4.1. Disturbance Trajectories
Region 2 loess-smoothed Tasseled Cap disturbance trajectories were plotted as a function of time for individual polygons by disturbance type, revealing high consistency among profiles for certain disturbance types and lower consistency for others. In some cases, it appears that low consistency is caused by differences in the timing of disturbance events, especially for abrupt inter-annual disturbances such as fire. Other changes exhibited relatively consistent trajectories, particularly subtle and progressive processes such as regeneration or greening. Consistency relates partly to the nature of the disturbance itself (e.g., greening is driven by climate factors), but perhaps more so to the number and location of samples that were collected. An insufficient number of samples existed for certain disturbance types to assess their level of consistency altogether.
Figure 4 shows examples of relatively consistent disturbance profiles in the left column and less consistent profiles on the right. Relatively consistent profiles in the database include pre-1965 tundra fires that exhibit a slight decrease in both Tasseled Cap Brightness and Greenness and a slight increase in Wetness. These trajectories reflect late regeneration and early succession due to increasing leaf area index and biomass that is sometimes accompanied by a species shift from broadleaf to needleleaf. Trajectories for recently drained tundra lakes appear to be temporally aligned with the event occurring sometime mid-time-series. This temporal alignment reflects the fact that lakes in the training database likely drained around the same time; however, the shape and magnitude of trajectories are also similar. Following drainage, Brightness increases and Wetness decreases rapidly due to replacement of water with brighter sediment, with the shape of these disturbance trajectories alluding to the potential of second-order polynomial fits to characterize their non-linear nature. Erosion within the Mackenzie Delta is a more progressive disturbance that is opposite as sediment and vegetation are replaced by water.
Examples of less consistent disturbance trajectories include drained lakes with vegetation growth. It should be noted that this is a similar disturbance to recently drained tundra lakes, with the timing of the drainage event being more variable having occurred earlier in (or even prior to) the time-series, thereby allowing vegetation to colonize drained areas and increase Greenness. Eroded lake shoreline disturbance is similar to delta erosion in direction and magnitude of change, but is less similar and less consistent with respect to profile shape. Reasons for this are unknown, but it may relate to a higher percentage of mixed pixels in the sample compared to delta erosion, to variability in the rate of vegetation establishment over bare surfaces among lake slumps or perhaps to different succession due to species differences between the delta and lakeshores. The No-change profiles are also consistent with respect to change magnitude, with relatively flat trajectories through time in all three indices. However, the initial state is the same as the final state with samples representing stable bright targets such as roads, quarries and developments as well as dark targets such as water.
Figure 4.
Examples of changes with relatively consistent Tasseled Cap temporal profiles (left column) and inconsistent profiles due to temporal misalignment or the nature of change itself (right column).
Figure 4.
Examples of changes with relatively consistent Tasseled Cap temporal profiles (left column) and inconsistent profiles due to temporal misalignment or the nature of change itself (right column).
Table 3.
Overall classification accuracies of profile matching by Region.
Table 3.
Overall classification accuracies of profile matching by Region.
Profile Matching | Region 2 | Region 1 | Region 3 |
Maximum cross-correlation | 0.53 | 0.04 | 0.21 |
Minimum Euclidean distance | 0.68 | 0.27 | 0.37 |
Minimum Frechet distance | 0.69 | 0.21 | 0.35 |
4.3. Final Classification
The final disturbance classification was obtained by training a boosted See 5 decision tree using Thiel-Sen linear trend coefficients of TCB, TCG and TCW from all 62,509 reference pixels from the three Regions. Accuracy was estimated using 100 bootstrap cross-validation iterations against pixels contained in independent held-out polygons as described in the methods section. This assessment should provide a more realistic accuracy of the final map compared to the approach used in the method evaluation section because it does not depend on spatial extrapolation across a latitudinal gradient. Rather, evaluation is based on interpolation due to the fact that most test polygons will have training data located in all directions.
Table 6.
Overall classification accuracy obtained using 100 cross-validation iterations and different percentages of training and test data.
Table 6.
Overall classification accuracy obtained using 100 cross-validation iterations and different percentages of training and test data.
