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Dendroclimatology in Latin America: A Review of the State of the Art

Oscar David Sánchez-Calderón
Teodoro Carlón-Allende
Manuel E. Mendoza
1 and
José Villanueva-Díaz
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro No. 8701, Colonia Ex-Hacienda de San José de la Huerta, Morelia C.P. 58190, Michoacán, Mexico
CONACYT-Instituto de Geofísica, Unidad Michoacán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro No. 8701, Colonia Ex-Hacienda de San José de La Huerta, Morelia C.P. 58190, Michoacán, Mexico
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, Centro Nacional de Investigación Disciplinaria en la Relación Agua-Suelo-Planta-Atmosfera, Laboratorio de Dendrocronología Km 6.5 Margen Derecha del Canal de Sacramento, Gómez Palacio C.P. 35140, Durango, Mexico
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Atmosphere 2022, 13(5), 748;
Submission received: 20 April 2022 / Revised: 1 May 2022 / Accepted: 4 May 2022 / Published: 6 May 2022
(This article belongs to the Section Climatology)


The application of dendrochronology for understanding climatic variations has been of great interest to climatologists, ecologists, geographers, archeologists, among other sciences, particularly in recent decades when more dendrochronological studies have been developed. We analyzed and identified the current state and recent advances in dendroclimatology in Latin America for the period 1990 to 2020. We carried out reviews in ScienceDirect, Web of Science, and Scopus databases with the keywords “dendrochronology”, “dendroclimatology”, “dendrochronology and climatic variability”, “dendroclimatology and climatic variability”, “dendrochronology and trend”, and “dendroclimatology and trend” for each Latin American country. Results show that dendroclimatological research in the last 11 years has increased and has been mainly developed in temperate climate zones (83%) and tropical or subtropical areas (17%), where conifer species have been the most used with over 59% of the studies. However, broadleaf species for dendrochronological studies have also increased in the last decade. Dendroclimatological research in Latin America has provided important advances in the study of climatic variability by defining the response functions of tree-rings to climate and developing climatic reconstructions. Our research identified areas where it is necessary to increase dendroclimatic studies (e.g., dry and tropical forests), in addition to applying new techniques such as isotope analysis, blue intensity, dendrochemistry, among other tree-ring applications.

1. Introduction

Dendroclimatology, as a discipline, emerged through the integration of climatology and dendrochronology during the first quarter of the 20th century, specifically in the period 1910 to 1920 [1]. Dendroclimatology aims to study the historical fluctuations in climate based on the variation of tree-ring widths in a time interval; therefore, they are considered a historical-biological archive in which climatic variability is recorded through the activity of the vascular cambium [2]. Moreover, climatic events recorded in the tree-ring are useful to analyze climate variability at local (hectares) and regional (continents), as well at temporal scales from months to centuries [3,4]. Nevertheless, dendroclimatological studies in Latin America are recent, especially when compared to the pioneering work carried out at the beginning of the twentieth century in Mexico [5] and the United States of America [6]. These studies have considerable importance due to the lack of long-term climate observations that limit our understanding of global processes influencing climatic variability at a regional scale. Thus, climate-sensitive tree-ring chronologies have significantly increased in recent decades [7], contributing to the development of a spatially and temporally broader dendroclimatology network, useful for generating drought atlases for the last centuries or millennia [4,8].
In South America, the first dendroclimatological research work was performed in Chile and Argentina with Austrocedrus chilensis, a species that is sensitive to a lack of humidity [9]. Over the past 30 years, dendroclimatological studies have been extensively developed in northern Mexico, the Andes, the Bolivian Plateau, the Chaco and Pampa, the Amazon forest, Cerrado and the Atlantic rain forest regions, as well as the Patagonia [10,11,12,13,14,15]. Likewise, some reviews on scientific advances in dendrochronological studies in Latin America have been published (Mexico and South America). These deal with climatic reconstructions, the influence of ocean-atmospheric phenomena on climate variability, and species with dendrochronological potential in temperate, subtropical, and tropical environments [3,11,16]. Thus, the tree-ring has shown the potential to extend the geographical coverage of tree-ring records in latitudes near the equator where the shortage of instrumental records makes dendroclimatic reconstructions highly valuable [9]. Traditionally, it has been thought that the use of tree-rings for climate reconstruction is only possible in forests with strong seasonality such as those developed from tree species present at high latitudinal regions. However, deciduous species thriving in seasonally dry and tropical forests can develop annual rings with dendrochronological potential [17]. In addition, dendrochronological research with deciduous species of seasonally dry and tropical forests has shown potential for climatic studies, applied to the sustainable management of commercial timber species, and to develop long-term paleoclimatic information [18,19]. In the last decade, however, no literature review on the current state of dendroclimatology and its application in analyzing climate variability in Latin American countries has been published. This is important when considering the influence of atmospheric circulatory modes on biomass production, carbon sequestration, and other environmental services useful in developing strategies for sustainable ecosystem management [9,20]. Therefore, in the present work, we carefully reviewed published papers with the objective of analyzing the state of the art of dendroclimatology and climate variability in Latin America for the past 30 years (1990 to 2020).

