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Ionospheric Absorption Variation Based on Ionosonde and Riometer Data and the NOAA D-RAP Model over Europe During Intense Solar Flares in September 2017

HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science, 9400 Sopron, Hungary
Department of Geophysics and Space Science, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, 1117 Budapest, Hungary
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, 141 31 Prague, Czech Republic
Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Rostock, 18225 Kuehlungsborn, Germany
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, University of Oulu, 99600 Sodankylä, Finland
HUN-REN-ELTE Space Research Group, 1117 Budapest, Hungary
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Remote Sens. 2024, 16(21), 3975;
Submission received: 30 August 2024 / Revised: 16 October 2024 / Accepted: 22 October 2024 / Published: 25 October 2024


A novel method was developed based on the amplitude data of the EM waves measured by Digisondes to calculate and investigate the relative ionospheric absorption changes. The effect of 13 solar flares (>C8) that occurred from 4 to 10 September 2017 were studied at three European Digisonde stations (Juliusruh (54.63°N, 13.37°E), Průhonice (49.98°N, 14.55°E) and San Vito (40.6°N, 17.8°E)). The present study compares the results of the amplitude method with the absorption changes measured by the Finnish Riometer Network and determined by the NOAA D-RAP model during the same events. The X-class flares caused 1.5–2.5 dB of attenuation at 30–32.5 MHz based on the riometer data, while the absorption changes were between 10 and 15 dB in the 2.5–4.5 MHz frequency range according to the amplitude data. The impact caused by energetic particles after the solar flares are clearly seen in the riometer data, while among the Digisonde stations it can be observed only at Juliusruh in some certain cases. Comparing the results of the amplitude method with the D-RAP model it seems evident that the observed absorption values almost always exceed the values given by the model both at 2.5 MHz and at 4 MHz during the investigated period. According to the comparison between the riometer data with the D-RAP, generally, the model underestimates the absorption values obtained from the riometers during solar flares except at the highest latitude stations, while D-RAP overestimates the impact during the particle events.

1. Introduction

The ionosphere is a dynamic interface between the plasma space above and the neutral atmosphere below it. Its state is affected both from above, from the direction of outer space (mainly related to solar activity), and from below, from the neutral atmosphere (e.g., by tropospheric events, sudden stratospheric warmings). Radio and satellite communication and navigation highly depend on the state of the ionosphere, since the electromagnetic (EM) waves propagate through and/or reflect from it. The reduction of the electromagnetic waves traveling through the ionosphere is most pronounced in the high frequency (HF) range (3–30 MHz), which is crucial for radio communication and, by extension, for both commercial and military aircraft operations.
Absorption happens when free electrons in the plasma, driven by the radio wave, lose energy through collisions with ions and neutral particles. The density of free electrons and the collision frequency are greatest in the D-region (approximately 2 × 106 s−1), which is why radio waves below 10 MHz are primarily attenuated there [1]. In this region, the frequency of electron collisions is mainly influenced by the density and temperature of the neutral particles. The most intense external force causing further ionization and absorption in the ionosphere is related to solar flares, which release a substantial amount of electromagnetic energy across a wide range of wavelengths for a brief duration, typically lasting from about 30 min to 1 h [2]. According to the emitted X-Rays flux in the 0.1–0.8 nm band measured by the GOES spacecrafts, flares can be classified as large (X, >10 × 10−4 W/m2), medium-size (M, ~10 × 10−5–10 × 10−4 W/m2) and small (C, ~10 × 10−5–10 × 10−5 W/m2). Furthermore, with numbers from 0 to 9 within the above categories applying a finer logarithmic scale. Total radio fade-outs lasting for tens of minutes or even hours can occur during flare events as a result of the increased ionization and attenuation of the radio waves caused by the extra radiation [2,3,4,5,6,7]. Enhancement of the D-region electron density and consequently increased radio wave absorption can also be caused by collision with energetic auroral electrons (Auroral Absorption [8]), or with solar energetic protons (Polar Cap Absorption—PCA).
Generally, ionospheric absorption is measured by riometers (Relative Ionospheric Opacity meters), which record the cosmic radio noise at certain frequencies (~20–50 MHz frequency range) [9]. Nevertheless, these instruments are generally located at higher latitudes, thus they give information about the changes of the ionospheric absorption that occurred there [10]. Using data from the Imaging Riometer for Ionospheric Studies (IRIS) at Kilpisjärvi (Finland) from solar cycle 23, Ogunmodimu et al. [11] identified that M4 class flares are the less intense ones that still can bear significant influence on cosmic noise absorption. They also presented the magnitude of absorption that the different classes of solar flares can produce. Data from imaging riometers were also used to investigate the frequency and spatial dependence of short-wave fadeouts (e.g., [12,13]).
The minimum frequency (fmin) recorded as the lowest frequency at which an o-mode echo is observed on the ionograms measured by the ionosonde is also a commonly used proxy for the “non-deviative” absorption of the ionosphere [3,4,5,6,7,14,15]. Another way to measure the ionospheric absorption variations by the ionosondes is the analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio of radio waves recorded on the ionograms (SNR method) during solar flares and its comparison with reference quiet days [16]. This method was further developed and used to study absorption changes caused by flare events by de Paula et al. [17]. On the other hand, a new method has recently been developed to assess changes in ionospheric absorption using amplitude data collected by European Digisondes (DPS-4D) [18]. The amplitude changes recorded at the three sites (Juliusruh, Průhonice and San Vito) ranged from 68% to 1430% (these variations can be primarily associated with increased absorption in the D-layer). The amplitude variations at 4 MHz—reflecting cumulative absorption variations in the E- and D-layers—ranged from 18% to 565% at the same stations, which is slightly smaller than the changes observed at 2.5 MHz. However, the amplitude method has two main limitations: (1) it is not applicable at higher frequencies (>3 MHz) during dawn and dusk periods, and during negative ionospheric storms caused by geomagnetic disturbances when the value of the foF2 drops below 4 MHz; (2) no amplitude data is detected in the lower frequency band (2.5–3.5 MHz) following more intense flare events (greater than M3 class) due to partial or complete radio fade-outs, resulting in a minimum frequency (fmin) increasing above 4 MHz.
There are multiple ways to model the ionospheric absorption. One of the better-known models is the so-called D-RAP (NOAA D-region Absorption Prediction) model, which uses the 0.1–0.8 nm solar soft X-Ray flux observed by the NOAA GOES satellites. In the papers by Fiori et al. [19,20], a semi-empirical, data-based method to further refine the absorption prediction is introduced. Based on riometer data and taking into account the solar zenith angle of the site of observation, Fiori et al. [19,20] was able to model the impact of a flare with a given X-Ray intensity on the ionosphere on different spatial and temporal scales for a higher frequency (30 MHz). Furthermore, there are physics-based absorption models, which solve dispersion equations to evaluate the enhanced ionization by solving radiative transport equations [21,22,23]. These models can be more accurate than the semi-empirical ones; however, their run time is much longer, which can be a problem in their use for operational purposes [19].
In this study, we compare the results of the amplitude method with absorption changes measured by the Finnish Riometer Network and assessed using the NOAA D-RAP model during 13 solar flare events that took place from 4 to 10 September 2017. The paper is structured as follows: next, we will describe the used measurement methods and data, and detail the applied model. The comparison of the ionosonde and riometer data with the D-RAP model for the same locations will be detailed in Section 3. Then, besides the discussion of the results, the main conclusions will be summarized in Section 4.

