Climate and Extreme Rainfall Events in the Mono River Basin (West Africa): Investigating Future Changes with Regional Climate Models
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Observational Climate Data
3.2. Data from Regional Climate Models
3.3. Statistical Methods
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Spatial Distribution of the Annual Rainfall and Air Temperature for Three Datasets
4.2. Spatial Distribution of the Averaged Annual Precipitation and Air Temperature for AMMA-ENSEMBLES Models
4.3. Average Rainfall and Temperature Regimes in the Mono River Basin at the Nangbéto Outlet
4.4. Frequency Analysis of Rainfall Distribution in the Mono River Basin
4.5. Analysis of Extreme Precipitation under Present Day and Future Climates
4.6. Analysis of the Return Periods of Rainfall Extreme Using a GEV Model
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Model Number | Regional Climate Model (RCM) | Driving Global Climate Model (GCM) | ||
RCM | Modeling Agency | GCM | Modeling Agency | |
CORDEX | ||||
(1) | REMO | GERICS | CM5A-LR | IPSL |
(2) | RegCM4-3 | ICTP | MPI-ESM-MR | MPI-M |
(5) | SMHI | RCA4 | CM5A-MR | IPSL |
(6) | SMHI | RCA4 | MPI-ESM-LR | MPI-M |
CMIP5 | ||||
(7) | CM5 | CNRM | ||
(8) | CM5A-LR | IPSL | ||
(9) | CM5A-MR | IPSL | ||
(10) | ESM-LR | MPI | ||
(11) | ESM-MR | MPI | ||
AMMA-ENSEMBLES | Scenario | |||
(12) | RegCM3 | ICTP | ECHAM5 | A1B |
(13) | HIRHAM | METNO | HadCM3 | A1B |
(14) | REMO | MPI-M | ECHAM | A1B |
(15) | RCA | SMHI | HadCM3 | A1B |
RCMs | Ref_1988–2010 | Proj_2028–2050 |
MPI | 42 | 42 |
METO | 63 | 62 |
SMH | 47 | 45 |
ICT | 48 | 48 |
Precipitation (mm) | Hist | MPI | METO | SMH | ICT |
Ref_1988–2010 | |||||
99th percentile | 29.92 | 86.66 | 17.98 | 75.22 | 31.32 |
Proj_2028–2050 | |||||
99th percentile | - | 85.70 | 19.36 | 71.39 | 38.11 |
Return Periods (Years) | Hist | ICT_Ref | ICT_Proj |
1 | 32.5 | 40 | 90 |
2 | 35 | 48 | 100 |
5 | 40 | 52.5 | 120 |
10 | 45 | 77 | 200 |
20 | 47.5 | 89 | 289 |
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Amoussou, E.; Awoye, H.; Totin Vodounon, H.S.; Obahoundje, S.; Camberlin, P.; Diedhiou, A.; Kouadio, K.; Mahé, G.; Houndénou, C.; Boko, M. Climate and Extreme Rainfall Events in the Mono River Basin (West Africa): Investigating Future Changes with Regional Climate Models. Water 2020, 12, 833.
Amoussou E, Awoye H, Totin Vodounon HS, Obahoundje S, Camberlin P, Diedhiou A, Kouadio K, Mahé G, Houndénou C, Boko M. Climate and Extreme Rainfall Events in the Mono River Basin (West Africa): Investigating Future Changes with Regional Climate Models. Water. 2020; 12(3):833.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAmoussou, Ernest, Hervé Awoye, Henri S. Totin Vodounon, Salomon Obahoundje, Pierre Camberlin, Arona Diedhiou, Kouakou Kouadio, Gil Mahé, Constant Houndénou, and Michel Boko. 2020. "Climate and Extreme Rainfall Events in the Mono River Basin (West Africa): Investigating Future Changes with Regional Climate Models" Water 12, no. 3: 833.
APA StyleAmoussou, E., Awoye, H., Totin Vodounon, H. S., Obahoundje, S., Camberlin, P., Diedhiou, A., Kouadio, K., Mahé, G., Houndénou, C., & Boko, M. (2020). Climate and Extreme Rainfall Events in the Mono River Basin (West Africa): Investigating Future Changes with Regional Climate Models. Water, 12(3), 833.