A Food Insecurity Systematic Review: Experience from Malaysia
:1. Introduction
‘Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life’[3]
- (a)
- What was the prevalence of food insecurity in Malaysia according to studies conducted there?
- (b)
- Who were the high-risk groups of household food insecurity in Malaysia?
- (c)
- What were common instruments used to assess food insecurity in Malaysia?
- (d)
- What were the common contributing factors to rather than of food insecurity among Malaysians?
- (e)
- What were the coping strategies practised by food-insecure households in Malaysia?
- (f)
- What were consequences of food insecurity reported among Malaysians?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Selection Criteria
2.3. Data Extraction
2.4. Risk of Bias Assessment
3. Results
3.1. The Prevalence of Food Insecurity
3.2. Contributing Factors to Food Insecurity
3.3. Coping Strategies
3.4. Consequences of Food Insecurity
4. Discussion
4.1. Limitations of This Study
4.2. Recommendation
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Checklist |
1 | Were the criteria for inclusion in the sample clearly defined? |
2 | Were the study subjects and the setting described in detail? |
3 | Was the exposure measured in a valid and reliable way? |
4 | Were objective, standard criteria used for measurement of the condition? |
5 | Were confounding factors identified? |
6 | Were strategies to deal with confounding factors stated? |
7 | Were the outcomes measured in a valid and reliable way? |
8 | Was appropriate statistical analysis used? |
No. | Checklist |
1 | Is there congruity between the stated philosophical perspective and the research methodology? |
2 | Is there congruity between the research methodology and the research question or objectives? |
3 | Is there congruity between the research methodology and the methods used to collect data? |
4 | Is there congruity between the research methodology and the representation and analysis of data? |
5 | Is there congruity between the research methodology and the interpretation of results? |
6 | Is there a statement locating the researcher culturally or theoretically? |
7 | Is the influence of the researcher on the research, and vice- versa, addressed? |
8 | Are participants, and their voices, adequately represented? |
9 | Is the research ethical according to current criteria or, for recent studies, and is there evidence of ethical approval by an appropriate body? |
10 | Do the conclusions drawn in the research report flow from the analysis, or interpretation, of the data? |
No. | Authors | Year | Study Design | Respondents (Target Groups) | Study Location | Instrument | Prevalence | Quality Assessment |
Orang Asli (Indigenous Peoples) | ||||||||
1. | Zalilah, M.S. and Tham, B.L. [116] | 2002 | Cross-sectional study | n = 64 Women Orang Asli (Indigenous Peoples) (information on household food insecurity) and child (weight and height) | Hulu Langat District of Selangor, State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 81.2% food insecurity (20.3% household food insecurity 32.8% individual food insecurity 28.1% child hunger) | 2/8 |
2. | Nurfahilin, T. and Norhasmah, S. [92] | 2015 | Cross-sectional study | n = 92 Women Orang Asli | Gombak District of Selangor, State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 88% food insecurity (48.9% household food insecurity 21.7% individuals food insecurity 17.4% child hunger) | 4/8 |
3. | Chong, S.P., Geeta, A. and Norhasmah, S. [90] | 2018 | Cross-sectional study | n = 222 Orang Asli (Indigenous) Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating Non-vegetarian No chronic diseases No changes in food habits in past six months | Kuala Langat District of Selangor, State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 82.9% food insecurity (29.3% household food insecurity, 23.4% individual food insecurity, 30.2% child hunger) | 7/8 |
