An Overview of Cooperative Robotics in Agriculture
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Cooperative Agricultural Robotics
3.1. Human–Robot Cooperation (Human–Robot)
3.2. UAV Robot Teams (Multi-UAV)
3.3. UGV Robot Teams (Multi-UGV)
3.4. UGV and UAV Teams (UAV/UGV)
3.5. Cooperative Manipulation (Manipulators)
3.6. Trends
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ref. | Task | Objective | Type of Study | Cooperation Strategy |
[14] | Spraying | Vineyard | Field trial | User confirmation of machine vision |
[15] | Driving | N/A | Field trial | EMG interface |
[16] | Driving | N/A | Field trial | Teleoperation platform |
[17,18,19] | Target recognition | Melon | Lab experiments | User confirmation of machine vision |
[20] | Harvesting | Citrus | Simulations | Risk-averse collaboration |
[21] | Transportation | N/A | Field trial | Activity recognition |
[22] | Human detection | N/A | Field trial | Stereo vision |
[23] | Spraying | Vineyard | Field trial | User confirmation of machine vision |
[24,25] | Harvesting | Strawberry | Simulation | User confirmation of machine vision |
[26] | Harvesting | N/A | Lab experiments | Layered task selection |
[27] | Spraying | Canola | Simulation and field trial | Skills transfer interface |
[28] | Harvesting | Tea | Field trial | Motion coordination |
[29] | N/A | N/A | Correlational study | Acceptance issues |
[30] | N/A | N/A | Design principles | Safety issues |
[31] | N/A | N/A | Design principles | Safety and ergonomics issues |
[32] | Transportation | Strawberry | Field trial | Safety issues |
Ref. | Task | Objective | Type of Study | Robot Team | Cooperation Strategy |
[40] | N/A | N/A | Formal description | Variable number of UAVs | N/A |
[41] | Irrigation control | N/A | Field tests | Variable number of UAVs | Coverage control |
[42] | Weed mapping | N/A | Simulation | Variable number of UAVs | Coverage control |
[43] | Field monitoring | N/A | Simulation | Variable number of UAVs | Individual random walk |
[44,45] | Pest control | Maize | Architecture design | N/A | Central robot management system |
[46] | Disease detection | N/A | Simulation | Four UAVs | Formation control |
[47] | Surveying | N/A | Simulation and field tests | Up to 10 UAVs | Distributed mission planning |
[48] | Mapping | Vineyard | Field tests | Three UAVs | Centralized path planning |
[49] | Weed control | N/A | Simulation | Three UAVs | Centralized area decomposition |
[50] | N/A | N/A | Field tests | Three UAVs | Formation control |
[51] | Remote sensing | N/A | Simulation | Four UAVs | Formation control |
[52] | Crop health surveying | N/A | Simulation and field tests | Three UAVs | Centralized path planning |
Ref. | Task | Objective | Type of Study | Robot Team | Cooperation Strategy |
[53] | N/A | N/A | Simulation | An application unit and a refilling unit | Leader–follower |
[54] | N/A | N/A | Simulation | A master and a slave vehicle | Master–slave |
[55,56] | N/A | N/A | Field trials | A master and a slave tractor | Master–slave |
[57] | Planting, seeding, transplanting, and harvesting | Rice | Architecture design | A robot for data acquisition and two robot tractors for farming operations | Central robot management system |
[58] | Harvesting | Citrus | Simulation | A virtual leader robot and three follower robots | Formation selection or individual trajectory selection |
[59] | Herbicide application | N/A | Simulation | Multiple heterogeneous robots | Route planning |
[60] | Seeding | N/A | Simulation and field tests | Variable number of robots | Central robot management system |
[61] | Ploughing, irrigation, seeding, and harvesting | N/A | Lab experiments | Multiple heterogeneous robots | Central robot management system |
[62,63] | Spraying, ploughing | N/A | Simulation | Variable number of robots | Use of information stored at checkpoints |
