Remote Sensing of Grassland Production and Management—A Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Role and Importance of Grasslands Worldwide
1.2. The Definition of Grasslands
1.3. The Distribution of Grasslands
1.4. Grassland Management and its Effects
1.5. The Role of Remote Sensing in Grassland Monitoring
1.6. The Objectives and Structure of this Review
2. Materials and Methods of the Review
- The research articles had a clear focus in grasslands.
- The research articles analyzed quantitative traits of grassland production (such as biomass or productivity) and/or investigated grassland management strategies or use intensities.
- The research articles used spaceborne earth observation data.
3. Results of the Review
3.1. Overview of Remote Sensing for Biomass, Productivity and Management
3.1.1. Temporal and Spatial Patterns of the Reviewed Studies
3.1.2. The Used Sensors of the Review Studies
3.2. Methods and Results of Remote Sensing of Grassland Production
3.2.1. Investigating Grassland Production Using a Vegetation Index as Proxy
3.2.2. Mapping Grassland Production Using a Vegetation Index and Ground-Truth Data
3.2.3. Using a Modelling Approach to Estimate Grassland Production
3.2.4. Analyses of the Influencing Factors on Grassland Production
3.3. Detailed Review of Studies on Remote Sensing for Grassland Management and Use Intensity
3.3.1. Management Type, Study Areas and Parameters of Remote Sensing of Grassland Management and Use Intensity
3.3.2. Methods Used in Remote Sensing of Grassland Management and Use Intensity
3.3.3. Results and Validation of Studies on Remote Sensing of Grassland Management and Use Intensity
Management Type Detection
Analysis of Grazing Intensity
Mowing Event Detection
General Use Intensity
4. Discussion
4.1. Global Patterns, Scales and Products of Remote Sensing of Grassland Production and Management
4.2. Assessment of Remote Sensing of Grassland Production
4.2.1. Assessment of the Used Remote Sensing Sensors and Indices for Grassland Production Estimation
4.2.2. Analyses of Grassland Production Based on Empirical Relationships between Ground-Truth Data and Satellite Data
4.2.3. Estimating Grassland Production Using a Modelling Approach
4.2.4. Analyzing the Influencing Factors on Grassland Production and Productivity with Remote Sensing Data
4.3. Assessment of Remote Sensing of Grassland Management
4.3.1. Assessment of the Used Remote Sensing Sensors and Indices of Grassland Management Analysis
4.3.2. Detection of Grazing and Grazing Patterns with Remote Sensing Data
4.3.3. Grassland Mowing Detection with Remote Sensing Data
4.3.4. Remote Sensing-Based Detection and Investigation of Grassland Irrigation and Fertilization
5. Conclusions
- In total, 253 research articles were reviewed, which resulted in a current and comprehensive overview of remote sensing of grassland production traits and management studies.
- Studies on grassland production and management with remote sensing data have increased irregularly, but strongly for the last 20 years.
- The frequency of studies of grassland production and management is globally unequally distributed, where South American (5% of all studies) and African (4% of all studies) grasslands seem to be underrepresented. Therefore, there are still large grassland areas which should be further investigated, especially as many people in these countries probably strongly depend on livestock production on grasslands.
- There is a relatively small amount of studies (30%) on remote sensing of grassland production in Europe, probably due to the large management activities and consequential high variability within grassland production. Research towards detection of management strategies and events and the grassland production on these small and heterogeneously used grassland parcels are needed for successful yield estimations.
- In total, there were only six studies covering the entire globe for their analysis, and apart from LUE-model-based grassland productivity analyses, most studies took place locally. Extending the study area for investigating grassland production and management and including heterogenous grasslands while—at the same time—accounting for the variability among these is an interesting future research focus.
- Time series have always played a central role in grassland production and management analyses, whereby the Landsat and MODIS satellite fleets were in the focus. In the future, the Sentinel fleets and a combination of optical and SAR satellite data will be of high importance.
- Optical satellite data is used in 92% of research, in particular in research articles focusing on grassland production. For both grassland production and management related studies, only a few combined optical and SAR systems (4%).
- Quantitative grassland production estimations, such as biomass products, based on remote sensing data would improve from adding temporal information to the results. Especially in highly managed areas, this would facilitate yield estimations. It could also be better to improve process-based models to retrieve biomass information or to apply more advanced machine learning algorithms for an empirical relationship-based biomass analysis.
- While at the moment, within grassland production analyses, the focus lies on the influence of climate, research would improve from including spatially explicit management information into the analyses.
- Grassland management and use intensity studies based on satellite data are often conducted on a relatively small scale (90% of studies under 10,000 km2) or focus on only one intensity level or homogeneous grassland. Enlarging the study areas and incorporating diverse grasslands to better account for real conditions would be a valuable direction for future studies in this context.
- More automatized and large-scale grassland products are needed and will enable a continuous monitoring of grasslands worldwide. Thus, knowledge of the state, production and management of grasslands and the influence of climate (change) would be generated and allow for adapted management and conservation plans.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Search Aspect | Synonyms/Search Terms |
Management and Use Intensity | harvest*, cut*, mow*, irrigat*, fertiliz*, graz*, management, monitoring, “use intensity,” intensity |
Production Traits | biomass, production, productivity, quantity, yields |
Grasslands | grassland*, pasture*, meadow*, steppe*, rangeland* |
Remote Sensing | “remote sensing,” “earth observation,” satellite* |
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Reinermann, S.; Asam, S.; Kuenzer, C. Remote Sensing of Grassland Production and Management—A Review. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1949.
Reinermann S, Asam S, Kuenzer C. Remote Sensing of Grassland Production and Management—A Review. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(12):1949.
Chicago/Turabian StyleReinermann, Sophie, Sarah Asam, and Claudia Kuenzer. 2020. "Remote Sensing of Grassland Production and Management—A Review" Remote Sensing 12, no. 12: 1949.
APA StyleReinermann, S., Asam, S., & Kuenzer, C. (2020). Remote Sensing of Grassland Production and Management—A Review. Remote Sensing, 12(12), 1949.