Evaluation of Different WRF Parametrizations over the Region of Ia?i with Remote Sensing Techniques
:1. Introduction
2. WRF Model Setup and Target Area
3. Instrumentation
4. Methods
5. Results
6. Conclusion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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YSU | BouLac | ACM2 | ShinHong | TEMF | MYJ | ||||||
PBLH | PBLH | PBLH | PBLH | PBLH | PBLH | ||||||
MAE | 0.128 | MAE | 0.145 | MAE | 0.185 | MAE | 0.12 | MAE | 0.16 | MAE | 0.098 |
MBE | 0.158 | MBE | 0.182 | MBE | 0.236 | MBE | 0.15 | MBE | 0.209 | MBE | 0.129 |
RMSE | 0.302 | RMSE | 0.345 | RMSE | 0.444 | RMSE | 0.284 | RMSE | 0.397 | RMSE | 0.25 |
R2 | 0.98 | R2 | 0.981 | R2 | 0.986 | R2 | 0.982 | R2 | 0.974 | R2 | 0.981 |
T2M | T2M | T2M | T2M | T2M | T2M | ||||||
MAE | 0.713 | MAE | 1.011 | MAE | 0.898 | MAE | 0.707 | MAE | 0.89 | MAE | 0.556 |
MBE | 0.048 | MBE | 0.082 | MBE | 0.069 | MBE | 0.048 | MBE | 0.068 | MBE | 0.038 |
RMSE | 0.055 | RMSE | 0.11 | RMSE | 0.094 | RMSE | 0.055 | RMSE | 0.094 | RMSE | 0.046 |
R2 | 0.971 | R2 | 0.948 | R2 | 0.954 | R2 | 0.971 | R2 | 0.949 | R2 | 0.98 |
U10M | U10M | U10M | U10M | U10M | U10M | ||||||
MAE | 0.713 | MAE | 0.784 | MAE | 0.779 | MAE | 0.707 | MAE | 0.716 | MAE | 0.999 |
MBE | 0.608 | MBE | 0.967 | MBE | 0.929 | MBE | 0.602 | MBE | 0.593 | MBE | 0.77 |
RMSE | 0.859 | RMSE | 1.796 | RMSE | 1.826 | RMSE | 0.849 | RMSE | 0.824 | RMSE | 1.051 |
R2 | 0.631 | R2 | 0.371 | R2 | 0.448 | R2 | 0.618 | R2 | 0.696 | R2 | 0.658 |
P2M | P2M | P2M | P2M | P2M | P2M | ||||||
MAE | 1.472 | MAE | 1.521 | MAE | 1.526 | MAE | 1.45 | MAE | 1.347 | MAE | 1.437 |
MBE | 0.015 | MBE | 0.015 | MBE | 0.015 | MBE | 0.014 | MBE | 0.013 | MBE | 0.014 |
RMSE | 0.016 | RMSE | 0.016 | RMSE | 0.016 | RMSE | 0.015 | RMSE | 0.014 | RMSE | 0.015 |
R2 | 0.105 | R2 | 0.145 | R2 | 0.135 | R2 | 0.103 | R2 | 0.036 | R2 | 0.094 |
WV | WV | WV | WV | WV | WV | ||||||
MAE | 0.735 | MAE | 0.734 | MAE | 0.735 | MAE | 0.737 | MAE | 0.73 | MAE | 0.734 |
MBE | 0.457 | MBE | 0.456 | MBE | 0.457 | MBE | 0.459 | MBE | 0.453 | MBE | 0.457 |
RMSE | 0.464 | RMSE | 0.464 | RMSE | 0.464 | RMSE | 0.466 | RMSE | 0.461 | RMSE | 0.464 |
R2 | 0.842 | R2 | 0.871 | R2 | 0.843 | R2 | 0.831 | R2 | 0.727 | R2 | 0.797 |
YSU | BouLac | ACM2 | ShinHong | TEMF | MYJ | ||||||
PBLH | PBLH | PBLH | PBLH | PBLH | PBLH | ||||||
MAE | 0.198 | MAE | 0.175 | MAE | 0.227 | MAE | 0.219 | MAE | 0.399 | MAE | 0.188 |
MBE | -0.057 | MBE | 0.094 | MBE | 0.226 | MBE | -0.021 | MBE | 0.765 | MBE | 0.019 |
RMSE | 0.411 | RMSE | 0.439 | RMSE | 0.549 | RMSE | 0.487 | RMSE | 1.088 | RMSE | 0.431 |
R2 | 0.906 | R2 | 0.826 | R2 | 0.829 | R2 | 0.933 | R2 | 0.891 | R2 | 0.912 |