4. | Chong, S.P., Geeta, A. and Norhasmah, S. [91] | 2019 | Cross-sectional study | n = 222 Orang Asli (Indigenous) Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating Non-vegetarian No chronic diseases No changes in food habits in past six months to reduce weight | Kuala Langat District of Selangor, State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 82.9% food insecurity (29.3% household food insecurity, 23.4% individual food insecurity, 30.2% child hunger) | 8/8 |
5. | Law, L.S., Norhasmah, S., Gan, W.Y. and Mohd Nasir, M.T. [117] | 2018a | Case study (qualitative study) | In-depth interviews 61 women (Senoi, Proto-Malay and Negrito) FGD 19 women proto Malay | Perak, Selangor, and Pahang, Malaysia | - | - | 8/10 |
6. | Law, L.S., Norhasmah, S., Gan, W.Y., Siti’Asyura, A., and Mohd Nasir, M.T. [118] | 2018b | Case study (qualitative study) | n = 61 Orang Asli women Food aid-recipient household Non-pregnant and non-lactating | Perak, Selangor, and Pahang, Malaysia | - | - | 8/10 |
Low-income households/welfare-recipient households | ||||||||
7. | Zalilah, M.S. and Ang, M. [119] | 2001 | Cross-sectional study | n = 137 Women (information on household food insecurity) and child (weight and height) | Kuala Lumpur | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 65.7% food insecurity (27.7% household food insecurity 10.9% individual food insecurity 27.0% child hunger) | 5/8 |
8. | Zalilah, M.S. and Khor, G.L. [100] | 2004 | Cross-sectional study | n = 200 Women of poor households in a rural community in Malaysia | Sabak Bernam District of Selangor state | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 58.0% food insecurity (14% household food insecurity 9.5% individual food insecurity 34.5% child hunger) | 7/8 |
9. | Zalilah, M.S. and Khor, G.L. [101] | 2005 | Cross-sectional study | n = 200 Women of poor households in a rural community in Malaysia | Sabak Bernam District of Selangor State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 58.0% food insecurity (14.0% household food insecurity 9.5% individual food insecurity 34.5% child hunger) | 6/8 |
10. | Zalilah, M.S. and Khor, G.L. [102] | 2008 | Cross-sectional study | n = 200 Women of poor households in a rural community in Malaysia | Sabak Bernam District of Selangor State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 58.0% food insecurity (14.0% household food insecurity 9.5% individual food insecurity 34.5% child hunger) | 7/8 |
11. | Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S., Mirnalini, K., Mohd Nasir, M.T and Asnarulkhadi, A.S. [88] | 2011 | Cross-sectional study | n = 301 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating, living in rural and urban areas | Tumpat and Kota Bharu Districts of Kelantan, State | Malaysian Coping Strategy Instrument (MCSI) | 68.1% food insecurity (33.9% moderately food insecurity, 34.2% severely food insecurity) | 6/8 |
12. | Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S. and Rohana, A.J [99] | 2012a | Cross-sectional study | n = 301 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating, living in rural and urban areas | Tumpat and Kota Bharu Districts of Kelantan, State | Malaysian Coping Strategy Instrument (MCSI) | 68.1% food insecurity (33.9% moderately food insecurity, 34.2% severely food insecurity) | 6/8 |
13. | Mohamadpour, M., Zalilah M.S., Keysami M.A. [120] | 2012 | Cross-sectional study | n = 169 Palm plantation women Non-pregnant and non-lactating | Nilai, Negeri Sembilan State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 85.2% food insecurity (24.9% household food insecurity, 19.5% individual food insecurity 40.8% child hunger) | 6/8 |
14. | Nik Aida Adibah, N.A.A. and Norhasmah S. [109] | 2013 | Cross-sectional study | n = 80 Women | Kampung Pulau Serai, Dungun District of Terengganu, State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument | 93.75% food insecurity (51.25% household food insecurity 23.75% individuals food insecurity 18.75% child hunger) | 3/8 |