2. Materials and Methods

We searched the most recent papers using Boolean operators through digital libraries in the ScienceDirect, Web of Science, and Scopus databases using the keywords “dendroclimatology”, “dendrochronology”, “trend”, “climatic variability”, and “climatic variability trend” for each Latin American country. The main constraints for this research were as follows: (1) the selection of publications dealing with dendroclimatology, (2) the selection of case studies from Latin America, and (3) the exclusion of manuals, theses, informatics tools, and conference proceedings. The compilation and systematization of the information were made by applying a quantitative process that increased search efficiency (Figure 1).
To systematize the information, the selected articles were organized according to the assessment of their content (Table 1). A standardized database was created and divided into five main sections: (1) general information (who and when), (2) study area (where), (3) research objectives (why and for what), and (4) methodological developments (how) (Table 1).
After the initial assessment, a list was made with the articles that resulted from the application of the first selection filter for each database (ScienceDirect, Web of Science, and Scopus), and then we identified the articles that were found in two or more of these datasets. Finally, we created a database without repeated articles.

3. Results

In ScienceDirect, Web of Science, and Scopus, the search with the keyword “dendrochronology” resulted in 2345, 2372, and 2543 articles, respectively. The search using the keyword “dendroclimatology” resulted in 484 (ScienceDirect), 749 (Web of Science), and 667 (Scopus) papers. The combination of the keywords Dendrochronology and Trend, Dendroclimatology and Trend, Dendrochronology and Climatic Variability, and Dendroclimatology and Climatic Variability resulted in more articles in ScienceDirect when compared with the other two databases (Figure S1).

3.1. Dendroclimatic Publications in Latin America

Between 1990 and 2020, we observed an increase in the number of publications regarding dendroclimatology in Latin America. This increase was mainly observed in the last 11 years (more than 10 publications per year), with 2016 being the most productive year in terms of publications (20) (Figure 2).
We identified those papers published in international journals (109), Germany (23), the United States of America (19), Mexico (32), Italy (12), the Netherlands (10), and Chile (11). The remaining editorial offices by country published less than seven articles (Figure S2). We considered journals as international publications when they had editorial offices in various countries.
Out of 244 publications that were conducted in Latin America (between 1990 and 2020), 36% (70 papers) were published by Elsevier, 14% (33) by Springer, and 7% (16) by WIREs. The remaining publishers, who are related to several universities and scientific societies, published a total of 112 papers, averaging 2 papers per publisher (Figure S3).

