Comparison of Satellite Precipitation Products: IMERG and GSMaP with Rain Gauge Observations in Northern China
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Datasets
2.2.1. Rain Gauge Observations
2.2.2. Satellite Data
2.2.3. Initial Processing
2.3. Statistics Metrics
3. Results
3.1. Accumulated Rainfall
3.2. Mean Hourly Rainfall
3.3. Contingency Information
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- Spatially, IMERG products outperform GSMaP products because the strong precipitation centers captured by IMERG products are highly consistent with the observations, especially in extreme precipitation events in areas with relatively flat terrain and low-altitude (≤1000 m). When compared to the GSMaP products during the three extreme rainstorms, the IMERG products consistently had greater CCs, lower RBs, and RMSEs. Also, IMERG products are better at capturing the spatial distribution of precipitation.
- (2)
- Temporally, GSMaP satellite-based QPE products capture most precipitation peaks but significantly overestimate actual precipitation intensity, whereas IMERG satellite-based QPE products have a better fit with actual precipitation. At the same time, four satellite-based QPE products underestimate (overestimate) precipitation when the actual precipitation is heavy (light). In the comprehensive analysis, the IMERG_LR performs best, as it has the highest CCs (0.92, 0.88 and 0.81), lower RBs (0.12%, −0.01% and 0.18%) and RMSEs (0.24 mm, 0.24 mm, and 0.22 mm), whether in typhoon or non-typhoon extreme precipitation events.
- (3)
- In terms of POD, CSI, and FAR performance in extreme precipitation events, the GSMaP products perform more effectively in non-typhoon extreme precipitation events (12 July NCER and 5 October NCER), whereas IMERG products behave well in typhoon extreme precipitation events (20 July NCER). GSMaP satellite-based QPE products outperform IMERG satellite-based QPE products in estimating the precipitation of short-term rainstorm events.
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Product | Spatial/ Temporal Resolution | Spatial Domain | Main Input Data | Latency | Applications |
IMERG_ER | 0.1°/0.5 h | 90°N–90°S | PMW, DPR 1, GMI 2, PR 3, TMI 4, AMSR2 5, SSMIS 6 | 4 h | Prediction of flash floods and precipitation |
IMERG_LR | 0.1°/0.5 h | 90°N–90°S | PMW, DPR, GMI, PR, TMI, AMSR2, SSMIS | 14 h | Water resource management |
GSMaP_NRT | 0.1°/1 h | 60°N–60°S | TMI, GMI, SSMIS, PR, DPR, AMSU-A 7/AMSU-B 8 | 4 h | Real-time applications |
GSMaP_MVK | 0.1°/1 h | 60°N–60°S | TMI, GMI, SSMIS, PR, DPR, AMSU-A/ AMSU-B | 3 days | Water resource management |
Statistic Indices | Formula | Range | Optimum Value |
Correlation Coefficient (CC) | [−1, 1] | 1 | |
Relative Bias (RB) | (−∞, ∞) | 0 | |
Root-Mean-Squared Error (RMSE) | [0, ∞) | 0 | |
Fractional Standard Error (FSE) | [0, ∞) | 0 | |
Probability of Detection (POD) | [0, 1] | 1 | |
False Alarm Ration (FAR) | [0, 1] | 0 | |
Critical Success Index (CSI) | [0, 1] | 1 |
Precipitation Grade | Daily Precipitation (mm) |
Light Rain | 1 ≤ i < 10 |
Moderate Rain | 10 ≤ i < 25 |
Heavy Rain | 25 ≤ i < 50 |
Rainstorm | 50 ≤ i < 100 |
Large Rainstorm | 100 ≤ i < 250 |
Extraordinary Rainstorm | i ≥ 250 |
Precipitation Grade | Daily Precipitation (mm) |
Light Rain | i < 2.5 |
Moderate Rain | 2.5 ≤ i < 10.0 |
Heavy Rain | 10.0 ≤ i < 50.0 |
Violent Rain | i ≥ 50.0 |
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Zhu, H.; Chen, S.; Li, Z.; Gao, L.; Li, X. Comparison of Satellite Precipitation Products: IMERG and GSMaP with Rain Gauge Observations in Northern China. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 4748.
Zhu H, Chen S, Li Z, Gao L, Li X. Comparison of Satellite Precipitation Products: IMERG and GSMaP with Rain Gauge Observations in Northern China. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(19):4748.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhu, Huiqin, Sheng Chen, Zhi Li, Liang Gao, and Xiaoyu Li. 2022. "Comparison of Satellite Precipitation Products: IMERG and GSMaP with Rain Gauge Observations in Northern China" Remote Sensing 14, no. 19: 4748.
APA StyleZhu, H., Chen, S., Li, Z., Gao, L., & Li, X. (2022). Comparison of Satellite Precipitation Products: IMERG and GSMaP with Rain Gauge Observations in Northern China. Remote Sensing, 14(19), 4748.