Energy and Sustainable Strategies in the Renovation of Existing Buildings: An Italian Case Study
:1. Introduction
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- A complete rehabilitation of the building in relation to its functional, spatial, aesthetic, energetic and structural aspects, so as to give it a new role also in terms of architecture, considering its strategic position within the urban fabric.
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- Sustainability in terms of meeting energy efficiency requirements, reducing environmental impact and improving comfort and quality of the interior spaces of the public buildings in line with European policies. “In Europe, the legislation concerning this area is based on the certification of energy efficiency, developed in the early 1990s as a primary strategy to reduce energy use and carbon emissions as well as the energy policy adopted in 2007, called Horizon 20-20-20” [2,7,8].
- Compliance with current environmental and sanitary standards;
- Modernization of the technological system;
- Rehabilitation of the aesthetic and functional system;
- Structural strengthening of the building;
- Compliance with contemporary lighting standards;
- Introduction of renewable energy;
- Energy efficiency improvement of the building envelope.
2. Materials and Methods
- Implementation of surveys to analyze;
- Identification of the existing critical issues;
- Definition of the values to preserve and the level of transformability of the building;
- Elaboration of the design strategies;
- Compatibility check of the solutions proposed;
- Assessment of the improvement levels reached [8].
- Functional analyses of the territorial and urban context (urban and territorial context, metric surveys, historical background, origins and development of the building under study ...);
- Analysis of the construction structure;
- Thermal analyses;
- Bioclimatic analyses (solar shading, incident solar radiation and ventilation).
3. Results
3.1. The Case Study: State-of-the-Art Analysis
3.1.1. Classification and Analysis of the Spatial Arrangement
3.1.2. Analysis of the Construction Structure
3.1.3. Thermal Analyses
3.1.4. Bioclimatic Analyses
3.2. The Project: from Intervention Strategies to Technological Insights
- Space re-purposing, by changing the intended use, and space re-arrangement according to modern environmental and sanitary standards;
- Upgrading of the technological system by restoring or improving the performance levels of the existing building elements, where they were affected by issues linked to technological performance; and
- Aesthetic rehabilitation of the historic building through the introduction of new design elements.
- insulating panels and aerogel-based plasters with reduced thickness (about 1.5 cm), given their high thermal resistance, for the external coating for the portion of the building characterized by the presence of stone jambs and frames on the windows, which do not allow the use of high-thickness insulating panels; and
- panels in wood pressed fibers for the inner coat, in adherence to the perimeter masonry walls, 7 cm thick. Such material, besides being natural, eco-friendly, recyclable and biodegradable due to its vegetal origin, allows for the use of a reduced thickness, which is essential to preserve the size of the internal spaces [40,41].
4. Discussion: Assessment of the Improvement Levels Predicted to Be Achieved
- single-crystal silicon modules integrated into the glass for the flat glass roof, with a peak power of 147 Wp/m2 and a 17% efficiency;
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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De Berardinis, P.; Rotilio, M.; Capannolo, L. Energy and Sustainable Strategies in the Renovation of Existing Buildings: An Italian Case Study. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1472.
De Berardinis P, Rotilio M, Capannolo L. Energy and Sustainable Strategies in the Renovation of Existing Buildings: An Italian Case Study. Sustainability. 2017; 9(8):1472.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDe Berardinis, Pierluigi, Marianna Rotilio, and Luisa Capannolo. 2017. "Energy and Sustainable Strategies in the Renovation of Existing Buildings: An Italian Case Study" Sustainability 9, no. 8: 1472.
APA StyleDe Berardinis, P., Rotilio, M., & Capannolo, L. (2017). Energy and Sustainable Strategies in the Renovation of Existing Buildings: An Italian Case Study. Sustainability, 9(8), 1472.