Training | Test | Overall Accuracy |
50% | 50% | 81.6% |
75% | 25% | 82.8% |
Overall classification accuracies shown in
Table 6 suggest a minimal dependence on the percentage split into training/test data, with overall accuracies in the range of 82% ± < 1%. Attribute usage refers to variable importance in the decision tree model and is reported in descending order for each iteration. Variable rank was summed across 100 iterations to assess overall variable importance (
Table 7). TCB slope has the lowest sum of ranks and is therefore the most important variable for change prediction for disturbances in this region. Greenness offset and slope are next followed by brightness offset and finally wetness offset and slope. Regression offsets are shown to be important predictors of disturbance type. Offsets represent the initial surface condition and therefore help specify the nature of change by placing it in context. For example, both regeneration and tundra greening may be changing at a similar rate as measured by Greenness slope, but their initial condition measured by Greenness offset specifies either tundra or forest and dictates the disturbance type.
Table 7.
Sum of ranks of variable importance over 100 decision tree model iterations.
Table 7.
Sum of ranks of variable importance over 100 decision tree model iterations.
Coefficient | Sum of Ranks |
TCB_slope | 134 |
TCG_offset | 236 |
TCG_slope | 333 |
TCB_offset | 401 |
TCW_offset | 433 |
TCW_slope | 563 |
1–6 in order of variable importance |
The final assessment is for the 75%/25% training/test data split with a confusion matrix (not shown) generated from the sum of matrices from the 100 cross-validation iterations. Confusion exists between fire classes, particularly among fires that occurred before and during the Landsat time-series. Confusion also occurs between fire and other regeneration classes in slumps and landslides along rivers. Trajectories are similar in both cases, going from dark char or dark soil towards green emergent vegetation. Fire is also misclassified with vegetation removal depending on timing, as confusion with regeneration likely occurs more for fires that happened early in the time-series, and with vegetation removal for fires that occurred later. Finally, fire may be confused with tundra greening or no change depending on the timing and magnitude of each disturbance type. Fires during the early to midpoint of the Landsat time-series may appear to have remained unchanged when fitting a linear trend if the pre-fire condition and final regeneration condition are similar. Fires occurring during the latter part of the time series will only be represented by a limited number of post-disturbance dates and therefore remain undetected using linear regression analysis.
Other confusion exists for classes that share a common underlying process but occur in different contexts. For example, vegetation removal is a process that is common to both Conversion of vegetation to exposed stream bed and Development, only each takes place in its own context with the former occurring near streams and the latter near human developments. A confusion matrix showing the classification accuracy by change process is shown in
Table 8.
At the level of eight change processes compared to 21 change classes, overall accuracy increases from 82.8% to 87.3% and Kappa from 73.4% to 79.7%. Errors of omission (1—producer’s accuracy) and commission (1—user’s accuracy) are well balanced, which suggests that the area undergoing different change processes should be well estimated from this map. Some confusion still exists among similar change processes, for example regeneration and succession. Tundra greening is also confused with regeneration and no change depending on the magnitude of greening and the age/timing of the regeneration. Fraser
et al. [
5] demonstrate that this confusion can be reduced by visually incorporating contextual information related to the shape and size of change patches, and their geographic setting.
The resulting change process map is shown in
Figure 5. Fires appear to be well classified as regeneration when assessed against NWT dated fire polygons. A large area of regeneration also appears at the northern tip of the Mackenzie Delta region that was impacted by a storm surge in 1999. According to [
27], 90% of alder shrubs sampled died within five years following the event and soils contained high levels of chloride a decade later, inhibiting vegetation reestablishment. The process labelled “regeneration” largely refers to vegetation removal from fire and assumes subsequent regeneration, though regeneration rates can vary according to fire intensity and location [
28]. Both fire and the storm surge appear similar because both maintain dead standing vegetation for a period of time after disturbance as either standing boles in the case of fire or erect dead shrubs following the storm surge. Widespread reestablishment of graminoid and erect shrub began after 2005 and by 2011 roughly two-thirds of the area had exhibited measurable recovery [
Tundra greening has occurred extensively above the northernmost treeline isoline and especially on the southern half of the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula [
16]. Along the north shore of the Peninsula and in the northern half of the MacKenzie Delta, there are long stretches of shoreline where erosion has taken place with relatively little deposition, indicating a net loss of land through time [
30]. Steeper parts of the Richardson Mountains also show areas of erosion and deposition. Older fires below and within the treeline that pre-date the NWT fire survey beginning in 1965 and are classified as succession. Thaw slumps can be seen east of the Peel River as individual objects classified as erosion. Brooker
et al. [
31] demonstrated the potential of Landsat Tasseled Cap trends to map and study the evolution of thaw slumps in this region.