2. Methods and Data

We selected thirteen flare events that occurred between 4 and 10 September 2017 for the current analysis. The following aspects were considered during the selection: the solar zenith angle (SZA) had to be <90° at the investigated ionosonde stations at the time of the flare events (thus the Sun to be over the horizon); M class flares were selected for investigation, furthermore, one C7.7 flare from 4 September, because it occurred around 12 UT and it caused a detectable impact on the absorption. Figure 1 displays the X-Ray and proton flux recorded by the GOES satellites during the analyzed period. We will use X-Ray and proton flux names during the manuscript which refer to the solar ones. The time of the selected flares with their class are indicated by vertical dashed lines. Table 1 provides a detailed overview of the key properties of the selected events.

2.1. Ionosonde Measurements—Amplitude Method

Amplitude data from three European ionosonde stations operating with DPS-4D Digisondes (a novel type of ionosonde) were used to calculate the ionospheric absorption. The three stations are (more-or-less) located along a meridional line: Juliusruh (JR, Germany, 54.63°N, 13.37°E), Průhonice (PQ, Czechia, 49.98°N, 14.55°E) and San Vito (VT, Italy, 40.6°N, 17.8°E) (marked by green stars on Figure 2). The amplitudes (in dB) of the reflected echoes emitted at different sounding frequencies (typically between 1.2 and 12 MHz) and reflected at different heights are received and stored in the Digisonde systems. An ionogram was made every 5 and 15 min in the case of the JR and VT stations, respectively. The sampling rate was 2 and 15 min in the case of the PQ station during the investigated period. The denser, 2 min campaign took place on 08–09 September.
The amplitude data recorded by the Digisondes at the three investigated stations (JR, PQ, VT) were used to calculate the relative ionospheric absorption of the emitted radio waves following the method proposed by Sales [24]. This method is called the Sales-absorption method or amplitude method and it is based on the Friis-transmission equation [25]. From the Friis-equation, one can derive the loss of a given signal transmitted from an antenna at a certain wavelength which travels along a certain propagation path to arrive at the receiver station, as:
10 l o g   L = 10 l o g   P t G t G r + 20 l o g   λ 4 π 2 h 10 l o g   ( P r )
where L is the loss term, Pt is the power of the transmitted signal, Gt and Gr are the gain of the transmitter and receiver, respectively, λ is the wavelength of the transmitted signal, h is the height of the reflection, and Pr is the power of the transmitter.
However, in order to obtain the loss term, one must determine the PtGtGr product first as it is not known a priori. To do this, each of the Digisonde systems was calibrated based on quiet (i.e., solar X-Ray flux < 10 × 106 Wm−2), nighttime (18–3 UT, which is 19–4 and 20–5 in the local time of the Digisonde measurements during winter and summer, respectively) data. In total, 173 quiet days from the years 2017 to 2018 were selected to this end. Assuming that the loss term was (relatively to the investigated disturbed period) zero during these quiet periods, one can calculate the PtGtGr product from Equation (1). (please, refer to Figure 3 in [18]). More details about the calibration are described in chapter 2.1 in Buzás et al. [18].
Ultimately, after the PtGtGr product was quantified in the case of every Digisonde system and at different frequency ranges (namely at 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5 MHz ± 200 kHz, respectively), the loss term in Equation (1), which relates to the (relative) absorption, could be calculated in dB for the investigated time period.

2.2. Riometer Measurements

The Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory ( [26], accessed on 30 August 2024) operates several traditional La Jolla riometers and novel spectral riometers in Scandinavia (mostly in Finland) forming the Finnish Riometer Network (blue stars in Figure 2). In the present study, data from the La Jolla riometers are used from the 6 stations listed in Table 2. These narrow band, widebeam (60°) systems are equipped with a half-wavelength dual dipole antenna. Most of the stations are located in the 25–28°E longitude range (except for ABI). Four stations (ABI, IVA, SOD, OUL) operate at a frequency of 30 MHz, while 2 stations (ROV, JYV) operate at a frequency of 32.4 MHz. Absorption values are given in dB relative to the quiet day level in 1 min time resolution.

2.3. D-RAP Model

The Global D-Region Absorption Prediction (D-RAP) model operated by NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) predicts the absorption values occurring mainly in the D-region. The model determines the combined absorption caused by X-Ray changes and proton events. The D-RAP is a complex prediction model, nevertheless, it still has several weaknesses according to its validation report [27], as follows: at high-latitude stations, the model occasionally overestimates the peak ionospheric absorption by more than a factor of 2; in the European sector the model appears to systematically underestimate the absorption; absorption at midlatitude appears to be also systematically underestimated; the model does not consider additional absorption due to auroral particle precipitation. Figure 3 shows the picture of an X8.2 flare event observed by the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) and the ionospheric absorption caused by the enhanced X-Ray flux as determined by the D-RAP model at 16:06 UT on 10 September.
The following program was used to download the D-RAP data: [28] (accessed on 30 August 2024). This Python code was modified in order to collect the data from the coordinates closest to the ionosonde and riometer stations for comparison between the modeled and measured absorption values. D-RAP originally shows all the frequencies where the absorption is at least 1 dB. However, for the comparison, we needed the absorption that occurred at certain frequencies (2.5 and 4 MHz for the ionosonde, and 30 or 32 MHz for the riometer measurements). To obtain the absorption for a fixed frequency the following equation was used [4]:
f 1 = f C · A C A 1 2 3
where f1 is the original frequency for the 1 dB absorption, while A1 = 1 dB, since the absorption value is equal to 1 dB at that frequency. AC and fC are the input values. Based on Equation (2), we can arrive to the following formula for AC:
A C = f 1 f C 3 2 · A 1
where the input data are f1 and A1 = 1 dB. Therefore, at a certain frequency (fc), AC is going to be the absorption value for that given frequency. Based on this approach, the time series of the absorption values at the given frequencies (2.5 and 4 MHz, and 30 or 32 MHz) and locations (close to the ionosonde and riometer stations) were calculated and analyzed (compared with the measured values there).

3. Results

The main aim of the current study is to compare the ionospheric absorption changes occurring during solar flares and determined by the recently developed amplitude method with the absorption values predicted by the NOAA D-RAP model. The magnitude of the observed differences between the measured and modeled values can give us feedback about the applicability of the developed method. We also analyze the modeled absorption values and the measured changes recorded by the Finnish Riometer Network According to the validation report [27] of D-RAP, the model was evaluated by observations of riometer stations in the American and European sectors. Finally, we compare the magnitude of the differences between the riometer and the D-RAP values with the differences between the amplitude method and the D-RAP values.

