Novel Intelligent Methods for Channel Path Classification and Model Determination Based on Blind Source Signals
:1. Introduction
2. Propagation Channel Paths and Models
2.1. Propagation Channel Paths
2.2. Statistical Model of Wave Propagation
2.2.1. Basic Statistical Model
2.2.2. Okumura–Hata Model
2.2.3. Egli Model
2.3. Deterministic Model of Wave Propagation
3. The Intelligent Methods and Data Acquisition System
3.1. The Method of Positioning the Blind Source
3.2. Methods of Channel and Model Type Differentiation
- (1)
- Obtain all the paths, the first Fresnel zone of the receiving point, and the source transmitting point.
- (2)
- If there is a blocker, such as a building, on this path, the channel is an NLoS channel (without a direct path).
- (3)
- If there is no blocker in the first Fresnel zone, it is a LoS channel (only the direct path).
- (4)
- If there is a blocker in the first Fresnel zone, but it is not blocking the direct link between Tx and Rx, then it is a multi-LoS channel (the direct and non-direct paths).
- (1)
- Obtain a single standard parabolic equation, Egli, and Okumura–Hata model’s data.
- (2)
- The three models are used as the center to extend the domain radius outward, and the data within the radius of the connected neighborhood is a class of models.
3.3. Data Acquisition System
4. Validation Results and Analysis
4.1. Measurement Data and Processing
4.2. Channel Path Classification
4.3. Determination of Propagation Models
4.4. Measurement Modeling
4.5. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Value |
Maximum number of iterations | 100 |
Population size | 80 |
Individual learning factor | 1.4 |
Social learning factor | 1.4 |
Maximum inertia factor | 0.9 |
Minimum inertia factor | 0.4 |
Maximum exchange rate | 0.2 |
Minimum exchange rate | 0 |
Maximum mutation rate | 0.2 |
Minimum mutation rate | 0 |
Latitude/Degree | Longitude/Degree | EIRP/dBm |
114.27 | 30.55 | 91.27 |
Campaign Number | Channel Type | Percentage | Number |
1 | LoS | 47.19% | 596 |
NLoS | 44.26% | 559 | |
Multi-LoS | 5.38% | 68 | |
2 | LoS | 46.28% | 548 |
NLoS | 48.82% | 578 | |
Multi-LoS | 2.45% | 29 |
Model Type | Percentage | Number |
Deterministic Model | 93.90% | 1186 |
Egli Model | 2.05% | 26 |
Okumura–Hata Model | 4.03% | 51 |
M | A | |
25.64 (25.05, 26.23) | 57.54 (55.85, 59.24) | 1.55 |
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Cao, L.-F.; Liu, C.-G.; Cheng, R.-S.; Tang, G.-P.; Xiao, T.; Huang, L.-F.; Wang, H.-G. Novel Intelligent Methods for Channel Path Classification and Model Determination Based on Blind Source Signals. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 280.
Cao L-F, Liu C-G, Cheng R-S, Tang G-P, Xiao T, Huang L-F, Wang H-G. Novel Intelligent Methods for Channel Path Classification and Model Determination Based on Blind Source Signals. Atmosphere. 2024; 15(3):280.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCao, Li-Feng, Cheng-Guo Liu, Run-Sheng Cheng, Guang-Pu Tang, Tong Xiao, Li-Feng Huang, and Hong-Guang Wang. 2024. "Novel Intelligent Methods for Channel Path Classification and Model Determination Based on Blind Source Signals" Atmosphere 15, no. 3: 280.
APA StyleCao, L.-F., Liu, C.-G., Cheng, R.-S., Tang, G.-P., Xiao, T., Huang, L.-F., & Wang, H.-G. (2024). Novel Intelligent Methods for Channel Path Classification and Model Determination Based on Blind Source Signals. Atmosphere, 15(3), 280.