Insuring Water Supply in Irrigated Agriculture: A Proposal for Hydrological Drought Index-Based Insurance in Spain
:1. Introduction
2. Hydrological Drought Insurance as an Instrument for Adaptation to Global Change
2.1. The Risk of Water Supply Gaps in Irrigated Agriculture
2.2. Factors Hindering the Development of Hydrological Drought Insurance for Irrigators
- The ‘moral hazard’ problem, which arises when the farmer, having taken out an insurance policy, may intentionally behave carelessly regarding the covered risks, with the insurer being unaware of that behavior [42]. This would be the case, for example, with an irrigator who has taken out a hydrological drought insurance policy and, in situations of water supply gaps, does not use his/her entire annual allotment to irrigate. Thus, the irrigator would save costs (lower irrigation costs) and, at the same time, would stand to receive a greater indemnity payment (higher losses claimed).
- The ‘adverse selection’ problem, that is, those farmers that are most likely to suffer losses are more willing to take out insurance. Since insurance premiums are usually set according to an average measure of risk, low-risk farmers will not be as motivated to insure their activities as high-risk farmers. In this way, a ‘self-selection’ process occurs where the insurance subscribers would be increasingly likely to suffer losses [43]. This problem creates an actuarial imbalance for the insurer (claim payments greater than premium charges), which inevitably leads to a progressive rise in insurance costs and, ultimately, to the inefficiency of the instrument [44,45].
- Hydrological drought is a systemic risk [46], which implies that water supply gaps affect a large number of irrigators (all those located in the same river basin) at the same time. Thus, the indemnity payments may jeopardize the solvency of insurance companies. This issue could be addressed, on the one hand, through reinsurance and, on the other hand, by encouraging insurance companies to build up substantial capital reserves. Both measures would also increase the cost of the premiums.
- As already mentioned, climate models predict a decrease in the average volume of water available for irrigation and an increase in its variance, changes that would raise the cost of the premium in a hydrological drought insurance scheme. However, there is a high degree of uncertainty about future changes in the probability distribution function (PDF) characterizing the stochastic variable ‘water allotments’, which is key information for the insurance actuarial analysis [47]. This problem may be solved by adding an additional ambiguity load into the insurance premium [46].
- The existence of different sources of water supply for irrigation also generates a problem because hydrological droughts do not affect all of them equally. This would be the case, for example, with an irrigator who has rights to surface water, but can also access groundwater sources, reclaimed water and/or desalinated water. In a hydrological drought situation involving cuts in surface water allotments, the irrigator could offset the water supply gap by using any other water sources, such as desalinated water, which is totally secure (this resource is not exhaustible). Under this circumstance, the water supply gap would not be insurable, given the difficulty of complying with the indemnity principle: the insured farmer could benefit from the loss since the indemnity received may be higher than the extra cost incurred for using the other sources of water. Thus, it could be inferred that only those irrigators who have water rights for just one source of supply potentially subject to annual allotment constraints (i.e., a surface water right served by a river basin agency) should be able to take out a hydrological drought insurance policy.
- Farmers (potential insured parties) may influence the decision related to the amounts of water to be distributed among irrigators (water allotments) in each irrigation season. Indeed, irrigators are commonly represented in river basin agencies and take part in the decision-making process regarding the setting of annual water allotments, thus influencing the probability of loss occurrence. This issue makes the risk of a water supply gap uninsurable, since losses due to allotment cuts cannot be considered as entirely accidental.
- In many countries, spot water markets and water banks are allowed during drought periods [30,31]. Thus, the amount of water that irrigators actually use for irrigation in their own farms depends on their economic decisions: whether they decide to sell their water allotment or to buy additional water from other farmers. For this reason, hydrological drought insurance cannot protect against production (crop) losses due to a lack of water, because these losses could be aggravated if the farmer decides to sell his/her water allotment. Thus, a drought insurance scheme should insure the value of the farmer’s water allotment, and not the value of his/her crop yield (as in most existing crop insurance schemes). If the insurance scheme is designed this way, irrigators could be protected against lost profits caused by failures in water supplies (reductions in water allotments), regardless of their actual use of water.
