Aboveground Biomass Changes in Tropical Montane Forest of Northern Borneo Estimated Using Spaceborne and Airborne Digital Elevation Data
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Field Measurement
2.3. SRTM Data
2.4. LiDAR Data
2.5. Remotely Sensed Digital Elevation Data Processing
2.6. AGB Estimation Models
3. Results
3.1. Field Measurements
3.2. AGB Estimation
3.3. Above-Ground Biomass Changes
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Measures | Study Site 1 | Study Site 2 |
r | 0.995 ** | 0.993 ** |
RMSE | 8.60 m | 10.62 m |
biasz | 6.66 m | 8.93 m |
rbiasz | 0.56% | 0.79% |
Resolution | Mean Height (m) | LiDAR CHM (m) | SRTM CHM (m) | |
1 m | Mean height (m) | 1 | ||
LiDAR CHM (m) | 0.875 ** | 1 | ||
SRTM CHM (m) | 0.846 ** | 0.906 ** | 1 | |
5 m | Mean height (m) | 1 | ||
LiDAR CHM (m) | 0.874 ** | 1 | ||
SRTM CHM (m) | 0.844 ** | 0.918 ** | 1 | |
10 m | Mean height (m) | 1 | ||
LiDAR CHM (m) | 0.861 ** | 1 | ||
SRTM CHM (m) | 0.838 ** | 0.860 ** | 1 | |
30 m | Mean height (m) | 1 | ||
LiDAR CHM (m) | 0.701 ** | 1 | ||
SRTM CHM (m) | 0.839 ** | 0.683 ** | 1 |
(Constant) | Coefficient | ||||||
Resolution | Model | R2 | Std. Error of the Estimate | t | Sig. | t | Sig. |
1 m | SRTM CHMCal = 0.747(SRTM CHM) + 6.9367 | 0.821 | 3.607 | 2.917 | 0.001 | 8.564 | 0.000 |
5 m | SRTM CHMCal = 0.7418(SRTM CHM) + 7.2375 | 0.843 | 3.366 | 3.328 | 0.004 | 9.284 | 0.000 |
10 m | SRTM CHMCal = 0.7394(SRTM CHM) + 7.3553 | 0.740 | 4.312 | 2.472 | 0.025 | 6.755 | 0.009 |
30 m | SRTM CHMCal = 0.5557(SRTM CHM) + 12.032 | 0.467 | 6.236 | 2.994 | 0.009 | 3.745 | 0.002 |
Site | DBH, (cm) | Tree Height, (m) | Wood Density, (g/cm3) | AGB, (Mg/ha) | ||||||||
Mean | Max * | SD ** | Mean | Max * | SD ** | Mean | Max * | SD ** | Mean | Max * | SD ** | |
1 | 19.33 | 109.90 | 4.68 | 17.66 | 65.90 | 2.32 | 0.61 | 1.05 | 0.04 | 292.15 | 901.29 | 164.45 |
2 | 18.98 | 122.10 | 3.61 | 17.03 | 29.35 | 4.53 | 0.58 | 1.06 | 0.04 | 243.01 | 468.04 | 118.01 |
Resolution | Model | EF | RMSEModel (Mg/ha) | Relative RMSEModel (%) |
1 m | Ln(AGB) = 1.721[Ln(CHMmean 1 m)] + 0.1719 | 0.798 | 74.10 | 25.81 |
5 m | Ln(AGB) = 1.6813[Ln(CHMmean 5 m)] + 0.29 | 0.768 | 79.28 | 27.62 |
10 m | Ln(AGB) = 1.719[Ln(CHMmean 10 m)] + 0.167 | 0.797 | 74.04 | 25.79 |
30 m | Ln(AGB) = 0.501[Ln(CHMmean 30 m)] + 3.961 | 0.288 | 139.10 | 48.45 |
AGB Increase (Mg/ha) | ||||
Minimum | Mean | Maximum | SD 1 | |
Overall | 21.60 | 125.29 | 901.30 | 39.82 |
Managed forests | 82.50 | 122.57 | 901.30 | 34.67 |
Village areas | 21.60 | 99.70 | 137.65 | 33.54 |
AGB Decrease (Mg/ha) | ||||
Overall | −41.30 | −390.50 | −673.30 | 133.53 |
Managed forests | −95.45 | −158.97 | −673.30 | 58.42 |
Village areas | −41.30 | −154.90 | −274.10 | 8.87 |
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Share and Cite
Loh, H.Y.; James, D.; Ioki, K.; Wong, W.V.C.; Tsuyuki, S.; Phua, M.-H. Aboveground Biomass Changes in Tropical Montane Forest of Northern Borneo Estimated Using Spaceborne and Airborne Digital Elevation Data. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3677. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12223677
Loh HY, James D, Ioki K, Wong WVC, Tsuyuki S, Phua M-H. Aboveground Biomass Changes in Tropical Montane Forest of Northern Borneo Estimated Using Spaceborne and Airborne Digital Elevation Data. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(22):3677. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12223677
Chicago/Turabian StyleLoh, Ho Yan, Daniel James, Keiko Ioki, Wilson Vun Chiong Wong, Satoshi Tsuyuki, and Mui-How Phua. 2020. "Aboveground Biomass Changes in Tropical Montane Forest of Northern Borneo Estimated Using Spaceborne and Airborne Digital Elevation Data" Remote Sensing 12, no. 22: 3677. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12223677
APA StyleLoh, H. Y., James, D., Ioki, K., Wong, W. V. C., Tsuyuki, S., & Phua, M.-H. (2020). Aboveground Biomass Changes in Tropical Montane Forest of Northern Borneo Estimated Using Spaceborne and Airborne Digital Elevation Data. Remote Sensing, 12(22), 3677. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12223677