3.1. Comparing the Results of the Amplitude Method with D-RAP

The most intense flare events, consequently the largest variations in the ionospheric absorption occurred during the X2.2 and X9.3 flares on 06 September. However, we do not show the occurred changes recorded at 2.5 and 4 MHz by the European ionosondes at midlatitude, because total radio fade-out was detected almost at every investigated Digisonde station in most part of the day (see Table 3). Therefore, no measured values are available, especially at 2.5 MHz, for comparison with the D-RAP model on that day. Nevertheless, the X-class flares caused increased fmin values (Table 3) and increased amplitude data (Table 4) even after the long blackouts. Because of the quite long duration of the fade-outs at 2.5 and 4 MHz, we compared the measured values with the modeled ones at the time of the first record after the blackout (Table 4). In the case of the measured values at 4 MHz, it is clearly seen that one of the largest absorptions was detected after the X-class flares on 6 September (with 17–23 dB at the different stations).
The absorption variation measured by the three ionosonde stations and determined by the D-RAP model on 08 September is seen in Figure 4. Two M-class flares occurred on that day (M8.1 and M3.0 with peak times of 7:49 and 15:47, respectively), as can be recognized in the X-Ray flux changes (Figure 4a). Total and partial radio blackouts occurred at every investigated station after the M8.1 flare (Table 3). and examples of ionograms are shown in Supplementary Figure S1). The time of the fade-out at 2.5 or 4 MHz was determined by a manual check of the ionograms. However, the ionograms from Juliusruh are quite noisy, thus, we have data points from the amplitude method during that period as well when the traces disappeared from the ionograms (some examples for the ionograms are presented in the Supplementary Materials, Supplementary Figure S3). The observed values varied between ~10 and 25 dB in the periods before and after the investigated M8.1 and M3.0 class flares. The increased values of the absorption as a result of the flares are more remarkable at 2.5 MHz (Figure 4c–e), while it is difficult to recognise it at 4 MHz (Figure 4f–h). It is also worth mentioning here that the time resolution of the recorded data is also an important factor, e.g., PQ with 2 min resolution nicely follows the changes of the X-Ray curve during the M3.0 flare at 2.5 MHz, while the changes of the observed values at VT, with 15 min resolution, are not that remarkable, but still can be recognized. It is also important to note here, that there was a negative ionospheric storm in the F-region daytime on 08 September caused by the geomagnetic storm taking place then. The foF2 were below 4 MHz at some ionograms at JR and PQ stations in the afternoon hours leading to the increased values and large changes in the amplitude data there during those periods (Figure 4f,g, more details in [18]). Comparing the measured absorption values with the values determined by D-RAP, we can conclude that the recorded values exceed the estimated ones almost always during the day. Therefore, the model underestimates the ionospheric absorption, e.g., at the peak time of the M3.0 flare (which did not cause total radio blackouts) the D-RAP predicted 9–10 dB absorption at 2.5 MHz at the location of the three European Digisonde stations, while the observed values varied between ~17 and 23 dB at 2.5 MHz (Figure 4, and Table 4). Therefore, there are 2–4 times differences between the modeled and observed values during that event.
Figure 5 shows the X-Ray (a), proton flux (b) and absorption changes at 2.5 (c,d,e) and 4 MHz (f,g,h) based on the amplitude method during an X8.2 flare on 10 September (examples of ionograms recorded during the flare event are seen in Supplementary Figure S2). Increased amplitude values compared to the before the flare period were detected at both frequencies at every station. The detected absorption values increased from ~10 dB to ~20 dB at both frequencies at Juliusruh. It means that the flare caused ~10 dB changes at both frequencies. Thus, the more intense flare compared to the previous cases has a clear impact on the measured data. The impact of the energetic particles can be recognized also at Juliusruh sub-auroral station at 2.5 MHz, since the amplitude values do not decrease, but remain enhanced for a longer time period than at the other two stations. The model underestimated the measured absorption values most of the time according to the careful comparison of the measured (green dots) and the modeled values (red curve). It predicts the absorption close to zero before the flare, while the detected values are ~10 dB at most of the stations even before the flare. It is worth noting that the recorded values have the largest variation (within the period before the flare) at the VT station, where the cadence of the measurements is the longest (15 min) among the three stations (Figure 5e). Furthermore, the predicted values at the peak time of the flare were ~16 and ~8 dB at 2.5 and 4 MHz, respectively, while the observed ones were a bit larger (~19 dB) at 2.5 MHz and much larger (~23 dB) at 4 MHz. Moreover, D-RAP does not take into account the impact of the particles at Juliusruh; however, it can be seen in the observation at 2.5 MHz (Figure 5c).
The increased ionospheric absorption caused total radio fade-outs and increased values of the fmin in the ionograms measured by the ionosondes. Table 3 presents the duration of the total radio fade-outs and the percentage changes of the fmin parameter, recorded at the three stations at the peak time of the 13 flares or after the blackout, compared to its values during the quiet reference period (X-Ray < 1 × 10−6). Please see the details in Buzas et al. (2023) [18].
Table 4 presents the measured (upper part) and the modeled (lower part) values at 2.5 MHz at the three ionosonde stations. The date and the class of the selected flares are seen, respectively, at the first two columns. In some cases, long total radio fade-out occurred during and after the flares (see Table 3), thus, we decided to do the comparison between the measured and modeled values at the time of the first record (ionogram) after the blackout (measured and modeled values at the peak time of the investigated flares are shown in Supplementary Table S2). The time of the peak, or the first record after the fade-outs are shown in the 3rd column, while the X-Ray flux at that time is in the 4th column. The absorption values calculated by the amplitude method at JR, PQ and VT are shown, respectively, in the next columns. Table 5 shows the same but for 4 MHz. Looking through the values, the picture seems to be quite complicated. According to the D-RAP values (lower part of Table 4 and Table 5), the more intense flares caused larger changes in the ionospheric absorption. However, the time of the investigated impact also plays an important role, e.g., the effect of the C7.7 flare which occurred around noon (peak time is 12:22 UT) is larger than the response to the X-class flares in the afternoon hours. This is true also for the measured values, which are larger at the time of a C7.7 flare than, e.g., at 15:15 after an X1.3 flare on 07. September. This is not that evident for the values recorded at 4 MHz (upper part of Table 5).
In order to show the results of the comparison in a clearer way, we show diagrams about the flare intensity dependence of the modeled and measured values (Figure 6 for the results at 2.5 MHz, while Figure 7 for the results at 4 MHz). Here we considered also the solar zenith angle (SZA) of the station at the observation time (peak time of the flare or after the fade-out) because according to previous results, the SZA plays an important role in the caused changes in the parameters derived from the ionograms (e.g., [5,6]). Figure 6 and Figure 7 present that the observed values (red symbols) are almost always larger than the modeled ones (except in two cases at 4 MHz, Figure 7). Consequently, the model underestimates the absorption that occurred during and after increased X-Ray flux events. Furthermore, a slightly increasing trend with the X-Ray*cos (SZA) can be recognized, thus during the more intense flares the caused changes seem to be larger.