- In river basins where reservoirs have a large water storage capacity compared to annual inflows and annual water demands (i.e., inertial water supply systems), hydrological droughts only involve reductions in water allotments after extended periods of meteorological drought, normally longer than a year. In these river basins, it is very difficult to set an appropriate time frame for drought insurance. This is the case with the basins located in southern Spain [48], as well as in most of the basins in Mediterranean and semiarid developed countries. In these inertial systems, if the amount of water stored at the beginning of the hydrological year (in October, when reservoirs reach their lowest water levels after the dry summer) is ‘normal’ (similar to the average for this month), there is typically zero probability of a water supply gap in that hydrological year. Consequently, water needs for irrigation are certain to be fully met, even if the year is drier than average. Under this circumstance, no one would be willing to take out insurance covering the risk of cuts in water allotments that year. In these basins, cuts in water allotments would occur only after two or three years with rainfall significantly below the average. Thus, the lower the volume of water stored at the beginning of the hydrological year, the greater the probability of allotment cuts during the year and, therefore, the higher the willingness to take out a drought insurance policy. This calls into question the design of a single-year hydrological drought insurance scheme, similar to other agricultural insurance schemes, because the probability of loss occurrence in a given year is not a statistically independent phenomenon; the probability of a water supply gap differs depending on whether the hydrological year starts with stored water levels above or below the historical average. This fact points to the need for multi-year policies or specific contract conditions that encourage the renewal of policies year after year.
3. Design Alternatives for Insuring Hydrological Drought Risk in Irrigated Agriculture
- Yield or income index-based insurance, based on a direct measure, such as the average yields or incomes within the same agricultural region.
- Indirect index insurance, based on one or several variables exogenous to the farms. It is possible to differentiate between: i) climatic index insurance, which may consider variables such as rainfall or temperature; ii) agro-climatic index insurance, which takes into account indicators such as the humidity of the soil; iii) satellite imagery index insurance, for example, those relying on vegetation indexes; and iv) index insurance based on other variables, such as the amount of water stored in reservoirs or reservoir inflows.
- As indemnities are calculated according to the value of an objective and non-manipulable index, it is not necessary to perform in-field damage evaluations.
- Because the indexes used are non-manipulable, the farmers do not have any capacity to influence the result of the value of the index (and the indemnities) through their behavior. Thus, the moral hazard problem is negligible.
- There is a greater transparency in the calculation of indemnities in comparison with traditional insurance, so there is no room for arbitrariness, with conflict resolution costs consequently minimized.
- Moreover, as the information for the index (e.g., information on the variable rainfall) is the same for both parties, the insured and the insurer, adverse selection is less of a problem than with traditional insurance.
- The method used to calculate the indexed variable must be available to all potential insured farmers.
- The values to be used in the index must be objective and non-manipulable, and must be regularly made public through appropriate diffusion channels.
- There must be historical records of the exogenous variables used to calculate the index, and information regarding feasible future trends (climate models accounting for uncertainty about future changes in the PDF characterizing the stochastic variable ‘water allotments’) so that insurance companies can perform actuarial analyses based on the proposed index.
4. Proposal for a Hydrological Drought Index-Based Insurance for Irrigation in Spain
- Insurable interest: contrary to traditional crop insurance, where crop yields are the insurable interest, the proposed contract considers the full annual water allotment (as established in the water right granted by the RBA) as the interest to be insured. Therefore, it is basically a single-risk insurance policy for the farm, but the insurance policy could also be taken out as a complementary coverage alongside the traditional agricultural insurance schemes, if all crops in the farm are insured. In any case, it is worth remarking that a requirement for insuring this type of risk is that the only resources available to insured farmers are from surface water (allotments set annually by the RBA). If farmers have access to alternative sources of irrigation water (e.g., groundwater—wells—or desalinated resources), they can cope with surface water supply gaps by resorting to other sources, and thus do not need insurance.
