3.1. Positional Accuracy
Accuracy was assessed by examining the mean horizontal and vertical differences between the 33 GNSS collection sites and their corresponding LML and SPL point cloud positions (see
Table 2 and
Table 3). Using the standard deviations of the horizontal and vertical differences, Z-tests were performed to determine if the mean differences in easting, northing, and height were statistically different from zero at a 95% confidence level. With one exception (the mean northing difference of the Titan data), the horizontal differences are statistically equal to zero, but the vertical differences are not. Those components with differences not statistically equal to zero indicate a systematic bias in the point clouds, potentially from the kinematic trajectory solution or strip adjustments applied during point cloud processing.
The presence of vertical biases in both the LML and SPL data aligns with the knowledge that the vertical component of GNSS positions and, hence, trajectory solutions is weaker than the horizontal components. Noting that the SPL100 data has a positive elevation bias (11.67 cm) and the Titan has a negative elevation bias (−13.27 cm), and that these differences are statistically different from zero at 95% confidence, it is clear that the elevation difference between the SPL100 and Titan data is statistically significant. However, if the vertical biases are examined in terms of their magnitude only, there is no statistical difference at 95% confidence according to a two-sample Z-test. This indicates that the vertical accuracies of the LML and SPL data are similar.
Overall, these results indicate the LML and SPL data are of similar positional accuracy (closeness to truth, as determined by GNSS ground observations) in regards to the final post-processed data product. Indeed, the SPL data outperforms the LML data in this small test area since only the vertical component was found to be statistically different from zero, whereas both the northing and vertical components of the LML data were statistically different from zero.
It is noted that the large standard deviations for the horizontal components in
Table 2 and
Table 3 stem from the lack of lidar points at the exact locations of the features occupied with GNSS. As expected, the horizontal standard deviation magnitudes are inversely proportional to the nominal point densities of the two point clouds (SPL100 ≈ 25 points/m
, Titan ≈ 12 points/m
). Given the sample size (33 GNSS sites) and the assumption of randomness in the direction between each GNSS feature location and the closest lidar point, the impact on the accuracy assessment is mitigated since the random errors should largely cancel out in the mean difference computations reported in
Table 2 and
Table 3. Note, however, that the large standard deviations appropriately influence our interpretation of whether the mean differences between the GNSS and closest lidar point locations are significant. For example, the mean easting difference between the GNSS and SPL100 data is almost −3 cm. Although this is clearly different from zero, it is intuitively insignificant (backed up by the Z-statistic test) in the presence of the relatively large standard deviation of ±11 cm.
A recent publication by Kim et al. [
20] proposes a method based on terrestrial laser scanning rather than single GNSS point locations to avoid the influence of point density on airborne lidar data accuracy evaluations. This is accomplished by modeling and intersecting multiple planar surfaces on residential rooftops, using data from both terrestrial (which serves as the reference data of higher accuracy) and airborne lidar point clouds, to produce synthetic conjugate points for comparison. However, our test area (the University of Houston campus) is dominated by tall buildings with flat roofs, which are not easily collected with terrestrial laser scans. It is also noted that the data collection and processing requirements of the proposed method are significantly more (perhaps an order of magnitude) than that required for the method applied in this work.
3.2. Positional Precision
The planar standard deviations of flat regions—used as a measure of positional precision, i.e., measurement consistency—were higher in the SPL100 data set than in the Titan linear mode lidar data. The overall standard deviation, calculated from all residuals across the 50 chosen planar samples, was 3.2 cm for the SPL100. In the Titan data, however, it was less than half of that, approximately 1.2 cm. When standard deviations were calculated for each sample, the SPL100 also had a much broader range of standard deviations from 1 cm up to 11 cm. The sample standard deviations for the Titan ranged from a minimum of 0.5 cm to approximately 3 cm. A two-sample F-test was conducted for each sample to determine whether the differences in planar variances in the SPL and LML data were statistically significant at 95%. Of the 50 samples, only three of the variances were found not to be statistically different.
The lower positional precision for the SPL100 compared to the LML system is an expected result for a few reasons. First, the SPL100 data was acquired from an AGL seven times higher than the Titan data, thus magnifying the impact of angular noise in the trajectory solution on the georeferenced lidar point coordinates. Second, SPL ranges inherently suffer from a greater amount of random error than LML ranges. In a LML detector, hundreds to thousands of photons are returned to the detector, allowing a temporal profile of the return power to be formed that can be modeled for a precise peak location. In the case of single photon detectors, only a few photons are returned and only a single photon is detected. The temporal power profile can not be modeled and there is uncertainty as to where in the temporal power profile the single detected photon exists. Although this explanation is greatly simplified, it provides a sense of the source of the greater uncertainty, or noise, in SPL ranges compared to LML ranges.
