Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface Topography Mission over the Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece
:1. Introduction
2. PFAC Infrastructure & Instrumentation
2.1. CDN1 Transponder Cal/Val Site
2.2. Gavdos Sea-Surface Cal/Val Facility
2.3. The Regional GNSS Network
3. Calibration Methodologies & Dataset Used
3.1. Transponder Calibration
- Data retrieval. The data necessary for the implementation of the transponder calibration processing are: (a) Sentinel-3A Level-0 binary products; (b) altimeter internal calibration files; (c) satellite orbit navigation and attitude data; (d) auxiliary data, including Centre of Gravity (COG) and Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO) data; (e) accurate and absolute transponder’s measuring point coordinates in relation to a reference coordinate system (i.e., ITRF 2014); (f) atmospheric delays (i.e., wet and dry troposphere, ionosphere) of altimeter signals and geophysical Level-2 corrections; (g) the transponder’s internal path delay.
- Waveform Calibration. This step includes the calibration of the Sentinel-3A Level-0 engineering SAR data products using its internal calibration files (e.g., CAL1 for the time delay in the range instrument correction, CAL2 to compensate distortions in the system transfer function on signal returns, etc.).
- Waveform retracking. Used for determining the measured altimeter range. Slant ranges between the satellite and the transponder are computed by waveform retracking of the range compressed SAR data. An example of such a waveform is presented in Figure 8.The measured altimeter range is given as the difference between the gate number (bin number) of the peak (maximum) of each pulse and the reference gate number set on the altimeter, multiplied by the actual “bin resolution” (in theory about 3.125 ns for the Ku-band pulse duration). For example, for Sentinel-3 the tracking point is gate 44, i.e., bin index is 43 for Ku-band, or gate 46, i.e., bin index 45 for C-band, as measuring starts from bin index zero (index = 0). Nonetheless, the effective range resolution with which the actual range is to be determined by the altimeter is driven by the width of the point target response recorded with 3dB, and included in its “Autocal” mode [23]. The measured altimeter distance between the satellite and the transponder, is given by:
- Corrections on the observed range. The altimeter range Rm, as reckoned in the previous step, is corrected for the following quantities: (a) troposphere and ionosphere delays caused by the atmosphere onto the altimeter’s signal; (b) difference between the satellite’s center of gravity and the altimeter’s effective center of measurement; (c) drift of the Ultra Stable Oscillator in the altimeter; (d) internal delays of the associated instruments as the echo travels back and forth; (e) geophysical corrections (i.e., solid earth tides, etc.) at the transponder location; (f) Doppler correction from both altitude rate and velocity of the satellite.
- Theoretical Range Estimation. The absolute Cartesian coordinates of the satellite as well as of the transponder are, respectively, given by the satellite’s navigation files and by local geodetic surveys on the ground. Care should be taken to ensure that all coordinates refer to the same geodetic reference frame of coordinates and time. The theoretical range is then calculated by the Euclidian distance between the satellite and the transponder:
- Range Bias Determination. Given the measured and the theoretical range between the Sentinel-3A SRAL and the ground transponder, the range bias is estimated as “”, after corrections for time-tagging offsets (datation) and Doppler-altitude slope are applied [20,21,23]. All in all, the Sentinel-3A level 0 products have been used as input in the custom-made software to derive the SRAL altimeter’s absolute range bias.