[64] | Spraying | N/A | Lab experiments | A leader robot and a follower robot | Formation control |
[65] | N/A | N/A | Simulation | Variable number of robots | Central robot management system |
[66] | Harvesting, transport | Grapes | Simulation | One harvesting robot and two transport robots | Central robot management system |
[67] | Weed management | N/A | Simulation | Variable number of robots | Central robot management system |
[68] | Harvesting | Rice | Field trials | Two combine robots | Leader–follower |
[69] | Harvesting | N/A | Simulation | Variable number of heterogeneous robots | Central robot management system |
[70] | Monitoring | N/A | Simulation and field trials | Two robots | Route planning |
[71] | Coordination | N/A | Simulation and field trials | Three robot tractors | Central robot management system |
[72] | Spraying | N/A | Simulation with real data | 2 to 10 robots | Central robot management system |
Ref. | Task | Objective | Type of Study | Robot Team | Cooperation Strategy |
[74] | Disease detection | Strawberry | Architecture design | One UAV and one UGV | UGV visiting locations identified by the UAV |
[75] | Fertilization | Not specified | Simulation | One UAV and one UGV | UGV visiting locations identified by the UAV |
[80,81] | Pest control | Winter cereal | Field trials | Two six-rotor drones and three tractors | UGVs visiting locations identified by the UAVs |
[82,83] | Mapping | Not specified | Simulation with real data | One UAV and one simulated UGV | Map data fusion |
[84] | Crop management | Lettuce | Architecture design | One UAV and one UGV | UGV visiting locations identified by the UAV |
[85] | Inspection | Not specified | Architecture design | One UAV and one UGV | Transportation of UAV by the UGV |
[86] | Crop status mapping | Not specified | Architecture design | One UAV and one UGV | Crop data fusion |
[87] | N/A | N/A | Simulation | Three UAVs and one UGV | Leader-follower formation control |
Ref. | Task | Objective | Type of Study | Mode of Operation | Manipulators |
[88] | Harvesting | Kiwi | Field trials | Arm coordination | Four 3-DoF arms |
[89] | Harvesting | Mellon | Simulation | Arm coordination | Variable number of 3-DoF arms |
[90] | Harvesting | Strawberry | Field trials | Arm coordination | Two single-rail 5-DoF arms |
[91] | Harvesting | Apple | Simulation and lab experiments | Arm collaboration | Two 6-DoF arms |
[92] | Harvesting | Apple | Simulation | Arm collaboration | Two 6-DoF arms |
[93] | Harvesting | Aubergine | Lab experiments | Arm collaboration and coordination | Two 6-DoF arms |
[94] | Harvesting | Apple | Lab experiments | Arm collaboration | An 8-DOF arm and a 2-DoF arm |
[95] | Harvesting | Tomato | Field experiments | Arm collaboration | Two mirrored 3-DoF arms |
[96] | Planting and watering | N/A | Field experiments | Arm coordination | Two 2-DoF arms |
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Share and Cite
Lytridis, C.; Kaburlasos, V.G.; Pachidis, T.; Manios, M.; Vrochidou, E.; Kalampokas, T.; Chatzistamatis, S. An Overview of Cooperative Robotics in Agriculture. Agronomy 2021, 11, 1818.
Lytridis C, Kaburlasos VG, Pachidis T, Manios M, Vrochidou E, Kalampokas T, Chatzistamatis S. An Overview of Cooperative Robotics in Agriculture. Agronomy. 2021; 11(9):1818.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLytridis, Chris, Vassilis G. Kaburlasos, Theodore Pachidis, Michalis Manios, Eleni Vrochidou, Theofanis Kalampokas, and Stamatis Chatzistamatis. 2021. "An Overview of Cooperative Robotics in Agriculture" Agronomy 11, no. 9: 1818.
APA StyleLytridis, C., Kaburlasos, V. G., Pachidis, T., Manios, M., Vrochidou, E., Kalampokas, T., & Chatzistamatis, S. (2021). An Overview of Cooperative Robotics in Agriculture. Agronomy, 11(9), 1818.