To better understand how other variables may be affecting the observed planar standard deviations, mean intensity and incidence angle were examined with respect to the planar fit standard deviations. Lidar range finder precision has been shown to decrease with low intensity [
21] because the precision of range estimation is proportional to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [
22]. In LML systems, intensity values are a measure of the strength of the returning laser pulse, and typically the peak amplitude is used. For single photon sensitive systems, intensity is not a native product since only one photon is detected. However, the SPL100 reports an intensity for each detected return. This capability stems from the use of a detector (silicon photomultiplier) that can register multiple single photon detection events in each detector channel and sum the output to form an intensity measure; see [
23] for an examination of the intensity values reported by the SPL100.
Graphs of intensity versus planar standard deviation for both the SPL100 and the Titan data are given in
Figure 3. For both sensors, decreasing precision corresponds to decreasing intensity. A recent study by [
21] found that in laboratory-controlled conditions with calibration targets, the range error in a terrestrial lidar system decreased non-linearly as the recorded intensity increased. A power function was used to model the non-linear relationship between ranging precision (standard deviation of recorded ranges) and intensity. Assuming that the behavior of real-world targets will bear some resemblance to those under laboratory-controlled conditions, the following equation was used to model planar standard deviation (
) as a function of lidar intensity (
I), where
b, and
c are unknown parameters:
A best fit curve of the form of Equation (
1) is overlaid on the data points in
Figure 3. Although the power law equation does not appear to be unreasonable, systematic differences at high and low intensities are seen between the SPL100 data points and best fit curve, whereas the LML data points are quite noisy and preclude any definitive statements. However, qualitative inspection suggests the power law equation may be more appropriate for the LML data than the SPL data.
In addition to mean intensity, the effect of incidence angle on the observed planar standard deviations was also considered. Graphs for incidence angle versus the standard deviation of planar residuals for both the SPL100 and the Titan data are given in
Figure 4. Both the SPL100 and the Titan sensor show an increase in standard deviation with increased incidence angle. However, the increase, as measured by the slope of a best fit line, is an order of magnitude steeper for the SPL100 compared to the Titan data. The linear trend of standard deviation is in approximate agreement with [
22]’s well-known characterization of maximum ranging error as a function of incidence angle:
is incidence angle,
h is flying height above ground, and
is laser beam divergence. For angles less than 60
, which is the maximum shown in
Figure 4, Equation (
2) is approximately linear. However, the errors predicted by Equation (
2) are much larger than observed in
Figure 4. For example, at 40
incidence, Equation (
2) predicts ranging errors of 0.12 m for the SPL100 (twice as large than observed) and 0.21 m for the Titan (order of magnitude larger than observed). Note that
mrad for each SPL100 beamlet and
mrad for the Titan 532 channel. Empirical modeling of ranging error as a function of return intensity or incidence angle may therefore be more appropriate than Equation (
2) for applications such as lidar total propagated uncertainty estimation (e.g., see [
The effects of intensity and incidence angle are correlated, as a high incidence angle causes a reduction in return intensity for smooth surfaces. Thus, a high noise level could be explained by either a bright surface recorded at a high incidence angle or a dark surface observed at a low incidence angle [
21]. This correlation is seen in
Figure 4, where the data points are colored by intensity values and the higher incidence points are dominantly lower intensity returns.
3.3. DEM Comparison
Figure 5, two one-meter resolution maps show the difference between DEMs derived from the Titan and two SPL100 DEMs generated from data processed with two different versions of HxMap. There are artifacts in and around buildings in both difference images due to occlusions and misclassifications from the ground filtering routines. Water bodies such as the bayou (southeast corner) and man-made ponds also differ in elevation between the SPL100 and Titan data because the ground classification routine did not identify the Titan bathymetry as ground returns, while the SPL100 bathymetry was identified as ground.
More significantly, the SPL100 point cloud generated by the HxMap software in 2017 (when the lidar data was collected) contains noticeable artifacts at the edges of the SPL100 flight lines, visible as a large, tilted square approximately centered in the DEM difference image. At these edges, the SPL100 DEM differs from the Titan DEM by about 4 cm. Reprocessing the raw data in 2019 revealed that recent updates to the HxMap software have improved the post-processed data quality. In the right side of
Figure 5, with a 2019 version of HxMap, the flight line artifacts have been improved, and the DEM is in closer agreement to the Titan derived DEM. These visual observations are confirmed with a histogram of the DEM differences (
Figure 6), which shows a mean bias of −2.5 cm between the Titan DEM and the 2017 HxMap post-processed SPL100 data, and 1.4 cm using a more recent version (processed in 2019) of the HxMap software. Note that before the comparisons, the mean biases for each data set, as determined by the mean vertical difference from the GNSS survey locations (see
Table 2 and
Table 3), were first removed.
Given that the SPL100 is marketed for large area terrain mapping, it should be capable of producing DEMs that are of comparable quality and accuracy to those currently produced from traditional LML systems. The close agreement between the SPL100 DEM generated from lidar data processed with the most recent version of HxMap and the Titan DEM suggests that the SPL100 largely meets these requirements, but small systematic problems still exist at the SPL100 flight line edges.
