Resolving the Urban Dilemma of Two Adjacent Rivers through a Dialogue between GIS and Augmented Reality (AR) of Fabrics
:1. Introduction
1.1. History of Keelung
1.2. Related Studies
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Physical and AR Dynamics
2.2. Measures
2.3. Comparing Scenarios
- GIS to AR: The first two scenarios of this type consisted of: (a) using a map for trend estimation and setting, with a model from tradition drawings, and (b) using a map for geo-referencing, with a model from UAV models. The former was oriented from QGIS® to AR as a map-based estimation from a big urban picture and early history to focused factors (QGIS® map) simulated by 3D AR. The latter was oriented from geo-referenced 3D browsing (QGIS® 3D view) to AR in an open product platform (Augment®). The former was scaled down from hydrogeography to architecture maps as a top-down inductive method for induced design possibilities. The latter opened up a large variety of map databases and 3D views in QGIS® with geo-referenced models.
- AR to GIS: this scenario used a bottom-up deductive method from an open eCommerce platform (Augment®) to provide a more detailed simulation, which was missing in QGIS® 3D view, such as skyline overlapping, fabric substitution, and fabric disposition as enforced corrections and representation with or without reference to historical development.
- GIS to AR + AR to GIS: the building information modeling (BIM) details served the simulation and inspection on both platforms such as QGIS® in a larger scope by connecting the river to the harbor front, and in Augment® AR by focusing on smaller parts between street blocks (Figure 6).
2.4. Cross Platform Tools
3. Results
3.1. Macro Evolvement of Hydrogeography, Architecture, and Railroad
- Hydrogeography: This was one of the main factors in formulating the city from a fishing, naval, and commercial harbor to a tourism harbor. Port planning oriented the layout of the circulation system. By overlapping the configuration of the waterfront, historical development was quantified by assessing the surface area of water surrounded by the long-term construction of facilities.
- Architecture: The waterfront, government policies, and economic development contributed to the main harbor identity. Historical development was assessed by the area of building footage as an indicator to quantify the ascending trend of development.
- Railroad: the old railroad system was closely connected to the harbor’s history and government policy and was used as an indicator to quantify the ascending and descending developing trend of industry and trade.
- Hydrogeography and architecture: the ascending trend of building area intersected that of water surface area by a large immigrant population and spreading construction area above the Asahikawa River.
- Hydrogeography and railroad: the ascending and descending trend of the railroad was caused by the completion of the main west railroad line, the semi-underground railway project, the home port of cruise tourism, and the transfer of a major part of the container port business to Taipei Port.
- Architecture and railroad: Keelung was the seventh largest container port in the world. The economy exceeded the development of the railroad. The railroad construction began in the Qing Dynasty. It has carried coal and containers since the construction of the west harbor line in 1899.
3.2. Base Fabric and Evolved Facade Vocabulary
3.2.1. BCR and FAR
3.2.2. Second Skin
3.3. Evolved Fabrics
3.3.1. Skyline Alterations
3.3.2. Fabric Substitution
3.3.3. Fabric Disposition
- Sequential comparison on the same river, showing current layout and stages of historical development on the Asahikawa River. This arrangement presents a baseline for comparison to the current spatial arrangement with which people are familiar.
- Displacement comparison on the same river, where the harbor front is replaced with the fish market and the temple on the Asahikawa River. Sections were displaced in different sequences from harbor front to inland. For example, the commercial area was replaced by a fish market near the harbor front. The reallocation gathered similar activities, with the trade-off of potential pollution at the center of tourism. The AR interaction enabled planning to determine whether more integrated development could redefine the harbor area.
- Displacement comparison on different rivers, showing the temple front on old blocks of the Asahikawa River and on new blocks of the Tianliao River. This displacement reoccurred in the religious center along the Asahikawa River to the new Tianliao River area, to simulate the old fabric in a new integrated location. Snack culture, which usually appears at the temple front, can join the harbor front under a more concentrated arrangement of tourism space.
- Displacement comparison on different rivers, showing commercial and administrative areas on old blocks of the Asahikawa River and on new blocks of the Tianliao River. This arrangement differentiates the sustainable design of the harbor front by using the fabric of the old fish market.
- Displacement comparison on different rivers, showing landmark commercial buildings on old blocks of the Asahikawa River and on new blocks of the Tianliao River. A landmark building was located near the harbor front at the end of the Tianliao River. The cultural center, which was located between the harbor front and the landmark building, was replaced by the Mazu Temple to remind people of the old connection between religion and the traditional fishing culture. It is hoped that a synergistic effect can be created in the open spaces and associated activities at the temple front, river front, and harbor front. This effect was vividly illustrated on the GIS platform.
3.4. Emerging Dynamics
3.5. Historical Reference of Urbanization
4. Discussion
4.1. Inductive and Deductive Dynamics
- Physical dynamics, top-down, GIS to AR: maps were assessed to determine the major turning event and its drawbacks, and then to suggest the particular fabric to be simulated in AR.
- Augmented dynamics, bottom-up, AR to GIS: AR models were applied to the new fabric and were taken further back to join old maps in GIS by activating the simulation between current as-built status and past maps.
- GIS–AR–GIS or AR–GIS–AR, converging from both ends of the hierarchy: GIS–AR–GIS presented both deduction and induction of the historical fabric evolvement. A mesh model was converted to a cloud model for GIS application (Figure 16). The two-way iteration met in the middle by extending from micro interaction to macro study and the results were verified in areas by percentage diagrams. The two-way iteration included traditional vector data, second skin, and UAV models to formulate contexts and to enrich the design assumptions.