15. | Zalilah, M.S., Norhasmah, S., Rohana, A.J., Wong, C.Y, Yong, H.Y., Mohd Nasir, M.T., Mirnalini, K., and Khor, G.L. [121] | 2014 | Cross-sectional study | n = 625 Women Low-income communities | 3 states of Peninsular Malaysia (Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Kelantan) | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 78.4% food insecurity (26.7% household food insecurity 25.3% individual food insecurity 26.4% child hunger) | 7/8 |
16. | Alam, M.D., Siwar, C., Wahid, A.N.M. and Abdul Talib, B. [122] | 2016 | Cross-sectional study | n = 460 Households from urban and rural areas East Coast Economic Region (ECER) (e-kasih database) | Kelantan, Terengganu Pahang States | United States Agency for International Development Household Food Insecurity Access | 47.2% food insecurity (23.3% mildly food insecurity 14.3% moderately food insecurity 9.6% are severely food insecurity) | 1/8 |
17. | Yong, P.P. and Norhasmah, S. [110] | 2016 | Cross-sectional study | n = 109 Chinese women aged between 30 and 55 years old | Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Kuala Lumpur | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 50.6% food insecurity (18.5% household insecurity 14.8% individual insecurity 17.3% child hunger) | 1/8 |
18. | Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S., Mirnalini, K., Mohd Nasir, M.T. and Asnarulkhadi, A.S. [123] | 2012b | Cross-sectional study | n = 103 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating welfare-recipient households | Hulu Langat District of Selangor, State | Malaysian Coping Strategy Instrument (MCSI) | 73.8% food insecurity (39.8% moderate food insecurity, 34.0% severely food security) | 4/8 |
19. | Siti Marhana, A.B. and Norhasmah, S. [124] | 2012 | Cross-sectional Study | n = 80 Women and men Zakat recipients | Bukit Martajam, Pulau Pinang, State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 100.0% food insecurity (5.0% household food insecurity, 30.0% individual food insecurity 65.0% child hunger) | 3/8 |
20. | Ihab, A.N., Rohana, A.J., Wan Manan, W.M., Wan Suriati, W.N., Zalilah, M.S., and Mohamed Rusli, A. [54] | 2012a | Cross-sectional study | n = 223 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating welfare-recipient households | Bachok District of Kelantan, State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument | 83.9% food insecurity (29.6% household food insecurity 19.3% individuals food insecurity 35.0% child hunger) | 6/8 |
21. | Ihab, A.N., Rohana, A.J., Wan Manan, W.M., Wan Suriati, W.N., Zalilah, M.S., and Mohamed Rusli, A. [103] | 2012b | Cross-sectional study | n = 223 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating welfare-recipient households | Bachok District of Kelantan, State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument (PJN) | 83.9% food insecurity (29.6% household food insecurity 19.3% individuals food insecurity 35.0% child hunger) | 6/8 |
22. | Ihab, A.N., Rohana, A.J., Wan Manan, W.M., Wan Suriati, W.N., Zalilah, M.S., and Mohamed Rusli, A. [94] | 2012c | Cross-sectional study | n = 223 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating welfare-recipient households | Bachok District of Kelantan State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument | 83.9% food insecurity (29.6% household food insecurity 19.3% individuals food insecurity 35.0% child hunger) | 7/8 |
23. | Ihab, A.N., Rohana, A.J., Wan Manan, W.M., Wan Suriati, W.N., Zalilah, M.S., and Mohamed Rusli, A. [95] | 2013 | Cross-sectional study | n = 223 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating welfare-recipient households | Bachok District of, Kelantan State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 83.9% food insecurity (29.6% household food insecurity 19.3% individuals food insecurity 35.0% child hunger) | 7/8 |
24. | Cooper, E.E. [125] | 2013 | Cross-sectional study | n = 70 Households Children (n = 104) aged between 6 months and 6 years old Malay fishing villages | Sematan subdistrict of Lundu at the southwest coast of Sarawak | Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) | 64.3% food insecurity (10.0% mildly food insecurity 25.7% moderately food insecurity 28.6% severely food security) | 2/8 |