3.2. Comparing the Riometer Data with D-RAP

On 06 September, the X9.3 flare caused ~1.6–2.6 dB changes in the ionospheric absorption according to the riometer data. The largest changes (2.6 dB) occurred at the ABI station, while the smallest one (1.6 dB) was recorded at the JYV station. Nevertheless, no clear latitudinal (or solar zenith angle) dependence can be recognized based on the results (Figure 8, Table 6). The flare was accompanied by an energetic particle event as it can be seen in the 30 and 60 MeV proton flux measured by the GOES satellite (Figure 8b). The energetic particles caused ~0.3–1.2 dB variation in the absorption data. Clear latitude dependence can be recognized in the ionospheric response in this case, the larger the latitude, the greater the detected absorption changes were.
The D-RAP model predicted ~1–2.4 dB for the ionospheric absorption during and after the X9.3 flare, with clear latitudinal dependence, the larger the latitude, the greater the predicted values. However, it determined smaller absorption almost in all cases than was detected by the riometers at the same frequency and the same location (Table 6). The absorption varied between ~0.7 and 2.2 dB with clear latitudinal dependence (from North to South) after the increased proton flux based on the D-RAP model. However, it is very striking from Figure 8 that the model overestimates the absorption generated by the energetic particles at every latitude compared with the values recorded at the riometer stations. The difference is larger at higher latitudes than at lower latitudes.
Similar results were obtained during the X8.2 solar flare that occurred at ~16 UT on 10 September. The X-class flare caused ~0.4–1 dB of changes in the ionospheric absorption according to the riometer data (Figure 9, Table 6). Larger detected changes seem to be occurred at the higher latitudes (ABI, SOD ~1 dB; IVA is an exception with ~0.4 dB) than at the lower latitudes (OUL, JYV, ~0.6–0.7 dB). This flare was also accompanied by an energetic particle event. Proton flux (at 10, 30 and 60 MeV as well) enhanced ~20 min after the peak time of the flare. The induced absorption values recorded at the riometer stations as a result of the energetic particles varied between ~0.2 and 2.3 dB. The observed changes showed a clear latitude dependence, at higher latitudes (ABI) reached 2.3 dB and it decreased with latitude until it became negligible at the OUL and JYV stations. The D-RAP model underestimated the effect caused by the increased X-Ray flux at every station, since it determined only ~0.15–0.26 dB values (Figure 9 and Table 6). On the contrary, the model overestimated the impact of the energetic particles, especially at higher latitudes (ABI, IVA) where the predicted values for 18 UT reached ~2.6–3.4 dB, which is ~2 times higher than the observed values at the same time. In summary, the D-RAP model underestimates the values obtained from the riometers during the solar flares (X-Ray flux changes) while it overestimates the caused impact during the particle events based on the investigated events.
Looking through the absorption values recorded by the riometers during the selected events (Table 6), we can conclude that, generally, the X-class solar flares had a larger impact (~1–2.6 dB) than the M-class flares (~0.1–0.7 dB). (Detailed information for the flare and energetic particle events is seen in Supplementary Table S1). However, the largest detected values (~1.2–4.1 dB) were observed during an M3.0 class flare (peak time: 15:47 UT) on 08 September (this conclusion is also true for the ionosonde data). Nevertheless, the duration of the increased X-Ray flux took almost two hours (Figure 4a) during this event, which could explain why the integrated effect on the ionospheric absorption was the highest in this case. Thus, the duration of the flare event seems to be an important parameter.
In the case of the riometers, we present the comparison of the modeled and measured values separately for the different stations (Figure 10) because the stations operated at different frequencies (ROV and JYV riometers operated at 32.4 MHz, while the others operated at 30.0 MHz). Furthermore, the maximum absorption levels should be compared to the level of the Quiet Day Curve (QDC) before onset, and the QDC level also depends on the station. Looking through the plots, a slightly increasing trend can be recognized at almost every station, the larger the X-Ray flux of the flare, the larger the absorption changes measured by the riometers (the impact of the above detailed M3.0 flare is not presented in Figure 10). Another important thing to note is that the difference between the modeled and observed values seems to be larger at the higher latitude stations (ABI (a), IVA (b), SOD (c)) than at the lower latitude station, JYV (f). In the case of ABI (a) and IVA (b), the model values are much larger than the observed ones in some cases, which agrees with the conclusion of the validation report [27] for the high-latitude stations. The comparison of the model and the measurements during the two investigated energetic particle events were detailed above.

