Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Product Analysis: Investigating Anthropogenic and Naturogenic Impacts on Mangroves in Southeast Asia
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Used in This Study
2.1.1. Mangrove Data Product and Change
2.1.2. Land Use Land Cover Data Products
2.1.3. Geophysical and Vegetation Parameter Products from Remotely Sensed Data
2.2. Methodology
2.2.1. Harmonization of Land Cover Data Product
2.2.2. MODIS Vegetation Indices
2.2.3. Mangrove’ Coefficient Growth
2.2.4. Mangrove Forests’ Water Balance
Peff(Green Water) = 1253 + 0.1P if P > 250/3 mm
3. Results
3.1. Spatiotemporal of MODIS Vegetation Indices in Mangrove Area
3.2. Results of Land Cover Conversion from Deforested Mangroves in Southeast Asia
3.3. Mangrove Coefficient Growth
3.4. Mangrove Forests’ Water Balance for Degradation and Depletion Identification
4. Discussion
4.1. Mangrove Agreement Level
4.2. Conformity of Data Products with DLUDMP and SEAMCT
4.3. Uncertainties in Mangrove Change Data
4.4. Trend Analysis and Breakpoint Detection on Deforested and Degraded Mangrove Area
4.5. Future Possible Directions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Data Product | Data Class | Spatial Resolution | Available Year | Source |
MFW-USGS | Mangrove Distribution | 30 m | 1997–2000 | [40] |
CGMFC-21 | Mangrove deforestation | 30 m | 2001, 2005, 2009, and 2012 | [9] |
DLUDMP | Function of dominant land | 1° | 2012 | [10] |
SEAMCT | Mangroves Conversion Types | 10 km | 2000 and 2012 | [52] |
Data Product | Data Class | Spatial Resolution | Data Acquisition | Source |
ESA CCI Land Cover | Land cover | 300 m | 2001 and 2012 | [64] |
MCD12Q1 | Land cover | 500 m | 2001 and 2012 | [65] |
GlobCover | Land cover | 300 m | 2005 and 2009 | [66] |
GLCNMO2008 | Land cover | 500 m | 2008 and 2012 | [68,69] |
Data Product | Data Class | Spatial Resolution | Temporal Resolution | Source |
MOD13Q1 v006 | VI and SR | 250 m | 2000 and 2012 | [70] |
MOD13A1 v006 | Vegetation Indices | 500 m | 2002 and 2012 | [71] |
MOD16A2 v005 | Evapotranspiration | 500 m | 2002 and 2012 | [75] |
CHIRPS v02 | Precipitation | ~5.3 km | 2002 and 2012 | [79] |
MOD44B v6 | PTC, PNTV, PNV | 250 m | 2000–2013 | [80] |
Land Cover Product | Class | Description | Classification Reference |
ESA CCI Land Cover | Forest | Trees with large and/or pointy greenish and yellowish leaves, open or closed alongside bush and grass, which have a canopy cover of 15% and over. | Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) |
Wetland | Trees inundated with fresh water or sea water, mixed in with the bush or grass | ||
GlobCover | Forest | Trees with large leaves and/or pointy greenish or yellowish leaves, open or closed with a height of 5 m, mixed in with other vegetation, such as bush and grass, with a minimum canopy cover of 15–40%. | Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) from FAO |
Wetland | Vegetation (Grass, Bush, Wood Vegetation), open and closed, inundated by fresh or sea water (>15%). | ||
MODIS Land Cover | Forest | Trees with large or pointy leaves, greenish or yellowish, with a height of more than 2 m and a canopy cover of more than 60%. | International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) Legend and Class |
Wetland | Land where 30–60% of its area is permanently inundated with fresh water or seawater, covered by at least 10% from other vegetation. | ||
GLCNMO | Mangrove | - | Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) from FAO |