3.4. Canopy Penetration and Multiple Returns
The final analysis examined the ability of the SPL100 and Titan systems to penetrate the canopy, record multiple returns, and resolve closely spaced targets, the latter of which is referred to as range resolution. Note that the term multiple returns refers to the ability of a lidar sensor to record more than one return energy event, each of which produces a point in the eventual point cloud, for a single emitted laser pulse. For each emitted laser pulse, the returns are numbered by the order in which they are received by the lidar sensor. Statistics describing these characteristics, generated from thirty sample canopy areas, are shown in
Table 4. It can be readily observed that even though the SPL100 produces more laser returns than the Titan, the Titan generates more multiple and ground returns as a percentage of the total pulses emitted.
Of the thirty sampled tree canopies, only 22% of SPL100 emitted pulses had multiple returns, as compared to 87% for the Titan. The SPL100 usually generated only one or two returns through the canopy. Although a small number of pulses had three returns, they made up less than 1% of the total pulses analyzed. In contrast, pulses with three or four returns comprised 50% of the total emitted pulses in the Titan samples.
It is apparent that, in terms of range resolution, the SPL100 is considerably more limited than an LML system. On average, the first and second returns had about 10 m of vertical separation, and only a small fraction of the second returns came from lower in the canopy. Visual inspection of the point cloud, colored by return number, and the histogram of range separations shows that the second returns in the SPL100 are overwhelmingly from the ground (
Figure 7 and
Figure 8). The first and second returns in the Titan are separated, on average, by 4.3 m. This average, however, comes from a bimodal distribution made of up second returns from the canopy and on the ground. Although they did not directly look at vertical separation, [
10] also reported that the SPL100 had significantly less average returns per pulse: 1.06 returns through thick vegetation, as compared to 1.84 mean returns using a full-waveform lidar system.
Previous studies using the SPL100’s predecessor, the HRQLS, specify that the system has a 1.6 ns pixel recovery time, and is thus capable of recording returns separated by 24 cm [
2]. However, the observed SPL100 range resolution is not due to the detector characteristics, but rather due to noise filtering. During post-processing, a dead distance filter is applied to the SPL100 data to eliminate after-pulsing noise (personal communication with Zhigang Pan, Leica Geosystems [
26]). However, this filter also removes a significant amount of multiple returns in vegetation, which are important for canopy penetration. The range resolution of unfiltered SPL100 data was therefore analyzed to validate this assumption. Unfiltered SPL data has a large column of noise extending above and below the surface returns. To get around this limitation, any noise points above the canopy or below the ground level were removed. The return numbers of the remaining points were then adjusted so that first returns could only occur within the bounding box.
As depicted in
Figure 9, the unfiltered SPL100 has multiple returns distributed throughout the canopy. On average, the first and second returns in the unfiltered SPL100 point cloud are separated by 4.0 m, which is slightly better than what was observed with the Titan data. This average, of course, does account for the inclusion of noise returns. These results confirm that SPL100 range resolution is presently limited by noise filtering. In the future, it may be possible to address this issue with more sophisticated noise filtering algorithms.
In addition to producing more pulses with multiple returns, more of the pulses reached the ground with the Titan (71%) than in the post-processed SPL100 (44%). However, for the samples tested here, the Titan data had a point density of about 10 points/m
2 under the treetops while the SPL100 data had about 28 points/m
2. The reason the SPL100 is capable of generating higher ground densities under tree canopies, as compared to the Titan, is due to the higher number of lidar measurements (i.e., emitted pulses) rather than superior penetration performance. This is reinforced by the work in [
10], where SPL100 and LML data acquisitions were planned to achieve similar overall point density (20 points/m
2), and the LML point density under vegetation surpassed that of the SPL100. In general, an LML sensor with an equivalent ground sampling rate as the SPL100 will surpass the SPL100 in under-canopy point density.
Lastly, this analysis considered the ranging precision of flat terrain under the treetops as compared to adjacent areas of open terrain with roughly the same land cover. Under canopy cover, flat terrain had an overall standard deviation of 3.6 cm (computed from all residuals for 25 samples) and 3.0 cm in open terrain (
Table 5) for the SPL100. In contrast, the Titan precision improved from a standard deviation of 2.7 cm under the canopy to nearly half that, 1.7 cm, in open terrain. A two-sample F-test determined that for both systems, differences in planar variances were statistically significant at 95% when comparing the residuals of samples under the canopy and those in open terrain.
These results are roughly in line with [
10], although they did not look into standard deviation statistics under the canopy. They found that the SPL100 had a dispersion of about 3.9 cm in open meadows while in a full-waveform LML system, it was 1.0 cm. In their examination of the HRQLS’s ability to meet the needs of the USGS, [
2] raised concerns that the vertical accuracy in vegetated areas for the bare-earth DEMs was unacceptable during leaf-on conditions. The reduced accuracy was attributed to noisier points and larger voids under the canopy as compared to LML. The results presented here, however, are not directly comparable due to differences in study sites. The study from [
2] considered both a forested region in addition to an urban area, while this analysis looked mainly at small groves of trees in urban areas, typically with manicured lawns underneath. Only a few areas of denser tree cover, such as parks and empty lots, were included. Further research is needed to test whether the SPL100 is capable of acceptable accuracy under dense canopy for non-urban areas.