25. | Roselawati, M.Y., Wan Azdie, M.A.B., Aflah, A., Jamalludin, R., and Zalilah, M.S. [126] | 2017 | Cross-sectional study | n = 128 Malay women with their children Age 21 to 59 years olds | Kuantan District of Pahang State | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument | 77.0% food insecurity (52.0% house old food insecurity, 9.0% individual food insecurity 16.0% child hunger) | 7/8 |
26. | Mohamad Hasnan, A., Rusidah, S., Ruhaya, S., Nur Liana, A.M., Ahmad Ali, Z., Wan Azdie, A.B., and Tahir, A. [96] | 2020 | Cross-sectional study | n = 2962 Adults | National representative sample in Malaysia | Six items adapted from USDA instruments (United States Department of Agriculture) | Quantity insufficiency: 25.0% Variety insufficiency: 25.5% Reduced size of meal: 21.9% Skipped meal: 15.2% Rely on cheap food and affordable food: 23.7% Could not afford to feed their children with various food: 20.8% | 4/8 |
27. | Nor Syaza Sofiah, A.; Norhasmah, S. [97] | 2020 | Cross-sectional study | n = 140 Adults | Two national primary schools | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument | 80.7% food insecurity (26.4% household food insecurity, 27.9% individual food insecurity, 26.4% child hunger) | 4/8 |
28. | Noratikah, Norhasmah and Siti Farhana [98] | 2019 | Cross-sectional study | n = 129 Mothers aged 20 to 59 years | Low household income | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument | 55.8% food insecurity (7.0% household food insecurity, 30.2% individual food insecurity, 18.6% child hunger) | 7/8 |
29. | Susanti, A., Norhasmah, S., Fadilah, M.N., and Siti Farhana, M. [127] | 2019 | Cross-sectional study | n = 160 Households that comprised pairs of mothers and children aged 13–17 years | Mentakab, Temerloh district, Pahang | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument | 48.8% food insecurity (20.0% household food insecurity, 13.8% individual food insecurity, 15.0% child hunger) | 8/8 |
30. | Norhasmah, S.; Zalilah, M.S.; Mohd Nasir, M.T.; Asnarulkhadi, A.S. [93] | 2010 | Case study (qualitative study) | n = 57 20–50-year-old women | Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia | - | - | 7/10 |
University students | ||||||||
31. | Norhasmah, S., Zuroni, M.J. and Siti Marhana, A.B. [128] | 2013 | Cross-sectional study | n = 484 Undergraduate Public University students | Peninsular Malaysia | USDA instruments (United States Department of Agriculture) | 67.1% food insecurity (44.4% low food insecurity, 22.7% very low food insecurity) | 1/8 |
32. | Siti Marhana, A.B., Norhasmah, S. and Husniyah, A.R [129] | 2014 | Cross-sectional study | 484 Public Undergraduate Public University students | Peninsular Malaysia | USDA instruments (United States Department of Agriculture) | 67.1% food insecurity (44.4% low food insecurity, 22.7% very low food insecurity) | 2/8 |
33. | Nur Atiqah, A., Norazmir, M.N, Khairil Anuar, M.I., Mohd Fahmi, M. and Norazlanshah, H. [130] | 2015 | Cross-sectional study | n = 124 University students | Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Puncak Alam Selangor, State | Adults Food Security Survey Module (AFSSM) | 43.5% food insecurity | 5/8 |
34. | Izwan Syafiq, R.; Asma, A.; Nurzalinda, Z.; Rahijan, A.W.; Siti Nur Afifah, J. [104] | 2019 | Cross-sectional study | n = 96 University students | Two selected public universities in Terengganu | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument | 22% food insecurity (14% low food security, 8% very low food security) | 1/8 |
35. | Khairil, A.; Noralanshah, H.; Farah Syafeera, I.; Nazrul, H.I.; Muhammad Ghazali, M. [105] | 2015 | Cross-sectional study | n = 30 University students | Kolej Jasmine, UiTM Puncak Perdana, Shah Alam, Malaysia | Adults Food Security Survey Module (AFSSM) | 70% food insecurity (37% low food security, 30% very low food security) | 3/8 |