4. Discussion

The ionospheric response to 13 solar flares that occurred in the period of 4–10 September 2017 was investigated in the current study with a special focus on the ionospheric absorption changes. A new observation method to determine the absorption variation was developed by Buzás et al. (2023) [18] based on the amplitude data detected by the Digisondes. The absorption changes that occurred during the 13 above-mentioned flares were carefully analyzed in the previous study. However, the method has not been compared with a model for the ionospheric absorption. The present study aims to fill this gap.
The most commonly used model for ionospheric absorption determination globally is the D-RAP (D Region Absorption Predictions) developed by the Space Weather Prediction Center of NOAA. Previous studies found that the D-RAP model underestimates the ionospheric absorption changes during solar flares [22,29]. Our results generally agree with this, the D-RAP model underestimates the caused ionospheric absorption changes as a result of the enhanced X-Ray flux in the 2.5–4 MHz range (ionosonde data, Figure 4 and Figure 5). Moreover, the observed values are larger most of the time than the predicted ones at 2.5 and at 4 MHz not only during the periods under the impact of the solar flares (Figure 4 and Figure 5), which confirms the conclusion of the validation report [27] for the European region. The main reason for the underestimation can be that the D-RAP model was originally based on the results of Stonehocker [30] who used a limited data set from one station from New Mexico (low-latitude) detected at 5 MHz (instead of the 30 MHz generally used by riometers) during noon in summertime [19]. As the validation report of D-RAP described [27], the model has been evaluated using data from several riometer stations during several historic representative events. However, riometers operate only at high latitudes and at high frequencies (the data investigated in the report were measured at stations with a latitude higher than 50° and at f ≥ 30 MHz), thus, their data are not necessarily representative for the whole globe (especially for lower latitudes). A further explanation is that the absorption changes related to auroral particle (electron) precipitation have not been considered in the model [27].
The period between 4 and 10 September 2017 was the most active period of the Sun to produce solar flares in Solar Cycle 24. The X9.3 class flare occurred at noon (peak time is 12:02 UT) on 06 September, and it was the most intense detected solar flare of the decade. According to our results, it caused ~1.5–2 h of total radio fade-out at every investigated ionosonde station. While the duration of the blackout during the X2.2 flare (peak time 09:10 UT on 06 September) varied between 30 and 45 min (shortest at Juliusruh) depending on the latitude (solar zenith angle, Table 3), our results agree well with previous findings. The ionospheric impact of these two events was carefully discussed in the literature because of their severity. Kolarski et al. [31] showed that the electron density in the lower ionosphere (70–80 km height) increased by ~2–3 orders of magnitude during the X-class solar flares on 06 September. Fagundes et al. [32] reported that the total radio blackouts lasted for about 45 min during the X2.2 flare, while the duration of the blackout caused by the X9.3 flare was ~1.5 h. The detected duration of the fade-outs in our study agrees very well with this. According to their results, the fade-out was seen to a global extent, which demonstrates the severity of the caused ionospheric absorption changes. Curto et al. [16] demonstrated that the HF absorption took more than 3 h at Ebro station during the X9.3 class event. Based on their results, although the time interval when the X-Ray flux agreed with a category of that of an X-class lasted only for a few minutes, the radiation remained in the category of class M, consequently, the HF absorption is sensitive also to the fainter (M-class) solar flares. Our results also confirm this statement, since increased values of the fmin parameter (Table 3) and even 10–14 dB enhancement of the loss values determined by the amplitude data were found during the M-class flares of the investigated period. The riometers detected 1.1–1.5 dB of cosmic noise absorption during the X2.2 flare, which agrees well with the values reported by Sinha et al. [33], being 1–2 dB during X2 and X2.2 solar flares. The measured values varied between 1.6 and 2.6 dB in the case of the X9.3 flare event (Table 6).
It has been extensively discussed in the literature that ionospheric absorption changes depend on the class of the flare and, thus, on the enhancement of the X-Ray flux that causes the increased ionization and attenuation of the electromagnetic waves in the ionospheric plasma. This was demonstrated by using a riometer (e.g., [33,34]) and different ionosonde data (e.g., [5,6]) as well. In the case of the ionosonde data, a slightly increasing trend with the X-Ray*cos (SZA) can be recognized in Figure 6 and Figure 7, thus during the more intense flares the caused changes seem to be larger. Nevertheless, this trend is not that evident for these results from the amplitude method, like in the other cases reported in the literature [5,6]. Our results regarding the absorption values recorded by the riometers also seem to agree with this, generally, the X-class solar flares had a larger impact (~1–2.6 dB) at most of the stations than the M1–M4-class flares (~0.1–0.7 dB, Table 6, Figure 10).
Besides the X-Ray flux enhancement itself, the solar zenith angle of the observation site at the time of the flare events is also an important factor in determining the caused changes. The impact of 43 solar flares (37 M-class and 6 X-class) on the ionospheric absorption was investigated using riometer data from Abisko in the northern hemisphere [33]. According to their results, the solar zenith angle (SZA) plays a crucial role in the ionospheric response. The detected absorption was smaller in the case of higher SZA (e.g., 1 dB when SZA ~82.3° for X2 class) than under smaller SZA but with similar intensity (2 dB when SZA ~45.6° for X2.2 class). This agrees well with previous findings based on ionosonde data (fmin), that the larger the SZA, the larger the caused impact in the ionospheric absorption [5,6]. Our present results in the case of the ionosonde data also confirm this SZA dependence (Figure 6 and Figure 7). However, the role of the SZA for the caused changes in the ionospheric absorption as a result of the flares is not that clear based on the riometer data in the present case. For example, the impact of the X8.2 flare on 10 September seems to be higher at the higher latitude stations (e.g., 1 dB at ABI and SOD) than at the lower latitude stations (~0.6 dB at OUL and JYV, Figure 9 and Table 6). Nevertheless, Sinha et al. [33] discussed that other factors, like the latitudinal position of the station and background conditions, can also play an important role in cosmic radio noise absorption at high latitudes besides the flare intensity and the solar zenith angle.
Some of the investigated flare events were accompanied by increased flux of energetic protons, the X9.3 flare (peak time at 12:02 UT) on 06 September and the X8.2 flare (peak time at 16:06 UT) on 10 September as is shown in Figure 5b, Figure 8b and Figure 9b. The absorption changes caused by the energetic protons on 10 September were even detectable at the sub-auroral region at 2.5 MHz at the Juliusruh station (Figure 5). This extra absorption related to the particle events was not determined by the D-RAP model. The impact of the increased proton flux was recorded at the riometer data in both cases with a clear latitude dependence, the larger the latitude the greater the observed values. The latitude-dependent enhancement of the ionospheric absorption at higher latitudes as a result of the increased proton flux (solar proton events) has already been discussed in the literature (see, e.g., [35,36,37]). In the case of the 06 September event, the D-RAP model overestimated the effect of the energetic particles at every station (Figure 8) while in the other case, it over- and underestimated the caused impact depending on the stations. Furthermore, the model predicted a second peak for the absorption around 18:00 UT on 10 September which is not visible in the observed data at all (Figure 9). At this time, the model overestimated the increased absorption at almost every station (except JYV). The determined values were almost two times higher at the higher latitude stations (ABI, IVA) than the observed ones. The D-RAP global model uses a linear relationship between absorption and the square root of the integral proton flux for the proton events, based on the observation of a single high-latitude station. Akmaev et al. [27] discussed that D-RAP often misrepresents the occurred absorption changes and it can only be considered as a qualitative indicator of absorption. Recently, Rogers and Honary [38] suggested an optimized D-RAP modeling approach based on data observed during 94 solar proton events and reached a better agreement between the measured and modeled values. Fiori and Danskin [36] also highlighted that a single constant of proportionality derived from data of one high latitude station [39] can no longer be used to determine the ionospheric absorption. They analyzed data from lower latitude stations (up to 58° MLAT) to define a factor that varies as a function of magnetic latitude leading to a much-improved fit compared to the D-RAP model.
Despite the large discrepancy between the riometer and other observations and the modeled values, D-RAP is the most accepted and widely used model to determine the ionospheric absorption, thus, the degradation of HF waves used for radio communication and aviation (see, e.g., [40]). Our results agree with previous papers suggesting that the D-RAP model should be significantly improved to carefully determine the ionospheric absorption changes as a result of solar flares [20,21,22,23]. Nevertheless, based on the present results, the amplitude method seems to be applicable to detect the ionospheric absorption changes during flare events taking into consideration its limitations (that it can produce high values during twilight and during negative ionospheric storms when the foF2 is low, more details in [18]).

5. Conclusions

The most important results of the study can be summarized as follows:
  • The X-class flares resulted in 1–2.6 dB of attenuation at 30–32.5 MHz according to the riometer data (Figure 8 and Figure 9), whereas absorption changes derived from the Digisondes ranged from 10 to 15 dB in the 2.5–4.5 MHz frequency range (indicating a tenfold increase compared to previous cases, Figure 4 and Figure 5).
  • The ionospheric response to X-Ray flux changes (flares) at midlatitude measured by the ionosondes shows a solar zenith angle dependence (Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7). This dependence is not evident for riometer measurements (Figure 8 and Figure 9). A clear SZA dependence can not be determined in the modeled values at either frequency (Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9).
  • The effects of energetic particles following solar flares are evident in the riometer data (Figure 8 and Figure 9), although they can only be detected at Juliusruh (~55°N) after some events (Figure 5) among the investigated Digisonde stations. Consequently, the absorption changes due to solar proton events are pronounced at high latitudes but diminish quickly as latitude decreases, becoming undetectable below the sub-auroral region.
  • The absorption changes measured by the riometers and determined by the D-RAP model as a result of the increased energetic particle flux seem to show a clear latitude dependence, the higher the latitude the larger the caused impact (Figure 8 and Figure 9).
  • By comparing the results of the amplitude method with the D-RAP model, it is clear that the observed values almost always exceed the absorption values given by the model both at 2.5 MHz and at 4 MHz (Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7).
  • By comparing the riometer data with the modeled values, the model overestimates the impact of the solar flares at the highest latitude stations (IBA, AVI), while generally, it underestimates the caused effect at lower latitudes (Figure 10). However, it overestimates the caused impact during the particle events (Figure 8 and Figure 9).
  • According to the current results, the amplitude method seems to be applicable for detecting the ionospheric absorption changes during flare events, taking into consideration its limitations.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: Consecutive ionograms recorded at Pruhonice ionosonde station during and after an M8.1 class flare (between 07:45 and 08:40) on 08 September. The total radio fade-out is clearly seen on the ionograms. Figure S2: Consecutive ionograms recorded at VT ionosonde station during and after an X8.2 class flare (between 15:45 and 16:30 UT) on 10 September. The total radio fade-out is clearly seen on the ionograms. Figure S3: Consecutive ionograms recorded at Juliusruh ionosonde station during and after an M8.1 class flare (between 07:45 and 08:40) on 08 September. The total radio fade-out, thus the disappearance of the traces from the Ionograms can be seen, despite the fact that the Ionograms are very noisy. Table S1: Detailed data of the investigated flare and energetic particle events. Date, maximum X-Ray or proton flux (measured at different channels) and the exact time of the maximum. Table S2: The values measured by the Digisondes and determined by D-RAP at 2.5 and at 4 MHz at the peak time of the investigated flares. Table S3: The solar zenith angle (SZA) calculated at the peak time of the flare or, in the case of a fade-out, at the time of the first measurement after the fade-out (2.5 MHz measurements), and at the location of the Digisonde stations. The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts. Table S4: The solar zenith angle (SZA) calculated at the peak time of the flare or, in the case of a fade-out, at the time of the first measurement after the fade-out (4 MHz measurements), and at the location of the Digisonde stations. The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts. Table S5: The solar zenith angle (SZA) calculated at the peak time of the flare and at the location of the riometer stations.