Overflights for Transponder Calibrations
3.2. Sea-Surface Calibration
Dataset for Sea-Surface Calibration
3.3. Crossover Analysis
4. Sentinel-3A SRAL and MWR Cal/Val Results
4.1. Validation of MWR Measurements
4.2. Transponder Calibration Results
Uncertainty Budget for Transponder Calibration
4.3. Sea-Surface Calibration Results
Uncertainty Budget for Sea-Surface Calibration
4.4. Summary of Transponder, Sea-Surface, and Crossover Cal/Val results
5. Conclusions and Future Plans
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Contributing Error Constituent | Error Type | Variance Estimate | Standard Uncertainty |
Measured range | B | 3.00 mm | ±1.73 mm |
Transponder Internal Delay | B | 30.00 mm | ±15.00 mm |
Dry Tropospheric Delay | B | 2.00 mm | ±1.16 mm |
Wet Tropospheric Delay | B | 14.00 mm | ±8.10 mm |
Ionospheric Delay | B | 4.00 mm | ±2.31 mm |
Geophysical corrections | B | 20.00 mm | ±11.60 mm |
Satellite orbit height | B | 50.00 mm | ±29.00 mm |
Pseudo-Doppler correction | B | 2.00 mm | ±1.16 mm |
GNSS instrument | B | 6.00 mm | ±3.50 mm |
GNSS antenna reference point | B | 4.00 mm | ±2.00 mm |
GNSS repeatability | A | 6.00 mm | ±0.17 mm |
GNSS-Transponder Leveling | A | 1.00 mm | ±0.18 mm |
Levelling instrument/method | B | 1.00 mm | ±0.60 mm |
Processing & Approximations | B | 30.00 mm | ±17.34 mm |
Orbit Interpolations | B | 0.30 mm | ±0.17 mm |
Unaccounted effects | B | 20.00 mm | ±11.60 mm |
Root-Sum Squared (Combined) | ±41.50 mm |
Error Constituent | Type | Variance Estimate | Standard Uncertainty |
Cal/Val Site Coordinates | |||
GNSS height | A | 0.10 mm | ±0.10 mm |
GNSS receiver | B | 6.00 mm | ±3.50 mm |
Antenna reference point | B | 2.00 mm | ±2.00 mm |
SSH@Cal/Val site | |||
Water level | A | 1.30 mm | ±1.30 mm |
Tide gauge zero point | A | 0.15 mm | ±0.15 mm |
Tide gauge vertical alignment | B | 2.40 mm | ±1.40 mm |
Tide gauge certificate | B | 5.50mm | ±5.50 mm |
Leveling repeatability | A | 0.12 mm | ±0.12 mm |
Monumentation | B | 1.10 mm | ±0.64 mm |
Vertical misalignment | B | 1.00 mm | ±0.60 mm |
Leveling observer | B | 1.00 mm | ±0.60 mm |
Leveling instrument/method | B | 1.00 mm | ±0.60 mm |
Tide pole reading | B | 1.00 mm | ±0.60 mm |
MSS/MDT/Geoid | |||
MSS | B | 33.00 mm | ±33.00 mm |
MDT | B | 85.00 mm | ±85.00 mm |
Geoid | B | 80.00 mm | ±46.20 mm |
Processing Errors | |||
Processing | B | 0.50 mm | ±0.30 mm |
Geoid slope/offshore transfer | B | 10.00 mm | ±5.80 mm |
Unaccounted | |||
Unaccounted effects | B | 20.00 mm | ±11.55 mm |
Root-sum-Squared Uncertainty | ±36.1 mm |
Bias [mm] | Sentinel-3A | Ascending No.14 | Descending No.335 | FRM Uncertainty |
Product | PB 2.27, NTC | PB 2.27, NTC | ||
Cycles | 3–32 | 1–31 | ||
Range Bias | Transponder | +0.60 cm ± 0.3 cm | ±4.1 cm (68%) | |
SSH Bias | Gavdos Cal/Val | −0.12 cm ± 0.4 cm | −1.20 cm ± 0.5 cm | ±3.60 cm (68%) |
Crossover Analysis | S3A-JA3 | +4.00 cm ± 8 cm |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Mertikas, S.; Donlon, C.; Féménias, P.; Mavrocordatos, C.; Galanakis, D.; Tripolitsiotis, A.; Frantzis, X.; Kokolakis, C.; Tziavos, I.N.; Vergos, G.; et al. Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface Topography Mission over the Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1808. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10111808
Mertikas S, Donlon C, Féménias P, Mavrocordatos C, Galanakis D, Tripolitsiotis A, Frantzis X, Kokolakis C, Tziavos IN, Vergos G, et al. Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface Topography Mission over the Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(11):1808. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10111808
Chicago/Turabian StyleMertikas, Stelios, Craig Donlon, Pierre Féménias, Constantin Mavrocordatos, Demitris Galanakis, Achilles Tripolitsiotis, Xenophon Frantzis, Costas Kokolakis, Ilias N. Tziavos, George Vergos, and et al. 2018. "Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface Topography Mission over the Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece" Remote Sensing 10, no. 11: 1808. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10111808