3.2. Study Scales in Dendroclimatic Research

Out of the 244 papers, 109 (45%) were developed at the local scale and 135 (55%) at the regional scale. From the publications that focused on the local scale, 68 papers indicated the effects of climatic variability on tree growth, 41 referenced the interaction between dendroclimatology and other sciences, and 13 included climate reconstructions. From the 135 published studies that were performed at the regional scale, 26 mentioned the applicability of dendroclimatology as an auxiliary science for specific objectives, 66 referred to the analysis of climatic variability and tree growth, and 46 included climate reconstructions. Regional studies are related to the study of atmospheric phenomena or climatic variability, while local studies focus on glacial thawing and the search for new species with the potential to evaluate their dendroclimatic response.
Regarding the temporal scale, we identified that 22% of the dendroclimatic publications developed chronologies between 50 and 199 years, 40% developed chronologies between 200 and 400 years, and 20% with chronologies between 500 and 1000 years, and only 12% were for over 1200 years [21,22].
The research that was developed at a regional scale refers mainly to the analysis of climatic variables at time scales of centuries or even millennia. In the case of publications involving local spatial scales, their main focus is on a short time scale (between decades and less than 150 years) [23,24]. Of the total publications, 47% developed climate reconstructions (mainly precipitation), and from those, 25% were focused on the analysis of seasonal cool precipitation.

3.3. Spatial Distribution of Published Research on Dendroclimatology

The countries where dendroclimatological studies have been conducted are Mexico (91), Argentina (57), Chile (37), Brazil (33), Bolivia (9), Colombia (6), Costa Rica (3), and Guatemala (2). Regionally, South America has dominated this field of research (Figure S4).
Dendroclimatological studies in Latin America have been mainly developed in temperate climate zones (82%), with a lower percentage in tropical or subtropical climate zones (18%). In terms of research institutions involved in dendroclimatological studies, prominent research institutes were El Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA by its Spanish acronym) and the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas of Argentina (CONICET by its Spanish acronym). The IANIGLA participated in 27% of the dendrochronological research in Latin America. Furthermore, in Chile the IANIGLA promoted 13% of the published articles, followed by the Universidad Austral de Chile with 2%. In Peru, the IANIGLA produced 0.87% of the articles, while 1.2% of the publications were developed by the Universidad de Antofagasta, the Universidad de Piura and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Almost 14% of the dendroclimatic research in Latin America was carried out in Brazil, and mainly developed by the Universidad de Sao Paulo and Universidad Federal de Sergipe (1.3%). In Mexico, the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP by its Spanish acronym) conducted 15.2% of the studies on dendroclimatology, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM by its Spanish acronym) participated in 7.8%, and the Universidad Juárez from the State of Durango (UJED) in 6.0%. Out of the studies made in Mexico, 58.0% were developed by public academic institutions and research centers. The universities from the United States of America, such as the Northern Arizona University (0.87%), the University of Arkansas (3.0%), and the University of Arizona (2.6%), have also made a significant contribution to the investigation developed in Latin America.
The research sites in South America were concentrated in the Andes of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, and to a lesser extent in Colombia and Ecuador. In Argentina and Chile, the regions with more dendroclimatic studies were mainly the provinces located in Patagonia (e.g., Salta, Catamarca, Mendoza, Neuquén, Tierra del Fuego for Argentina, and Atacama, Maule, Araucaria, Los Ríos and Magallanes in Chile, Figure 3C). In Brazil, dendroclimatic studies were mainly developed in the northeastern Amazon, in the center of Bahía, northwest of Alagoas and Sergipe, the center of Santa Catarina, and southwest of Estado Paraná (Figure 3C). In Central America, only six research sites were reported, those in the southwest of Monteverde and the southeast Guanacaste in Costa Rica, and the Sierra de Los Cuchumatanes in Guatemala (Figure 3B). In Mexico (North America), most of the studies were carried out in the temperate forests of the Sierra Madre Occidental (northwest of Mexico) and the Sierra Madre Oriental (northeast of Mexico), with a lower percentage being carried out in the highest peaks of central and western Mexico (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt) (Figure 3A).
Most of the studies have been developed for precipitation reconstruction purposes and to evaluate the climatic response function of species with dendroclimatic potential The most studied biome for dendroclimatological studies has been the temperate forest, with the annual average temperature in the range of 12 to 18 °C and precipitation from 600 to 2000 mm per year; the second place was occupied by the arid and semidesert biome (Patagonia, Chile, and Argentina), while the rain forest occupied the third place, where temperatures above 20 °C are dominant and where precipitation exceeds 2000 mm per year. The temperate forest was one of the most studied ecosystems given that most of the conifer species present produce reliable annual rings sensitive to different climatic factors.