36. | Nurulhudha, Norhasmah, Siti Nur’ Asyura, and Shamsul Azahari [106] | 2020 | Cross-sectional study | 427 Undergraduate Public University students | Universiti Utara Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Pahang and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Adults Food Security Survey Module (AFSSM) | 60.9% food insecurity (39.3% low food security, 21.6% very low food security) | 7/8 |
37. | Roslee, R.; Lee, H.S.; Nurul Izzati, A.H.; Siti Masitah, E. [107] | 2019 | Cross-sectional study | n = 108 Low-income university students | Selangor, Malaysia | USDA Household Food Security Survey Module 2012 (Six Item Short Form) | 69.4% food insecurity (50.5% low food security, 29.3% very low food security) | 2/8 |
38. | Wan Azdie, M.A.B., Shahidah, I., Suriati, S., and Rozlin, A.R. [131] | 2019 | Cross-sectional study | n = 307 Students from six faculties of the International Islamic University Malaysia | Kuantan, Pahang | Adults Food Security Survey Module (AFSSM) | 54.4% food insecurity (32.9% low food security, 21.5% very low food security) | 3/8 |
39. | Law, L.S., Roselan, B. and Norhasmah, S. [117] | 2015 | In-depth interview (qualitative research) | 4 informants University students | Selangor, Malaysia | - | - | 5/10 |
Elderly population | ||||||||
40. | Fadilah, M.N., Norhasmah, S., Zalilah M.S. and Zuriati I. [132] | 2017 | Cross-sectional study | n = 227 Elderly aged 60 and over | Mukim Panji, Kota Bharu District of Kelantan State | USDA Household Food Security Survey Module 2012 (Six Item Short Form) | 22.9% food insecurity (15.4% low food security, 7.5% very low food security) | 4/8 |
41. | Nurzetty Sofia, Z., Muhammmad Hazrin, H., Nur Hidayah, A., Wong, Y.H., Han, W.C., Suzana, S., Munirah, I. and Devinder Kaur, A.S. [111] | 2017 | Cross-sectional study | n = 72 Elderly aged 60 years Able to communicate total household income lower than or equal to RM3000 per month Do not suffer from terminal illness, dementia and mental illness | Urban poor residential area in Klang Valley of Malaysia (i.e., Kampung Medan, Petaling Jaya) | Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument | 6.9% food insecurity | 5/8 |
42. | Rohida, S.H., Suzana, S., Norhayati, I. and Hanis Mastura, Y. [112] | 2017 | Cross-sectional study | n = 289 Older adults aged 60 years and over | Older adults from FELDA Land Development Authority (FELDA)—Northern Region of Malaysia | Food Security Tool For Elderly | 27.7% food insecurity 22.4% food insecurity for men 29.0% food insecurity for women | 3/8 |
43. | Siti Farhana, M., Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S., and Zuriati, I. [114] | 2018 | Cross-sectional study | n = 220 Older adults aged 60 to 87 years | Two randomly subdistricts (Petaling II and Damansara) in Petaling district | Six-item Short Form of Food Security Status | 19.5% food insecurity 18.2% low food security 1.3% low food security | 4/8 |
44. | Ruhaya et al. [113] | 2020 | Cross-sectional study | n = 3977 Older adults ≥ 60 years old | National representative sample in Malaysia | USDA Household Food Security Survey Module 2012 and USDA Household Food Security Survey Module 2012 (Six Item Short Form) | 10.4% food insecurity | 7/8 |
45. | Siti Farhana, M., Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S., Zuriati, I. [114] | 2020 | Cross-sectional study | n = 220 Elderly people aged 60 years and over | Petaling district, Selangor, Malaysia | USDA Household Food Security Survey Module 2012 (Six Item Short Form) | 19.5% food insecurity | 6/8 |
Migrant worker | ||||||||
46. | Chan, F.M., Faller, E.M., Lau, X.C., and Gabriel, J.S. [115] | 2020 | Cross-sectional study | n = 125 Documented migrant workers from five selected countries | Klang Valley, Selangor | Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) | 57.6% food insecurity (24.8% mildly, 29.6% moderately, 3.2% severely) | 4/8 |
No. | Authors | Study Design | Respondents (Target Groups) | Risk Factors for Food Insecurity | Health and Nutritional Outcomes of Food Insecurity | Categories of Coping Strategies | Coping Strategies (Top Five for Each Coping Strategy Group) |
