Estimating Ensemble Flood Forecasts’ Uncertainty: A Novel “Peak-Box” Approach for Detecting Multiple Peak-Flow Events
:1. Introduction
Is it possible to develop a peak-box approach for detecting multiple flood peaks within the same runoff ensemble forecast, and does it actually outperform the former method of Zappa et al. (2013) [20]?
2. Methods
2.1. Flood Prediction Chain
- COSMO-E (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdeling) as the forcing NWP system;
- PREVAH (precipitation-runoff-evapotranspiration HRU (i.e., hydrological response unit) model) as the hydrological model.
2.2. Study Area and Period
2.3. Observed Data
2.4. Quality of the Runoff Predictions
2.5. The Peak-Box Approach
2.5.1. The Classic Peak-Box
- the outer rectangle, called the “peak-box”, having the lower left coordinate set to (, ), i.e., the earliest time of peak-flow occurrence in any of the ensemble members, , the lowest peak discharge, , and the upper right coordinate set to (, ), i.e., conversely, the latest time of peak-flow occurrence, , and the highest peak discharge, , among all the ensemble members and for the entire forecast period;
- the inner rectangle, the IQR box (i.e., interquartile range box), which has the lower left coordinate set to (, ), i.e., the 25% quartile of peak timing, , and discharge, , and the upper right coordinate set to (, ), i.e., the 75% quartile of peak timing, , and discharge, , among all the ensemble members and for the entire forecast period;
- the horizontal line, ranging from to , representing the median of the peak discharge () of all members of the ensemble forecast;
- the vertical line, ranging from to , representing the median of the peak timing () of all members of the ensemble forecast.
2.5.2. A New Algorithm for Multiple Peak-Flow Events
- For every ensemble member, find all the runoff peaks (i.e., local maxima), excluding the first and last hours of the forecast. The peaks were selected based on the concept of peak’s topographic prominence: the prominence, defined as the minimum height necessary to descend to get from the summit to any higher level terrain [34], is a measure of the independence of a peak. Its application, when detecting the local maxima of a curve, permitted filtering out irrelevant and noisy peaks. The higher the prominence, the more “important” the peak is considered. For our purposes, within Python’s SciPy function scipy.signal.find_peaks (, we set a value of prominence of 1 for the first and last five hours of the forecast (since at the temporal extremes, some peaks may be discarded when considering too large prominence values), a value of 2 in the case of ensemble members whose discharge’s absolute maximum was below 100 m3 s−1, and a value 8 for all the rest. To visualize the effect of prominence on peak detection, we can compare the left and the center panels of Figure 3: while on the left panel, the peaks found comprise many negligible peaks, on the center panel, only the relevant peaks are kept through the application of the aforementioned procedure.
- Since the peak-box is thought to forecast high-flow events, to avoid low-flow conditions, the threshold to reject exceptionally low peaks was applied to every realization. Furthermore, if in the vicinity of a peak (i.e., in the temporal window of h around it), other peaks were present, only the peak presenting the highest discharge would be kept.
- Considering all the runoff realizations together, apply a K-means clustering [33,35] to the peaks’ population to separate them into groups related to different peak-flow events (Figure 3, right panel). The variables on which the clustering was performed were the peak time of occurrence and the scaled peak runoff. Scaling the peak discharge by a factor of 10 was applied in order to enhance the weight of the time variable [36]. This was chosen because for the clustering we aimed at, the scope was to split the peaks into groups related to events close, but distinct in time. Since for a K-means clustering, the number of clusters into which we split the data must be chosen in advance, we prescribed the number of groups into which the forecast peaks were divided by extracting the rounded mean value of the number of peaks among all the ensemble members. In a group, we allowed only one peak for each ensemble member: if more than one was present, only the peak having the largest discharge value would be kept.
- For every group found, apply the PBC procedure to construct the boxes and to calculate the measures of sharpness. Concerning peak-flow verification, an additional condition was prescribed due to the increased multiplicity of the observed peaks (which were identified with the application of Steps 1 and 2 to the observed runoff time series): if more than one observation fell inside a peak-box, the verification of the estimated peak was performed against the closest, both in time and in runoff magnitude, observed peak. This condition was applied to both PBC and PBM forecast verifications.
3. Results
3.1. Forecast Sharpness
3.2. Events’ Detection
3.3. Peak Median Verification
4. Discussion
4.1. Forecast Sharpness and Peak Median Verification
4.2. Events’ Detection
4.3. Limitations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
COSMO | COnsortium for Small-scale MOdeling |
D-PHASE | Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of Flood Events |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts |
EPS | Ensemble prediction system |
HEPS | Hydrological ensemble prediction system |
IQR | Interquartile range |
MAP | Mesoscale Alpine Programme |
NWP | Numerical weather prediction |
PBC | Peak-box classic |
PBM | Peak-box multipeak |
PREVAH | Precipitation-runoff-evapotranspiration HRU model |
ROC | Receiver operating characteristic |
Appendix A. Quality of the Forecasts
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and | |||
PBM ≥ PBC for all the boxes | 56% | 66% | 38% |
PBM ≥ PBC for at least 1 box | 69% | 81% | 66% |
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Giordani, A.; Zappa, M.; Rotach, M.W. Estimating Ensemble Flood Forecasts’ Uncertainty: A Novel “Peak-Box” Approach for Detecting Multiple Peak-Flow Events. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 2.
Giordani A, Zappa M, Rotach MW. Estimating Ensemble Flood Forecasts’ Uncertainty: A Novel “Peak-Box” Approach for Detecting Multiple Peak-Flow Events. Atmosphere. 2020; 11(1):2.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGiordani, Antonio, Massimiliano Zappa, and Mathias W. Rotach. 2020. "Estimating Ensemble Flood Forecasts’ Uncertainty: A Novel “Peak-Box” Approach for Detecting Multiple Peak-Flow Events" Atmosphere 11, no. 1: 2.
APA StyleGiordani, A., Zappa, M., & Rotach, M. W. (2020). Estimating Ensemble Flood Forecasts’ Uncertainty: A Novel “Peak-Box” Approach for Detecting Multiple Peak-Flow Events. Atmosphere, 11(1), 2.