The current policies, such as the CAADP and the RAP under the SADC Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources FANR Directorate, highlight potential for irrigation, especially informal irrigation, to intensify smallholder agriculture and provide opportunities for smallholder farmers to increase their production, combat hunger, poverty, and food insecurity, and improve their socio-economic standing and resilience to climatic shocks in the SADC region, which is experiencing rainfall variability challenges [
Irrigation developments in South Africa occurred before 1950 and after the Tomlinson Commission on socio-economic development, which recommended irrigation schemes (“informal”) for subsistence-based farming activities to combat hunger and household food insecurity in 1955 in rural areas [
7]. These schemes were inadequate to allow rural people to participate in agriculture for economic performance and benefits for improved livelihoods, while the “formal” irrigated agriculture allowed for this to happen [
7]. To date, irrigation remains an essential component of sustainable agricultural development. Still, it needs to be developed systemically and holistically, considering its intricate interlinkages with other sectors of energy and water [
68]. That is because agriculture as a sector and, more specifically, informal irrigated agriculture is vulnerable to extreme weather changes and is expected to be more vulnerable to future climatic shocks [
64]. Differential climate change impacts will be expected on the overall agriculture sector in South Africa, but the severity of such impacts will largely be due to underlying conditions relating to equity and socio-economic standing created by past biases of the apartheid era.
Those likely to experience severe impacts are communities in marginal areas that were previously not accounted for in the past policy development [
69]. Therefore, radical transformation and climate change adaptation will be largely linked to new strategies and policies’ abilities to account for existing gaps, injustices, and unique socio-economic statuses in South Africa. Such policies should, in their framework, prioritise resource decentralisation sustainably, ensure policy integration, and create policy environments that speak of inequality and aim to achieve equity and inclusion. They will have to provide solutions and actions that will enable their objectives to achieve equity and address injustices. This would help in the journey to achieving objectives of development strategies within the agriculture sector such as the Strategic Plan for South Africa’s Agriculture, Agricultural Policy in South Africa, and the Black Economic Empowerment Framework for Agriculture (AgriBEE), which speak of equity, inclusion, agricultural support for smallholders, competitiveness, and profitability of smallholdings and diversification of structures of production for improved livelihoods and socio-economic statuses in South Africa [
70]. This study has enhanced the implementation of these policies by providing an approach that accurately maps the spatial distribution and extent of irrigated areas, disaggregated between smallholder and commercial farming areas.
4.2. Limitations
Recent advances in remote sensing and machine learning algorithms have improved the mapping and monitoring of irrigated lands under various environmental conditions in near real-time [
71]. Its main advantage is that they offer a synoptic overview of irrigated areas in various spectral regions and with temporal frequencies adequate to assess crop growth, maturity, and harvest [
47]. Big data platforms like the GEE facilitate the comparison of images over a long period, allowing appreciating changes over time. This is apart from the time and cost-effectiveness of remotely sensed data compared to traditional statistical surveys [
72]. Improved irrigated areas improve water allocation to farmers, irrigation performance and intensity assessment, and environmental impact assessment, thereby improving irrigation water use efficiency.
The accuracy could even improve by applying machine learning algorithms on high-resolution images such as IKONOS, WorldView, RapidEye, and QUICKBIRD, but these remain too costly. The 6-day revisit time of the Sentinel 1 platform facilitates a more precise crop assessment within seven days, allowing the detection of irrigation events to allow for informed irrigation scheduling [
71]. Moreover, as a radar sensor, Sentinel 1 is not affected by cloud cover or other weather events.
One challenge of using remote sensing in mapping irrigated areas is related to its use in humid areas, as there is considerable overlap in spectral signatures between irrigated and rainfed areas. The vegetation is always green, making it difficult to separate irrigated fields from rainfed plots. However, this is being overcome by using temporal data on crop planting, maturity, and harvest in combination with spectral information [
73]. The limitation of the specified revisit periods of sensors is being overcome by the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which allow user-defined temporal and spatial resolution [