Orang Asli | |||||||
1. | Zalilah, M.S. and Tham, B.L. [116] (2002) | Cross-sectional study | n = 64 Women Orang Asli (Indigenous Peoples) |
| Among children
| -NA- | -NA- |
2. | Nurfahilin, T. and Norhasmah, S. [92] (2005) | Cross-sectional study | n = 92 Women Orang Asli |
| Among orang Asli women
| Food-related coping strategies |
Non-food-related coping strategies |
| ||||||
3. | Chong, S.P., Geeta, A. and Norhasmah, S. [90] (2008) | Cross-sectional study | n = 222 Orang Asli (Indigenous) Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating Non-vegetarian No chronic diseases No changes in food habits in past six months |
| Among orang Asli women
| -NA- | -NA- |
4. | Chong, S.P., Geeta, A. and Norhasmah, S. [91] (2019) | Cross-sectional study | n = 222 Orang Asli (Indigenous) Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating Non-vegetarian No chronic diseases No changes in food habits in past six months | -NA- | Among orang Asli women Food security status appeared to be a predictor for diet quality | -NA- | -NA- |
5. | Law, L.S, Norhasmah, S., Gan, W.Y. and Mohd Nasir, M.T. [117] (2018a) | Case study (qualitative study) | In-depth interviews 61 women (Senoi, Proto-Malay and Negrito) FGD 19 women proto Malay | -NA- | -NA- | Identified 21 coping strategies and divided into two themes | |
Food consumption (four themes) | |||||||
Dietary changes (two subthemes) |
| ||||||
Diversification of food sources (nine subthemes) |
| ||||||
Decreasing the number of people (two subthemes) |
| ||||||
Food rationing (five subthemes) |
| ||||||
Financial management (three themes) | |||||||
Increasing household income (two subthemes) |
| ||||||
Reducing expenses for schooling children (three subthemes) |
| ||||||
Reducing expenses on daily necessities (two subthemes) |
| ||||||
6. | Law, L.S., Norhasmah, S., Gan, W.Y., Siti’Asyura, A., and Mohd Nasir, M.T. [118] (2018b) | Case study | n = 61 Orang Asli women Food aid-recipient household Non-pregnant and non-lactating |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
Low-income households/welfare-recipient households/mothers | |||||||
7. | Zalilah, M.S. and Ang, M. [119] (2001) | Cross-sectional study | n = 137 Women (information on household food insecurity) and child (weight and height) |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
8. | Zalilah, M.S. and Khor, G.L. [100] (2004) | Cross-sectional study | n = 200 Women of poor households in a rural community in Malaysia |
| Among women
| -NA- | -NA- |
9. | Zalilah, M.S. and Khor, G.L. [101] (2005) | Cross-sectional study | n = 200 Women of poor households in a rural community in Malaysia |
| Among women
| -NA- | -NA- |
10. | Zalilah, M.S. and Khor, G.L. [102] (2008) | Cross-sectional study | n = 200 Women of poor households in a rural community in Malaysia |
| Food-related coping strategies |
| |
Income/expenditure-related coping strategies |
| ||||||
11. | Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S., Mirnalini, K., Mohd Nasir, M.T and Asnarulkhadi, A.S. [88] (2011) | Cross-sectional study | n = 301 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating, living in rural and urban areas |
| Among women
| -NA- | -NA- |
12. | Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S., and Rohana, A.J. [99] (2012a) | Cross-sectional study | n = 301 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating, living in rural and urban areas |
| Among women
| -NA- | -NA- |
13. | Mohamadpour, M., Zalilah, M.S., and Keysami, M.A. [120] (2012) | Cross-sectional study | n = 169 Palm plantation women Non-pregnant and non-lactating |
| Among women
| -NA- | -NA- |
14. | Nik Aida Adibah, N.A.A. and Norhasmah, S. [109] (2013) | Cross-sectional study | n = 80 Women |
| -NA- | Food-related coping strategies |
Non-food-related coping strategies |
| ||||||
15. | Zalilah, M.S., Norhasmah, S., Rohana, A.J., Wong, C.Y, Yong, H.Y., Mohd Nasir, M.T., Mirnalini, K., and Khor, G.L. [121] (2014) | Cross-sectional study | n = 625 Women Low-income communities |
