Attention to Both Global and Local Features: A Novel Temporal Encoder for Satellite Image Time Series Classification
:1. Introduction
- 1.
- The proposed GL-TAE is an early attempt to extract hybrid global–local temporal features for SITS classification, adopting self-attention mechanisms for global attention extraction and convolution for local attention extraction.
- 2.
- The proposed GL-TAE is a lightweight model. We selected and set two lightweight submodules (LTAE and LConv) in parallel and extracted global and local temporal features, respectively, in combination with dimensional split strategies, which further reduce the parameter numbers under the same hyperparameter settings.
2. Methodology
2.1. Overview
2.2. Self-Attention Mechanism
- 1.
- Compute a triplet of the query–key–value for each time step t in the time series by three shared linear layers with transformation matrices to the input .
- 2.
- Compute the attention mask in which the weight assigned to each value is computed by a compatibility function of the query with the corresponding key. The compatibility function computes the dot products of the query with all keys, divides each by (dimension of keys), and applies a softmax function to obtain the weights on the values.
- 3.
- Compute the sum of the values weighted by the corresponding attention mask as the output for each time step.
2.3. Lightweight Self-Attention for Global Attention Extraction
- 1.
- Unlike the vanilla transformer [41], which computes multiple triplets for multi-head attention from the input sequence of size and produces an output size of ( is the number of heads), LTAE’s multi-head attention is applied along the channel dimensions, then the outputs of all heads are concatenated into a vector with the same channels as the input sequence, regardless of the number of heads. Such modified multi-head attention mechanism, while retaining the diversity of feature extraction, significantly reduces the number of trainable parameters.
- 2.
- Reference [52] defines a learnable query, named a master query, for each head in LTAE instead of computing from the input sequence by a linear layer, which further reduces the parameter numbers. The attention masks of each head are defined as the scaled softmax of the dot-product between the keys and the master query. The output of each head is defined as the sum of the corresponding inputs weighed by the attention mask in the temporal dimension.
2.4. Lightweight Convolution for Local Attention Extraction
2.5. Channel Dimension Split and Concatenation
3. Experiments and Results
3.1. Datasets
- (1)
- TiSeLaC: The study data come from the datasets provided by the 2017 Time Series Land Cover Classification Challenge (accessed on 20 December 2021) ( The original data were generated from the level 2A Landsat, 8 images from 23 acquisition dates in 2014 above Reunion Island, shown in Figure 2. The spatial resolution was 30 m and 10 features were selected for each pixel, including the first 7 bands of Landsat-8 (Band1–Band7) and 3 complementary radiometric indices (normalized difference vegetation index, normalized difference water index, and brightness index) computed from original data. The original geographic coordinate information for each pixel was not considered in the experiments. The original dataset was officially divided into the train set and test set; we reintegrated the dataset to form a dataset consisting of 99,687 pixels distributed over 9 classes of land cover; the sample statistics are shown in Table 1. The ground truth label of each pixel is referenced from the 2012 Corine Land Cover map ( and the 2014 local farmers’ graphical land parcel registration results.
- (2)
- TimeSen2Crop [57]: The data were collected from 15 Sentinel-2 tiles covering Austria, shown in Figure 3, between September 2017 and September 2018m with cloud coverage of less than 80% and atmospherically corrected using the radiative transfer model MODTRAN [58]. The number of acquisition dates of the time series varies for each tile, ranging from 23 to 38. The dataset has 16 crop types and 1.2 million pixels in total, and the sample statistics are shown in Table 2. For each pixel, there are 9 Sentinel-2 Bands (B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8A, B11, B12) and 1 non-spectral band, indicating the condition of the pixel that was not considered in the experiments. The 20-m bands (B5, B6, B7, B8A, B11, B12) were resampled to 10 m and the final spatial resolution for each pixel is 10 m. The ground truth label of each pixel was extracted from the publicly available Austrian crop type map (
3.2. Competing Methods and Classification Architecture
- 1.
- TempCNN: TempCNN [32] has three vanilla convolutional layers that apply convolutions on the temporal dimensions with different kernels of kernel_size = 3. We added the same channel enhancement layer of GL-TAE before the convolutions. Then TempCNN flattens and dimensionally reduces the time series from to with a dense layer. However it is unable to handle the time series with variable temporal lengths; therefore, we replaced the flattened-dense layer with the global (temporal) average pooling layer for experiments on the TimeSen2Crop dataset.
- 2.
- TCN: TCN [35], which is different from TempCNN, has three causal convolutional layers with dilation and , which means TCN has a larger perceptive field than TempCNN along the temporal dimension.
- 3.
- LSTM: We adopted a one-layer LSTM with adjustable hyperparameters , and then used the last hidden state and transformed it into the size by a dense layer. A channel enhancement layer was also added before the LSTM layer.
- 4.
- Transformer: The architecture in [50] was adopted. In the original transformer, a query–key–value triplet was computed simultaneously for each time step in the time series and the attention mask was obtained by calculating the similarity of the queries and keys. The encoded result was defined as the sum of the values weighted by the attention mask. Reference [50] took the original transformer encoder with positional encoding, multi-head attention, and feedforward networks and used a global maximum average operation to achieve a dimensionality reduction from size to .
- 5.
- TAE: Reference [51] removed the feedforward networks and defined the master query as the mean of queries. The master query was then multiplied with the keys to determine a single attention mask for weighing the input time series.