Land Cover Product | Early Land Cover Class | Ultimate Land Cover Class | Type of Conversion of Land Cover from Mangrove Deforestation |
ESA CCI Land Cover, MODIS Land Cover, and GlobCover | Forest | Agriculture | Mangrove to farming |
Wetlands | Mangrove to fishery | ||
Water | Mangrove to fishery | ||
Urban | Mangrove to housing | ||
Wetlands | Agriculture | Mangrove to farming | |
Water | Mangrove to fishery | ||
Urban | Mangrove to housing | ||
GLCNMO | Mangrove | Agriculture | Mangrove to farming |
Wetlands | Mangrove to fishery | ||
Water | Mangrove to fishery | ||
Urban | Mangrove to housing |
Criteria | Classification |
Water Balance Surplus and Mangroves Degraded | Anthropogenic Drivers |
Water Balance Deficit and Mangroves Degraded | Naturogenic Driver |
Water Balance Deficit and Mangroves Not Degraded | Mangrove at Risk |
Water Balance Surplus and Mangroves Not Degraded | Sustainable Mangrove |
Mangrove Forest Conversion Area Based on Global Land Cover Data Products (GLCM) | Width Percentage (GLCM) | Width Percentage (DLUDMP) | Width Percentage (SEAMCT) | Difference between GLCM and DLUDMP | Difference between GLCM and SEAMCT | |
MODIS (2001 dan 2012) | Farming | 8.19% | 52.70% | 77.59% | 44.52% | 69.40% |
Fishery | 88.12% | 41.47% | 20.05% | 46.65% | 68.08% | |
Housing | 3.69% | 5.83% | 2.36% | 2.14% | 1.33% | |
GlobCover (2005 and 2009) | Farming | 92.42% | 52.70% | 77.59% | 39.71% | 14.83% |
Fishery | 5.76% | 41.47% | 20.05% | 35.71% | 14.29% | |
Housing | 1.83% | 5.83% | 2.36% | 4.00% | 0.54% | |
ESA CCI LC (2001 and 2012) | Farming | 77.07% | 52.70% | 77.59% | 24.36% | 0.52% |
Fishery | 21.85% | 41.47% | 20.05% | 19.62% | 1.81% | |
Housing | 1.08% | 5.83% | 2.36% | 4.75% | 1.29% | |
GLCNMO (2008 and 2012) | Farming | 55.63% | 52.70% | 77.59% | 2.92% | 21.96% |
Fishery | 44.26% | 41.47% | 20.05% | 2.79% | 24.21% | |
Housing | 0.12% | 5.83% | 2.36% | 5.71% | 2.25% |
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Sakti, A.D.; Fauzi, A.I.; Wilwatikta, F.N.; Rajagukguk, Y.S.; Sudhana, S.A.; Yayusman, L.F.; Syahid, L.N.; Sritarapipat, T.; Principe, J.A.; Trang, N.T.Q.; et al. Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Product Analysis: Investigating Anthropogenic and Naturogenic Impacts on Mangroves in Southeast Asia. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2720.
Sakti AD, Fauzi AI, Wilwatikta FN, Rajagukguk YS, Sudhana SA, Yayusman LF, Syahid LN, Sritarapipat T, Principe JA, Trang NTQ, et al. Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Product Analysis: Investigating Anthropogenic and Naturogenic Impacts on Mangroves in Southeast Asia. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(17):2720.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSakti, Anjar Dimara, Adam Irwansyah Fauzi, Felia Niwan Wilwatikta, Yoki Sepwanto Rajagukguk, Sonny Adhitya Sudhana, Lissa Fajri Yayusman, Luri Nurlaila Syahid, Tanakorn Sritarapipat, Jeark A. Principe, Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang, and et al. 2020. "Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Product Analysis: Investigating Anthropogenic and Naturogenic Impacts on Mangroves in Southeast Asia" Remote Sensing 12, no. 17: 2720.
APA StyleSakti, A. D., Fauzi, A. I., Wilwatikta, F. N., Rajagukguk, Y. S., Sudhana, S. A., Yayusman, L. F., Syahid, L. N., Sritarapipat, T., Principe, J. A., Trang, N. T. Q., Sulistyawati, E., Utami, I., Arief, C. W., & Wikantika, K. (2020). Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Product Analysis: Investigating Anthropogenic and Naturogenic Impacts on Mangroves in Southeast Asia. Remote Sensing, 12(17), 2720.