Author Contributions

V.B. was the conceptual author of the study, performed the scientific analysis and comparison of the different data and wrote the main part of the text. A.B. performed the amplitude method analysis of the Digisonde data. T.B. analyzed the data of the Finnish Riometer Network. D.P.S. downloaded the data of the D-RAP model and produced the time series of them for the investigated events. V.B., A.B., T.B. and D.P.S. produced the Figures and the Tables of the study. J.M. was responsible for the data from Juliusruh. D.K. was responsible for the data from Pruhonice. T.R. was responsible for the data of the Finnish Riometer Network. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The present work was funded by OTKA, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (Grant No. PD 141967) of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office. The contribution of VB was also supported by the Bolyai Fellowship (GD, No. BO/00461/21). The authors express their gratitude for the support of the bilateral project between the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, title: Multi-instrumental investigation of the midlatitude ionospheric variability (n. MTA-19-03 and NKM 2018-28) in facilitating scientific communication. TB’s contribution was supported by the ÚNKP-23-4 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Culture and Innovation from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund.

Data Availability Statement

The data sets used in this work are available in online repositories. The names of the repository/repositories and access number(s) are the following: Global Ionospheric Radio Observatory (accessed on 30 August 2024); NASA/GSFC’s OMNI data set through OMNIWeb (accessed on 30 August 2024); GOES data, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (accessed on 30 August 2024); Hinode flare catalog (accessed on 30 August 2024); SAO-X software (accessed on 30 August 2024), Finnish Riometer Network (accessed on 30 August 2024), D Region Absorption Prediction (D-RAP) model, operated by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), (accessed on 30 August 2024).


