Celiac Disease and Overweight in Children: An Update
:1. Introduction
2. Clinical Evidence of CD and Overweight/Obesity
2.1. Summary of the Main Case Reports
2.2. Summary of Case Series
Author (Year) | Country (Sample Size) | Overweight/Obesity at Presentation (%) | Overweight/Obesity after Initiating a GFD (%) | Reference |
Aurangzeb (2010) | Australia & New Zealand (n = 25) | 20.8/0 | ND/ND | [21] |
Venkatasubramani (2010) | Milwaukee, WI, USA (n = 143) | ND/5 | ND/3 | [22] |
Balamtekin (2010) | Ankara, Turkey (n = 220) | ND/0.5 | ND/ND | [23] |
Valletta et al. (2010) | Italy (n = 149) | 11/3 | 21/4 | [24] |
Reilly et al. (2010) | NY, USA (n = 142) | 12.6/6 | 20/4 | [26] |
Norsa et al. (2011) | Italy & Israel (n = 114) | 8.8/5.3 | 11.5/8.8 | [27] |
Brambilla et al. (2011) | Italy (n = 150) | 11.3/0.7 | 9.4/0 | [25] |
3. Pathogenetic Link between CD and Overweight/Obesity
3.1. Overweight and Obesity in Newly Diagnosed CD Patients: The “Compensatory” Hypothesis
3.2. The Effect of Gluten Withdrawal on Overweight/Obese CD Patients
Time of Overweight/Obesity Diagnosis in Celiac Patients | Pathogenetic Link | Reference |
Overweight/Obesity at CD Presentation | “Compensatory hypothesis”: high energetic yield due to the slow adaptation of the atrophic mucosa | [13] |
Global trend toward overweight/obesity in children | [39] | |
Diagnosis not based on clinical symptoms but on screening test | [25,26] | |
Overweight/Obesity on a GFD | “Compensatory hypothesis”: normalization of caloric balance due to the restoration of mucosal functions | [13] |
Worldwide trend toward overweight/obesity in children | [39] | |
Unpalatability of gluten-free foods, prompting the consumption of foods with high caloric content (i.e., fat and protein). | [20,29,40] | |
High GI/GL of GFD? | [49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74] | |
Altered secretion of gut–brain axis hormones? | [75] |
4. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Share and Cite
Diamanti, A.; Capriati, T.; Basso, M.S.; Panetta, F.; Di Ciommo Laurora, V.M.; Bellucci, F.; Cristofori, F.; Francavilla, R. Celiac Disease and Overweight in Children: An Update. Nutrients 2014, 6, 207-220. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu6010207
Diamanti A, Capriati T, Basso MS, Panetta F, Di Ciommo Laurora VM, Bellucci F, Cristofori F, Francavilla R. Celiac Disease and Overweight in Children: An Update. Nutrients. 2014; 6(1):207-220. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu6010207
Chicago/Turabian StyleDiamanti, Antonella, Teresa Capriati, Maria Sole Basso, Fabio Panetta, Vincenzo Maria Di Ciommo Laurora, Francesca Bellucci, Fernanda Cristofori, and Ruggiero Francavilla. 2014. "Celiac Disease and Overweight in Children: An Update" Nutrients 6, no. 1: 207-220. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu6010207
APA StyleDiamanti, A., Capriati, T., Basso, M. S., Panetta, F., Di Ciommo Laurora, V. M., Bellucci, F., Cristofori, F., & Francavilla, R. (2014). Celiac Disease and Overweight in Children: An Update. Nutrients, 6(1), 207-220. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu6010207