3.4. Sampling and Species Collection for Dendroclimatic Research

From the published dendroclimatic papers, 42.2% used increment-cores, 4.1% cross-sections and increment-cores, 13.5% cross-sections, 3.7% were based on available tree-ring series from international databases, and 36.5% did not mention the type of samples used. On average, 175 radii were used per dendroclimatic study. The highest sample size consisted of 1477 increment-cores, while others indicated 1159, 1082, and 916 core samples [25,26,27]. The lowest reported number of samples was of 4 cross-sections [28] (Figure 4). Although, most of the papers did not mention the number of samples used, some papers provide information on the number of sampled trees, the number of cores per tree, and the period in which the Expressed Population Signal (EPS) exceeded 0.85.
Some studies from broadleaf species focused on exploring their potential for climate sensitivity, mostly in tropical, subtropical, and semiarid environments [29,30]. However, conifers are more widely used for dendroclimatic studies because they produce well-defined annual rings, are diverse, have a wide distribution range, and reach older ages. The common climatic response detected throughout larger areas allows their integration into dendrochronological networks for studies of regional climate variability and to analyze the impact of ocean-atmospheric modes [4,8].
The main genera for dendroclimatic studies are Pinus, Pseudotsuga, and Austrocedrus. The latter is characterized by producing anatomically well-defined rings and being sensitive to changes in humidity [31,32], while the genera Pinus and Pseudotsuga are sensitive to climate and respond to the seasonal winter-spring precipitation in northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States [33,34].
Conifers have been included in 61.0% of the dendrochronological papers published in Latin America, while broadleaf species in 39.0%—a high percentage of which grow in temperate areas and only 18.0% in dry or tropical climates. In Latin America, after 1990, the interest in dendrochronological research with conifers increased, as well as with other genera: Abies in 1991, Pinus in 2000, and Pseudotsuga in 2002. The publications with the broadleaf genera started with Nothofagus and continued with Juglans and Cedrela in 1989 and 1990 and had an increase in the years 2004 and 2005. Other broadleaf genera that have been used in dendroclimatic research are Prosopis, Fraxinus, Podocarpus, Schinopsis, and Macrolobium (Figure 5).
Regarding the species, some of the most employed in developing dendroclimatic studies are Pseudotsuga menziessii (25 papers), Nothofagus pumilio (23 papers), Pinus hartwegii (20 papers), Austrocedrus chilensis (15 papers), Abies religiosa (12 papers), Taxodium mucrunatum (12 papers), and Pinus pseudostrobus (11 papers). Other species involved in less than 10 publications are Polypelis tarapacana, Pinus cooperi, Fitzroya cupressoides, Pinus durangensis, Pinus cembroides, Cedrela odorata, Pinus lumholtzii, Nathofagus antarctica, among others.

3.5. Relationship between Dendroclimatology and Other Sciences

Out of the 244 analyzed papers, we identified that 171 of them focused on dendroclimatic and dendrohydrological evaluations, for example, streamflow reconstructions and evaluation of extreme flood events and interannual and multiannual climatic variation. Other studies focused on the influence of climatic factors on growth rates and forest biomass production to establish allometric models for forecasting commercial biomass volumes in native forests [35]. Additionally, in recent decades, tree-rings have been used to analyze patterns of insect outbreaks [36,37].
We identified 17 papers in which dendroclimatic analysis was applied to determine the historical recurrence of forests fires, assess the evapotranspiration rates from tree species, and estimate water balances [38,39]. The nature of the latter analyses, however, sometimes makes it necessary to use other parallel chronological dating methods to broaden the time scale of the observations, such as carbon-14, decay of oxygen-18 (18O) isotope, lichenometry, or geological stratigraphy. The main objective of these papers was to relate the decay of the abovementioned isotopes with atmospheric phenomena, to study atmospheric contamination issues derived from the burning of fossil fuels and their relationship with global warming, and the calibration dating methods [40].