The authors wish to express their gratitude to the late Gary Sales who made a substantial contribution in developing the absorption method used in this study and to Bodo Reinisch who attracted our attention to this method. The authors wish to thank the OMNIWeb data center for providing web access to the solar data of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) satellites.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Solar X-Ray (panel (a)) and solar proton flux (panel (b)) during the investigated time period (4–10 September 2017). Panel (a) shows the X-Ray flux in the 0.1–0.8 nm wavelength band as measured by the GOES spacecrafts, whereas panel (b) shows the solar proton fluxes at 10, 30 and 60 MeV energies recorded by the same GOES spacecrafts. The dashed lines—magenta, blue and black—indicate the peak times of the X-, M- and the C7.7 class flare, respectively. The shaded areas indicate the time periods out of the scope of this study.
Figure 1. Solar X-Ray (panel (a)) and solar proton flux (panel (b)) during the investigated time period (4–10 September 2017). Panel (a) shows the X-Ray flux in the 0.1–0.8 nm wavelength band as measured by the GOES spacecrafts, whereas panel (b) shows the solar proton fluxes at 10, 30 and 60 MeV energies recorded by the same GOES spacecrafts. The dashed lines—magenta, blue and black—indicate the peak times of the X-, M- and the C7.7 class flare, respectively. The shaded areas indicate the time periods out of the scope of this study.
Remotesensing 16 03975 g001
Figure 2. The geographical locations of the used riometer (blue stars) and ionosonde (green stars) stations, with the abbreviated names (codes) of the observation sites.
Figure 2. The geographical locations of the used riometer (blue stars) and ionosonde (green stars) stations, with the abbreviated names (codes) of the observation sites.
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Figure 3. The left panel shows an X8.2 flare event detected by the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) and the right panel shows its impact on the ionospheric absorption as modeled by the D-RAP at 16:06 UT on 10 September.
Figure 3. The left panel shows an X8.2 flare event detected by the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) and the right panel shows its impact on the ionospheric absorption as modeled by the D-RAP at 16:06 UT on 10 September.
Remotesensing 16 03975 g003
Figure 4. X-Ray (panel (a)) and proton flux (panel (b)) on 08 September, and the changes measured by the European Digisondes (green stars) and determined by the D-RAP model (red diamonds) at 2.5 MHz (panels (ce) and at 4 MHz (panels (fh)). The radio fade-outs that occurred at certain frequencies are indicated by gray rectangles (left). The X-Ray data plotted on panel (a) are the 0.1–0.8 nm X-Ray flux measured by the GOES spacecrafts. The blue dashed lines indicate the peak time of the M-class flares.
Figure 4. X-Ray (panel (a)) and proton flux (panel (b)) on 08 September, and the changes measured by the European Digisondes (green stars) and determined by the D-RAP model (red diamonds) at 2.5 MHz (panels (ce) and at 4 MHz (panels (fh)). The radio fade-outs that occurred at certain frequencies are indicated by gray rectangles (left). The X-Ray data plotted on panel (a) are the 0.1–0.8 nm X-Ray flux measured by the GOES spacecrafts. The blue dashed lines indicate the peak time of the M-class flares.
Remotesensing 16 03975 g004
Figure 5. X-Ray (panel (a)) and proton flux (panel (b)) on 10 September, and the changes measured by the European Digisondes (green stars) and determined by the D-RAP model (red diamonds) at 2.5 MHz (panels (ce)) and at 4 MHz (panels (fh). The radio fade-outs that occurred at certain frequencies are indicated by gray rectangles. The X-Ray data plotted on panel (a) are the 0.1–0.8 nm X-Ray flux measured by the GOES spacecrafts. The magenta dashed line indicates the peak time of the X-class flare.
Figure 5. X-Ray (panel (a)) and proton flux (panel (b)) on 10 September, and the changes measured by the European Digisondes (green stars) and determined by the D-RAP model (red diamonds) at 2.5 MHz (panels (ce)) and at 4 MHz (panels (fh). The radio fade-outs that occurred at certain frequencies are indicated by gray rectangles. The X-Ray data plotted on panel (a) are the 0.1–0.8 nm X-Ray flux measured by the GOES spacecrafts. The magenta dashed line indicates the peak time of the X-class flare.
Remotesensing 16 03975 g005
Figure 6. Comparison of the modeled and measured values at 2.5 MHz (y-axis) with the X-Ray flux taking into account also the solar zenith angle of the Digisonde stations at the peak time of the flare or after the fade-out (x-axis).
Figure 6. Comparison of the modeled and measured values at 2.5 MHz (y-axis) with the X-Ray flux taking into account also the solar zenith angle of the Digisonde stations at the peak time of the flare or after the fade-out (x-axis).
Remotesensing 16 03975 g006
Figure 7. Comparison of the modeled and measured values at 4 MHz (y-axis) with the X-Ray flux taking into account also the solar zenith angle of the Digisonde stations at the peak time of the flare or after the fade-out (x-axis).
Figure 7. Comparison of the modeled and measured values at 4 MHz (y-axis) with the X-Ray flux taking into account also the solar zenith angle of the Digisonde stations at the peak time of the flare or after the fade-out (x-axis).
Remotesensing 16 03975 g007
Figure 8. X-Ray (panel (a)) and proton flux (panel (b)) on 06 September, and the changes measured by the Finnish Riometer Chain (black curve) and determined by the D-RAP model at the same frequencies (30 and 32 MHz) and at the same locations (red curves) (panels (cg)). The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts. The magenta dashed line indicates the peak time of the X-class flare.
Figure 8. X-Ray (panel (a)) and proton flux (panel (b)) on 06 September, and the changes measured by the Finnish Riometer Chain (black curve) and determined by the D-RAP model at the same frequencies (30 and 32 MHz) and at the same locations (red curves) (panels (cg)). The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts. The magenta dashed line indicates the peak time of the X-class flare.
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Figure 9. X-Ray (panel (a)) and proton flux (panel (b)) on 10 September, and the changes measured by the Finnish Riometer Network (black curve) and determined by the D-RAP model at the same frequencies (30 and 32 MHz) and at the same locations (red curves) (panels (ch)). The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts. The magenta dashed line indicates the peak time of the X-class flare.
Figure 9. X-Ray (panel (a)) and proton flux (panel (b)) on 10 September, and the changes measured by the Finnish Riometer Network (black curve) and determined by the D-RAP model at the same frequencies (30 and 32 MHz) and at the same locations (red curves) (panels (ch)). The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts. The magenta dashed line indicates the peak time of the X-class flare.
Remotesensing 16 03975 g009
Figure 10. Comparison of the modeled and measured values at the different riometer stations (y-axis, ABI (a), IVA (b), SOD (c), ROV (d), OUL (e), JYV (f)) with the X-Ray flux (x-axis). ROV (d) and JYV (f) riometers operated at 32.4 MHz, while other riometers operated at 30.0 MHz.
Figure 10. Comparison of the modeled and measured values at the different riometer stations (y-axis, ABI (a), IVA (b), SOD (c), ROV (d), OUL (e), JYV (f)) with the X-Ray flux (x-axis). ROV (d) and JYV (f) riometers operated at 32.4 MHz, while other riometers operated at 30.0 MHz.
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Table 1. The key parameters of the selected solar flares (based on Buzás et al. [18]).
Table 1. The key parameters of the selected solar flares (based on Buzás et al. [18]).
DateStart Time [UT]Peak Time
End Time
Duration (min)Class
4 September 201711:5412:2214:00126C7.7
4 September 201715:1115:3015:3322M1.5
5 September 20174:334:535:0734M3.2
5 September 20176:336:406:4310M3.8
6 September 20178:579:109:1720X2.2
6 September 201711:5312:0212:1017X9.3
7 September 20179:359:5411:28113M1.5
7 September 201710:1110:1510:187M7.3
7 September 201714:2014:3614:5535X1.3
8 September 20177:407:497:5818M8.1
8 September 201715:0915:4716:0455M3.0
9 September 201710:5011:0411:4252M3.7
10 September 201715:3516:0616:3156X8.2
Table 2. Detailed information about the La Jolla riometer stations used in this study. Note that the coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) are geographic.
Table 2. Detailed information about the La Jolla riometer stations used in this study. Note that the coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) are geographic.
AbiskoABI68.40°N18.90°E30.0 MHz
IvaloIVA68.55°N27.28°E30.0 MHz
SodankyläSOD67.42°N26.39°E30.0 MHz
RovaniemiROV66.78°N25.94°E32.4 MHz
OuluOUL65.08°N25.90°E30.0 MHz
JyväskyläJYV62.42°N25.28°E32.4 MHz
Table 3. Duration of the total radio fade-outs and the fmin value’s changes compared to reference quiet days at the Digisonde stations: JR, PQ and VT, respectively.
Table 3. Duration of the total radio fade-outs and the fmin value’s changes compared to reference quiet days at the Digisonde stations: JR, PQ and VT, respectively.
Peak Time and Class of FlaresDuration of Total Fade-Out at JR [min]Change in fmin at JR [%]Duration of Total Fade-Out at PQ [min]Change in fmin at PQ [%]Duration of Total Fade-Out at VT [min]Change in fmin at VT [%]
09.04.17 12:22 C7.7-+73%-+68%-+213%
09.04.17 15:30 M1.5-+31%-+18%-+62%
09.05.17 4:53 M3.2-+0.4%-+9%-+33%
09.05.17 6:40 M3.8-+65%-+53%-+100%
09.06.17 9:10 X2.230 min+258%45 min+132%45 min+227%
09.06.17 12:02 X9.390 min+275%105 min+203%120 min+249%
09.07.17 9:54 M1.5-+128%-+80%-+95%
09.07.17 10:15 M7.3-+283%30 min+12%-+318%
09.07.17 14:36 X1.310 min+252%-+179%-+280%
09.08.17 7:49 M8.115 min+119%30 min+59%-+208%
09.08.17 15:47 M3.0-+55%-+27%-+20%
09.09.17 11:04 M3.730 min+135%48 min+59%30 min+176%
09.10.17 16:06 X8.225 min+185%45 min+124%30 min+243%
Table 4. The absorption values measured by the Digisondes and determined by D-RAP at 2.5 MHz at the peak time of the flares, or—in the case of fade-out—at the first measurement time after them. The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts.
Table 4. The absorption values measured by the Digisondes and determined by D-RAP at 2.5 MHz at the peak time of the flares, or—in the case of fade-out—at the first measurement time after them. The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts.
Measured Values [dB] at 2.5 MHz
DateClassTime (UT) of Peak or of First Record After Fade-OutX-Ray Flux at That Time [Wm−2]JR
2017-9-4C7.712:227.79 × 10−617.12023.82821.122
2017-9-4M1.515:301.53 × 10−58.12720.25612.7977
2017-9-5M3.24:533.24 × 10−53.997346.7738.239
2017-9-5M3.86:403.82 × 10−513.691118.28816.611
2017-9-6X2.215:152.26 × 10−515.4120.319.4613
2017-9-6X9.315:152.26 × 10−515.4120.319.4613
2017-9-7M1.510:301.70 × 10−620.4422.12422.4674
2017-9-7M7.310:301.70 × 10−620.4422.12422.4674
2017-9-7X1.315:152.75 × 10−515.9623.696115.4766
2017-9-8M8.18:454.65 × 10−515.6719.4622.0385
2017-9-8M3.015:473.00 × 10−517.416223.62718.15
2017-9-9M3.712:156.86 × 10−615.0624.0121.6762
2017-9-10X8.216:452.49 × 10−419.0422.379612.7332
D-RAP Determined Values [dB] at 2.5 MHz
DateClassTime (UT) of Peak or of First Record after Fade-OutX-Ray Flux at That Time [Wm−2]JR
2017-9-4C7.712:227.79 × 10−615.1417.5819.16
2017-9-4M1.515:301.53 × 10−57.888.857.88
2017-9-5M3.24:533.24 × 10−52.101.663.00
2017-9-5M3.86:403.82 × 10−511.9913.5416.80
2017-9-6X2.215:152.26 × 10−512.8313.5412.83
2017-9-6X9.315:152.26 × 10−512.8313.5412.83
2017-9-7M1.510:301.70 × 10−
2017-9-7M7.310:301.70 × 10−
2017-9-7X1.315:152.75 × 10−512.8314.4013.54
2017-9-8M8.18:454.65 × 10-5---
2017-9-8M3.015:473.00 × 10−59.6110.399.61
2017-9-9M3.712:156.86 × 10−614.4016.8018.36
2017-9-10X8.216:452.49 × 10−46.606.833.35
Table 5. The absorption values measured by the Digisondes and determined by D-RAP at 4 MHz at the peak time of the flares, or—in the case of fade-out—at the first measurement time after them. The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts.
Table 5. The absorption values measured by the Digisondes and determined by D-RAP at 4 MHz at the peak time of the flares, or—in the case of fade-out—at the first measurement time after them. The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts.
Measured Values [dB] at 4 MHz
DateClassTime (UT) of Peak or of First Record After
X-Ray Flux at That Time [Wm−2]JR
2017-9-4C7.712:454.73 × 10−613.4611.8616.06
2017-9-4M1.515:301.53 × 10−
2017-9-5M3.24:533.24 × 10−53.912.895.63
2017-9-5M3.86:403.82 × 10−59.858.456.24
2017-9-6X2.210:152.02 × 10−521.2321.6922.73
2017-9-6X9.314:154.56 × 10−519.7617.0817.30
2017-9-7M1.59:541.56 × 10−515.3313.4214.82
2017-9-7M7.310:301.70 × 10−615.3812.3317.67
2017-9-7X1.315:152.76 × 10−515.7610.4710.25
2017-9-8M8.18:304.45 × 10−617.0314.4516.35
2017-9-8M3.015:572.27 × 10−521.6025.342.74
2017-9-9M3.712:001.14 × 10−517.8416.1616.15
2017-9-10X8.216:304.19 × 10−418.3414.9411.81
D-RAP Determined Values [dB] at 4 MHz
DateClassTime (UT) of Peak or of First Record after Fade-OutX-Ray Flux at That Time [Wm−2]JR
2017-9-4C7.712:454.73 × 10−65.936.697.12
2017-9-4M1.515:301.53 × 10−53.894.383.89
2017-9-5M3.24:533.24 × 10−51.040.821.48
2017-9-5M3.86:403.82 × 10−55.936.698.30
2017-9-6X2.210:152.02 × 10−511.8613.4315.44
2017-9-6X9.314:154.56 × 10−510.6811.8612.64
2017-9-7M1.59:541.56 × 10−58.309.4711.10
2017-9-7M7.310:301.70 × 10−63.103.553.95
2017-9-7X1.315:152.76 × 10−56.347.126.69
2017-9-8M8.18:304.45 × 10−67.127.939.47
2017-9-8M3.015:572.27 × 10−53.954.383.83
2017-9-9M3.712:001.14 × 10−59.0710.2711.43
2017-9-10X8.216:304.19 × 10−45.135.523.66
Table 6. The absorption values measured by the riometers and determined by D-RAP at 30/32.4 MHz at the peak time of the investigated flares and two energetic particle events that followed the X-class flares on 06 and 10 September. The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts.
Table 6. The absorption values measured by the riometers and determined by D-RAP at 30/32.4 MHz at the peak time of the investigated flares and two energetic particle events that followed the X-class flares on 06 and 10 September. The X-Ray flux values are from 0.1 to 0.8 nm wavelength band measured by the GOES spacecrafts.
Measured Values [dB] by the Riometers (30–32 MHz)
DateClassPeak Time (UT)X-Ray Flux [Wm−2]ABI
2017-9-4C7.712:227.79 × 10−60.140.13-
2017-9-4M1.515:301.53 × 10−50.590.11-0.570.10.08
2017-9-5M3.24:533.24 × 10−51.221.06-0.360.190.09
2017-9-5M3.86:403.82 × 10−51.00.64-0.360.230.17
2017-9-6X2.29:102.26 × 10−41.531.12-1.361.471.45
2017-9-6X9.312:029.33 × 10−42.621.79-1.562.011.58
2017-9-6Proton13:051.55 × 10−41.160.97-0.450.330.26
2017-9-7M1.59:541.56 × 10−5------
2017-9-7M7.310:157.36 × 10−5------
2017-9-7X1.314:361.39 × 10−42.111.461.861.2100.650.48
2017-9-8M8.17:498.12 × 10−
2017-9-8M3.015:473.00 × 10−
2017-9-9M3.711:043.79 × 10−50.650.460.780.50.70.54
2017-9-10X8.216:068.28 × 10−41.060.371.040.720.570.6
2017-9-10Proton17:20–17:301.01 × 10−
Values [dB] Determined by D-RAP (30–32 MHz)
DateClassPeak Time (UT)X-Ray Flux [Wm−2]ABI
2017-9-4C7.712:227.79 × 10−60.2490.2490.2490.2250.2680.257
2017-9-4M1.515:301.53 × 10−50.1590.1220.1270.1130.130.118
2017-9-5M3.24:533.24 × 10−52.5982.0740.3360.2990.2190.146
2017-9-5M3.86:403.82 × 10−52.9632.3080.460.410.4260.324
2017-9-6X2.29:102.26 × 10−4------
2017-9-6X9.312:029.33 × 10−42.3681.9981.1381.0141.1221.014
2017-9-6Proton13:051.55 × 10−42.1771.9231.040.9270.8490.669
2017-9-7M1.59:541.56 × 10−5------
2017-9-7M7.310:157.36 × 10−5------
2017-9-7X1.314:361.39 × 10−43.6022.9630.6360.5670.40.343
2017-9-8M8.17:498.12 × 10−55.3875.4221.5971.4230.6750.533
2017-9-8M3.015:473.00 × 10−52.1452.1382.1381.9052.1381.911
2017-9-9M3.711:043.79 × 10−50.6750.6360.5650.5030.520.495
2017-9-10X8.216:068.28 × 10−40.2680.1640.1670.1480.1690.153
2017-9-10Proton17:20–17:301.01 × 10−42.321.6560.6360.56700
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MDPI and ACS Style