- Insured capital (IC): this is the value of the annual full water allotment, constituting the maximum amount of compensation that the insurer would be obliged to pay to the insured in case of extreme hydrological drought. In this regard, it is proposed that this value should be agreed or estimated, on a farm-by-farm basis, as equivalent to the difference between the annual gross margin of the insured farm with full water allotment and the estimated annual gross margin of the same farm under rainfed conditions. These calculations should use data on average gross margins for irrigated and rainfed crops in each irrigation district. Thus, by considering the actual planned crop mix under full irrigation (different for each farm) and the typical crop mix under rainfed conditions (the same for every farm), the value of the annual full water allotment could be estimated for each insured farm.
- Index: this is the variable used to determine the occurrence and intensity of the loss. As mentioned above, the index must meet certain requirements; particularly important features are its close correlation with the insured loss and being non-manipulable. Taking into account these characteristics and the analyzed literature, we suggest using an estimate of the stock of water available in reservoirs (SW) of the water system (reservoir network) that supplies irrigation water to the insured farmer. More precisely, it is proposed that this index should be calculated annually on 1 May as the sum of the water stored in the reservoirs at the end of the previous hydrological year (30 September) plus the inflow accumulation in the reservoirs from the beginning of the hydrological year (1 October) to the following 30 April. Thus, this index could be calculated annually at the beginning of May and, depending on its value, it can be determined whether there is a loss (high probability of supply gap—reduced water allotment) and, if so, the intensity thereof, as discussed below.
- Loss: the occurrence of loss is verified when the value of the SW index is lower than a previously determined threshold T of water stored. T corresponds to the minimum stock of water in reservoirs that would allow the RBA to approve full water allotments. Thus, in order for a loss to be declared, SW must be lower than T, since under such circumstances there will probably be restrictions on irrigation allotments and, consequently, a loss incurred by irrigated farms. This loss could be ‘partial’ (SW lower than T, but higher than L, with the latter parameter defined as the lowest limit of water stock that allows the RBA to approve non-zero irrigation allotments), or ‘total’ (SW lower or equal to L, which would mean zero annual water allotments for irrigation). Therefore, the declaration of losses (and also the indemnity assessment) could be made at the beginning of the irrigation season, specifically on 1 May, once the value of the SW index has been calculated.
- Indemnity (I): this is the estimated cash amount equivalent to the value of the damages caused by the loss. As it is an index-based insurance scheme, the calculation of the indemnity would not require in-field damage assessment. It would be calculated automatically, after determining the value of SW, as follows:
- Premium: an annual policy with an annual premium is proposed.
- Contract term: we propose that the contract is valid from the formalization of the policy during the pre-established contracting period and the corresponding payment of the annual premium (during the month of September every year), to 1 May of the following year, after the calculation of the SW index. However, the policy should be extendable for subsequent annuities. In addition, in order to minimize the existence of intertemporal adverse selection, if a pre-alert, alert or emergency situation occurs during the contracting period (September), only policies taken out in previous years would be eligible for renewal. The inclusion of new insured irrigators or modifications in the insured capital due to changes in the crop patterns would only be possible during the contracting period under normal hydrological conditions.
- Claim: as it is an index-based insurance, the irrigators do not have to inform the insurer about the occurrence of a loss. On 1 May, the value of the SW index is calculated and, if this value is lower than T, the compensation to be received by each insured irrigator is automatically determined.
- Insured: this could refer to holders of individual policies (irrigators) or collective policies (irrigators’ associations including all farmers operating in the same irrigation district).
- Insurer: following the SAIS procedure, it is proposed that Agroseguro, S.A. (the insurance company pooling all private insurance firms engaged in the SAIS) should be the only insurer (only one type of insurance contract with the same terms will be on offer), although the policies may be marketed by the various private insurance companies pooled within the SAIS.
- Reinsurer: similar to the rest of the agricultural insurance schemes included in the SAIS, we suggest that the proposed scheme be reinsured by the Insurance Compensation Consortium (Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros), a public non-profit reinsurance body.