4.2. Matrix of Key Elements and Major Influential Factors
4.3. Sustainability and Urbanization
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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2D and 3D Resources | Cross Platforms | Software Environment | Situated Simulation |
Images: smartphone, UAV Vector drawings: sections 3D wireframe 3D mesh 3D point cloud GIS maps | UAV Photogrammetry GIS Smartphone Imaging AR Drafting 3D modeling | 3D: AutoCAD®, Revit® Photogrammetry modeling: Zephyr®, Recap 3D®, by field photos and UAV: Dji® (Table 2) GIS: QGIS® AR: Augment® AR types: skyline + façade mesh, map + 3D wireframe, 3D model + wireframe | Concluded façade patterns: façade height, partition Evolving fabrics Renewal plans Reactivated experience Reallocated experience |
Cameras | Camera Name | Focal Length | Resolution | |||
DJI Zenmuse P1® | 35.0 mm | 8192 × 5460 | ||||
Internal camera parameters | Camera Model | Skew | Focals | Optical center | Radial distortion | Tangential distortion |
DJI Zenmuse P1® | 0.000000 | X: 8193.548775 Y: 8193.548775 | X: 4070.504310 Y: 2771.848868 | K1: −0.048187 K2: 0.017366 K3: −0.087201 | P1: 0.002215 P2: −0.001303 | |
Statistics | 3D points per image | Oriented cameras | BA mean square error | BA reference variance | ||
3654 | 1351 | 1.96012 px | 0.586896 px | |||
Mean GSD | 0.0320376 | |||||
Mean error | | |||||
Measure instance: verification of pavement length | | | ||||
Measure in Zephyr®: 20.46644 m (avg.) | Field measure: 20.525 m |
Types of 3D Models | Types of AR Applications | Map Sets |
3D wireframe sections: 14 Second skin facade 3D mesh models: 10 Paired model comparison: 45 Paired pattern comparison: 45 Point cloud model: 4 Riverfront: 2 Tall building set: 1 Area: 1 Inner harbor mesh model: 1 | Skyline alternations: 4 Fabric substitutions: 8 Fabric disposition: 10 Two-way experiences of approaching orientations | Assessment: 10 QGIS® 3D view: 10 |
vocabulary 1 | old | new | now | |
| Asahikawa River | | | |
vocabulary 2 | old | now | ||
| Tianliao River | | |
Model No. (Asahikawa River) | Model l | Model 2 | Model 3 | ||
AR façade model (left) Vertical and horizontal partitions (right) | | | | ||
Building materials | Face bricks | Granitoid, face bricks | Concrete | ||
Height/width ratio | 14.45:6.38 (2.26) | 17:6.27 (2.71) | 7.6:6.32 (1.20) | ||
Building style | Baroque | Baroque | Modern | ||
Usage | Commercial buildings, residences | Commercial buildings, residences | Fish market | ||
Leveled-up area | x | x | x | ||
Paired comparisons | Model 1 vs. 9 | Model 1 vs. 10 | Model 2 vs. 3 | Model 3 vs. 5 | Model 1 vs. 5 |
Vertical and horizontal partitions | | | | | |
Hydrogeography | Architecture | Railroad | |
Quantification | Max. area: increased 2.147 km2 in 1876 (7.8%) Min. area: increased 1.111 km2 in 2015 (4%) Max. %: from 6.5% in 1858 to 7.8% in 1875 | Max. area: increased 2.88 km2 in 2003 (14.6%) Min. area: increased 0 km2 in 1858, 1876 (0%) Max. %: from 4.7% in 1979 to 13.7% in 1985 | Max. area: increased 7.856 km in 1921 (12.4%) Min. area: increased 0 km in 1858, 1876, 1888, 1899 (0%) Max. %: from 0% in 1899 to 12.4% in 1921 |
Phase 1 port construction | x | ||
Phase 2 port construction | x | ||
Phase 3 port construction | x | ||
Phase 4 port construction | x | ||
Phase 5 port construction | x | ||
New construction on leveled-up Asahikawa River | x | x | |
Urban planning of Keelung | x | ||
Positioned as main container port in N Taiwan | x | x | |
Positioned as main cruise port | x | x | |
Construction of west main railroad line | x | ||
Railroad construction for mining industry | x | ||
Semi-underground project of Keelung railroad station | x |
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Shih, N.-J.; Qiu, Y.-H. Resolving the Urban Dilemma of Two Adjacent Rivers through a Dialogue between GIS and Augmented Reality (AR) of Fabrics. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 4330.
Shih N-J, Qiu Y-H. Resolving the Urban Dilemma of Two Adjacent Rivers through a Dialogue between GIS and Augmented Reality (AR) of Fabrics. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(17):4330.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShih, Naai-Jung, and Yu-Huan Qiu. 2022. "Resolving the Urban Dilemma of Two Adjacent Rivers through a Dialogue between GIS and Augmented Reality (AR) of Fabrics" Remote Sensing 14, no. 17: 4330.
APA StyleShih, N.-J., & Qiu, Y.-H. (2022). Resolving the Urban Dilemma of Two Adjacent Rivers through a Dialogue between GIS and Augmented Reality (AR) of Fabrics. Remote Sensing, 14(17), 4330.