T2M | T2M | T2M | T2M | T2M | T2M | ||||||
MAE | 0.616 | MAE | 1.044 | MAE | 0.761 | MAE | 0.909 | MAE | 3.522 | MAE | 0.411 |
MBE | 0.074 | MBE | 0.112 | MBE | 0.084 | MBE | 0.113 | MBE | 0.27 | MBE | 0.048 |
RMSE | 0.119 | RMSE | 0.152 | RMSE | 0.126 | RMSE | 0.17 | RMSE | 0.303 | RMSE | 0.067 |
R2 | 0.98 | R2 | 0.976 | R2 | 0.978 | R2 | 0.963 | R2 | 0.933 | R2 | 0.995 |
U10M | U10M | U10M | U10M | U10M | U10M | ||||||
MAE | 0.472 | MAE | 0.555 | MAE | 0.624 | MAE | 0.493 | MAE | 0.576 | MAE | 0.456 |
MBE | 1.184 | MBE | 0.838 | MBE | 1.528 | MBE | 0.653 | MBE | 0.613 | MBE | 0.739 |
RMSE | 4.777 | RMSE | 1.185 | RMSE | 6.374 | RMSE | 1.052 | RMSE | 0.672 | RMSE | 1.938 |
R2 | 0.45 | R2 | 0.329 | R2 | 0.509 | R2 | 0.37 | R2 | 0.217 | R2 | 0.25 |
P2M | P2M | P2M | P2M | P2M | P2M | ||||||
MAE | 2.249 | MAE | 2.160 | MAE | 2.233 | MAE | 2.241 | MAE | 1.998 | MAE | 2.199 |
MBE | 0.022 | MBE | 0.021 | MBE | 0.022 | MBE | 0.022 | MBE | 0.02 | MBE | 0.022 |
RMSE | 0.025 | RMSE | 0.025 | RMSE | 0.025 | RMSE | 0.026 | RMSE | 0.024 | RMSE | 0.025 |
R2 | 0.922 | R2 | 0.93 | R2 | 0.918 | R2 | 0.939 | R2 | 0.952 | R2 | 0.929 |
WV | WV | WV | WV | WV | WV | ||||||
MAE | 0.48 | MAE | 0.491 | MAE | 0.502 | MAE | 0.46 | MAE | 0.54 | MAE | 0.474 |
MBE | 0.508 | MBE | 0.505 | MBE | 0.506 | MBE | 0.526 | MAE | 0.508 | MBE | 0.336 |
RMSE | 0.508 | RMSE | 0.505 | RMSE | 0.506 | RMSE | 0.527 | RMSE | 0.509 | RMSE | 0.509 |
R2 | 0.76 | R2 | 0.729 | R2 | 0.727 | R2 | 0.714 | R2 | 0.661 | R2 | 0.722 |
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Roșu, I.-A.; Ferrarese, S.; Radinschi, I.; Ciocan, V.; Cazacu, M.-M. Evaluation of Different WRF Parametrizations over the Region of Ia?i with Remote Sensing Techniques. Atmosphere 2019, 10, 559. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10090559
Roșu I-A, Ferrarese S, Radinschi I, Ciocan V, Cazacu M-M. Evaluation of Different WRF Parametrizations over the Region of Ia?i with Remote Sensing Techniques. Atmosphere. 2019; 10(9):559. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10090559
Chicago/Turabian StyleRoșu, Iulian-Alin, Silvia Ferrarese, Irina Radinschi, Vasilica Ciocan, and Marius-Mihai Cazacu. 2019. "Evaluation of Different WRF Parametrizations over the Region of Ia?i with Remote Sensing Techniques" Atmosphere 10, no. 9: 559. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10090559
APA StyleRoșu, I.-A., Ferrarese, S., Radinschi, I., Ciocan, V., & Cazacu, M.-M. (2019). Evaluation of Different WRF Parametrizations over the Region of Ia?i with Remote Sensing Techniques. Atmosphere, 10(9), 559. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10090559