| Among women
Elevated plasma glucose Cholesterol LDL cholesterol Metabolic syndrome | Food-related coping strategies (four themes) | |
Food stretching (two subthemes) |
| ||||||
Food rationing (five subthemes) |
| ||||||
Food seeking (two subthemes) |
| ||||||
Food anxiety (one sutheme) |
| ||||||
Non-food-related coping strategies (four themes) | |||||||
Cloth purchasing behaviours (three suthemes) |
| ||||||
Reduce school-going children’s expenditure (two subthemes) |
| ||||||
Delay the payment of bills (three suthemes) |
| ||||||
Adjust lifestyle (8 subthemes) |
| ||||||
16. | Cooper, E.E. [125] (2013) | Cross-sectional study | n = 70 Households children (n = 104) aged between 6 months and 6 years old Malay fishing villages | -NA- | -NA- | Food-related coping strategies | Unwanted food consumption (e.g., uncooked blocks of ramen, diluted rice porridge and scavenged cassava leaves) (e.g., ‘If we eat, we eat. If not, there is nothing to be done. You keep quiet’). |
Women’s alternative income strategies |
| ||||||
17. | Alam, M.D., Siwar, C., Wahid, A.N.M. and Abdul Talib, B. [122] (2016) | Cross-sectional study | n = 460 Households from urban and rural areas East Coast Economic Region (ECER) (e-kasih database) |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
18. | Yong, P.P. and Norhasmah, S. [110] (2016) | Cross-sectional study | n = 109 Chinese women aged between 30 and 55 years old |
| Among women
| Food-related coping strategies |
Non-food-related coping strategies |
| ||||||
19. | Roselawati, M.Y., Wan Azdie, M.A.B., Aflah, A., Jamalludin, R., and Zalilah, M.S. [126] (2017) | Cross-sectional study | n = 128 Malay women with their children Aged 21 to 59 years olds |
| Among children The proportion of overweight/obesity among children from food secure households was lower (48.3%) than from food-insecure households were (60.6%) However, no significant different between childhood overweight/obesity and food security status | -NA- | -NA- |
20. | Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S, Mirnalini, K., Mohd Nasir, M.T and Asnarulkhadi, A.S. [123] (2012b) | Cross-sectional study | n = 103 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating welfare-recipient households |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
21. | Siti Marhana, A.B. and Norhasmah, S. [124] (2012) | Cross-sectional Study | n = 80 Women and men Zakat recipients |
| -NA- | Food-related coping strategies |
Non-food-related coping strategies |
| ||||||
22. | Ihab, A.N., Rohana, A.J., Wan Manan, W.M., Wan Suriati, W.N., Zalilah, M.S. and Mohamed Rusli, A. [103](2012b) | Cross-sectional study | n = 223 Women Non- pregnant Non-lactating welfare-recipient households |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
23. | Ihab, A.N., Rohana, A.J., Wan Manan, W.M., Wan Suriati, W.N., Zalilah, M.S., and Mohamed Rusli, A. [95] (2013) | Cross-sectional study | n = 223 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating welfare-recipient households |
| Among women
| -NA- | -NA- |
24. | Ihab, A.N., Rohana, A.J., Wan Manan, W.M., Wan Suriati, W.N., Zalilah, M.S., and Mohamed Rusli, A. [54] (2012a) | Cross-sectional study | n = 223 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating Welfare-recipient households |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
25. | Noratikah, Norhasmah and Siti Farhana [98] (2019) | Cross-sectional study | n = 129 Mothers aged 20 to 59 years |
| Among women
| -NA- | -NA- |
26. | Mohamad Hasnah, A., Rusidah, S., Ruhaya, S., Nur Liana, A.M., Ahmad Ali, Z., Wan Azdie, A.B., and Tahir, A. [96] (2020) | Cross-sectional study | n = 2962 Adults |
| |||
27. | Susanti, A., Norhasmah, S., Fadilah, M.N., and Siti Farhana, M. [127] (2019) | Cross-sectional study | n-160 Households that comprised pairs of mothers and children aged 13–17 years |
| Among adolescents
BMI | -NA- | -NA- |