Barta, V.; Bozóki, T.; Süle, D.P.; Kouba, D.; Mielich, J.; Raita, T.; Buzás, A. Ionospheric Absorption Variation Based on Ionosonde and Riometer Data and the NOAA D-RAP Model over Europe During Intense Solar Flares in September 2017. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 3975.

AMA Style

Barta V, Bozóki T, Süle DP, Kouba D, Mielich J, Raita T, Buzás A. Ionospheric Absorption Variation Based on Ionosonde and Riometer Data and the NOAA D-RAP Model over Europe During Intense Solar Flares in September 2017. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(21):3975.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Barta, Veronika, Tamás Bozóki, Dávid Péter Süle, Daniel Kouba, Jens Mielich, Tero Raita, and Attila Buzás. 2024. "Ionospheric Absorption Variation Based on Ionosonde and Riometer Data and the NOAA D-RAP Model over Europe During Intense Solar Flares in September 2017" Remote Sensing 16, no. 21: 3975.

APA Style

Barta, V., Bozóki, T., Süle, D. P., Kouba, D., Mielich, J., Raita, T., & Buzás, A. (2024). Ionospheric Absorption Variation Based on Ionosonde and Riometer Data and the NOAA D-RAP Model over Europe During Intense Solar Flares in September 2017. Remote Sensing, 16(21), 3975.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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