3.6. Effects of Climatic Variability on the Growth of Trees and Reconstruction of Historic Climate

In 121 papers (49.6%), the effects of climatic variability on the growth dynamics of trees were evaluated. In Mexico, such analyses were based mostly on conifer species (Pinus, Pseudotsuga, and Abies) [41], and they have contributed to the understanding of forest dynamics and the influence of climatic events such as droughts, rainfall variability, and the impact of atmospheric circulatory modes [4,42,43]. In South America, other genera were used for analyzing climatic phenomena (i.e., Araucaria, Prosopis, Austrocedrus, Bursera, Macrolobium, Hymenaea, and Podocarpus) [32,44,45,46,47]. In 58 of these publications, climate reconstructions were developed as well.

3.7. Searching for Suitable Species for Dendroclimatological Studies

In the early 1990s, the search for suitable species with dendrochronological potential was initiated mostly with conifers and broadleaf tree species from South America. The evaluation of the dendrochronological potential of tree species was approached in 93 papers, 52.3% of which referred to species from temperate climates, while 47.7% included species from dry or tropical environments (Figure 5). For temperate climates, 26 papers reported a particular species for the first time, while for dry and tropical climates we found 29 papers with the same purpose. The main contrast was found in the number of species reported that aimed at assessing the species’ suitability for these studies in various climates, which were 19 species per paper in temperate climates and 83 species per paper in dry and temperate climates (Figure 5). The number of publications with new species with dendrochronological potential showed an increasing trend between 2000 and 2010. In these papers, several species or even several families were included, mostly using a minimum of 2 species and in one case over 50 species of broadleaf trees from dry climates, i.e., Prosopis ferox, Prosopis flexuosa, and a wide variety of other broadleaf tree species.