Table 8.
Confusion matrix from the decision tree classification of eight underlying change processes using robust linear trend coefficients.
Table 8.
Confusion matrix from the decision tree classification of eight underlying change processes using robust linear trend coefficients.
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | | User’s |
1 | emergent vegetation—colonization | 75,091 | 6304 | 3 | 26 | 15 | 593 | 8022 | 185 | | 83.2% |
2 | regeneration | 6820 | 864,658 | 55,295 | 9616 | 3857 | 6540 | 823 | 34,853 | | 88.0% |
3 | succession | 3 | 26,245 | 151,045 | 121 | 4 | 626 | 0 | 1538 | | 84.1% |
4 | tundra greening (shrubification) | 38 | 4178 | 118 | 40,634 | 0 | 66 | 0 | 3826 | | 83.2% |
5 | vegetation removal | 42 | 1865 | 0 | 0 | 14,988 | 22 | 12 | 149 | | 87.8% |
6 | erosion | 625 | 6374 | 522 | 24 | 53 | 80,433 | 30 | 2102 | | 89.2% |
7 | deposition/drainage | 3021 | 1049 | 0 | 0 | 211 | 4 | 53,689 | 876 | | 91.2% |
8 | no change | 168 | 12,421 | 1080 | 6532 | 409 | 438 | 72 | 145,043 | | 87.3% |
| Producer’s | 87.5% | 93.7% | 72.6% | 71.3% | 76.7% | 90.7% | 85.7% | 76.9% | | |
| | | | | | | | Overall accuracy: | 87.3% | |
| | | | | | | | Kappa: | 79.7% | |
Figure 6 shows an enlargement of the trend composite with interpretation key [
5] and classified change process map for the area around Inuvik. A large portion of the northern part of Inuvik is classified as vegetation removal due to recent development. Parts of the delta show vegetation colonization near shore, while elsewhere erosion and deposition occurred. A comparison of both image and map shows the potential utility of each. For a rapid assessment of location and extent of disturbance objects such as thaw slumps, image interpretation and digitizing may be adequate. However, for a survey of the regional extent of different disturbance types, the classified map is perhaps easier and more useful. The accuracy assessment of the map also provides quality assurance of those estimates, while visual interpretation contains error without knowledge of the limitations of derived products. Visual interpretation incorporates context better than automated per-pixel classifiers by relating disturbances to their surroundings. However, regression offsets are also shown to be important predictors of context in decision tree modeling, while trend compositing in Fraser
et al. [
5] can only visualize regression slopes in the three channels of R, G, B color. An attempt was made to better incorporate context into the decision tree classifier using ancillary layers such as fire, distance to waterbodies, and DEM derivatives, but were found to worsen classification results.
In this study, classification of linear trends outperformed curve matching techniques. Linear trend detection is more suitable for classifying progressive and subtle change, while curve matching should have performed better for detecting sudden change events represented by nonlinear profiles that include inflection points. Because trend detection outperformed profile matching approaches, the methodology may be better suited for mapping progressive change. Although fires were classified well on the basis of their linear vegetation removal or regeneration signal, this was likely because the reference database contained a sufficient range of fires ages that occurred throughout the time-series. Other sudden changes such as human development contained fewer samples and therefore classifying development areas whose timing was not represented in the reference database would be challenging without accounting for temporal alignment. Accuracy may be improved by augmenting the reference database to include more examples of rare disturbances occurring at different times throughout the time-series, or alternatively if real examples do not exist, by generating synthetic samples by offsetting timing information of known examples similar to cross-correlation. An interesting extension of this work would be to explore the use of dynamic time warping approaches for change template matching, which are capable of aligning curves that are out of phase [
Figure 5.
Change map of the Mackenzie Delta region classified to eight change processes. Timoney’s (1992) treeline isolines are in red, the NWT/Yukon border is in blue.
Figure 5.
Change map of the Mackenzie Delta region classified to eight change processes. Timoney’s (1992) treeline isolines are in red, the NWT/Yukon border is in blue.
Figure 6.
TCB, TCG, TCW displayed as R, G, B and interpretation legend (Fraser
et al., this issue [
5]) and classified change process map for a region around Inuvik.
Figure 6.
TCB, TCG, TCW displayed as R, G, B and interpretation legend (Fraser
et al., this issue [
5]) and classified change process map for a region around Inuvik.