5. Illustrative Example
- Normality: volume of water stored greater than 3407 Mm3 (SW > 75%). Under this scenario, no constraints are placed on water allotments for irrigation.
- Pre-alert: volume of water stored between 3407 Mm3 and 2273 Mm3 (75% < SW < 50%). Under this scenario, irrigation water allotments are reduced by between 5% and 30% compared with the normal scenario.
- Alert: volume of water stored between 2273 Mm3 and 1150 Mm3 (50% < SW < 25%). Under this scenario, irrigation water allotments are cut by between 30% and 70% compared with the normal scenario.
- Emergency: volume of water stored less than 1150 Mm3 (SW < 25%). Under this scenario, irrigation water allotments are less than 30% of the allotments provided under the normal scenario. Moreover, when SW is lower than 10%, zero water allotments have historically been approved in order to guarantee water supply to households and for other urban demands.
- Year n: SWn = 80%. In this case, since SWn is larger than T, no losses can be claimed (normal water allocations).
- Year m: SWn = 50%. In this case, since SWm is smaller than T, but larger than L, the indemnity to be claimed can be calculated as follows:
- Year p: SWp = 20%. In this case, since SWp is smaller than L, the indemnity to be claimed equals the insured capital minus the deductible:
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Classification Criteria | Types |
Risks covered | Single risk or single-peril insurance |
Combined or multiple-peril insurance | |
Yield insurance | |
Revenue insurance | |
Evaluation of the damage | On-field loss assessment insurance |
Index-based insurance | |
Role of public authorities | Private insurance |
Public-private insurance |
Type of Element | Element | Main Feature 1 |
Material | Insurable interest | Annual water allotment |
Insured capital (IC) | Difference between the annual gross margin of the insured farm with full water allotment and the estimated annual gross margin under rainfed conditions | |
Index | Stock of water available in reservoirs (SW) | |
Loss | (total) or (partial) | |
Indemnity (I) | 0 in case of in case of in case of | |
Premium | Annual | |
Formal | Contract term | From 30 September year n to 1 May year n + 1 |
Claim | No need for irrigator to inform insurer about the loss | |
Personal | Insured | Individual (irrigators) or collective policies (irrigators’ associations) |
Insurer | Private-public insurance company pooling all private insurance companies involved in the SAIS | |
Reinsurer | Public non-profit reinsurance body |
Full Water Allotment | Zero Water Allotment | ||||
Crop | Farm area | Gross margin | Crop | Farm area | Gross margin |
Olive-irrigated | 40% | 1003 €/hectare | Olive-rainfed | 40% | 589 €/hectare |
Cotton-irrigated | 30% | 962 €/hectare | Wheat-rainfed | 30% | 179 €/hectare |
Corn-irrigated | 30% | 1494 €/hectare | Sunflower-rainfed | 30% | 219 €/hectare |
Whole-farm | 100% | 1138 €/hectare | Whole-farm | 100% | 355 €/hectare |
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Guerrero-Baena, M.D.; Gómez-Limón, J.A. Insuring Water Supply in Irrigated Agriculture: A Proposal for Hydrological Drought Index-Based Insurance in Spain. Water 2019, 11, 686.
Guerrero-Baena MD, Gómez-Limón JA. Insuring Water Supply in Irrigated Agriculture: A Proposal for Hydrological Drought Index-Based Insurance in Spain. Water. 2019; 11(4):686.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuerrero-Baena, M. Dolores, and José A. Gómez-Limón. 2019. "Insuring Water Supply in Irrigated Agriculture: A Proposal for Hydrological Drought Index-Based Insurance in Spain" Water 11, no. 4: 686.
APA StyleGuerrero-Baena, M. D., & Gómez-Limón, J. A. (2019). Insuring Water Supply in Irrigated Agriculture: A Proposal for Hydrological Drought Index-Based Insurance in Spain. Water, 11(4), 686.