4. Discussion

We observed that there is an increase in the number of papers that were published on dendroclimatology, mainly for publications done in the last 12 years. This is probably because of the scrutiny in analyzing the effects of climate change and the need to obtain information with more extensive temporal resolution [4,48]. We also recognized a lack of available dendroclimatology and climate change research in Latin America until a decade ago [9]. In that respect, Mexico showed a different trend given that such an increase did not occur until 2013 [11].
The formation of collaborative research teams to develop dendroclimatological investigations has also favored an increment in publications on this topic. We identified three main collaborating groups: one formed by researchers from the United States of America working with Latin American colleagues, a second group including Mexican researchers, and the third one including scholars from South America, mainly from Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. These collaborations have favored the establishment of interhemispheric dendrochronological networks supported by research foundations, such as the one funded by the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), which fostered the advancement in the generation of dendrochronological series in the American continent [49]. These dendrochronological networks have enhanced more robust dendroclimatic analyses, on topics such as the expression of climate signals, the influence of atmospheric circulation phenomena, the effect of global warming and its observation through dendrochronological techniques, as well as increments in dendrochronological studies with tree species from tropical and subtropical environments.
The study areas or suitable sites for dendroclimatological research must have certain characteristics for gathering data, such as slope, aspect, and land cover [50,51,52]. The areas that comply with these requirements are usually found in altitudinal gradients with marked climatic conditions along their gradients [53]. However, the specific characteristics of the study sites are rarely mentioned in the published articles. We recommend that in new articles, physical and physiography information of the sampling sites be described given that this information is important to determine the climatic response of the involved species [54].
Consequently, we identified that dendroclimatology research has been developed at the local and regional scales because of the advantages and disadvantages implied in the extension of the study areas and the spatial distribution of the species to be analyzed. At both scales, however, the objective is to observe the effects of climate variability on forest mass growth [3,11,49]. In Latin America, regional studies are more frequently proposed than local studies, which in some cases could impede defining the study area or the particular area of influence of the derived parameters.
Another advantage of dendroclimatology is to offer an updated perspective of the degree of anthropogenic impact, which is made through the evaluation of the increment in the cell structures of growth rings [9,14]. Therefore, it is still possible to make contributions, above all, in the fields of wood anatomy and the identification of the cell structures, as well as the influence of climate change, particularly in broadleaf woody species [15,39,54].
Publications about the reconstruction of past climate refer to general atmospheric circulation modes such as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), the North American Monsoon System (NAMS), as well as other similar regional phenomena in South America. This is because these atmospheric phenomena have been shown to correlate with the annual radial growth of trees [8,12,55,56,57,58]. The need for climatological information has grown in the last few years, given that the analysis and modeling of atmospheric dynamics require temporally precise climatological data to propose strategies for facing extreme hydroclimatological events [34,59,60]. One of the main trends of dendroclimatological studies is to reconstruct climatic variability and compile useful databases to generate climatic and hydrological information in sites lacking instrumental data [11].
The search for tree species offering advantages for the observation of climatic variability has been one of the main dendroclimatological activities over the past years in Latin America. Therefore, it has been possible to explore previously unstudied geographic areas, which enables us to broaden the scope of the methods applied in dendroclimatology [13,45,61,62,63,64].
Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Brazil are the countries where a greater effort has been spent on analyzing the dendrochronological potential of new species, mainly from the genera Pinus, Juniperus, Austrocedrus, Prosopis, Nothofagus, and Pseudotsuga. In addition, Cedrela, Hymenea, Macrolobium, Poincianella, Schinopsis, and Piranhea have been studied in Brazil [10,47,65,66,67].
The advantage of tree-rings is that they provide information at annual and seasonal resolutions when compared with other dating methods (Lichenometry, ice cores, stratigraphy, and carbon-14) where temporal resolution can result in dating errors of up to 100 years [68]. Therefore, dendroclimatology can be used as the most important foundation for the paleoclimatic analysis of the Holocene because of its relevance which manifests itself in expressing climatic variability in annual or intra-seasonal terms for time intervals of several centuries [4,8]. Therefore, there is a capacity to compare atmospheric climate variability patterns between chronologies obtained in Latin America and other regions of the world [9,69].

5. Conclusions

Dendroclimatological studies in Latin America have been mainly developed in temperate climate zones and, at a lower percentage, in tropical or subtropical areas. Some chronologies have been developed using broadleaf tree species. Tropical tree genera that form annual growth rings have cellular structures with a complex anatomy, making it difficult to develop precisely dated tree-ring series. Nevertheless, these complex structures could represent an advantage in analyzing more detailed variables other than precipitation and temperature because these species may give more information about the impact these variables have on the physiological processes of tree growth. Such an advantage could albeit a promising future for dendroclimatic studies of tropical tree species. We call for an increase in dendroclimatological research based on subtropical and tropical tree genera, which are poorly studied today. These genera include Macrolobium, Hymenaea, Podocarpus, or Juglans in southern Mexico and Central America, as well as conifer trees or Polylepis and Juniperus scrubs on low latitude high mountains, such as in Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, and Mexico. Finally, we invite researchers involved in other areas of knowledge to include in their work the information generated by dendroclimatology, which currently plays a promising role in the analysis of local and regional climatic processes. This review allowed us to have an updated and broad view of dendroclimatological studies in Latin America, identifying frequently studied species, as well as less-studied areas that require a greater effort to expand the dendrochronological research for climate reconstruction purposes.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: Quantification of papers related to the key words searched in the Science Direct (A), Web of Science (B), and Scopus (C) databases; Figure S2: Nationality of journals in which papers about dendroclimatology in Latin America were Published; Figure S3: Number of articles published by publisher; Figure S4: Countries of origin of papers published in Latin America in the period 1990 to 2020.

Author Contributions

O.D.S.-C. and T.C.-A. performed the paper search and analyzed the papers, as well as writing part of the manuscript. M.E.M. and J.V.-D. wrote part of the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.