28. | Ihab, A.N., Rohana, A.J., Wan Manan, W.M., Wan Suriati, W.N., Zalilah, M.S., and Mohamed Rusli, A. [94] (2012c) | Cross-sectional study | n = 223 Women Non-pregnant and non-lactating welfare-recipient households | Among women
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
University students | |||||||
29. | Norhasmah, S., Zuroni, M.J. and Siti Marhana, A.B. [128] (2013) | Cross-sectional study | n = 484 Undergraduate Public University students |
| -NA- | Food-related coping strategies |
Non-food-related coping strategies |
| ||||||
30. | Law, L.S. Roselan, B. and Norhasmah, S. [117] (2015) | Inidepth interview (qualitative research) | 4 informants University students |
| Among university students
| Food-related coping strategies |
31. | Siti Marhana, A.B., Norhasmah, S. and Husniyah, A.R. [129] (2014) | Cross-sectional study | 484 Public Undergraduate Public University students |
| -NA- | Food coping strategies |
Non-food-related coping strategies |
| ||||||
32. | Nurulhudha, Norhasmah, Siti Nur’ Asyura, and Shamsul Azahari [106] (2020) | Cross-sectional study | 427 Undergraduate Public University students |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
33. | Wan Azdie, M.A.B., Shahidah, I., Suriati, S., and Rozlin, A.R. [131] (2019) | Cross-sectional study | n = 307 Students from six faculties of the International Islamic University Malaysia |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
34. | Nur Atiqah, A., Norazmir, M.N, Khairil Anuar, M.I., Mohd Fahmi, M. and Norazlanshah, H. [130] (2015) | Cross-sectional study | 124 university students (18 to 25) years old | Among university students
| s-NA- | -NA- | |
Elderly population | |||||||
35. | Fadilah, M.N, Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S. and Zuriati, I. [132] (2017) | Cross-sectional study | n = 227 Elderly aged 60 and over |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
36. | Siti Farhana, M., Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S., and Zuriati, I. [108] (2018) | Cross-sectional study | n = 220 Older adults aged 60 to 87 years | Univariate analysis: Significant associations between food insecurity with:
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
37. | Ruhaya et al. [113] (2020) | Cross-sectional study | n = 3977 Older adults ≥ 60 years old |
| -NA- | -NA- | -NA- |
38. | Nurzetty Sofia Z, Muhammmad Hazrin H, Nur Hidayah A., Wong Y. H., Han W. C., Suzana S., Munirah I. and Devinder Kaur A. S. [111] (2017) | Cross-sectional study | n = 72 Elderly aged 60 years Able to communicate Household income ≤ RM3000 per month No terminal illness, dementia and mental illness | -NA- | Among elderly population
| -NA- | -NA- |
39. | Rohida, S.H., Suzana, S., Norhayati, I. and Hanis Mastura, Y. [112] (2017) | Cross-sectional study | n = 289 Older adults aged 60 years and over from FELDA Land Development Authority (FELDA)—Northern Region of Malaysia | -NA- | Among elderly population
| -NA- | -NA- |
40. | Siti Farhana, M., Norhasmah, S., Zalilah, M.S., Zuriati, I. [114] (2020) | Cross-sectional study | n = 220 Elderly people aged 60 years and over | -NA- | Among elderly population
| -NA- | -NA- |
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Share and Cite
Sulaiman, N.; Yeatman, H.; Russell, J.; Law, L.S. A Food Insecurity Systematic Review: Experience from Malaysia. Nutrients 2021, 13, 945. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13030945
Sulaiman N, Yeatman H, Russell J, Law LS. A Food Insecurity Systematic Review: Experience from Malaysia. Nutrients. 2021; 13(3):945. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13030945
Chicago/Turabian StyleSulaiman, Norhasmah, Heather Yeatman, Joanna Russell, and Leh Shii Law. 2021. "A Food Insecurity Systematic Review: Experience from Malaysia" Nutrients 13, no. 3: 945. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13030945
APA StyleSulaiman, N., Yeatman, H., Russell, J., & Law, L. S. (2021). A Food Insecurity Systematic Review: Experience from Malaysia. Nutrients, 13(3), 945. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13030945