- 6.
3.3. Implementation Details
3.4. Classification Results
3.5. Comprehensive Comparison with Different Hyperparameter Settings
4. Discussion
4.1. Importance Comparison of Global and Local Attention
4.2. Necessity of Channel Dimension Split
4.3. Impact of Different Values of Hyperparameters
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Class Name | Number of Samples | Proportion (%) |
Urban areas | 20,000 | 20.06 |
Other built-up surfaces | 3883 | 3.89 |
Forests | 20,000 | 20.06 |
Sparse vegetation | 19,398 | 19.46 |
Rocks and bare soil | 15,530 | 15.58 |
Grassland | 6817 | 6.84 |
Sugarcane crops | 9187 | 9.22 |
Other crops | 1754 | 1.76 |
Water | 3118 | 3.13 |
Total | 99,687 | 100.0 |
Class Name | Number of Samples | Proportion (%) |
Legumes | 7951 | 0.66 |
Grassland | 283,263 | 23.37 |
Maize | 164,316 | 13.55 |
Potato | 30,678 | 2.53 |
Sunflower | 22,787 | 1.88 |
Soy | 70,884 | 5.85 |
Winter Barley | 94,061 | 7.76 |
Winter Caraway | 1472 | 0.12 |
Rye | 53,694 | 4.42 |
Rapeseed | 41,901 | 3.46 |
Beet | 34,064 | 2.81 |
Spring Cereals | 85,353 | 7.04 |
Winter Wheat | 132,327 | 10.92 |
Winter Triticale | 66,448 | 5.48 |
Permanent Plantation | 46,312 | 3.82 |
Other Crops | 76,713 | 6.33 |
Total | 1,212,224 | 100.0 |
Model | Candidates of Hyperparameters | Reference |
GL-TAE | ||
LTAE | [52] | |
TAE | [51] | |
Transformer | [50] | |
TempCNN | [32] | |
TCN | [35] | |
LSTM | [21] |
(a) TiSeLaC | |||||||
Class | GL-TAE | LTAE | TAE | Transformer | TempCNN | TCN | LSTM |
N.params | 163 K | 161 K | 164 K | 165 K | 156 K | 160 K | 156 K |
OA(%) | |||||||
mIoU(%) | |||||||
Urban areas | |||||||
Other built-up surfaces | |||||||
Forest | |||||||
Sparse Vegetation | |||||||
Rocks and bare soil | |||||||
Grassland | |||||||
Sugarcane crops | |||||||
Other crops | |||||||
Water | |||||||
(b) TimeSen2Crop | |||||||
Class | GL-TAE | LTAE | TAE | Transformer | TempCNN | TCN | LSTM |
N.params | 139 K | 137 K | 142 K | 142 K | 137 K | 139 K | 137 K |
OA(%) | |||||||
mIoU(%) | |||||||
Legumes | |||||||
Grassland | |||||||
Maize | |||||||
Potato | |||||||
Sunflower | |||||||
Soy | |||||||
Winter Barley | |||||||
Winter Caraway | |||||||
Rye | |||||||
Rapeseed | |||||||
Beet | |||||||
Spring Cereals | |||||||
Winter Wheat | |||||||
Winter Triticale | |||||||
Permanent Plantation | |||||||
Other Crops |
(a) | (b) | ||||
N.params | mIoU | N.params | mIoU | ||
256 | 82 K | 8 | 113 K | ||
512 | 163 K | 16 | 130 K | ||
1024 | 488 K | 32 | 163 K | ||
2048 | 2.8 M | 64 | 229 K | ||
(c) | (d) | ||||
N.params | mIoU | N.params | mIoU | ||
4 | 130 K | 3 | 163 K | ||
8 | 163 K | 5 | 163 K | ||
16 | 229 K | 7 | 163 K | ||
32 | 361 K | 9 | 163 K |
(a) | (b) | ||||
N.params | mIoU | N.params | mIoU | ||
256 | 70 K | 8 | 89 K | ||
512 | 139 K | 16 | 106 K | ||
1024 | 481 K | 32 | 139 K | ||
2048 | 2.7 M | 64 | 205 K | ||
(c) | (d) | ||||
N.params | mIoU | N.params | mIoU | ||
4 | 106 K | 3 | 139 K | ||
8 | 139 K | 5 | 139 K | ||
16 | 205 K | 7 | 139 K | ||
32 | 337 K | 9 | 139 K |
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Share and Cite
Zhang, W.; Zhang, H.; Zhao, Z.; Tang, P.; Zhang, Z. Attention to Both Global and Local Features: A Novel Temporal Encoder for Satellite Image Time Series Classification. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 618.
Zhang W, Zhang H, Zhao Z, Tang P, Zhang Z. Attention to Both Global and Local Features: A Novel Temporal Encoder for Satellite Image Time Series Classification. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(3):618.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Weixiong, Hao Zhang, Zhitao Zhao, Ping Tang, and Zheng Zhang. 2023. "Attention to Both Global and Local Features: A Novel Temporal Encoder for Satellite Image Time Series Classification" Remote Sensing 15, no. 3: 618.
APA StyleZhang, W., Zhang, H., Zhao, Z., Tang, P., & Zhang, Z. (2023). Attention to Both Global and Local Features: A Novel Temporal Encoder for Satellite Image Time Series Classification. Remote Sensing, 15(3), 618.