The authors acknowledge the projects CONACyT-FC2406, DGAPA-PAPIIT, UNAM-IN107016, and DGAPA PAPIIT, UNAM IN108719. O.D.S.C. thanks CONACyT for his doctoral scholarship to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Geography at UNAM. M.E.M. thanks PASPA-UNAM for his sabbatical grant. We thank the comments and suggestions from the reviewers, which substantially improve this review paper. We deeply appreciate Olav Slaymaker for their valuable comments on a previous version to improve this manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Search process and systematization of scientific papers analyzed in this study.
Figure 1. Search process and systematization of scientific papers analyzed in this study.
Atmosphere 13 00748 g001
Figure 2. Number of published (bars) and accumulated (line) papers per year during the 1990–2020 period.
Figure 2. Number of published (bars) and accumulated (line) papers per year during the 1990–2020 period.
Atmosphere 13 00748 g002
Figure 3. Location of dendroclimatic research sites in Latin America, (A) North America, (B) Central America, and (C) South America. The red label stands for temperature, the blue label indicates precipitation, and the blue-red label indicates analysis for precipitation and temperature in the same research.
Figure 3. Location of dendroclimatic research sites in Latin America, (A) North America, (B) Central America, and (C) South America. The red label stands for temperature, the blue label indicates precipitation, and the blue-red label indicates analysis for precipitation and temperature in the same research.
Atmosphere 13 00748 g003
Figure 4. Types and number of samples used in dendroclimatological studies in Latin America.
Figure 4. Types and number of samples used in dendroclimatological studies in Latin America.
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Figure 5. Most common tree genera used in dendroclimatological research in Latin America.
Figure 5. Most common tree genera used in dendroclimatological research in Latin America.
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Table 1. Data description for the evaluation of papers related to dendroclimatology in Latin America.
Table 1. Data description for the evaluation of papers related to dendroclimatology in Latin America.
Concept VariableDescription
General informationWho and When?
AuthorWho wrote the paper?
YearIn which year was it published?
TitleWhich is the title of the paper?
Journal nameIn which journal was it published?
VolumeIn which volume was it published?
NumberIn which number was it published?
Institution or publisherTo which institution or publisher does the journal belong?
Country of publicationWhich country is the journal from?
Study areaCountryIn which country was the work made?
LocationWhere were samples gathered?
Surface of studyWhat surface did the study cover?
Objective of researchWhy and for what?
Number of samples collectedHow many samples were collected for the study?
Sampled speciesWhich are the most common species for dendroclimatological studies?
Relation between dendroclimatology and other sciencesWhich papers are related to other sciences? How are the tools of dendroclimatology assimilated? How does dendroclimatology adopt analytical techniques from other disciplines?
Effects of climatic variability on the growth of trees Which papers analyze the effects of climate on tree growth and the population dynamics of forest stands?
Climatic reconstruction Which papers include climatic reconstruction as their main objective?
Data sampling designWhich papers propose dendrochronological sampling methods?
Search for new species for dendroclimatology Which articles look for new species that can help to better understand the interannual and multiannual climate variability?
Application of alternative or parallel dating methods Are there papers in which alternative methods of dating or climate analysis are applied?
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sánchez-Calderón, O.D.; Carlón-Allende, T.; Mendoza, M.E.; Villanueva-Díaz, J. Dendroclimatology in Latin America: A Review of the State of the Art. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 748.

AMA Style

Sánchez-Calderón OD, Carlón-Allende T, Mendoza ME, Villanueva-Díaz J. Dendroclimatology in Latin America: A Review of the State of the Art. Atmosphere. 2022; 13(5):748.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sánchez-Calderón, Oscar David, Teodoro Carlón-Allende, Manuel E. Mendoza, and José Villanueva-Díaz. 2022. "Dendroclimatology in Latin America: A Review of the State of the Art" Atmosphere 13, no. 5: 748.

APA Style

Sánchez-Calderón, O. D., Carlón-Allende, T., Mendoza, M. E., & Villanueva-Díaz, J. (2022). Dendroclimatology in Latin America: A Review of the State of the Art. Atmosphere, 13(5), 748.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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